1) Influence on TV: 2-1-82 2) Today Show: J.Egan: 11-16-82 3) Panorama: J.Falwell: 7-29-82 4) Donahue: A.Moran, P.P., M.Meckleburg 5) CBS Morning Break: 5-27-82 6) Nightbeat: 1-28-82 7) Donahue: P.Schlafly 8) Donahue: LaHayes: 3-15-82 9) Eye on the Beholder: H.Carter: 12-17-81 10) American Forum: Dolan, J.Falwell: 9-22-81 11) CBS Evening News: 1982 elections: J.Falwell 12) MacNeil/Lehrer: PACs: 11-9-82 13) Donahue: Holy Terror: 7-27-82 Phyllis Schlafly: 8-9-82 14) Crisis to Crisis: B.Jordan: 7-3-82 15) Life and Liberty for All Who Believe 16) Close-up news conference: T.Podesta: 4-7-82 17) Life and Liberty (without promos) 18) Inside the Cup Books Under Fire 19) The Radical Right 20) Who Will Protect the Family?: 4-15-82 21) Donahue: school prayer: J.Falwell: 7-2-82 22) KPBS San Diego: creationism: 7-7-82 23) NBC Magazine: Arkansas creationism law 24) CBS Morning News: T.Podesta: 10-23-82 25) Donahue: J.Falwell, D.Bradley, V.Apuzzo: 10-22-82 26) CBS Morning News: T.Podesta, Gablers: 9-7-82 27) Nightline: H.Carter: 1-18-84 28) MacNeil/Lehrer: M.Hudson, Gablers: 11-10 29) Jerry Falwell: School Prayer Special: 5-14-82 30) PFAW: nuclear freeze spot 31) CBS Evening News: J.Greenfield 32) CBN: "Dividing Line": 9-3-82 33) Panorama: Central America: T.Podesta, J.Falwell: 9-21-83 34) Panorama: T.Podesta, C.Thomas: 7-19-83 35) Today Show: T.Podesta: 10-15-82 36) 60 Minutes: NCC and JRD: 1-23-85 37) Jerrry Falwell's first prime time special 38) Reagan's State of the Union Address Donahue: J.Falwell, Lasky, Irvine 39) Nuclear War and the Saved Coming of Christ: March 1983 40) National Conservative Political Action Committee: Ronald Reagan's America 41) Heritage as Council 42) Foreign Policy and the Radical Right 43) The Day After: 11-20-83 44) C-SPAN: B.Parker 45) High School: 11-30-83 Donahue: J.Falwell: 12-1-83 Donahue: Newman: 12-5-83 46) Foundation for the Arts of Peace: 10-4-83 47) Coral Ridge Hour: 10-30-83 48) Jerry Falwell: 5-8-83 MacNeil/Lehrer: Greenberg: 5-15-83 49) Nightwatch: 1-12-84 50) American Security Council: Attack on the Americas 51) Coral Ridge Hour: 11-6-83 52) Common Cause: PAC Reforms 53) Coral Ridge Hour: 11-13-83, 11-20-83 54) Coral Ridge Hour: 10-23-83 55) Coral Ridge Hour: 10-16-83 56) Old Time Gospel Hour Special: Ronald Reagan: 3-4-84 57) Nightwatch: 4-17-84 58) 700 Club: Battle for the Family: 5-19-83 59) Elaine Afable: 8-2-82 60) M.Hudson and Gabler: Texas: 5-2-84, 5-3-84 61) Today Show: P.Weyrich, B.Bayl: 8-12-84 62) Today Show: T.Podesta, J.Falwell: 7-13-84 63) Today Show: T.Podesta, J.Falwell: 7-13-84 64) Crossfire: B.Parkinson: 4-1-85 65) Falwell Live: divorce: 4-14-85 66) Falwell Live: Israel: 3-3-85 67) Falwell Live: "Silent Scream" 68) Falwell Live: abortion: Goldsmith: 2-12-85 69) Donahue: J.Falwell: 5-14-85 70) Nightline: W.Bennett: 5-21-85 71) James Robinson: 5-25-85 Jerry Falwell: 5-26-85 72) Family Forum: W.Bennett: 7-1-84 73) Falwell Live: South Africa: 8-25-85 74) Falwell Live: 9-1-85 75) CBS Morning News: P.Schlafly, B.Parker: 9-4-85 76) Statement for Banned Books Week for satellite feed: 8-13-85 77) CBS Evening News: 10-22-85 78) Pat Robertson: Faith Healing 79) Crossfire: 11-1-85 80) Nightline: C.Bergstrom prayer: 3-5 