Mayors up land claim ante meat and potatoes 0f ~ny topics. TERRACE -- Northwest is an agreement in principle on alternatives to the province as same amount of money -- governments. We're not getting the details of the Nisga'a land claim scheduled part of the negotiation process," $140,000 -- given by the pro- "We had wanted direct input as mayors want more of a say in a member of the (provincial) ne- any settlement. We're not sure of how land claims are negotiated. forc0mPieti0nnext MarCh. ' he added, vince to the Nisga'a Tribal Coun- the basis of the statistics," he : BUt the.position alsoapplies to: The mayors also want the ell recently. gotiating team. We have not got- They're worried that settle- ten very far but the province has said. taunts won't take into account other land'ciaims, including that provincial government to finance That money is to heip::the Talstra said provincial officials of the Tsimshian,:yet i0be' hugo- studies to back up their positions. Nisga'a pay for their involvement made a better attempt at keeping economic and other impacts on local people informed to some will ask in general ways what non-native people and com- tiated, i' ' , ,:::: i:,: ,,~!5~ii::?;¢~i~4!- The problem, • said Talstra, is i in an interim protection measiiies municipalities think of issues '"We.want to know'the impact that municipalities don't have the agreement. It gives theNisga'aa extent," he said. munities. But regular meetings now being such as public access to Nisga'a Mayors from Terrace, Kitimat, on the' non-aboriginal corn2 kind of information and back- say in resource deveiopmentlead- land. munities prior to the signing Of ground' enjoyed by naiives and ingto a final claims settlement. held between municipalities and Prince Rupert, Stewart and Port the province give only general in- "We'll ask what the provincial Edward made the statements in a any agreements," said Terrace the federal and provincial govern- Talstra called the mayors' re- position is and they say they can't mayor Jack Talstra last week. taunts, quest another step in the effort to formation, Talstra continued. Dec. 3 press release. "We're.not really getting to the Cont'd Page A2 The key to the mayors' position "We might want to suggest TheY've asked for more the gain recognition from senior Posties More city b°°s.t i homeless will freeze lunged businesses to give up TERRACE -- More of the city's Christmas gift exchanges at homeless people will freeze to work. death this winter if some kind of 0 Daisy's spirit lives on. They want workers to in- emergency shelter isn't set up stead follow their example of soon, predicts local anti-poverty See story on page A3. giving the cash equivalent to fighter Gerry King. charity. "I think we're in for one bad "A couple people objected, winter coming up'," says King, a nowhere else to go. but no t many," says letter car- longtime advocate for the poor "I'm sure the city has buildings with the Terrace Anti-Poverty that aren't being used," he said. rier Laurie Lindstrom of the Group Society. "Something has "It would take a minimum plan she and two co-workers to be done immediately." amount of work to get something put together. He was responding to the death like that set up." They'll draw up a list of by exposure last week of 52-year- "I know with all the Christians three or four charities and the old Daisy Wesley. She and her we've got in this community, 28 Canada Post employees husband were livhlg underneath a something could be done." will then vote on which one tarp on a vacant city lot off Greig He said past efforts so far have should get the money. Ave. failed to set up any kind of safe An added incentive is a draw "There's at least 30 others that house or hostel for the homeless. to choose an employee who I know of on the streets here in But he hopes Wesley's death can claim all of the amount on town," King says. "I wouldn't will spark a renewed drive for a be surprised if we're looking at shelter. his or her income tax, said two or three more bodies before "It's very sad," added Lindstrom. the winter's over.' ......... Kerm0de Friendship Cefitre "The last thing any of us ,'It's. appall ing~'~, s.