+ ♦ Glee Club Home See Track Meet Concert Tonite With Long Beach in College Aud J. C. Tomorrow -------------------——* VÒL. V III. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1929. N o. 26 ONE LONG HOP ASSEMBLY IS GLEE CLUB TO Something Doing! AT ROCKWOOD Lights on — off. Flash— BEST ONE IN S IM E R S H O L flicker. Dark shadows i,— a SING IN HOME IS DIFFERENT laugh. Grapes dangling. MANY YEARS Swords and powdered wigs CLASSES OPEN beneath the darkness there. One of the most unusual dancek A purple desert — flaming The best assembly in years was of the year was the One Long CONCERT HERE light. the opinion of students and faculty Hop held last Friday evening, ON JULY EIRST A mad Pierrot— now dark­ alike of Red’s April Frolic, given This evening, the Men’s Glee April 12 at Rockwopd, the Wo­ ness quite. in the assembly last Tuesday. Club will present its annual home man’s Clubhouse in Mission Can­ The 1929 summer session of No students, kindly keep After Bernard Barnes had asked concert in the college auditorium. yon. Forming a square, stretched your seats. This is neither the the student body to imagine them­ Santa Barbara State College be­ The program will run the same from chandelier to chandelier was ravings of a flunk-crazed brain selves in a cabaret in Los An­ gins July 1, ending August 9. as was used on the tour. a clothesline from which hung — or a freshman comp. Merely Eleven courses will be given dur­ geles, the curtain opened, disclos­ The program will open by the shirts, pajamas, socks, towels, rehearsal. ing the summer weeks, the reper­ ing Red Gillum, master of cere­ glee club singing three numbers: shorts, and other articles which “ For what?” says you. toire covering every department in monies, and an eight piece jazz Alma Mater; College Gang, Carr; are usually found on a clothes'! Why for Madam Kadrina’s the college. Miniature Ballet! orchestra. Of all the attempts Jolly Roger, Candish. Next will line. Tin washtubs and wash­ These studies are. in brief, art “ When?.’ says you. that have been made to gather a be a harmonica specialty by Noel boards were placed about the education— 10 courses; education April the twenty-seventh, at college orchestra from the stu­ Misemer and David Watson. The dance floor. Clothes baskets and — 10 courses; English— 4 courses; 8:30.p. m. dents, this one was the most suc­ quartet, consisting of Orman Har­ hampers also added to the decora­ household art— 4 courses; house­ “ Where?” says you. cessful. It included Fred Green- low, Le Roy Rundell, Victor Mc­ tion scheme. A skit “ Passions in hold science— 6 courses; Indus­ Right in the college audi­ ough at the violin; Ray Denno, Allister and David Larsen will a Laundry” was presented under trial education-—24 courses; mu­ torium. And believe me, it banjo; John Rains, saxophone; sing an old English ballad, “ Drink the management of Laura Breske. will be some show. Just ask sic— 2 courses; physical education to Me,” and . “ Massa Dear,” Anita Cochran, piano; Roy Small­ The scene for the play was sup­ the art department. They are (men)— 4 courses; physical edu­ Dvorak. Following this, the glee wood, tuba; Walter Robinson, cor­ posedly laid in a Chinese laundry cation (women)— 5 courses; so­ club will sing three numbers, “ It’s net; Ralph Jamieson, saxophone; with the proprietor, Laura Breske, cial science— 4 courses; science— Up To a Man,” Squires; “ Shadow and Clifford Weiser, drums. These March,” Protheroe; “Coming the girl as Jeannette Birnie and SOUTHERN MAY 2 courses. It is seen that all of men are all professional musicians, Home,” Willeby. A vibraphone her lover, Francis Martin. these courses lead toward state specialty, directed by Clifford Wei- DAY PROGRAM and two of them have toured The dance programs were clev­ credentials and the A. B. degree. ser, and assisted b y) his “ Whis­ around the world. Together with these full courses pering Trio,” consisting of Ray erly made out as miniature laun­ PROGRESSING Red Gillum called different peo­ there is a program arranged of Eisenbise, Chester Tuh'bs, and Jim dry lists, while Chinese characters ple from the audience to enter­ free lectures and entertainments Kent will sing two popular songs. adorned the walls. The annual May Day program tain. David Watson and Noel in the new college auditorium. David Watson will next present given by the women of the phy­ Music was furnished by Vic There will also be planned social two humorous readings. Follow­ Misemer gave an advertising stunt Janssen’s orchestra. Patrons and sical education department will be and recreational activities on land ing this, the glee club will sing for the Men’s Glee