Private Gardens of the Tyszkiewiczs, Bnińskis, and the Potulickis Designed by Édouard André in Poland and Lithuania1

Private Gardens of the Tyszkiewiczs, Bnińskis, and the Potulickis Designed by Édouard André in Poland and Lithuania1

RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 Private Gardens of the Tyszkiewiczs, Bnińskis, and the Potulickis Designed by Édouard Andr in Poland and !ithuania1 "ałgorzata $%ilanowska Abstract One of the most outstanding designers of 19th-century uro!ean gardens was #douard Andr$% famous &oth as a theoretician% author of numerous !u&lications% and 'rst of all as a !ractitioner( designer of several hundred of !rivate and !u&lic !ar* layouts for clients from around the world+ ,hese also included -olish aristocrats( the .ni/s*is% -otulic*is and the ,ys0*iewic0s% for "hom he designed !ar* com!le1es !reserved until today in -oland( 2amostr0el and -otulice% as well as in 3ithuania( in 3andwar4" 53entvaris6% 7atroc0e 589utra*is6% :a*a 5,ra*; <o*=6% and -o>?ga 5-alanga6+ ,he recreation of the history of laying out these !ar*s and their analysis allo" to enrich our *nowledge of Andr$’s creati)e methods and of the organi0ation of his &usiness on the one hand% and of the am&itions and !otential of the landowners of the former -olish-3ithuanian Aommonwealth on the other+ &ontents #douard Andr$ and his wor*s around the world #douard Andr$’s par*s in Poland 2amostr0el -otulice #douard Andr$’s par*s in Lithuania 3entvaris (Landwar4"6 -alanga (Po>?ga6 89utra*is (Zatroc0e6 ,ra*; Vo*= (Wa*a6 Reca!itulation 1 The !resent !a!er has &een &ased on the research !artially already !resented in the -olish !a!er( Ba>gor0ata Omilano"ska% C#douard Andr$ i Dego reali0acje ogrodo"e " -olsce i na 3it"ieC E#douard Andr$ and His Farden Realisations in -oland and 3ithuaniaG% in( Rocznik Historii 20tuki 3H (20096% 199-23I+ RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 #douard André and his "or*s around the "orld E1] ,he art of laying out gardens in the second half of the 19th century in a sense reached ne" dimensions+ Resulting from many factors% this !henomenon stemmed !redominantly from the historicism-related freedom of a!!lying several% often simultaneously, design solutions *nown from the !astJ &ut also from the technological and scienti'c !rogress% mainly the advancement in &otany, introducing many ne" !lant s!ecies and varieties% and technical solutionsJ and last &ut not least% from the num&er of tas*s related to city-forming !rocesses% such as laying out ne" city or s!a !ar*s+ It goes without saying that one of the &est-*nown% sought after% and inKuential artists of the second half of the 19th century in this res!ect was #douard Andr$ (1840–1911).2 He &egan his career as an associate of Adol!he Al!hand "hen laying out the -aris city !ar* of .uttes-Ahaumont% &ut he &ecame famous only winning the 1867 com!etition for 3i)er!ool’s 2efton -ar*+3 A versatile artist% ca!a&le of designing large !ar* com!le1es of diOerent *inds% he was an e1cellent &otanist% also dealing with architecture and ur&an designing+ In 1879, he !u&lished his extensive wor* 3’Art des Dardins% which com&ined features of a theoretical treatise with a !ractical guide+H As of 1882, Andr$ was editor of Revue horticole where he often !u&lished his !a!ersJ from 1892, he was -rofessor