MacNeil-Lehrer: C.Bergstrom prayer: 3-5 ABC News: C.Bergstrom prayer: 3-5 81) Donahue: nuclear feeze: Marckey, Denton, J.Falwell: 3-30-83, 3-31-83 82) War Without Winners II and promos us Chamber of Commerce 83) American Journey: R.Reeves 84) Today Show: T.Podesta: 5-10-83 85) Public Announcements Summer 1981 86) The Radical Right 87) Blessed are the Peacemakers 88) Countdown for America 89) Texas local news: religion and politics: 9-20-84 Freeman Reports: N.Lear: 9-21-84 90) 5:30 Live: N.Klein: 9-12-84 Panorama: N.Klein: 9-13-84 Washington Week in Review: 9-7-84 91) Nightwatch: N.Lear: 9-20-84 92) DC local news: N.Lear spots: 9-20-84 93) MacNeil-Lehrer: J.Buchanan: 9-6-84 Nightwatch: J.Buchanan: 9-6-84 94) 700 Club: Equal Access Act: 5-14-84 95) Face the Nation: J.Falwell: 9-9-84 96) To Save our Children: 9-4-84 97) Donahue: B.LaHaye: 9-3-84 98) Celebration of Religious Liberty: 6-17-84 99) R.Reagan address: school prayer: 3-4-84 100) Today Show: religion and politics: J.Buchanan, G.Dixon Donahue: J.Falwell: 10-24-84 101) KCCI Des Moines: PFAW ads: N.Lear: 10-10-84 102) Time for Anger: J.Falwell: 10-84 103) Jerusalem, D.C.: Mike Evan Ministries: 12-84 104) This Nation Under God: Dr.W.A.Criswell: 8-19-84 105) Frontline: So You Want to Be President: 11-28-84 106) People are Talking: J.Falwell, Porteous: 12-17-84 107) NBC Nightly News: J.Kennedy, J.Falwell debate: 2-5-85 state of the Union Address 2-6-85 108) NBC Nightly News: J.Kennedy, J.Falwell debate: 2-5-85 109) Nightwatch: J.Swaggart, J.Buchanan: 2-3-85 110) NBC Nightly News: Christian schools: 2-15-85 111) Falwell Live: religion and politics: 2-3-85 112) Falwell Live: abortion: 1-29-85 113) Falwell Live: issues of NRB: 2-10-85 114) Falwell Live: pornography: 5-12-85 115) Donahue: B.Parker, S.Saba, P.Schlafly, O.Hatch: 2-24-85 116) CNN Take Two: Vietnam: B.Lynn, J.Falwell: 4-24-85 117) MacNeil/Lehrer: court appointments: T.Podesta, H.Phillips: 4-17-85 118) Coral Ridge Hour: education 119) National Religious Broadcasters: E.V.Hill: 2-5-85 120) National Religious Broadcasters: P.Schlafly: 2-5-85 121) 60 Minutes: NRB convention: 3-31-85 122) Crossfire: Christian nation: T.Podesta, J.Lofton: 8-9-85 123) James Robison: 8-10-85 Falwell Live: invitation to N.Lear: 8-11-85 124) Faces of War: fundraising documentary 125) Today Show: court appointments: T.Podesta: 7-29-85 126) Newsnight: evolution: W.Moyers, P.Gish: 7-11-85 127) Falwell Live: Central America: 7-21-85 128) James Robison: 7-6-85 Falwell Live: anti-Semitism: 7-7-85 129) Falwell Live: creationism: 6-23-85 130) C-SPAN call-in: book banning: B.Parker 8-27-85 131) Falwell Live: secular humanism: 10-6-85 ~r2) CBS Morning News: J.Falwell, E.Holtzman: 10-15-85 133) MacNeil/Lehrer: W.Bennett: T.Podesta: 9-26-85 134) Falwell Live: south Africa the Untold Story: 9-22-85 135) Old Time Gospel Hour: South Africa: 9-22-85 136) Falwell Live: South Africa part 4: 9-15-85 137) Donahue: Christian nation: T.LaHaye, P.Schroeder 9-6-85 700 Club: P.Donahue: 9-6-85 138) CNN Take Two: Hatch Amendment: B.Parker, P.Schlafly: 9-5-85 139) Falwell Live: South Africa part 3: 9-8-85 140) Child Abuse in the Classroom: P.Schlafly: 1985 141) Crossfire: J.Falwell, A.Lewis (ADA): 1-86 142) Bill Moyers: The Black Family: 1-25-86 143) America You're Too Young to Die: Des Moines fundraiser 1-86 144) C-SPAN: AIA: J.Buchanan: 1-4-86 R.Irvine on AIA: 1-3-86 145) National Religious Broadcasters: Swaggart, P.Buchanan 146) Directions: Church Hill: T.Podesta: 3-4-84 147) Election Project: press conference: 3-31-86 148) Crossfire: T.Podesta, G.Jarmin: ?