Club, which presented the afternoon of May 1 and water, the annual summer three more numbers: “ Red Man’s patronesses were: at four-fifteen oh the lawn in will present their home concert island trip one of the later fea­ Death Chant,” Bliss; “ Water Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Werner, Mr. soon. David Larsen was called tures. Civic and private agencies Boy,” Robinson; “ Ramona” (pop­ and Mrs. William Maxwell, and front of the college gymnasium. upon for two piano solos. After of Santa Barbara are also to par­ ular). As a bit of variety, Jim The scene of the entertainment Mr. and Mrs. William Peters. ticipate in making the summer ses­ Kent and Dave Larsen have a com­ Alvetta Van Tuyle had been in­ is . a plantation in the south on sion one or enjoyment as well as -------- ----- »-------------- troduced as a" world famous act­ edy skit which won much popu­ May Day, with the guests who are of education. larity on the tour, in which Jim INDUSTRIAL ED. DINES arriving for the party dressed in ress touring with a group of play­ It is rumored that the new introduces his specialty, the hu- ers who are to present a play Home Economics building, which maniphone. Richard Aguinaldo Colonial costume. The first half called “ On the Hiring Line” in at present is in the process of con­ will next sing two baritone solos: of the play ■ is an early morning Observing its annual barbecue, struction, will be ready for occu­ “ Tommy Lad.” Margetson and setting o f the negroes who have Santa Barbara on May 10, she the Industrial Education depart­ pation by July, and the students “ Until,” Sanderson. Concluding called forward her cast and pre­ ment gave a party Sunday, April come to hang a May Day basket of the summer session will be the the program, the entire chorus will on the door of the master’s house, sented them to the audience. first to use the building. present, “ An Act of Up-to-date 14, in Franklin. Thirty-five peo­ and are deciding, the program they Louise Lowry sang two popular Opera” by Smith. The leads for ple were present to partake of the ■------------------4-------?---------- will present before the guests in song numbers. The orchestra then this are as follows: Mrs. Tyler— dinner prepared by Miss SENIORS DINE the afternoon. concluded with a snappy jazz Paul Smith; Mr. Tyler— Chester Churchill. Afterwards a horse­ Tubbs, and the Janitor— Ted Mar­ The scene then changes to the piece. At a recent meeting of the shall. shoe contest was held. Mr. Eric- senior class it was decided to com­ afternoon when the negroes en­ All the entertainers wore even­ The personnel of the men’s son and Mr. Soules brought in bine business and pleasure and tertain with dancing, tumbling, ing dress to carry out the idea of glee club for this year is as fol­ the high scores. Volleyball and hold a discussion of graduation and southern songs. The guests the midnight cabaret. lows: First tenors, Orman Har- baseball were also played by the problems and other business mat­ It might be interesting to add ters over the Sunday morning members and guests o£ the de­ dance minuets, square dances, that this is the first time in any­ breakfast table. partment. ending the party with the .Virginia Every fourth Sunday in the Reel. The entertainment is one’s memory that the student Have You Noticed? Among those present were Mr. month from now until the end of body remained in their seats even and Mrs. Ericson, Mr. and Mrs. reigned over by the May Queen, thè semester, the seniors will hold The wonderful consideration after the bell had rung and the Soules, Mr. and Mrs. Werner, who is chosen by secret ballot at a class breakfast in the college of pledges for the well-being curtain had goiie down. They re­ cafeteria at 9 o’clock. James Peel, president of the de­ large from the women in the phy­ of fraternity and sorority mem­ sical education department, and mained seated and clapped for partment, Mr. Woods, and Mr. bers? whose name is not known until more. This in itself is proof of Harlacker, from the high school, the afternoon of the program. their enthusiasm. • Don't Forget The evident color-blindness besides the members of the de­ The women, rehearsing now in — D. R. with the pledges of a sorority partment. the gym classes' daily, are directed Tonight: Men’s Glee Club Con­ in regards to socks? by Miss Weage and Miss Van Fos- cert, auditorium, 8:30. sen, physical education in­ Red Mi§emer’s “ Dago” hat? low, Noel Misemer, Paul Smith, structors. A Student Editor Saturday: Track meet, S. B. Carmie Janssen’s upper lip Ray Eisenbise, and Henry Miller. Tells The World S.
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