RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 Private Gardens of the Tyszkiewiczs, Bnińskis, and the Potulickis Designed by Édouard Andr in Poland and !ithuania1 "ałgorzata $%ilanowska Abstract One of the most outstanding designers of 19th-century uro!ean gardens was #douard Andr$% famous &oth as a theoretician% author of numerous !u&lications% and 'rst of all as a !ractitioner( designer of several hundred of !rivate and !u&lic !ar* layouts for clients from around the world+ ,hese also included -olish aristocrats( the .ni/s*is% -otulic*is and the ,ys0*iewic0s% for "hom he designed !ar* com!le1es !reserved until today in -oland( 2amostr0el and -otulice% as well as in 3ithuania( in 3andwar4" 53entvaris6% 7atroc0e 589utra*is6% :a*a 5,ra*; <o*=6% and -o>?ga 5-alanga6+ ,he recreation of the history of laying out these !ar*s and their analysis allo" to enrich our *nowledge of Andr$’s creati)e methods and of the organi0ation of his &usiness on the one hand% and of the am&itions and !otential of the landowners of the former -olish-3ithuanian Aommonwealth on the other+ &ontents #douard Andr$ and his wor*s around the world #douard Andr$’s par*s in Poland 2amostr0el -otulice #douard Andr$’s par*s in Lithuania 3entvaris (Landwar4"6 -alanga (Po>?ga6 89utra*is (Zatroc0e6 ,ra*; Vo*= (Wa*a6 Reca!itulation 1 The !resent !a!er has &een &ased on the research !artially already !resented in the -olish !a!er( Ba>gor0ata Omilano"ska% C#douard Andr$ i Dego reali0acje ogrodo"e " -olsce i na 3it"ieC E#douard Andr$ and His Farden Realisations in -oland and 3ithuaniaG% in( Rocznik Historii 20tuki 3H (20096% 199-23I+ RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 #douard André and his "or*s around the "orld E1] ,he art of laying out gardens in the second half of the 19th century in a sense reached ne" dimensions+ Resulting from many factors% this !henomenon stemmed !redominantly from the historicism-related freedom of a!!lying several% often simultaneously, design solutions *nown from the !astJ &ut also from the technological and scienti'c !rogress% mainly the advancement in &otany, introducing many ne" !lant s!ecies and varieties% and technical solutionsJ and last &ut not least% from the num&er of tas*s related to city-forming !rocesses% such as laying out ne" city or s!a !ar*s+ It goes without saying that one of the &est-*nown% sought after% and inKuential artists of the second half of the 19th century in this res!ect was #douard Andr$ (1840–1911).2 He &egan his career as an associate of Adol!he Al!hand "hen laying out the -aris city !ar* of .uttes-Ahaumont% &ut he &ecame famous only winning the 1867 com!etition for 3i)er!ool’s 2efton -ar*+3 A versatile artist% ca!a&le of designing large !ar* com!le1es of diOerent *inds% he was an e1cellent &otanist% also dealing with architecture and ur&an designing+ In 1879, he !u&lished his extensive wor* 3’Art des Dardins% which com&ined features of a theoretical treatise with a !ractical guide+H As of 1882, Andr$ was editor of Revue horticole where he often !u&lished his !a!ersJ from 1892, he was -rofessor at the #cole d’horticulture de <ersailles+ 2tarting in the early 1890s% Andr$ closely coo!erated with his son Ren$-#douard (1867–1942). E2] Andr$ is