The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete. The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0006 Washington, D.C. 20549 Expires: July 31, 2015 FORM 13F Estimated average burden hours per response: 23.8 FORM 13F COVER PAGE Report for the Calendar Year or Quarter Ended: 03-31-2021 Check here if Amendment: Amendment Number: This Amendment (Check only one.): is a restatement. adds new holdings entries. Institutional Investment Manager Filing this Report: Name: Jefferies Group LLC Address: 520 MADISON AVENUE JEFFERIES LEGAL DEPT. NEW YORK NY 10022 Form 13F File Number: 028-10917 The institutional investment manager filing this report and the person by whom it is signed hereby represent that the person signing the report is authorized to submit it, that all information contained herein is true, correct and complete, and that it is understood that all required items, statements, schedules, lists, and tables, are considered integral parts of this form. Person Signing this Report on Behalf of Reporting Manager: Name: Leon Bijou Title: Associate General Counsel Phone: 212-336-1165 Signature, Place, and Date of Signing: /s/ Leon Bijou New York, NEW YORK 05-11-2021 [Signature] [City, State] [Date] Do you wish to provide information pursuant to Special Instruction 5? Yes X No Report Type (Check only one.): X 13F HOLDINGS REPORT. (Check here if all holdings of this reporting manager are reported in this report.) 13F NOTICE. (Check here if no holdings reported are in this report, and all holdings are reported by other reporting manager(s).) 13F COMBINATION REPORT. (Check here if a portion of the holdings for this reporting manager are reported in this report and a portion are reported by other reporting manager(s).) Form 13F Summary Page Report Summary: Number of Other Included Managers: 4 Form 13F Information table Entry Total: 1597 Form 13F Information table Value Total: 11,413,760 (thousands) List of Other Included Managers: Provide a numbered list of the name(s) and Form 13F number(s) of all institutional investement managers with respect to which this report is filed, other than the manager filing this report. No. Form 13F File Number Name CIK 1 028-13184 JEFFERIES LLC 0001265287 2 028-17885 Leucadia Investment Management Ltd 0001697634 4 028-13965 Leucadia Asset Management LLC 0001492224 5 028-17499 Jefferies Financial Products, LLC 0001681904 FORM 13F INFORMATION TABLE COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN 6 COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 VOTING AUTHORITY VALUE SHRS OR SH / PUT / INVESTMENT OTHER NAME OF ISSUER TITLE OF CLASS CUSIP (x$1000) PRN AMT PRN CALL DISCRETION MANAGER SOLE SHARED NONE 22ND CENTY GROUP INC COM 90137F103 138 41,900 SH - DFND 1 41,900 0 0 3M CO COM 88579Y101 205 1,063 SH - DFND 1 4 1,063 0 0 8X8 INC NEW COM 282914100 12,830 395,500 SH - DFND 1 5 395,500 0 0 9 METERS BIOPHARMA INC COM 654405109 162 138,316 SH - DFND 1 138,316 0 0 AAON INC COM PAR $0.004 000360206 2,030 29,000 SH - DFND 5 29,000 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 6,477 54,050 SH - DFND 1 4 5 54,050 0 0 ABBOTT LABS COM 002824100 6,184 51,600 SH Put DFND 1 51,600 0 0 ABG ACQUISITION CORP I CL A SHS G00496102 827 83,595 SH - DFND 1 83,595 0 0 ACADIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 004225108 170 6,572 SH - DFND 1 6,572 0 0 ACADIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 