at the #cole d’horticulture de <ersailles+ 2tarting in the early 1890s% Andr$ closely coo!erated with his son Ren$-#douard (1867–1942). E2] Andr$ is regarded to &e the creator and !romoter of the so-called mi1ed style( le style mixte% or in other words of the style com!osite% consisting in com&ining two traditional com!ositions( a rigorous symmetrical and formal garden !laced in the direct vicinity of a !alace% and a !ar* strictly s!ea*ing in a further distance+ P Andr$ won the greatest fame &y designing the !ar*s in Bont!ellier% Bonte Aarlo% 2 "Andr$ #douard-François", in( Dictionnaire national des contem!orains% ed+ A+-E+ Aurinier% )ol+ N% -aris 1903M190L% 39P-399J S$sir$ .ois% C#douard Andr$C% in( Re)ue horticole L3 (19116% HLP-492J "Andr$ #douard-FranRois", in( Dictionnaire de &iogra!hie française% ed+ Jules .alteau% )ol+ 2% -aris 193N% 90L-910J Qlorence Andr$% ed+% #douard Andr$ 51LH0M19116+ 8n !aysagiste &otaniste sur les chemins du monde% -aris 2001J 2t$!hanie de Aourtois, C#douard Andr$% Ren$-Édouard Andr$C% in( Ar$ateurs de Dardins et de !aysages en Qrance de la Renaissance au TTIe siUcle% ed+ Bichel Racine% )ol+ 2% Arles 2002% P2-5N+ 3 V)es-Marie Allain and Janine Ahristiany% eds.% 3@art des Dardins en uro!e+ De l@$)olution des id$es et des sa)oir-faire% -aris 200N% 3P9-3N0% 3NL-3I0+ H #douard Andr$% 3@Art des Dardins. ,rait$ g$n$ral de la com!osition des !arcs et Dardins% -aris 1LI9 [re!rint -aris 19L3G+ On the treatise e+g+ Ba>gor0ata 20afra/ska% CW-r0esie"acze !iaskuW+ 8"agi na temat !o"stania i e"olucji historii ogrod4"C EW2and 2creensW+ Remarks on the Areation and )olution of Farden HistoryG% in( Roczni* Historii 20tuki 32 (200I6% P- 3H( 20-21+ P Se Aourtois, #douard Andr$% Ren$-#douard Andr$% P3J see also Feorges Fromort% 3@Art des Dardins. 8ne courte $tude dWensem&le sur lWart de la com!osition des Dardins dWa!rUs des e1em!les em!runt$s X ses manifestations les !lus &rillantes% -aris 19P3 [re!rint 19L3G% 3I9-3L1+ RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 3u1em&ourg% on Badeira% numerous residence !ar*s in Qrance% and laying out an enormous com!le1 in Bontevideo+ Boreover% "ith his son Ren$-#douard Andr$ he designed !u&lic and !rivate !ar*s in Aairo% Alexandria and 3u1or% in Au&a% .ulgaria% and Aonstantino!le+ In <ienna% he wor*ed for the Rothschilds+ In Russia% which he reached in 1869 in order to !artici!ate in the large International Horticultural Exhi&ition in 2t Peters&urg%N he designed the alteration of the garden at the 2emens*oe-Otrada residence near Bosco" for Aount <ladimir OrloO- SavidoO 5unaccom!lished6J then he headed for the south of the m!ire% where in Arimea he designed the Buhalat*a EYZ[\]^_`^G !ar* near Valta% and the !arterres in front of the Odessa villa of the entre!reneurial family of the 7ari's+I He travelled a lot% maintaining contacts with famous uro!ean gardeners% e.g+ the Hosers in :arsa"+ ,he list of #douard Andr$’s clients also included -olish aristocratic familiesJ for them he either designed or moderni0ed si1 !ar* ensem&les( two on the territories of the -russian -artition 52amostr0el for the .ni/s*is, -otulice for Aniela -otulic*a), as "ell as four within the Russian Partition% in 3ithuania% for interrelated mem&ers of the ,ys0*ie"ic0 family( in 3andwar4" 53ent)aris6% 7atroc0e 589utra*is6% :a*a 