regarded to &e the creator and !romoter of the so-called mi1ed style( le style mixte% or in other words of the style com!osite% consisting in com&ining two traditional com!ositions( a rigorous symmetrical and formal garden !laced in the direct vicinity of a !alace% and a !ar* strictly s!ea*ing in a further distance+ P Andr$ won the greatest fame &y designing the !ar*s in Bont!ellier% Bonte Aarlo% 2 "Andr$ #douard-François", in( Dictionnaire national des contem!orains% ed+ A+-E+ Aurinier% )ol+ N% -aris 1903M190L% 39P-399J S$sir$ .ois% C#douard Andr$C% in( Re)ue horticole L3 (19116% HLP-492J "Andr$ #douard-FranRois", in( Dictionnaire de &iogra!hie française% ed+ Jules .alteau% )ol+ 2% -aris 193N% 90L-910J Qlorence Andr$% ed+% #douard Andr$ 51LH0M19116+ 8n !aysagiste &otaniste sur les chemins du monde% -aris 2001J 2t$!hanie de Aourtois, C#douard Andr$% Ren$-Édouard Andr$C% in( Ar$ateurs de Dardins et de !aysages en Qrance de la Renaissance au TTIe siUcle% ed+ Bichel Racine% )ol+ 2% Arles 2002% P2-5N+ 3 V)es-Marie Allain and Janine Ahristiany% eds.% 3@art des Dardins en uro!e+ De l@$)olution des id$es et des sa)oir-faire% -aris 200N% 3P9-3N0% 3NL-3I0+ H #douard Andr$% 3@Art des Dardins. ,rait$ g$n$ral de la com!osition des !arcs et Dardins% -aris 1LI9 [re!rint -aris 19L3G+ On the treatise e+g+ Ba>gor0ata 20afra/ska% CW-r0esie"acze !iaskuW+ 8"agi na temat !o"stania i e"olucji historii ogrod4"C EW2and 2creensW+ Remarks on the Areation and )olution of Farden HistoryG% in( Roczni* Historii 20tuki 32 (200I6% P- 3H( 20-21+ P Se Aourtois, #douard Andr$% Ren$-#douard Andr$% P3J see also Feorges Fromort% 3@Art des Dardins. 8ne courte $tude dWensem&le sur lWart de la com!osition des Dardins dWa!rUs des e1em!les em!runt$s X ses manifestations les !lus &rillantes% -aris 19P3 [re!rint 19L3G% 3I9-3L1+ RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 3u1em&ourg% on Badeira% numerous residence !ar*s in Qrance% and laying out an enormous com!le1 in Bontevideo+ Boreover% "ith his son Ren$-#douard Andr$ he designed !u&lic and !rivate !ar*s in Aairo% Alexandria and 3u1or% in Au&a% .ulgaria% and Aonstantino!le+ In <ienna% he wor*ed for the Rothschilds+ In Russia% which he reached in 1869 in order to !artici!ate in the large International Horticultural Exhi&ition in 2t Peters&urg%N he designed the alteration of the garden at the 2emens*oe-Otrada residence near Bosco" for Aount <ladimir OrloO- SavidoO 5unaccom!lished6J then he headed for the south of the m!ire% where in Arimea he designed the Buhalat*a EYZ[\]^_`^G !ar* near Valta% and the !arterres in front of the Odessa villa of the entre!reneurial family of the 7ari's+I He travelled a lot% maintaining contacts with famous uro!ean gardeners% e.g+ the Hosers in :arsa"+ ,he list of #douard Andr$’s clients also included -olish aristocratic familiesJ for them he either designed or moderni0ed si1 !ar* ensem&les( two on the territories of the -russian -artition 52amostr0el for the .ni/s*is, -otulice for Aniela -otulic*a), as "ell as four within the Russian Partition% in 3ithuania% for interrelated mem&ers of the ,ys0*ie"ic0 family( in 3andwar4" 53ent)aris6% 7atroc0e 589utra*is6% :a*a 5,ra*; <o*=6% and -o>?ga 5-alanga6 on the .altic+ ,he wor*s of #douard