Lee County Florida Athletic Facilities & Amenities Guide 2012 Update

Lee County Florida Athletic Facilities & Amenities Guide 2012 Update

Lee County Florida Athletic Facilities & Amenities Guide 2012 update Lee County Florida Athletic Facilities & Amenities Guide This guide was created to showcase a portion of the high-level sports facilities & athletic venues available in Lee County, Florida. The focus of this guide was on public-use facilities & venues. Please see this guide as the first step inin exploringexploring thethe excellentexcellent facilitiesfacilities avavailable in Lee County, Florida, Thank you.you !A Index & Contacts Page !14 Map of City of Fort Myers Facilities (!27 Koza-Saladino Park (!40 Estero High School ! !54 Holiday Inn Fort Myers Beach (239) 242-3488 (239) 947-9400 ! !B Legend 301 S.W. 30th Terrace (239) 463-5711 !15 Sam Fleishman-Deleon Complex 21900 River Ranch Road 6890 Estero Boulevard Cape Coral, FL 33914 Estero, FL 33912 (!1 Map Lee County Parks & Recreation Sites (239) 872-7787 Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 1750 Matthew Dr (!28 Pelican Baseball Complex !41 ( Florida Gulf Coast University !55 Fort Myers Skatium 2 JetBlue Park Fort Myers, FL 33907 (239) 242-3488 ! (! (239) 590-7051 (239) 321-7510 (239) 533-7222 4182 Pelican Blvd 10501 FGCU Blvd North !16 Shady Oaks Community Park Cape Coral, FL 33994 2250 Broadway 11500 Fenway South Drive Fort Myers, FL 33965-6565 Fort Myers, FL 33901 Fort Myers, FL 33913 (239) 321-7514 3300 Marion St 29 Pelican Soccer Complex 42 (! (! Fort Myers High School !56 Germain Arena (!3 Player Development Complex Fort Myers, FL 33916 (239) 242-3488 (239) 334-2167 (239) 321-8110 (239) 533-7425 4020 S.W. 2nd Court 2635 Cortez Boulevard 17 Stars Complex 11000 Everblades Pkwy 4301 Edison Ave ! Cape Coral, FL 33914 Fort Myers, FL 33901 Fort Myers, FL 33916 (239) 321-7541 Estero, FL 33928 2980 Edison Ave !43 Ida S. Baker High School Harborside Event Center (!4 Buckingham Community Park (!30 Map of City of Bonita Springs Facilities ( !57 Fort Myers, FL 33916 (239) 458-6690 (239) 338-3288 (239) 321-8120 3500 Agualinda Blvd 9800 Buckingham Road !18 *Gateway Park 31 1375 Monroe Street ! (! Bonita Springs Community Park Cape Coral, FL 33914 Fort Myers, FL 33905 (Operated by Gateway Services District) (239) 992-2556 Fort Myers, FL 33901 (239) 561-1313 26740 Pine Ave !44 Island Coast High School 5 City of Palms Park ( !58 Lynn Hall Memorial Park & Pier (! 13260 Griffin Drive Bonita Springs, FL 34135 Fort Myers, FL 33913 (239) 458-0362 (239) 765-6794 (239) 533-7425 2125 De Navarre 2201 Edison Ave 950 Estero Blvd 32 Bonita Springs Soccer Complex Cape Coral, FL 33909 Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931 Fort Myers, FL 33901 (!19 Map of City of Cape Coral Facilities (! (239) 992-2556 (!45 Mariner High School 59 (!6 Jerry Brooks Park 27100 Kent Road ! Wa-Ke Hatchee Recreation Center (239) 772-3324 (239) 432-2154 (!20 BMX-Strausser Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (239) 432-2154 701 Chiquita Blvd North 50 South Road (239) 242-3488 16760 Bass Road Cape Coral, FL 33993 Fort Myers, FL 33908 Fort Myers, FL 33906 1410 SW 6th Place 33 Marni Fields Complex Cape Coral, FL 33991 (! (239) 992-2556 (!46 North Fort Myers High School (!7 Kelly Road Soccer Complex 26740 Pine Ave (239) 995-2117 21 (239) 432-2154 (! Burton Memorial Park Bonita Springs, FL 34135 5000 Orange Grove Blvd 10750 Kelly Road (239) 242-3488 North Fort Myers, FL 33903 Fort Myers, FL 33908 1502 N.E. 3rd Terrace Cape Coral, FL 33909 34 Map of School Facilities (!47 Riverdale High School 8 Lee County Sports Complex (! (! (239) 694-4141 (239) 768-4225 !22 Cape Coral Northwest Complex 2600 Buckingham Rd 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway ( (!35 Bishop Verot High School (239) 242-3488 Fort Myers, FL 33905 Fort Myers, FL 33912 (239) 274-6700 1030 NW 16th Place (!48 South Fort Myers High School !9 North Fort Myers Community Park Cape Coral, FL 33993 5598 Sunrise Dr ( Fort Myers, FL 33919 (239) 561-0060 (239) 707-7033 14020 Plantation Road 23 Cape Coral Sports Complex 36 Cape Coral High School 2021 N. Tamiami Trail (! (! Fort Myers, FL 33912 North Fort Myers, FL 33903 (239) 242-3488 (239) 574-6766 1500 Sports Blvd 2300 Santa Barbara Blvd !49 Athletic Field Facilities Table (!10 Rutenberg Community Park Cape Coral, FL 33991 Cape Coral, FL 33914 ! (239) 432-2154 (!24 *Hancock Community Park (!37 Cypress Lake High School !50 Map of Indoor & Specialized Facilities 6500 South Point Blvd (Lee County facility) Fort Myers, FL 33919 (239) 481-2233 (239) 229-1627 6750 Panther Ln !51 Alico Arena FGCU 11 Terry Park 2211 Hancock Bridge Pkwy (! Fort Myers, FL 33907 (239) 590-7145 (239) 533-7275 North Fort Myers, FL 33990 (!38 Dunbar High School 10501 Florida Gulf Coast University Blvd 3410 Palm Beach Blvd Fort Myers,FL 33965 25 (239) 461-5322 North Fort Myers, FL 33916 (! Jason Verdow Memorial Park FGCU Lake Parkway East 3800 East Edison Ave 12 (239) 242-3488 (! Three Oaks Park 801 S.E. 27th Street Fort Myers, FL 33916 !52 Estero Recreation Center (239) 498-0415 Cape Coral, FL 33904 (!39 East Lee High School (239) 498-0415 18215 Three Oaks Parkway 9200 Corkscrew Palms Blvd Fort Myers, FL 33912 26 Jim Jeffers Soccer Complex (239) 369-2932 Estero,FL33928 (! 715 Thomas Sherwin Ave (!13 Veterans Park & School (239) 242-3488 Lehigh Acres, FL 33974 !53 Fort Myers Aquatic Center (239) 369-1521 2810 S.W. 3rd Lane Cape Coral, FL 33991 (239) 321-7553 55 Homestead Rd 1750 Matthew Drive Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 Fort Myers, FL 33907 Page Index/Contact Information A Created by: dcalvert 05.2012 I Restrooms Concession Stands Misc Comments: AERIAL GENERAL SITE MAP MISCELLANEOUS Legend INFORMATION Lee County Parks & Interlocal Agreements Bonita Springs Parks Existing I Cape Coral Parks Existing AREA MAP Legend Fort Myers Parks Existing Lee County Parks & Interlocals 300' Measurements Bonita Springs Parks Cape Coral Parks Existing Roads Fort Myers Parks Existing STREET Water Roads 0 250 500 1,000 021 Feet Miles DESCRIPTION FACILITIES Lights Seating Basepath Mound Infield Outfield fence Dugouts Scoreboard FACILITIES INFORMATION OBLIQUE PHOTO WHILE LEE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION UTILIZES THE MOST RECENT AND UP TO DATE INFORMATION THIS REPORT WAS CREATED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALTHOUGH LEE COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION HAS MADE EVERY EFFORT TO PROVIDE CURRENT AND CORRECT INFORMATION LEE COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION CANNOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OF THE DATA SUPPLIED. NAME OF PARK SITE ADDRESS B Created by: dcalvert 05.2012 Page (!2 JetBlue Park (239) 533-7222 11500 Fenway South Drive Fort Myers, FL 33913 (!3 Player Development Complex (239) 533-7425 4301 Edison Ave ?