38. Om trigunatigaya namah One who has transcended the three gunas. 39. Om virupaksa guhavasaya namah Dweller in the Virupaksha cave. 40. Om virajadacalakrtaye namah One whose form is radiant stillness. Regd. RNI No. 72142/99 Printed and Published by Mr. Justice K. Ramamoorthy (Rtd.) for and on behalf of Ramana Kendra, (Regd.) 8, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Ph: 24626997 at Calcutta Giris Halftone Co., D-20, South Extn.-I, New Delhi-110049. Ph: 24616829 Original ink sketch of Arunachala by Sri Ramana Maharshi from Kunju Swami's notebook DirectVOLUME XXII ISSUE 3 PathAUGUST - OCTOBER, 2020 CONTENTS Thoughts on Bhakti Yoga Swagat Patnaik 3 Obituary: Shri V Mahalingam Anuraag Sunder 7 The World and I Bharati Mirchandani 8 Mulam Neera Kashyap 12 Maurice Frydman: A Retrospective Michael Highburger 13 Part one 13 Part two 14 Part three 18 Part four 20 Sacred Arunachala M Balaji Prasad 23 Embracing Challenges Kanta Ramchandani 24 Maun – A Spiritual Sadhana Virender Kumar 28 Glimpses Rupa Anand 31 The Essential Teachings of Sri Ramana Michael James 33 Extract from Maurice Frydman’s poetry Maurice Frydman 36 Advent Day Celebration: Marie Elangovan 37 Letters to the Editor 40 Editor : Swagat Patnaik - e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Board : Prof. Vijay Vancheswar, Dr. Tuktuk Ghosh, Neera Kashyap and Bharati Mirchandani Visuals & Layout: Marie Elangovan & Bharati Mirchandani Website: www.ramanakendradelhi.in; E Mail: [email protected] Direct Path 1 Call for Articles As the journal depends on articles from volunteer writers, I would appeal to you to send in articles for our consideration. We wish to keep the range of subjects both wide and diverse covering aspects such as: Bhagavan's life, teachings and experiences related to the practice of his methods; life, teachings and experiences related to the practice of methods taught by other spiritual Masters; teachings and stories from religions other than Hinduism; interpretations of sacred texts and verses; spiritual travel and insights; poetry; feedback and suggestions. As a guideline, articles can be short (around 750 words), medium (around 1500 words) or in a longer format (around 2300 words). Please send in your contributions through email to [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you! SUBSCRIPTION/DONATION Ramana Kendra, 8 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003 Bank Details "Ramana Kendra" A/c No : 10049504677 IDFC First Bank Ltd, Nehru Place Branch, New Delhi IFS Code: IDFB0020137 Schedule of Rates Direct Path: One Year: Rs 300/- Life: Rs 2500/- Satsang Sponsorship: Rs 3000/- per Satsang Kendra Membership: Rs 2000/- Special Events Sponsorship: Jayanthi/Aradhana/Advent/Karthigai Deepam/Poor feeding Rs 5000/- per Event 2 August - October 2020 Thoughts on Bhakti Yoga Swagat Patnaik hakti yoga or the path of are indeed limited given the long road devotion often escapes the left to be traveled. I hope that the grace Battention of the modern of Bhagavan guides my heart towards mind. Being more materialist (or my Arunachala. possibly more ignorant), Bhakti yoga Apart from the rudimentary ideas tends to make modern people a little I learned in childhood about Bhakti uncomfortable. The myriad incredible traditions, my understanding of Bhakti stories don’t appeal to the modern or the devotional path had been very practical man. In fact, like many limited. The inspiration to learn more modern youth, I went through a phase about it came to me fairly recently − of being a somewhat inactive rebel. In 2 years ago. Despite being an avid my youthful freedom, little did I realize meditator till then, I had often shied that I was missing out on developing away from the devotional elements of a very fundamental expression of the religion and tradition. I reasoned that human soul. Now as the years have the devotional aspects of many tradi- taken their toll, I truly believe I thus tions are just inessential. I believed missed out on developing something that the real core lay in the sitting incredibly sweet. I have now started meditation practice. putting in efforts to understand a But a couple of years ago, I chanced Bhakta’s point of view. Such efforts upon some charming stories and anec- Direct Path 3 dotes of Sage Ramana Maharshi and Bhagavan’s teachings. In my quest, my perspective gradually turned. At I started attending the wonderful first, I found the anecdotes to be inter- weekly satsangs at the Sri Ramana esting because they reminded me of a Kendram, Hyderabad. Much of the bygone era like the famous ‘Malgudi talks there were in Telegu, a language Days’. But very soon the devotees’ I didn’t understand. Nevertheless, tender stories melted my heart. The attending the satsangs did give me a devotees’ simplicity and gentle grace once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a