~.id. Recon-.. director. Sadie~mell,:~We need ..... ~,n,¢.e.ds is.another, bottle,of bub- needs" Tonee Sabine, who works to come together and start provid- hie bath or box of choco- with street children. "It's hard tO ing somethitlg ~for der; homeless lates/' she said. understand how it can happen, people." Lindstrom estimates that ap- But it does." "It's tragic that this could hap- proximately $200 will be col- King says some kind of safe pen. It's even more tragic that it lected for a charity. house or emergency shelter could took that to happen to get people Post office employees will be set up at almost no cost to take to start asking questions and be making their choice this in street kids and adults who have trying to do something about iL" week. .k 9r 9r ~r ~" The 24 people taking North- Nyce defeated.; . west Community College's 10-month early childhood edu- cation course have done essen- and Leeson returns tially the same thing. TERRACE -- One familiar Edward Azak and Steve Azak They've bought presents name has returned and another were elected as the two council- suitable for pre-school chil- was defeated in band elections Iors at Gitwinksihlkw. dren and will be donating held in the Nass Valley recently. The Lakaizap council has 11 them to the Terrace Anti- Harry Nyce, an executive mum- positions and there were 24 can- Poverty Group Society. bur of the Nisga'a Tribal Council, didates. Those presents are instead of was defeated by Perry Azak in an Elected were Eric Martin, Wil. having a Christmas gift ex- councillor at Oitwinksihlkw Kevin McKay, Veto McKay, change between class mem- '"'' "'"'" Henry McKay, Suspended animation[ (Canyon City). James Moore, Clarence bers, says course instructor Nelson Leeson, the public rela- Robinson, Earl Stephens, Joan Turecki. FIRST AIRBORNE. Terrace Figure Skating club coach Tanya Warkentin sails through the air tions officer with the tribal coun- Mitchell Stevens and Wilfred "They jumped on it. They with the greatest of ease with the assistance of the club's newest piece of equipmentl a har- cil, defeated incumbent chief Tail thought it was a great idea," ness which allows young skaters to hone their jumps skills. That's assistant coach Shirley pal- councillor Henry Moore at Lakal- Nelson Lceson was also elected she said. : ' ahicky in the background and out of picture is Leonard Warkentin, holding the other end of the zap (Greenville). tee.son has been to a coimcil position but since hc Turecki said giving gifts to ropes. By increasing the young skaters' "hang time", the harness allows them to work on their chief before, was chosen chief councillor, that pre-schoolers seemed ap- mid-air maneouvres. The club anticipates the equipment will prove a valuable addition. Both were elected to two-year seathas become vacant and.a by- propiate because of the course I terms, election will be held next week. being taken by the students. Council holds off on store decision TERRACE -- Kewal Bal will In particular, neighbours However, he added, the busi- tent to install pinball machines ther. the LUP, alderman Danny have to wait until next year to wanted to know exactly what the ness must fit ihe "permitted and the like in the store. Reiterating the argument he Sheridan said he didn't like either find out whether council will ap- city by-laws allowed under a C2 uses" criteria included in the Pointing out Bal's proposed used in the case of the Sandover- of the options put forward. prove his rezoning request, definition and what Bai's plans city's zoning by-law. In the case store would be the third such op- Sly rezoning application, He therefore hoped the public, Bal has applied to rezone two were. of C2 that included such enter- eration in two city blocks, Harris alderman Bob Cooper said any through the hearing process, 3500 block Kalum St. lots from Asking council whether the de- prises as barbers, laundrettes and said the city should be encouraa- decision on Bal's property should would be able to put forward a R2 low density residential to C2 velopment would include any- shoe repair shops as well as con- ing a better variety of services be postponed until after the pub- third and better one., local commercial, thing other than a store, Scott venience stores, within the neighbourh0od, "not lic hearings on the recently Council agreed unanimously to He has indicated he wants to Ave. resident George May said he Linda Harris, a Kalum St. resi- triplication of what's already released draft land use plan delay any decision on the rezon- construct a convenience store on had heard "everything from a 7- dent, said she was concented by there". That plan offered two options ing until the LUP hearings had the approximately 18,000 sq.fl. 11 to a pool hall." talk of an amusement arcade Noting Bal was not present to for Kalum SL, one of which taken place. site, located on the northern City planning technician Jack being located in the store, clear up the apparent confusion designated it as an area of future Although a date has not yet comer of Scott and Kalum.
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