'if' March 6, Local school principals reeaSi their UVVII . Page A-4. To subscribe, call (800) 300-9321 A-16 The CJu;onicle Guide Wednesday, March 13,.1996 Vol."105,No11 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents CRANFORD • GARW00D • KENllWORTH THE CRANFORD RECREATION & Office PARKS DEPARTMENT IS APPOINTMENT ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS^FOR SETTERS Secretaries _ THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS; E.OJE. • Microsoft Offic Part-Time i Looking for Positive $mf • Lotus Snjart/Sjj Teen Center Supervisor. Circalation Strvite Repre»jtativt> ' our growing staff. Night Supervisor It's the best of botot at • Harvard < i wanted - Girls Basketball Referee If you Interested in working in a fun and SUMMIT BANKLearn the extra Professional, f • The township and the ^ pleasant environment and in earning quallty-mlnded .^, ^ j. SOOH Present to\yh money you need as a Part Time VQU The Star-Ledger has early morning pan-lime 125th Anniversary Commit- Boys Basketball Referee BIG BUCKS- Then we want you!! people are In \^ . •fc**f*-,/Y^* Teller and still have time for other ; work. A good car ii a must. Starting salary is tee are looking for arts, crafts Basketball Scorekeepers , Experience A PLUS - demand for varl- \ , SLdTu $115 per week, plus car expenses. Commissions- By ELLEN M. FEUCCTTA . Puzzled by the ruling, Big Sky owner Dan dark. The new business is located in the; their store windows to neon. ;..'-,•• A clear speaking voice a must!! activities. , 50"s short or long . ^ c. are available. Fringe benefits include: Vision, and food vendors for the Margolis originally got the go-ahead from Drug Fair Mall on South Avenue. Mayor J- Robert HoefDop said the use of term assignments. Your _^ dental and vacations. Rapid increases in salary. THE CHRONICLE - Pre-School Arts & Crafts Instructor Six mornings per week for a few hours a day. 125th anniversary celebra- the town's Visual Improvement Committee According to Township Commissioner Ri- neon needs to be iaddressed not only for • SALARY & Commission skills are rewarded with TOP PAY, VACATION tions. Vendors are wanted for Elementrary Cooking Instructor • Paid Training TELLER & HOLIDAY BENEFITS TOO! Plus, (ree software Town zoning officials have pulled the plug after submitting a proposed design to the chard Salts, liaison to the Downtown Man- windows, but also in exterior sighs, noting • Paid Holidays & Vacations training for qualified employees. Piit your skills CallTbll-Free events in Nomahegan Park on The Big Sky Bread Company's exterior group. Believing he had taken the proper agement Corporation, neon has been a re- that many signs use neon bulbs as back .For Interview Call Our Edison Part Time to work at New; Jersey's top corporations. Call Sunday, June 9 and Thurs- sign, denying the startup company a permit steps, Mr. Margolis had the sign built by a curring issue of debate. At l&it week's Town- lights. ' . For Further Information Call 709-7283 Location at FLEMDLNGTON us today! day, July 4. for its use. v Cranford company and proceeded to obtain ship Committee Workshop, Township Ad- "We either enforce the ordinance (banning 1-800-274-6629 For information, call 709- E/O/E/M/FA7H 1-800-477-1442 Ask For Nick If you enjoy working with 908-931-1600 Priced at more than $3,000, the sign has a the required permit • ministrator John Laezza said no one^has' neon) or we don't," said Commissioner Car- people, arid have cashier or 25 Commerce Drive 7283. slim, singular band of neon light running ' "I've expressed my disapproval, but Fm taken a clear position on the issue since olyn Vollero. "If we currently allow neorr Cranford, NJ customer service experience, we above the company name. Although neon is hopeful that when the current ordinance is i?7a\: -!'• •;':;y; ^ signs that are product names in store win- 5000 would like to meet with you. Project Home dearly visible in multiple businesses revised I will be allowed to use the fun_sign An updated ordinance, recently proposed dows, we should allow others. I don't feel a EMPLOYMENT 5050 5050 5050 Never An Project Horn* wants your throughout- the downtown area, the town's the way it was designed," said Mr. Margolis. by the DMC, is cuiTently under review by new business owner should be penalized if' Employment- Employment' Employment- We are now interviewing for Applicant Fee General General . General iised sports equipment for current ordinance prohibits use of the bright Meanwhile, Mr. MargoUs will light only Township Attorney Al Stender. Its provi- we're not enforcing the ordinance every- KELLY : : an opening in our FLEM- Advertise S1O0 the Used Sporting Goods illumination. - the company name, keeping the neon, strip sions aHow businesses to. allot 20 percent of where." •/.'•/••... •.•.." • SERVICES n SOMERSET COUNTY PARK COMMISSION SECRETARY INGTON location at 400 Rt. In the Classified! Safe 8 •Jn.-noon Saturday, SUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES An Equal Opportunity Employer Oipportunfttes ADMINISTRATIVE. 