004225108 268 10,400 SH Call DFND 1 10,400 0 0 ACADIA PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 004225108 1,365 52,900 SH Put DFND 1 52,900 0 0 ACCELERON PHARMA INC COM 00434H108 325 2,397 SH - DFND 1 2,397 0 0 ACCELERON PHARMA INC COM 00434H108 1,356 10,000 SH Put DFND 1 10,000 0 0 ACCENTURE PLC IRELAND SHS CLASS A G1151C101 1,871 6,772 SH - DFND 1 4 6,772 0 0 ACE CONVERGENCE ACQU CORP *W EXP 09/30/202 G0083D104 179 89,508 SH - DFND 1 89,508 0 0 ACE CONVERGENCE ACQU CORP UNIT 99/99/9999 G0083D112 256 23,662 SH - DFND 1 23,662 0 0 ACIES ACQUISITION CORP *W EXP 11/30/202 G0103T113 58 38,000 SH - DFND 1 38,000 0 0 ACORDA THERAPEUTICS INC NOTE 6.000%12/0 00484MAC0 2,157 3,000,000 PRN - DFND 1 3,000,000 0 0 ACTIVISION BLIZZARD INC COM 00507V109 370 3,981 SH - DFND 4 3,981 0 0 ADAPTHEALTH CORP COM CL A 00653Q102 2,445 66,500 SH Call DFND 1 66,500 0 0 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS INC COM 00751Y106 7,576 41,288 SH - DFND 1 41,288 0 0 ADVANCED DRAIN SYS INC DEL COM 00790R104 655 6,332 SH - DFND 1 6,332 0 0 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC COM 007903107 19,673 250,614 SH - DFND 1 5 250,614 0 0 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC COM 007903107 21,423 272,900 SH Call DFND 1 272,900 0 0 ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES INC COM 007903107 13,157 167,600 SH Put DFND 1 167,600 0 0 ADVANTAGE SOLUTIONS INC *W EXP 07/18/202 00791N110 207 64,356 SH - DFND 1 64,356 0 0 AEA-BRIDGES IMPACT CORP *W EXP 09/19/202 G01046112 89 98,551 SH - DFND 1 98,551 0 0 AEROJET ROCKETDYNE HLDGS INC NOTE 2.250%12/1 007800AB1 86 46,000 PRN - DFND 1 46,000 0 0 AERSALE CORPORATION *W EXP 12/22/202 00810F114 96 43,428 SH - DFND 1 43,428 0 0 AES CORP COM 00130H105 4,708 175,600 SH - DFND 4 175,600 0 0 AGEAGLE AERIAL SYS INC NEW COM 00848K101 63 10,000 SH - DFND 1 10,000 0 0 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 00846U101 5,710 44,911 SH - DFND 1 44,911 0 0 AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 00846U101 6,573 51,700 SH Put DFND 1 51,700 0 0 AIRBNB INC COM CL A 009066101 325 1,728 SH - DFND 1 4 1,728 0 0 AJAX I COM G0190X100 770 75,000 SH - DFND 1 75,000 0 0 AJAX I COM G0190X100 0 42,500 SH Call DFND 1 42,500 0 0 AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 00971T101 1 11 SH - DFND 1 11 0 0 AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 00971T101 510 5,000 SH Call DFND 5 5,000 0 0 AKAMAI TECHNOLOGIES INC NOTE 0.125% 5/0 00971TAJ0 1,241 1,026,000 PRN - DFND 1 1,026,000 0 0 ALEXANDRIA REAL ESTATE EQ IN COM 015271109 1,730 10,531 SH - DFND 1 10,531 0 0 ALEXION PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 015351109 2,036 13,316 SH - DFND 1 5 13,316 0 0 ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD SPONSORED ADS 01609W102 3,456 15,245 SH - DFND 5 15,245 0 0 ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD SPONSORED ADS 01609W102 45,346 200,000 SH Call DFND 5 200,000 0 0 ALIBABA GROUP HLDG LTD SPONSORED ADS 01609W102 133,476 588,700 SH Put DFND 5 588,700 0 0 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INC COM 016255101 579 1,069 SH - DFND 1 1,069 0 0 ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INC COM 016255101 2,708 5,000 SH Put DFND 1 5,000 0 0 ALLAKOS INC COM 01671P100 214 1,868 SH - DFND 1 1,868 0 0 ALLAKOS INC COM 01671P100 69 600 SH Put DFND 1 600 0 0 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 