AN18-MINUTE-A-OAY LEARNING PROGRAM T}Je RLeINMAN ebITION For people on the go. For people who make their minutes count. For people who want the stimulation of classic Torah sources every single day. Even if you have a regular learning seder, A Daily Dose will add more learning and excitement to your day - every day! Every volume will provide 4 weeks of provocative and enjoyable Daily Doses of Torah study. Over the course of the year, there will be 13 four-week volumes - plus a fourteenth volume on the Festivals. The Daily Dose of Torah will enrich your day - every single day of the year. For a free Preview Sample of a full week, go to your local Judaica bookstore, call our office at 1-800 MESORAH, or visit our website: ww_~~{!.ar_t~crqIJ.co.r!l.!_(f_ajly~_q~~-· The Patrons of The Umud YomVA Daily Dose of Torah initiative are Elly and Brochie Kleinman. Dedications of individual volumes are available - especially appropriate for weeks of a yahrzeit or anniversaries. Now available: Volume 1 - Bereishis, Noach, Lech Lecha, Vayeira SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $9.99 Convenient and portable 5Y2 - x 8% - page size / hardcover/ 208 pages. ··-----·-·.... --- ----··---------- -- .. ·-------~·- ----·--·------·-·--- IN THIS ISSUE THE JEWISH OBSERVER {ISSN) 002.1·6615 IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCIOl'T JULY & AUGUST AND A COMBINED ISSUE FOR LESSONS FROM LEBANON JANllAIW/fEBRUARY, BY THE AGIJDATH ISltAEL Of AMERICA, 42. BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY 10004, 7 INTRODUCTION PE!llOOICA!.S POSTAGE PAil) IN NEW YORK. NY. S\JBSCR!f'TION S2.5.00/YEAR; 8 THE FOOTSTEPS OF MOSH/ACH, 2. YEARS, $48,00; 3 YEARS. $69.00. OUTSIDE OFTl\E lJN!TEO STATES (lJS FUNDS DRAWN ON A US BANK ONLY) Rabbi Aharon Feldman Sl5.00 SUHCHARGE PEil YEAR, SJN(:LE COPY $3.50; 0UTSll)E NY AREA S3,95; 13 A CALL FOR JUSTICE, COMPASSION AND FOREIGN S4,50, POSTMASTER: COMMITMENT, based on on address by SEND ADDRESS CHANGES TO: T!iE JEW ISM OBSERVER Robbi Matisyahu Salomon N··cn?v 42. BROADWAY, NY, NY 10004 TEL 2.12."797-9000, FAX 646-254-1600 PJHNTEn IN THE USA 17 A RESPONSE TO THE THREAT TO KLAL YISROEL: RABBI NJSSON WOLPIN, fditor COME HOME TO TORAH, based on a Shmuess by Editorial Hoard >-n:,,?v RABBI JOSEPl-1 EUAS, Choirman Rabbi Shmuel Birnbaum RAHBI ABBA BRUONY JOSEPH fRIEOENSON 21 EMUNA AND TEF!LLA'. OUR ANTIDOTE FOR RABBI YISROl!L MEIR KlRZNER RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN TERRORISM, Rabbi Heshy Kleinman PROF. AARON TWf'.l~SKI Founders 29 OF BOMBS AND BURIALS, Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg Dn. ERNST I.. BODENHEIMER Z"L RABBI MOSHE SHERER Z"L 30 THE SOURCES OF SURVIVAL, Managcmenl &iard Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblu1n NAFTOU M!RSCH, ISAAC KIRZNER, RABBI 5Hl,OMO LESIN, A TIME OF TROUBLE Is A TIME TO GROW'. DAVID SlNGE!