Hardwood Forests Division Harvest and Haul Plan State Forest Ourimbah Compartments 134 and 138 Management Area Morisset IFOA Region Lower North East Harvest Plan No. 60803 Supply Zone / Price 5 / Morisset Zone Legal Conditions Native Forest Harvesting in accordance with IFOA conditions. This is not a scheduled operation therefore logging of UMDL is permitted. All conditions of the EPL apply as best practice only, except for Schedule 4 Condition 6. To implement this plan, you must hold a current Contractors Licence. Standard Harvest Plan Conditions and Operating Procedures apply. Survey expiry date for this plan is 9/06/2026. Certification Timber products removed from the plan area are within the Defined Forest Area covered by Australian Forestry Standard and ISO14001 Certificate 13761 Planner Date: Prepared by 24/11/2017 Mark Stute Acting Planning Date: Approved by Supervisor 24/11/2017 Dirk Van Dijk Abbreviations FT = Forest Technician, HC = Harvesting Coordinator, PtS= Protection Supervisor, HS = Harvesting Supervisor, RC = Roading Coordinator, Crew = Harvest Contractor/Forest Operators, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval, TSL = Threatened Species Licence, EPL = Environment Protection Licence, FL = Fisheries Licence, CH = Cultural Heritage, SOP = Standard Operating Procedure. Document title: Ourimbah 134 & 138 NF HPlan.docx Version No.: 1 Page 1 of 12 Harvest Plan no.: 60803 Approval Date: 24/11/2017 Expiry Date: 9/06/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. 1. Harvest Area Details Cpt 134 Cpt 138 Total Event ID 130233 130234 Gross Area (ha) 113.7 293.8 407.5 Net Harvest Area (ha) 60.0 235.1 295.1 Treatment Area (ha)* 55.7 107.7 163.4 Estimated Yield (m3) 992 1918 2910 Yield/ha 17.8 17.8 17.8 Slope (% 0-15 degrees) 26.6 25.9 26.2 Slope (% 15-20 degrees) 21.4 22.7 22.2 Slope (% 20-25 degrees) 29.8 33.1 32.0 Slope (% 25-30 degrees) 22.2 18.3 19.7 * The treatment area is the Net Harvest Area less off-set areas and less slopes greater than 30 degrees. Contractor must ensure timber removed is allocated to the correct compartment when entered into Electronic Delivery Docket. 2. Management Conditions on Boundaries Boundary Conditions Forest Permit (Land) / Transgrid have legal easements for the transmission of electricity. The Easements easements cut through the compartments. The easements are largely located within FMZ 7 on the HPOM. There is no need for FTs to mark the boundary of Transgrid easements as they are generally well cleared of vegetation. Private Property Adjoining PP to the north-east of compartment 134 only. Harvesting is unlikely to occur along the PP boundary, however, if it does the PP boundary must be located and marked by the FT. National Park Estate The western boundary of compartment 134 adjoins Jilliby State Conservation Area. The western and southern boundaries of compartment 138 adjoin Jilliby State Conservation Area. The southern boundary follows an unnamed creek to its junction with Canada Drop Down Creek. For this harvesting event, Red Hill Road, Prestons Ridge Road and the first 140m of Blackbutt Range Road will be treated as the State Forest/National Park boundary to ensure the National Park Estate is not encroached. Road maintenance is permitted along these roads, however, further conditions apply (refer to road works plan). SMZ / FMZ An area of FMZ 1 is in the northern section of compartment 134 and extends into compartment 133. The FMZ 1 boundary must be marked in the field by FT. There is an area of FMZ 2 associated with sections of Chandlers Creek and another area of FMZ 2 associated with sections of Canada Drop Down Creek and two of its tributaries. There is a relatively large area of FMZ 3A exclusion along Chandlers Creek. Several FMZ 7 easements cut through the two compartments. Where the easements traverse the treatment area they are mostly cleared of vegetation and are accurately mapped. One exception is near the intersection of Fawcetts Dam Road and Prestons Ridge Road (near dump 5). Ensure the location of dump 5 is in a safe location. Document title: Ourimbah 134 & 138 NF HPlan.docx Version No.: 1 Page 2 of 12 Harvest Plan no.: 60803 Approval Date: 24/11/2017 Expiry Date: 9/06/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. Research Nil. Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Cultural Heritage: Site databases have been searched and surveys have been conducted. Pre- harvest surveys detected one new site. If potential sites are identified during harvesting an interim buffer of 50 metres must be applied and the Planning Supervisor contacted immediately. European Heritage: Relevant databases have been searched, with three sites found within the compartments and one just outside of compartment 134. The four sites are labelled on the HPOM and include Richters Cave Graffito, Sterland Trig Station (10m radius buffer), Fawcetts Dam (16m radius buffer), and Historic Fire Dam (mapped exclusion zone). If any potential European heritage sites are identified during harvesting the Harvesting Coordinator and Harvest Planner must be notified immediately. A 50m interim buffer must be observed pending further investigation. Modified Harvest Areas Seven Modified Harvest Area (MHA) points are shown on the HPOM within the treatment area. They all require a 10m radius buffer exclusion. There are two larger MHA exclusion zones; one is to the north of Canada Drop Down Creek and is within an area not to be harvested this event, and the other roughly parallels the cliff line south of Blackbutt Range Road. Several more MHA points are located outside the treatment area and within 200m of the compartment boundaries (See HPOM). Immediately prior to harvesting, the marking of Modified Harvest Areas within the treatment area must be checked by the HC. 3. Expected Yields Volume Product Estimates Species Species Mix (Sawlog) (m3) HQ Large Sawlog (Quota) 830 BBT 39% HQ Small Sawlog 85 SBG 1% Poles, Piles and Girders 40 OTH 60% LQ Sawlog (Salvage) 1,800 Residue 155 Total 2,910 4. Haulage Haul Route Internally, timber will be hauled south and east along Red Hill Road, west along Blackbutt Range Road, and north along Prestons Ridge Road. Externally, timber will be hauled in a general easterly direction along Red Hill Road up to the intersection of Scaddens Ridge Road and then in a northerly direction along Red Hill Road until the intersection of Yarramalong Road, at which point timber will be hauled to the east along Yarramalong Road. The first kilometer Document title: Ourimbah 134 & 138 NF HPlan.docx Version No.: 1 Page 3 of 12 Harvest Plan no.: 60803 Approval Date: 24/11/2017 Expiry Date: 9/06/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled. Please verify this is the latest version prior to use. (approximately) of Red Hill Road, from its intersection with Yarramalong Road, is owned and maintained by Central Coast Council. School Bus Routes Red Hill Road is not a regular scheduled school bus route, however, school buses do visit Tree Tops Adventure Park occasionally. Traffic Management A Traffic Management Plan (TMP) has been prepared for this event. Key Plan (See attachment) conditions expressed in the TMP, which must be complied with in this event, are; • A 40 km/hr speed limit applies to all traffic travelling along Red Hill Road, from its intersection with Yarramalong Road to Big Gully Road. For haulage trucks this speed limit will be enforced using Trimble Geo-fence technology. The 40 km/hr speed zone is a shared zone, being utilized by pedestrians, mountain bikes, horses, motor bikes, cars, buses and trucks. • An advisory 60 km/hr speed limit applies to all other road sections within the forest. Drivers must always drive to the conditions and slow down as necessary. • Signage is a key control measure under the TMP, particularly near the Yarramalong Road / Red Hill Road intersection, and the shared zone along Red Hill Road. Directions implied by signage must be complied with. • Haulage trucks must not operate on weekends or public holidays. Loaded haulage trucks may only travel along Red Hill Road between 6:00 am and 6:00 pm on weekdays. • Haulage operators will minimise the use of engine exhaust brakes on approaching farmhouses and built-up areas, and within the shared zone along Red Hill Road. • Haulage operators, FCNSW contractors and FCNSW personnel must use the communication procedure described in FCNSW Rural Roads Safety Strategy Communication Protocol, August 2014. Distance markers along haulage route roads will be installed to assist with communication. Dust and Mud HC must ensure mud is not dragged onto Red Hill Road during haulage and all vehicle operators are responsible for minimising dust and noise. These requirements are particularly important near the Tree Tops Adventure Park and the Central Coast Mountain Bike carpark. If dust becomes excessive, contact should be made with the Forestry Corporation’s Distribution Supervisor (Production North) to ensure appropriate wetting can be undertaken. Noise (Haulage) Limit noise, particularly engine exhaust braking, when approaching Red Hill Road and Yarramalong Road intersection. Load Limits Nil Traffic Control Plan The harvesting contractor, in consultation with the HC, must prepare a traffic control plan and implement it when harvesting within two tree lengths of Red Hill Road and Prestons Ridge Road. 5. Community Issue Detail Conditions Notifications Required Nil All relevant notifications have been conducted. A notification list for FCNSW staff is available from the planner. Document title: Ourimbah 134 & 138 NF HPlan.docx Version No.: 1 Page 4 of 12 Harvest Plan no.: 60803 Approval Date: 24/11/2017 Expiry Date: 9/06/2026 Warning: a printed copy of this document may be uncontrolled.
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