CALLBOARD racine theatre guild September 2016 Lend Me A Tenor Opens September 16 Be prepared to laugh when Lend Ken Ludwig’s A Note From RTG Director Me a Tenor by Ken Ludwig opens the Racine Theatre Guild’s 79th season Doug Instenes of regular shows. The RTG produced SEPT 16 - MARY POPPINS One of the wonderful things Lend Me a Tenor with great success in LEND ME A 1993, when audience members said about the Racine Theatre Guild’s OCT 2 their sides hurt from laughing so slate of plays each season is the va- AUDITIONS hard. The show opened in London riety. We try to offer something for Numerous roles available for adult and children ages 10 and above and then ran on Broadway from 1989 everyone. September 24th 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. to 1990, winning three Tony Awards TENOR 2519 Northwestern Ave. As we are jumping off on our and four Drama Desk Awards. RACINE, WI 53404 September 25th 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. 79th season, it is not too late to A farce has been called a comedy become a season ticket holder. Or with at least five doors, and Ludwig’s For more information: Call to schedule an audition time RACINETHEATRE.ORG choose the popular Flex Passes, comedy fits that bill. Set in a hotel -hour time slot- which allow you to buy tickets at Box Office Hours: suite in 1934, in Ohio, the Cleveland Weekdays 12:00 - 6:00 pm affordable prices, and yet select Grand Opera Company is produc- 90 minutes prior to curtain 262.633.4218 through intermission at performance. just those shows you want to see. ing Verdi’s “Otello” with the world- Use them all for one show, or for famous tenor Tito Merelli flying in to Sponsored by just the ones you want. Such a sing the title role for just one night. CAST deal! Saunders, the nervous and high- Maggie.............262.633.4218 Bryanna VanCaster We kick off our season with strung manager of the opera compa- Max ............................... Robert Kroes Ken Ludwig hilarious comedy. ny, is frantically awaiting the arrival Saunders ........................... Paul Weir The playwright reflecting on the of the great Italian tenor. Saunders’ Maria ...................... Shannon Thill Sponsored by 2016-2017 Season 25th anniversary of Lend Me a Ten- assistant is the shy and somewhat Tito ........................... Davidson KaneCOMEDY or, said, “Farce is one of the pur- tongue-tied Max who is in love with Bellman ................ John ChristensenTONIGHT Saunders’ daughter Maggie. Max is Season 12. 2016 -2017 PerformedJAMES by E. MotionsAND let your est forms of comedy. And it seems Julia ......................SUBSCRIBE NOW Jennifer A. Larsen also an aspiring opera singer, who DianaAnd ..... reserve Christie Burgess-Martino THE hair down, this is a time in our history when your seats for... GIANT we need comedy more than ever. has watched all the “Otello” rehears- CREW Season Tickets: peach rapunzel $56 adult als and knows the parts. DirectorJOHN .................. Doug Instenes Performed by Fat Performed by E. Motions This show is comic, but yet it is a $50 senior Cat Productions When Tito finally arrives, he is ill TD ..........................McGIVERN Chris Reinhardt show about potential. You know $40 student Enjoy all and accidentally takes an overdose of Set DesignNOVEMBER ........... 12 Lizzth Otto-Cramer you have something great inside OCT 7-9 NOV 11 - 13 shows for4 tranquilizers and passes out on the 8:00 p.m. 262.633.4218 of yourself that no one else can Prod. Stage Mgr ........ Ian Anderson goodNight $18! bed. Fearing that Tito is dead, Saun- Stage Mgr ....................... Rose Bliss THE BIG BAD see. The stakes are high for each of ders presses Max to put on the make- the characters. They are all on the ASM ................. Lauren Haumersen MUSICAL up and the Otello costume and go Light Tech. .................... Kim Starr LULU edge of a huge crisis. The comedy Sponsored by Performed by E. Motions Performed by Sunset on stage instead of the tenor star. If Sound Design ................ Janet Petrik Playhouse Bug in a derives from that.” Rug Productions you are familiar with Shakespeare’s Sound Tech. .......... Karen Magee Interestingly, when the RTG plays, or this opera, you will remem- Props ....................... Erin Barnlund FEB 3-5 MAR 17-19 performed Lend Me a Tenor in 1993, ber that Otello is a Moor (a Muslim Costume Design .......... Katie Kowbel th 262.633.4218 racinetheatre.org I had just been hired as Associate person from north Africa). So both 10/8/16 Patti Vasquez 3/18/17 Ole and Lena’s 50 Wedding Wardrobe2/4/17 ComedySportz.................... JodiAnniversary Gement and Vow Renewal $18 for Season Tickets | $20 for 4 Flex Passes | $6 Individual Tickets Artistic Director. I still remember Makeup/Hair .......... Shannon Thill watching that wonderful produc- Continued on page 4 tion and how happy I was to be joining the Theatre Guild’s staff. Sept./Oct. Production Calendar - TENOR The RTG relies on its season FRIDAY, Sept. 16 7:30 pm subscribers as well as its volun- S M T W TH F S SATURDAY, Sept. 17 7:30 pm teers to keep presenting quality SUNDAY, Sept. 18 2:00 pm theatre each season. We welcome 16 17 FRIDAY, Sept. 23 7:30 pm you in either category. Or both! SATURDAY, Sept. 24 2:00 & 7:30 pm SUNDAY, Sept. 25 2:00 & 7:00 pm Don’t miss Lend Me a Tenor. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 THURSDAY, Sept. 29 2:00 pm The laughter builds and builds as 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 FRIDAY, Sept. 30 7:30 pm the show goes on, and don’t we all SATURDAY, October 1 2:00 & 7:30 pm need more comedy in our lives? 2 SUNDAY, October 2 2:00 pm Spotlight on Leslie Sobota 30 Years of Loving Theatre When Leslie Sobota was given the Leslie and Drew have been usher award last June for 30 years of volun- crew chairs for almost 30 years, and teering with the Racine Theatre Guild, Drew has supported Leslie in all of we were able to include a brief para- her theatre volunteering. He adds, “I graph about her. But she merits much had no idea that such a huge amount That is Leslie’s reference to a num- more than that. She was featured in of people were needed back stage ber of tough events that have befallen the Callboard in 1993, when she ap- for every show before Leslie got in- her. She has dealt with epilepsy all peared in The Cemetery Club. Much has volved with the RTG and opened my her life. Then it was breast cancer, happened to Leslie since then. eyes. Imagine all the many unseen which after treatment went into re- “I said it before, but my life has hands who are finding props, sewing mission, followed by a diagnosis of been enriched by being involved with costumes, building sets and much bipolar disorder in 2005. In the mid- the RTG,” Leslie says. “Above all, I’m more. I appreciate every show that I dle of that, Drew and Leslie’s son was grateful for my marriage to my hus- see much more now that I know all in a serious car accident that left him band Drew and the birth of my two the work involved.” having to re-learn all the basic tasks children and my four grandchildren. of life, such as eating. Leslie flew to I loved my years as a teacher. But af- Colorado to be with him through the ter that I treasure the Theatre and all early part of his recovery. the experiences I have had on stage Last year Leslie was diagnosed with and off in volunteering with remark- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or able people and staff.” Lou Gehrig’s disease. “It’s the pits,” From appearing as a newlywed in she said in a recent article in the Journal Bedroom Farce in 1981, to appearing as Times. “Your body fails you. You can’t the Jewish grandmother in Crossing do things you used to be able to do.” But true to form, Leslie does not Delancy in 2000, Leslie has had a wide Southern Hospitality Crossing Delancy range of roles on stage. “I tended to wallow in self-pity. She embarked gravitate toward comedies,” Leslie re- on a “bucket list” of things she has calls. “There is nothing so wonderful always wanted to do. They seem as making a room full of people laugh. to involve a certain amount of risk. At first I didn’t know how to wait for She went up in a small plane with a the laughter, and I’d say my next line pilot who let her take over the con- while the audience was still laughing. trols for a short time. Then she went But Norm was a great teacher as well skydiving, in a tandem jump with as director, and he taught me how to an instructor. She went to a shooting wait for the break in the laughs before range and shot a gun. She is about to The Cemetery Club delivering the next line.” take a trip to Italy, where she wants Leslie said it in 1993, and it is still Leslie credits her husband Drew to see the Sistine Chapel and Michel- true today: She loves being on stage and her children Scott and Amy, for angelo’s statue of David. (“But we and feels no fear portraying a charac- supporting her in her love of the- plan to be back in time to see Lend Me ter.
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