Sunday, September 15, 2019 Tone 4 Gospel: St. Matthew 21:33-42 Epistle: 1 Corinthians 16:13-24 13th Sunday after Pentecost Greatmartyr Nicetas (Nikita) the Goth Sunday after Elevation SEPTEMBER Bulletin Sponsor: Fr. Andrew In memory of His Grace, Bishop John Martin DANBURY FOOD PANTRY - Liturgical & Events Schedule h SEPTEMBER c Suggested donation of canned fruit (and other Sunday, September 15 r o non-perishable goods) will be collected through i c 9:05 am: Hours followed by Divine Liturgy / u September 15. m th a Mem’l Sunday / Social / 125 Ann. h d A Committee Meeting September donations will be delivered to the food C w e pantry Thursday, September 19. h Monday, September 16 t x t a 6:30 pm: Orthodoxy 101 Class M o Thank You & God Bless. : t n d t Saturday, September 21 e s e d i o Deanery Parish, Warren, OH Russian Festival w s e d NO VESPERS HERE CANDLE / BULLETIN SPONSORS r i h P t M l FOR SEPTEMBER i e c r Sunday, September 22 n h Bulletin ($50): Fr. Andrew: in memory of his t u 9:05 am: Hours followed by Divine Liturgy / f o O Grace Bishop John o C Social / Choir Rehearsal e h Chandelier ($50): Tina: in memory of her s s e i n c r brother Peter Rindfleisch (9-19-06) a o i P o Altar Candles ($50): Joe & Valerie: In memory D i 40 DAY REMEMBRANCE - t of Rose Haburt & Dorothy Czuha September 8: Serviceman Brandan & A Candles on the tomb ($25): Layne in memory of p C Michael from the Army killed in O Afghanistan / Shooting victims from her sister Desiree on her b-day r o m t the mall in El Paso, TX / Mass Eternal Light & Icon Screen ($25): Joe & c e u Valerie in memory of Violet Bargdill & R shooting victims from Dayton, OH , s LaVerne Schutt k September 15: Serviceman killed in Iraq e s t r September 22: Archpriest John Matusiak / a B A Thomas Hutnyan w e September 29: IL State Trooper Nicholas / CANDLE / BULLETIN SPONSORS r y d Damien Bailey FOR OCTOBER l n A October 6: His Eminence Archbishop Nikon / Bulletin ($50) OPEN . o r F Shooting victims from Odessa TX Chandelier: ($50) OPEN H Altar Candles: ($50) OPEN Candles on the tomb: ($25) OPEN Eternal Light & Icon Screen: ($25) Jean H: SEPTEMBER SPECIAL memory of her mother, Helen Pipenur COLLECTION Support our Seminarians Month (SOS) 110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 www.holyassumptionmarblehead.org [email protected] ATTENDANCE - SEPTEMBER Bishop Paul's Travel Schedule Sunday September 1: 33 Total (22 members; 2 non-member reg.; 3 children; 6 guests; 24 Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, IL, September Communicants; 13 attended Vespers 13th to 15th Feast of the Exaltation Sunday, September 8: 34 Total (22 members; 1 st non-reg; 3 children; 8 guests; 28 communicants; 27 St. Nicholas Church Joliet, IL, September 21 to attended Vespers 22nd Holy Resurrection Church, Fargo, ND, September 28th to September 30th MONTHLY TITHING ONLY 10th Anniversary of Mission, church to be Goal Pledged per month: $4,100 elevated to parish status Sunday, September 1: $790 Sunday, September 8: $869 September Cleaners Readers Social OTHER WEEKLY INCOME 1 Tina R. Wayne Open Sunday, September 1: $27 candles; $55 Vigils; 8 Open Tim POT-LUCK $45 Special Collection (SOS Month). 15 Laura K Joe S Open 22 Joe & Valerie S Ron Open Sunday, September 8: $27 Candles; $120 Vigils; 29 Sandy Martin Natalie Open $110 Special Collection for August; $260 Special Collection (SOS Month); $110 Cemetery; $225 into Building Fund. PRAY FOR OUR CATECHUMENS VIGILS-SEPTEMBER 8 Tim Heffernan Rachael Adamcio Basil Glovinsky (1) Birthday blessings to Julia Luke Welch Lydia Welch Tristen Welch Susan Guzy (4) Special intentions Laura Kovach (4) Safe travels for family; Health of Possible Catechumans: Maddie, Joe, Joe, Mark, Lisa, Dana, Julia, Steve; Special intentions; Special intentions Loreen Welch Cheyenne Welch Sandy Martin (1) Special intentions May God & the Holy Spirit guide them in their Jim Mazur(2) Health of family and friends journey in the Orthodox Church and the Orthodox Darlene, Nick and Gabe Mazurik (2) Special way of Life. intentions Twarek (7) Safe travel for Bishop Paul and all servers; Health and recovery of Steve Turinsky; Last weekend during his visit, His Birthday blessing to Julia; Birthday blessings to Grace Bishop Paul officially in- Zach (9/8); Birthday blessings to Chris and stalled Fr. Andrew as Rector of Brandon (9/7); Health of Liz, Christine, MaryAnn Holy Assumption. and Bob, Joe, Sonya, Julia, Diane, Stella, Ron, John, Becky, Jake, Helen; Special intentions Congratulations Fr. Andrew! 