01741R102 13,179 625,770 SH - DFND 1 4 5 625,770 0 0 ALLEGHENY TECHNOLOGIES INC COM 01741R102 13,169 625,300 SH Call DFND 1 625,300 0 0 ALLSCRIPTS HEALTHCARE SOLUTN NOTE 0.875% 1/0 01988PAF5 35,795 27,092,000 PRN - DFND 1 27,092,000 0 0 ALLSTATE CORP COM 020002101 3,933 34,232 SH - DFND 1 4 34,232 0 0 ALNYLAM PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 02043Q107 706 5,000 SH Call DFND 1 5,000 0 0 ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL A 02079K305 4,484 2,174 SH - DFND 1 4 2,174 0 0 ALPHABET INC CAP STK CL C 02079K107 8,126 3,928 SH - DFND 1 3,928 0 0 ALPS ETF TR ALERIAN MLP 00162Q452 418 13,697 SH - DFND 4 13,697 0 0 ALTERYX INC COM CL A 02156B103 1,315 15,855 SH - DFND 1 5 15,855 0 0 ALTERYX INC COM CL A 02156B103 2,074 25,000 SH Call DFND 1 25,000 0 0 ALTICE USA INC CL A 02156K103 10,347 318,066 SH - DFND 1 4 318,066 0 0 ALTIMETER GROWTH CORP CL A G0370L108 156 13,374 SH - DFND 1 13,374 0 0 ALTIMETER GROWTH CORP 2 COM CL A G0371B109 620 59,748 SH - DFND 1 59,748 0 0 ALUSSA ENERGY ACQUISITION CO SHS CL A G0232J101 4,016 401,636 SH - DFND 4 401,636 0 0 AMARIN CORP PLC SPONS ADR NEW 023111206 358 57,644 SH - DFND 1 57,644 0 0 AMARIN CORP PLC SPONS ADR NEW 023111206 1,997 321,600 SH Call DFND 1 321,600 0 0 AMARIN CORP PLC SPONS ADR NEW 023111206 700 112,700 SH Put DFND 1 112,700 0 0 AMAZON COM INC COM 023135106 2,271 734 SH - DFND 1 4 734 0 0 AMEREN CORP COM 023608102 1,580 19,414 SH - DFND 1 19,414 0 0 AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC COM 02376R102 1,933 80,867 SH - DFND 1 80,867 0 0 AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC COM 02376R102 17,722 741,500 SH Call DFND 1 741,500 0 0 AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC COM 02376R102 15,485 647,900 SH Put DFND 1 647,900 0 0 AMERICAN AIRLS GROUP INC NOTE 6.500% 7/0 02376RAF9 27,044 15,731,000 PRN - DFND 1 15,731,000 0 0 AMERICAN EXPRESS CO COM 025816109 4,006 28,326 SH - DFND 1 4 28,326 0 0 AMERICAN WTR WKS CO INC NEW COM 030420103 3,959 26,405 SH - DFND 1 4 26,405 0 0 AMERIS BANCORP COM 03076K108 2,391 45,536 SH - DFND 1 5 45,536 0 0 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP COM 03073E105 78 660 SH - DFND 1 660 0 0 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP COM 03073E105 272 2,300 SH Call DFND 1 2,300 0 0 AMETEK INC COM 031100100 1,612 12,617 SH - DFND 1 12,617 0 0 AMGEN INC COM 031162100 9,707 39,014 SH - DFND 1 5 39,014 0 0 AMGEN INC COM 031162100 398 1,600 SH Call DFND 1 1,600 0 0 AMICUS THERAPEUTICS INC COM 03152W109 347 35,127 SH - DFND 1 5 35,127 0 0 AMICUS THERAPEUTICS INC COM 03152W109 252 25,500 SH Call DFND 1 25,500 0 0 AMPHENOL CORP NEW CL A 032095101 3,378 51,200 SH - DFND 1 51,200 0 0 AMPIO PHARMACEUTICALS INC COM 03209T109 64 37,800 SH - DFND 1 37,800 0 0 ANALOG DEVICES INC COM 032654105 4,673 30,135 SH - DFND 1 4 5 30,135 0 0 ANAPLAN INC COM 03272L108 7,086 131,592 SH - DFND 1 131,592 0 0 ANAPLAN INC COM 03272L108 1,885 35,000 SH Call DFND 1 35,000 0 0 ANAPTYSBIO INC COM 032724106 123 5,710 SH - DFND 1 5,710 0 0 ANAPTYSBIO INC COM 032724106 647 30,000 SH Put DFND 1 30,000 0 0 ANTERO RESOURCES CORP COM 03674X106 4,205 412,211 SH - DFND 4 412,211 0 0 ANTHEM INC COM 036752103 16,683 46,476 SH - DFND 1 46,476 0 0 AON PLC SHS CL A G0403H108 931 4,046 SH - DFND 1 4 5 4,046 0 0 APA CORPORATION COM 03743Q108 205 11,456 SH - DFND 1 4 11,456 0 0
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