~. NACl-IUM STEIN 33 Managmg l;dilor INTERVIEWS WITH SURVIVORS OF THE HEZBOLLAH RABBI Yost:F C. GoLOING MISSILES, Mrs. Cohen PUBLISHED BY Sarah AGUOATH ISRAEL OF AMERICA 38 THE EYES OF THE STORM'. A REPORT FROM THE ll.S. TRAOE DISTIUBUTOll FEl.DHEIM PU Bl.I SHERS 2011 Airport t:xecutil'e f't:lrh HEART OF ERETZ YISROEL, Mrs. Sheindel Weinbach Nomiet, .11/Y 10954 BRITISH REPllESF.NTATIVE M.T. BIBELMAN Grosvrnor \Vorhs 42 RABBI SAMSON RAPHAEL HIRSCH AND EVOLUTION Mount /'/easant Hill /,ondon l's ,9NF. /:NG/AND - THE VIEW FROM HIS COMMENTARY, FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE RABBI BAMBERGER Rabbi Joseph Elias 21 Ho1J/e1mrd f't:lixham 57000 Met::. FRANCE ISl~Al!LJ REP!IESIONTATIVE INTNL. MEDIA PLACEMENT /'OB 71.95 I 97 Jaffi1 Road STATEMENT OF POLICY Jerusalem g4540. ISRAU. THE JEWISH OBSERVER HAS DEVOTED A GREAT DEAL OF SPACE TO BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE HIE PERILS OF Tl-IE INTERNET AND TO THE NEED FOR EVERYONE TO MH. E. APTER Lange Kil'vitstr. 2,9 BE EXTREMELY VIGILANT IN ITS USE. WI·: HAVE ECHOED THF: PLEAS 2H18 Antwerp, BELGIUM OF O!JR GEDOUM THAT IT SllOULO NOT BE IN USE. UNLESS IT IS AN SOUTll Af'lllCAN Rf:PIUCSICNTATIVE THE JEWISH OBSERVER DO~.s NOT ASSUME UNAVOIDABl.l; NECESSITY, ANO THEN ONl.Y WITH ALL SUITAIU.E MR. V. TABACK HESPONSIBIUTY TME KASHRlJS OF ANY 1'!{00UCT, SAFEGUARDS. WHILE ITS DANGERS MUST BE RECOGNIZED ANO CON­ PO Rox 51552. FOi~ Raedene. Johmmesburq PUBLICATION, OR SERVICE AOVEl~TlSED IN ITS PAGES TROLLED TO EVERY POSSIBLE DEGREE. mm GEDOUM RF:COGNIZE THAT 2124 SOUTH AFlllG°A MANY PEOPLE ANO BUSINESSES REQUIRE ITS USE, AND THEREFORE l'I © COPYRIGHT 2006 AUSTRALIAN REPRESENTATIVE HA.~ NOT BEEN BAN"iEO. THIS IS WHY WE ACC.t::l'T ADVERTISEMENTS DR. A. DINNEN l.IST!NG WEBSITE ADDRESSES, BUT IN NO WAY DOES THIS IMPLYTl!AT 77Birrigalload SEPTEMBER 2006 I VOLUME XX XIX THE GEOOUM OR THE JEWISH OBSERVER CONDONE CAS!IAL USE OF L"'" Vl\VW'J AU\rRAl~NO._6- -- -- - ---- --- --- ~INT<'RNC_T_. __ ···----... -- ---·-------- A Letter&om R . .·... ·.... ~?b;J::~'::o~hu c. sa1orn:bb1 ~':!isyahlli$alQmo11•Shlita ewOod, NJ 08701 711:n!>1> tl"rr ,,,., l'll:J !l'UT "A 'Jnn '7'1tur.:i s We Pre n111 w.,Jb n'.:l acquaint Pare for the Yi . ~""P"? ances and 11 amim Nora. Poor i_nishpachos a Yidden to join im, .I urge my campaign I ' by sup . me in hel · ~ · Person ll Porting th Ping 10milies A a Y dist "b e Yom "' · mon t ri Ute IU ,ov Y.esomfnz, niarbit;:. the recipients ar nds to many sick People, Who w l Torah, talnzidei che almonos and Yorn Tov. ould other"·. achomfnz d . ..ise not be b , an a le to make Please_ d b o not t rethren awa· sand idly by w . hearts .it Your gener bile so man h ' and Join . ous assist Y of our appiness to the in the great mit an;:e. Open Your I Poor l'kovod Yorn 11 zva of bringing n the zechu ov: Poor and u s of sweetenin the Sefer n~:~un~te Yidden, ~:~e Yamim Tovim for Parnassah, and t~aim, With brachou be inscribed in e geuJah shel . a, shalom a d e1mab N''::i :i. , n ''"'£, ~ ..,., -:.M"' Relief Funtl Please make your tax-deductible donation payable to: RELIEF & HATZOLAHS NEFOSHOS and mail to RABBI MATTISYAHU SALOMON 1 637 6 h Street • Lakewood, New Jersey 08701 ·······- ------, r···------- f 1-f E J E W I S 1-f 1 ----- ------------- ------- --------·-- -- .. ____ ,_ _____ _,____ I t is more than two months since the which we should make a cheshbon hanef­ one heart" (Shemos 19,2: Rash1). war with Hezbollah broke out, start­ esh-engage in introspection - in matters We are also united with our fellow I ing with their unprovoked bombings that