Þ Fort Myers, FL 33916 Charlotte )v (!4 Buckingham Community Park Harbor EXIT (239) 338-3288 !"b$ 143 9800 Buckingham Road Æÿ Fort Myers, FL 33905 EXIT PALM BEACH BLVD ?c 141 (!5 City of Palms Park (!9 ?a Æÿ (239) 533-7425 EXIT 2201 Edison Ave 139 Fort Myers, FL 33901 (!11 Æÿ GUNNE (!6 Jerry Brooks Park PINE ISLAND RD EXIT !5 (!3 Æÿ (!4 (239) 432-2154 ( 138 50 South Road R Pine Island Sound STRIN Y Fort Myers, FL 33906 PRADO BLVD Æÿ EXIT RD GFELL 136 (!7 Kelly Road Soccer Complex DEL (!13 r q (239) 432-2154 e v 10750 Kelly Road O i (!6 WRD R ?e Fort Myers, FL 33908 e EXIT e 2 h DANIELS PKWY 131(! tc 10 Æÿ (!8 Lee County Sports Complex ha (! sa (!8 (239) 768-4225 loo ? 14100 Six Mile Cypress Parkway Ca OR BLVD G Fort Myers, FL 33912 (!7 )v EXIT MCGRE ALICO RD 128 (!9 North Fort Myers Community Park Æÿ (239) 707-7033 12 2021 N. Tamiami Trail San Carlos (! North Fort Myers, FL 33903 Bay EXIT CORKSCREW RD ESTERO BLV (!10 Rutenberg Community Park Estero 123 (239) 432-2154 Bay Æÿ 6500 South Point Blvd D Fort Myers, FL 33919 (!11 Terry Park l f o (239) 533-7275 G u f !"b$ 3410 Palm Beach Blvd M North Fort Myers, FL 33916 e x EXIT (!12 Three Oaks Park i BONITA BE ACH RD 116 (239) 498-0415 c Æÿ 18215 Three Oaks Parkway o Fort Myers, FL 33912 (!13 Veterans Park & School 0482 (239) 369-1521 Miles I 55 Homestead Rd Lehigh Acres, FL 33936 Lee County Parks & Recreation Facilities 1 Alt Alt 1908 1908 Alt 1909 to 1911 1912 to 1930 1931 to 1932 1931 to 1949 1933 to 1949 1950 to 1959 1951 to 1959 1960 to 1975 1976 to 2008 2009 to Present Alternates Created by: dcalvert 05.2012 I 330 Restrooms Yes 405 405 Concession Stands Yes 330 330 405 bsb-02 Misc Comments: JetBlue Park is the new Spring bsb-05 bsb-04 330 330 330 Training ballpark and Player 390 330 Development Complex for 310 379 420 the Boston Red Sox in Lee 210 soc-01 330 330 383 County, Florida opened in 380 February of 2012 for the bsb-06 bsb-03 bsb-01 330 405 302 Spring Training season. 210 soc-02 405 Parking 11,000, 250 paved 330 330 spaces, 117 ADA spaces. 330 j! 210 soc-03 310 379 I 330 390 210 420 383 Y soc-04 E L 210 330 stm-01 380 L GATEWAY BLVD A JetBlueJetBlue Park Park TREELINE 302 S A soc-05 V 210 N ANIELS PKWY DANIELS PKWY A C D soc-06 j! RSW 300 BALL PARK DR HAMBERLIN PKWYo C Southwest Florida POW International Airport 0 500 1,000 2,000 021.25 .5 Feet Miles DESCRIPTION FACILITIES Lights Seating Basepath Mound Infield Outfield fence Dugouts Scoreboard Stadium stm-01 YES 11,000 90 ft 60 ft Grass Green Monster Cov ered Y ES Large Baseball Field bsb-01 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Large Baseball Field bsb-02 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Large Baseball Field bsb-03 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Large Baseball Field bsb-04 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Large Baseball Field bsb-05 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Large Baseball Field bsb-06 NO 120 90 ft 60 ft Grass 8' Chainlink Covered NO Battting Cages: (10 Indoor, 4 Outdoor) Bull-Pens: (2 per field plus 14 independent) Adult Soccer soc-01 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO Adult Soccer soc-02 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO Adult Soccer soc-03 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO Adult Soccer soc-04 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO Adult Soccer soc-05 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO Adult Soccer soc-06 YES 120 330' x 210' Field Grass N/A NO 11500 Fenway South Drive jetBlue Park FENWAY SOUTH Fort Myers, FL 33913 2 Home of the Boston Red Sox Spring Training Complex 1993 to 2011 Created by: dcalvert 05.2012 I Restrooms Yes 330 405 330 405 Concession Stands NO Misc Comments: Parking Capacity 200.

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