202, at V^orhees Corner. Mlfch 23 ftt Cranford United '-:•:. :• < I ASSISTANT Maintenance Workers Recreatilon Specialist Somerset based, Euro- Applications may be com- DEALERSHIP WITH NA. Methodist Church. Greensworkers Facility Attendants pean Craft & Needlework 5080 5080 TONAL MAINTENANCE The organisation will col- Gardeners Naturalist Assistants Co.,. looking for an exper pleted at any of our branches Part-Time CORP.—. Assured «c- l riec«fc secraUry Mu«t t ilh ll lect gently used equipment bfcptt Excel & p AveM , y, March 22. Call 908-722-1200 (hearing impaired 908-526-4762) Must be able to handle S4.950 Investment re- 5010 - Career Training for application. EOE. , • . • • diversified priorities & or- NJ 07016. EOE M/F/D/V. PERSON NEEDED- to Part-time qulred. Call 800-832-2290 70»-I107. *<* ganz'l skills & the ability deliver and pick-up mall TELEMARKEJ1NO & Services CRUISE SHIPS . PUBUC RELATIONS (908)709-6120. SOHERVILLEOfTlCE 5020 • Child Care to perform flsnl oJflQB du- withltvbultdlng. Mutt be EARN S4*,O00/YEAR- HIRING— Earn up to Community Relations if you have a dear, plMsantspetMng yoJc« •ntf you wlth • Wstklns Home- Wanted $2,000+/mo. working on ties. Competitive salary & able to lift heavy boxes. SPECIALIST exclnt btts. Resume to: 9am-1pm. Mon-Fri. Apply like Ulklng on the phone, you ar* qualified. Flexible base Business. Minimum Lecture rescheduled 5030 - Agencies cruise ships or land-tour he Metuchen Public evening hours available. Easy to learn presentations Investment $100. Call 5040 - Domestic . companies. World Travel. Diane Noto P.O.Box 9688 5050 5080 to Technical Services, ' The SatuWay book^ chools are seeking vol- Ellz., NJ 07202-9688 or LSM/Rutgers, P.O. Box that will earn you more than the excellent hourly rate S*J Mullln Indspsndent 5050 - General No oxp. necessary. For intoer services from a Fax:(908)820-9067 • Employment- Part-Time we guarantee. , . ' .. Marketing Directors 1- collecting lecture by book 5060 • Health Care more Info, call 1-206-971- 1029, Plscataway, NJ lommunity resident who General Employment 08855-1029 800-428^3099 dealer HU Cohen at the 5070 - Managerial 3552 ext. C89694 (re- las experience In Public fundable fee) For more information call Marc Greenspan at: 5080 - Part-Time lelations. The successful STOCKBROKERS/ 908-722-3000 EXTENSION &57 EARN AN EXTRA 9300. Craniord Public Lflxary. has 5090 - Employment andidate will be able to TRAINEES WANTED "Summer Help" BOOKKEEPER- With TELEMARKETINQ-PT $800— per wssk pro- DRIVERS TEAMS- exp. In A/R, A/P, G/L for been rescheduled to 10 am Wanted issist the Board In In- ATTENTION SILVER SADDLE Brldgewater Office has cessing mall from own 5100-Career Fired of false promises? rreaslng articulation with SWIM CLUB small but grooving com- Immediate opening for homel For free Informa- Saturday, May 11. Following At Covenant we deliver; 30 yr.. firm offers best a Investments & he community. Inter- oppty. on the streets. Branchburg/Readlngton pany. Computer back- telemarketer/lndustrlal tion send SASE: Ocean the lecture, Mr. Cohen will be Opportunities top teams earn sted persons should •Certified Ufeguards ground Incld. MS win-, manufacturing research Financial, P.O. Box SSI, $104,000+/year, excal- • Call Joe Zapala FbrbeFb s available until noon to ap- CHRONICLE CORRESPONDENT nonprofit^ volunt^r brgdriisfcation end a letter of Interest dows & office a plus . Levlttown. NY 11766 (Dl- lent benefits. 401 (k) Seaboard Securities •Recreation Counselor person to generate leads R s •WSI Instructors Some ..clerical duties, and do regular telephone N E w spA'r'E R s rectory .Offer) praise books at a cost of $1 servicing more thiri l.Ofld Cranford $2,000 hiring bonus, all pleasant busy office-In- flt*Ml«> : : •Frelghtllner Conventjon- Ellon B. Johnson p EARN UP TO $700/WK- per book. Proceeds aid the li- The soccer club turned to the •youngsters..- v-.v^vv •;;^V'.' .. '• •'"-'''.. 5020 Business Administrator • CallBob534-43S&or Clark. Rex hours pos- per week, day work only. TEtEMARKETINO als. Solos welcomed. at home: Qovsmment/ ! \. .• Board of Education Monday night Superintendent EmaletteRenna, Child Care Wanted Metuchen Board Of Ed. TRAVEL AGENT— For Tim 253-9116 sible, but 1 pm to 5pm. Excellent telephone & SOMERVOLE OFFICE brary. •' •:. Call today: 1-800-441- Mon thm Frl. preferred.- If you have a clear, pleasant speaking vote* and you fee. No experience. Pro- 4394 CONVENANT 596 Middlesex Ave small agency In Glad- •$200^500 WEEKLY* communication skills a looking for playing fields. who earlier in the meeting an-' Fax resume to: must. Good computer Ilka talking on the phone, you are qualified. Flexible cess refunds, 1400-338* TRANSPORT Metuchen NJ 08640 stone. 1 year mln exp. Mailing travel brochures. 5697. Ext. 1039 CHILD CARE WANTED Sabre or Apollo exp, a 908-388-9117 skills required. Manufac- evening hours available. Easy to leant presentations Walt Corsica, president of the nounced that $10,000 was. allocated Thure.
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