110 E Main Street, Marblehead, OH 43440 Rectory 419-798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 www.holyassumptionmarblehead.org [email protected] PG 2 PRAYER LIST Updated 9-10 Clergy: Helen Jean Rofkar (Elchisco) Mat. Carley & her unborn Joe Rose His Beatitude, Metropolitan Theodosius baby (Cathedral in Chicago) Margaret Rose His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman Elizabeth McDonald & her Steven Schirtzinger (Soski) John Duranko (Father’s home pastor) unborn Baby (Fr’s friend) Christy Schutt (Joe’s sister) James Gleason (Father’s Spiritual Father) Peter Truta (Jean H’s cousin) Moses Barry Diane Tryon Military: Joseph Gibson Greg Tryon Craig Cassell Emilian Hutnyan Christine Twarek Nathan Brown Josef Von Klarr Valentin (Cassell) Vladimir Lecko Bob Whitham (Fr’s cousin) Christopher Phillips Captives: Katie and her newborn Bodhi Metropolitan Paul Peter Tutko (Cassell’s daughter-in-law) Deacon Paul Mitchell (Orthodox Archdiocese of Deacon Mark Sauskojus Aleppo) Sub-deacon Wylie Meath Other Requests: Archbishop John (Syriac Archdiocese of Alexia Aleppo) George Bicheler Matushkii: The UN & IOCC humanitar- Dick Biro (Natalie’s friend) Pani Patricia Duranko ian aid workers in & around Anna Burch (Wayne’s friend) Virginia Lecko Syria; Those suffering perse- Mary Ann Cook (Twarek) Sonya Tutko cution in Iraq, Syria, Israel, Bob Cook (Twarek) Victoria Kopistiansky Egypt, Ukraine and through- Danielle (Cassell’s friend) out the world Parishioners / & their Family: Ben Franklin (Laura friend) Theodore Geletka John Beadle (Elcishko) NOTE: Please let Fr. Andrew (St. Michael Broadview Heights’ MaryAnn Cook (Cousin to Twarek’s) know when someone needs to choir director) John Richard Elchisco go on or come off the list. Brad George (Christi’s friend) Ruthe Flewelling Donald Gresh (Basil) Debbie Garnek (Roddie’s sister) Elliot Joy (Police chief’s son) Michael Glovinsky (Basil’s nephew) Tommy Leonchik (Fr’s friend) Basil Glovinsky Jake Lipstraw (Twarek) Ernest Gresh (Basil’s nephew) Anna Maiani (Friend of Wayne) For Your Prayers Shirley Gresh (Wife of Ernest) Pauline Meath (Fr’s) Aldin Griffith (Soski) Julia Guzy (96 yrs old) Charlie Nowak (Avery’s) Julia Guzy 1601 Church Rd Debbie Pribanic (Golob) Joseph Habegger (Laura brother-in-law) Marblehead, OH 43440 Beth Reinhard (Diane friend) Alice Jackson (Mazurik) Elvis Reyes (Fr’s friend) Michael Kouznetsov (Mary Hiser’s son) Please remember her & Susan Sandy Scafaria (friend of Jean) Kristen (Cassell’s daughter) (her daughter) in your prayers. Matthew Sterling (Tyron) David LaValle (Fr.’s cousin) Send a card of greeting. Janice Timko Eileen Libb (Royhab) Becky Yatsko (Twarek) Helen Lis Rachel (Darlene M.) Walter Litzie (Fr.’s cousin) Bonnie (Cassell) Maria (Terrie’s mom) Kim (Cassell) Greg Mazur Sharon (Cassell) Jim Mazur Susan (Cassell) Judy Mazurik (Paul Mazurik’s) Dominic (Cassell) Baby Stella Miller Alllison Spoerl (Cassell) Katelyn Pipenur (Niece of Jean) 110 E Main Street, Marble798-4591 / Cell 570-212-8747 PG 3 Locum Tenens announced for the Diocese Fr. Georges Florovsky, John Kolchin, Metropolitan of New England and the Albanian Makary, Fr. John Meyendorff, Nicholas Ozerov, An- Archdiocese thony Repella, and Fr. Alexander Schmemann. In On Tuesday evening, September 3, the Holy Synod of addition to this vast resource of physical materials, Bishops of the Orthodox Church met via teleconfer- patrons of the Library also enjoy access to the Ameri- ence in Special Session under the presidency of His can Theological Library Association Serials (ATLAS) Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon. At this meeting, the Database and collections of other libraries in the New Holy Synod declared vacant the sees of the Diocese of York Area Theological Libraries Association (NYAT- New England and the Albanian Archdiocese following LA), of which St. Vladimir’s Seminary was a founding the death of His Eminence, Archbishop Nikon. member. At this same meeting, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon informed the members of the Holy Synod that The Universal Exaltation of the Precious he would be the locum tenens for these two dioceses. and Life-Giving Cross Commemorated on September 14 St. Vladimir’s Seminary launches search The Elevation of the Venerable and Life-Creating Cross of the Lord: The pagan Roman emperors tried to for new librarian completely eradicate from human memory the holy St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary [SV- places where our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and was OTS] has announced a job opening for a full-time resurrected for mankind. The Emperor Hadrian (117- librarian for the Seminary’s Father Georges Florovsky 138) gave orders to cover over the ground of Golgotha Library. and the Sepulchre of the Lord, and to build a temple of the pagan goddess Venus and a statue of Jupiter. The position opened September 1 following the retire- Pagans gathered at this place and offered sacrifice to ment of longtime Seminary Librarian Eleana Silk. Silk idols there. Eventually after 300 years, by Divine Prov- had worked for SVOTS since 1985. idence, the great Christian sacred remains, the Sepul- The new librarian will take charge of the Florovsky chre of the Lord and the Life-Creating Cross were again Library and be responsible for acquiring, organizing, discovered and opened for veneration.
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