Andr$ for the clients from -oland and 3ithuania were missing in an extensi)e o&ituary !u&lished in Revue horticole, in which over 60 of his wor*s were enumerated% therefore they remained unmentioned in all the artist@s &iogra!hical notes !u&lished until the 1960s+L In -olish literature% in turn% the name of #douard Andr$ has for long &een associated "ith the 2amostr0el !ar*% though until no" it has &een regarded as uncon'rmed &y the sources+9 It has also &een *nown that the artist was involved in the wor*s related to the ,ys0*ie"ic0s@ residences in 3ithuania+10 However% until my -olish article on the N #douard Andr$% 8n mois en Russie+ aotes de )oyage d@un mem&re du Dury X l@ 1!osition internationale d@horticulture de 2aint-P$tersbourg% -aris 1LI0+ I Alla <ronskaia Eb]]^ cd\ef`^gG% C-utieshest)ie duarda Andre " Rossiyu i ego !roDekt !ar*a otradinskogo !ar*aC EhZ_ijif_kli mnZ^dn^ bendi k o\fflp l iq\ rd\i`_ r^d`^ \_d^nlef`\q\ r^d`^G% in( Iskusst)o0nanie Esf`Zff_k\te^eliG 1 (200L6% 131-1P1+ htt!(uu"""+gardenhistory+ruu!age+!h!v!ageidw3H3 [accessed 10 Oct+ 201LG+ L .ois, #douard Andr$% HLP-492+ 9 Information on Andr$@s contri&ution to the "orks at 2amostr0el in( C:yr0ysk, aa*>o i o*oliceC E:yr0ysk, aa*>o% and the <icinityG% in( xatalog 7a&yt*4" 20tuki " -olsce EAatalogue of Art Bonuments in -olandG% )ol+ 11% fasc. 20% eds. ,adeusz Ahr0ano"ski and Barian xornecki% :arsa" 19L0% H0-42+ This information has &een yuestioned e+g+ in( Andr0eD :zd0ki% C-r0esz>o{| kraDe/skich re0ydencji 0iemia/skich na !r0y*>ad0ie 2amostr0elaC [The -ast of the xraDna 3anded Fentry Residences Illustrated &y the 1am!le of 2amostr0elG% in( S0ied0ict"o *ulturo"e na xraDnie i -a>u*ach+ :y&rane !ro&lemy 0 d0ieD4" xraDny aakielskieD EAultural Heritage in xraDna and -a>uki+ 2elected -ro&lems from the History of aakielska xraDnaG% eds. 2>a"omir }aniecki and 3esze* 2*a0a% aa*>o 200H% 190-211( 20I+ 10 J40ef DrUge% "Ogrody " -olsceC EFardens in -olandG% in( :iel*a -o"szechna ncyklo!edia Ilustro"ana E8ni)ersal Frand Illustrated ncyclo!aediaG% :arsa" 1912J 2tanisła" xar"o"ski% -o>?ga i xretynga E-alanga and xretingaG% -o0na/ 1913% 9J Ferard RIHA Journal 0219 | 30 August 2019 su&Dect was !u&lished in 2009, his name has ne)er &een associated with the -otulice par*+ E3] The Lithuanian par*s have for years &een of interest to the local scholars% who have managed to ascertain many )ital details related to those commissions+11 Bost im!ortantly, they have revealed and !u&lished the designs of the !ar*s at 3ent)aris and -alanga+12 Regimantas -il*aus*as has also !u&lished the corres!ondence of #douard Andr$ and Qeli*s ,ys0*iewic0 from 1904 and Andr$’s two &usiness cards featuring a list of Andr$’s agency’s most im!ortant im!lementations+13 ,han*s to that !u&lication not only was Andr$’s contri&ution to creating the 2amostr0el !ar* con'rmed% &ut also the 'rst veri'ed !iece of information a!!eared on his wor* at Potulice+ EHG O"ing to the *indness of Qlorence Andr$ and 2t$!hanie de Aourtois% I have &een granted access to Ren$ Andr$’s notes from his tri!s to -oland and 3ithuania in 1897, 1898, and 1899, as well as his letters to his 'anc$e of June 1898, Aio>e*% Ogrody !olskie E-olish
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