need tikkun (repair), particularly in members of Am Hashem in our tefil­ of towns in the North of Bretz Yisroel on our interpersonal conduct. After all, this los. May Hashem have merey on all His Shiva Assar BeTammuz, and the kidnap­ currentgalus, which began over 1900 years children in this time of stress, especially ping of several Israeli soldiers and the ago with the destruction of the Second all wounded, sick and ailing, wherever murder of a number of others. As the Beis Hamikdash, took place because of they maybe. hostilities broke out, one million Jews our terrible shortcomings in how we dealt In the pages that follow we present were driven from their homes in the with one another. Each individual should the insights and calls for improvement North - some seeking temporary refuge in concentrate on those areas that he or she expressed by our Torah leaders in the areas underground bomb shelters, the majority recognizes as needing improvement, in of general hashkafa, placing our current fleeing to communities in the South. keeping with "The heart knows the bit­ crisis in a Torah frame, beginning with In the battles that followed, over a terness of:its soul" (Mishlei 14,10). "In the Footsteps of Moshiach;' by Rabbi hundred Israeli soldiers and citizens In addition, he pointed out that we also Aharon Feldman,N''t»'n> Rosh Hayeshiva lost their lives, many of Yeshiva Ner Israel. more were seriously This is followed by a :injured, while thou­ summons to act on sands of dwellings our responsibility for were destroyed and those who need our tens of thousands of LESSONS guidance and support businesses and liveli­ - especially children hoods were displaced brought up distant or wiped out. And from Torah - by while, at this writing, Rabbi Matisyahu a cease-fire has been Salomon ~"""'1!1, declared, the tension Mashgiach of Beth and threat of further Medrash Govoha. hostilities T'n hang We also feature a call heavily in the air. to enhance our own Our deep concern Torah study and that for our brethren and of others, based on their safety prompt­ an address by Rabbi ed many occasions Shmuel Birnbaum for people to gather ~--1,,':>1?1, Rosh together in earnest Ha yeshiva of Yeshiva prayer on behalf of Mir, in Brooklyn. "Acheinu kol Beis The article that fol­ Yisroel hanesunim lows, by Rabbi Hesby betzara uveshivya .... Kleinman, spells out Our brothers, the our duty to intensify entire family of Israel, who are delivered would benefit from chizuk in our general our emuna and bitachon, giving them :into distress and captivity ... :' Many of mitzva observance, and specifically, in our fullest expression in our tefillos. these gatherings were addressed by rab­ Torah study. As the Gemara says, "Our To assist us in our obligation to identify banim and roshei yeshivas, teachers and feet were standing within your gates, 0 with the suffering of our brothers under mentors with urgent messages touching Jerusalem!" (Tehillim 122,2).All who are fire, we present reports from Bretz Yisroel on many vital areas where all present immersed in Torah study are, so to speak, by Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblwn, Rabbi benefited.
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