5,ra*; <o*=6% and -o>?ga 5-alanga6 on the .altic+ ,he wor*s of #douard Andr$ for the clients from -oland and 3ithuania were missing in an extensi)e o&ituary !u&lished in Revue horticole, in which over 60 of his wor*s were enumerated% therefore they remained unmentioned in all the artist@s &iogra!hical notes !u&lished until the 1960s+L In -olish literature% in turn% the name of #douard Andr$ has for long &een associated "ith the 2amostr0el !ar*% though until no" it has &een regarded as uncon'rmed &y the sources+9 It has also &een *nown that the artist was involved in the wor*s related to the ,ys0*ie"ic0s@ residences in 3ithuania+10 However% until my -olish article on the N #douard Andr$% 8n mois en Russie+ aotes de )oyage d@un mem&re du Dury X l@ 1!osition internationale d@horticulture de 2aint-P$tersbourg% -aris 1LI0+ I Alla <ronskaia Eb]]^ cd\ef`^gG% C-utieshest)ie duarda Andre " Rossiyu i ego !roDekt !ar*a otradinskogo !ar*aC EhZ_ijif_kli mnZ^dn^ bendi k o\fflp l iq\ rd\i`_ r^d`^ \_d^nlef`\q\ r^d`^G% in( Iskusst)o0nanie Esf`Zff_k\te^eliG 1 (200L6% 131-1P1+ htt!(uu"""+gardenhistory+ruu!age+!h!v!ageidw3H3 [accessed 10 Oct+ 201LG+ L .ois, #douard Andr$% HLP-492+ 9 Information on Andr$@s contri&ution to the "orks at 2amostr0el in( C:yr0ysk, aa*>o i o*oliceC E:yr0ysk, aa*>o% and the <icinityG% in( xatalog 7a&yt*4" 20tuki " -olsce EAatalogue of Art Bonuments in -olandG% )ol+ 11% fasc. 20% eds. ,adeusz Ahr0ano"ski and Barian xornecki% :arsa" 19L0% H0-42+ This information has &een yuestioned e+g+ in( Andr0eD :zd0ki% C-r0esz>o{| kraDe/skich re0ydencji 0iemia/skich na !r0y*>ad0ie 2amostr0elaC [The -ast of the xraDna 3anded Fentry Residences Illustrated &y the 1am!le of 2amostr0elG% in( S0ied0ict"o *ulturo"e na xraDnie i -a>u*ach+ :y&rane !ro&lemy 0 d0ieD4" xraDny aakielskieD EAultural Heritage in xraDna and -a>uki+ 2elected -ro&lems from the History of aakielska xraDnaG% eds. 2>a"omir }aniecki and 3esze* 2*a0a% aa*>o 200H% 190-211( 20I+ 10 J40ef DrUge% "Ogrody " -olsceC EFardens in -olandG% in( :iel*a -o"szechna ncyklo!edia Ilustro"ana E8ni)ersal Frand Illustrated ncyclo!aediaG% :arsa" 1912J 2tanisła" xar"o"ski% -o>?ga i xretynga E-alanga and xretingaG% -o0na/ 1913% 9J Ferard RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 su&Dect was !u&lished in 2009, his name has ne)er &een associated with the -otulice par*+ E3] The Lithuanian par*s have for years &een of interest to the local scholars% who have managed to ascertain many )ital details related to those commissions+11 Bost im!ortantly, they have revealed and !u&lished the designs of the !ar*s at 3ent)aris and -alanga+12 Regimantas -il*aus*as has also !u&lished the corres!ondence of #douard Andr$ and Qeli*s ,ys0*iewic0 from 1904 and Andr$’s two &usiness cards featuring a list of Andr$’s agency’s most im!ortant im!lementations+13 ,han*s to that !u&lication not only was Andr$’s contri&ution to creating the 2amostr0el !ar* con'rmed% &ut also the 'rst veri'ed !iece of information a!!eared on his wor* at Potulice+ EHG O"ing to the *indness of Qlorence Andr$ and 2t$!hanie de Aourtois% I have &een granted access to Ren$ Andr$’s notes from his tri!s to -oland and 3ithuania in 1897, 1898, and 1899, as well as his letters to his 'anc$e of June 1898, Aio>e*% Ogrody !olskie E-olish

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