-8-86 149) P.Robertson: Hurricane Gloria: 9-27-85 Faith Healing 1981 700 Club: 9-25-84, 10-5-84 150) CBS Evening News: Manion nomination: PFAW 151) Pat Robertson: Time Coded MASTER 152) Values Have Consequences: Ethics and Public Policy 153) Television's Vietnam: The Impact of Media 154) Washington Week in Review: censorship in schools: 9-6-85 155) National Privatization Conference: S.Staub: 10-85 156) MacNeil/Lehrer: Manion: 5-8-86 157) CBS Evening News: Senate Judiciary Committee: J.Sessions: 6-5-86 158) ABC World News: Senate Judiciary Committee: 6-5-86 700 Club: 6-5-86 159) Meet the Press: W.Bennett: 5-18-86 160) CBS Evening News: secular humanism: 5-12-86 161) National Religious Broadcasters: J.BuchananjSwaggart debate: 1986 162) 60 Minutes: International Machinist Union: W.Winipsinger: 10-14-79 163) MacNeil/Lehrer: court appointments: T.Podesta, H.Phillips 164) ABC World News: Senate vote: Manion nomination: 6-26-86 CBS Evening News: Senate vote: Manion nomination: 6-26-86 165) Rehnquist nomination: M.Verveer testimony: 7-31-86 166) MacNeil/Lehrer: Church Hill: T.Podesta, B.LaHaye 167) Crossfire: Church Hill: M.Ferris, N.Hentoff: 7-23-86 168) NBC Nightly News: Church Hill: 7-14-86 Jimmy swaggart: 7-14-86 169) ABC World News: Church Hill: 7-14-86 CBS Evening News: Church Hill: 7-14-86 170) Nightline: Manion nomination: 6-17-86 T.LaHaye: 6-11-86 171) Crossfire: T.Podesta, G.Smith: 6-16-86 172) Life Aid Tape #2: 6-7-86 173) Life Aid Tape #1: 6-7-86 174) CBS Evening News: Rehnquist Senate confirmation: 9-17-86 WTTG DC: Rehnquist Senate confirmation: 9-17-86 WUSA DC: Rehnquist Senate confirmation: 9-17-86 175) WRC DC: Robertson campaign: 9-17-86 NBC Nightly News: Robertson campaign: 9-17-86 176) WRC DC: Rehnquist Senate confirmation; Robertson campaign: 9-17-86 177) W.Bennett London Lecture #3: Kansas State: 9-86 178) Milwaukee: C.BergstromjV.Eliason debate 179) WJLA DC: Robertson campaign: 9-7-86 ABC World News: Robertson campaign: 9-7-86 180) Donahue: Church Hill: M.Ferris: 8-8-86 181) CBS Evening News: drug testing: 8-4-86 182) MacNeil/Lehrer: Rehnquist nomination: 8-1-86 183) CBS Morning News: Robertson campaign: P.Robertson: 9-17-86 184) ABC World News 185) NBC Nightly News: Robertson campaign: 9-17-86 186) Donahue: P.Robertson: 9-29-86 187) Nightline: Church Hill: M.Ferris, T.Podesta: 10-28-86 188) CBS Evening News: drug testing 10-27-86 ABC World News: drug testing: 10-27-86 189) CBS Morning News: 10-31-86 190) WUSA DC: 10-30-86 CBS Evening News: 10-30-86 191) Nightwatch: T.Podesta, J.Lorence: 10-29-86 192) Good Day Boston: book banning: R.Seidman, B.Skolrood: 11-21-86 193) CNN Take Two: J.Buchanan: 12-10-86 194) CNN News: P.Robertson, McCloskey: 12-12-86 195) Citizens for Excellence in Education, Douglas, WY: LaughlinjR.Simonds debate: 12-17-86 196)
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