despite many hardships; the stories of glimpse into the ways of outstanding harmony between animals and humans devotees. Eventually, the conscious in the presence of the sage; our ever and unconscious learnings from these benevolent Bhagavan clarifying devo- briefest of interactions became more tee’s doubts; the egalitarian conduct valuable than my bookish study and and environment in the ashram, giving my practice of meditation. It is only a glimpse into Bhagavan’s day-to-day after seeing such exalted devotees activities won over my skeptical self. who are living only by the master’s It convinced me that divine play can grace that one gains the inspiration certainly create a small heaven on to start traveling one’s own journey. earth. Furthermore, such divine play Overall, the many brief interactions I is possible even in this day and age. had there left an indelible impression Above all it showed me how a devotee on me. Even today, the memory of once in the ambit of Bhagavan’s grace these exalted satsangs puts me in a is like prey in the jaws of a tiger — sweet nostalgic state. there is no escape possible. One of the first things I noted in Reading the many stories and my interactions there was: Bhagavan anecdotes left me in a state of sweet and his teachings were always at the afterglow. Even if I had tasted only center of almost every conversation. In a few drops of nectar in my study, I fact, in the many conversations I had, knew that I was motivated to go to its I observed that small talk was largely source. This meant visiting the nearby considered unimportant and the con- Ramana kendram or Ramanasramam versation would quickly steer towards in Tiruvannamalai for interacting Bhagavan and his teachings. Interest- with devotees through satsangs, ingly, I observed this with everyone I and above all, learning from teach- interacted with at the Kendram. This ers who understand the essence of showed me how a Bhakta’s heart is 4 August - October 2020 always directed towards his master. credit was given to them. They would The disregard for the mundane, and, simply direct them towards Bhagavan in a more exalted state, a disregard as if he himself did the entire the work. for one’s own body and mind is a In fact, they showed a similar indif- sign of true bhakta. This attitude ference towards their own achieve- was even more palpable in the more ments as well. Many devotees had senior devotees. Even being in their gained immense knowledge on a presence pushed one’s mind automati- variety of topics related to Bhagavan, cally towards Bhagavan. One could yet they were ever so humble in their feel a distinct unearthly glow in their interactions. The talks given by senior eyes, a gentle smile on their lips, and devotees were often very informative Bhagavan’s name pulsating in them. and showed their depth of understand- My interactions also gave me a ing and intellect. No minor informa- glimpse into the service-minded na- tion about Bhagavan or his teachings ture of the devotees. No task was ever was of less value to them. Each word, too menial to these devotees. Let it be each context and each sentence of distributing prasadam, performing ad- Bhagavan were valuable pearls. Many ministrative work, miscellaneous tasks were gentle giants in their knowledge or helping other devotees with their of Bhagavan’s life, Bhagavan’s devo- needs. Each task was an expression tees’ lives, Bhagavan’s teachings, and of love and completeness. I observed shastras. And they also had mastery that there was a distinct lack of strain over many languages like Sanskrit, in their working style. This further Tamil, Telegu, English, Malayalam, points to the automatic divine play that etc. Most importantly, their intellec- gently guides devotees. Interestingly, tual knowledge was in balance with many of the devotees themselves their own experience-based wisdom. would report that the task was not done Thus, they showed great discernment by them. This was often visible when and understanding. They could an- swer the most difficult questions with relative ease, with great compassion towards the questioner. The many virtues that these devo- tees exemplified are, of course, dif- ficult for all of us to inculcate. But I believe even the briefest of inter- Direct Path 5 actions with such devotees is quite tion. And finally, in place of the ‘I’ in beneficial. Their lofty ideals inspire perfect self-surrender, the ‘I’ is lost in us all to begin our arduous journey. a residuum of God in which the ‘I’ is Further, they perfectly mirror our in- lost. This is the highest form of devo- nermost imperfections, thus making us tion (parabhakti) which is the same aware of our ignorance and the infinite as the height of vairagya. Bhagavan distance left for us to travel.
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