S11848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 15, 2000 SENATOR CHARLES S. ROBB The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from and led the plan and implemented that goal, Virginia. I believe that the military should also be Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I Mr. ROBB. Mr. President, I thank the chair. cast with making the President's goal a re- wish to pay tribute to my colleague What is it that makes an excellent soldier? ality. from Virginia, Senator CHUCK ROBB, I submit to you that it five basic virtues: De- As a former military commander, I can tell who will leave the Senate in January votion to duty; loyalty to country, com- you that if a goal of truly equal access to after 12 years of exemplary service to manders, and comrades; skill in military military service is to be reached, I believe his state as a member of this body. arts; personal integrity; and courage. If you that the military itself will have to come to have these qualities, you can be an excellent As others have noted, CHUCK ROBB terms with it. soldier, whether your name of Manursky or That will best be done if given the proper has had a long and distinguished career Jefferson, Goldberg or Nguyen, Warner, Dole, role of implementing the President's direc- in public service. He served his country Kerrey, or McCain. tive. The hearings announced actually last for 34 years in the Marine Corps and re- A number of Americans who have these year by the distinguished chairman of the serves, and he is a highly decorated qualities, however, are being excluded from Armed Services Committee will add informa- combat veteran. He was a widely pop- serving their country in the military for rea- tion and understanding to that process and ular governor of Virginia, who in- sons beyond fitness or performance. will let us fulfill the Congress' proper role of creased the state's education budget by People have told me for some time that ensuring that readiness is maintained while they cannot understand how someone who $1 billion, and appointed many women achieving the President's goal. But I ask we thinks of himself as a gung-ho marine can not let fear govern our actions. While we and minorities to top government jobs. march to the music of a drummer that I do may not perfectly understand what moti- And he has now served two terms as a not hear. vates individual sexuality, we cannot allow United States Senator, where he has Mr. President, the drummer I hear plays that lack of understanding to block deserv- been praised for his leadership on na- the Marine Corps Hymn. It still gives me a ing patriotic Americans from service. tional security, education, and the chill, and I still stand when it is played. I Mr. President, I hope that my colleagues budget. certainly do not want to detract in any way will oppose the amendment offered by my But I would like to note several as- from the military's effectiveness or perform- distinguished and very respected colleague, ance. the Republican leader, in this particular in- pects of CHUCK ROBB's Senate tenure Because of that, I cannot stand by and let stance. that may not be quite as familiar, but a policy that I consider less than perfect I yield the floor. for which I will always remember him keep our services from attracting the best ∑ Mr. FEINGOLD. Mr. President, I rise and be grateful to him. The fact is that and most competent people. The issue should he was a hero on many issues: civil be not what kind of person you are but what today to pay tribute to CHUCK ROBB, a rights, human rights, and a woman's kind of soldier, sailor, airman, or marine you friend and colleague whom I deeply ad- right to choose. are. mire. Throughout our service together Time and time and time again, even As a former marine who considers his 34- in the U.S. Senate, I have observed plus years in uniform and in the reserve to in the most difficult and politically Senator ROBB's unfailing commitment be the proudest affiliation of my life, I well HUCK OBB charged debates, Senator ROBB was to principle. C R served his understand those who argue the importance country courageously in Vietnam, and steadfast in his support for the pre- of maintaining morale and good discipline in cious right of women to control their the ranks. he served the Commonwealth of Vir- own bodies without interference from But I would suggest to you, Mr. President, ginia just as courageously in the U.S. government. morale is in the heart of each service person. Senate. Time and again, he voted his He led the fight in the Senate to The threat to morale comes not from the ori- conscience, despite pressures to the bring justice to African-American entation of a few but from the closed minds contrary. Senator ROBB let principle, of many. President Truman recognized that not politics, be his guide during his farmers throughout the nation who had when he ordered the services to be integrated been discriminated against by the De- service in the body. His conduct should by race despite the racial animosity of many give every American faith that legisla- partment of Agriculture. His legisla- then in service. tion helped lead to the largest civil Do some of today's soldiers fear what they tors can conduct themselves in a way rights settlement in our history. do not understand? Certainly, they do. Obvi- that does honor to our democracy. And then, in February 1993, he deliv- ously. But should America's policy be guided Senator ROBB opposed the flag dese- ered a powerful and moving speech on by fear, or should be work to overcome prej- cration constitutional amendment, op- the floor of the Senate, the message of udice by showing that merit and behavior, posed the Defense of Marriage Act, and not orientations, are what counts in the supported spending cuts while opposing which was that all of God's children, military? regardless of sexual orientation, should the politically popular tax cuts. He did I have spent a great deal of time discussing what he thought was in the best inter- be treated equally in the military. this with a number of friends, including the I will always remember Senator Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Colin est of Virginians and the nation, and I ROBB's eloquent words: Powell. Some think that I am simply on the thank him for that. The Senate is a better place for Senator ROBB's service, The issue should be not what kind of per- wrong side of this issue, and I understand son you are but what kind of soldier, sailor, this and other objections to the proposal. and I join my colleagues in wishing airman, or marine you are. I would sug- General Powell recently drew a difference him and his family all the best as he gest to you, Mr. President, morale is in the between discrimination based on sexuality, moves on to new endeavors.∑ heart of each service person. The threat to which he called a behavior, and that based Mr. CONRAD. Mr. President, I would morale comes not from the orientation of a on race, which he called a benign char- like to recognize the leadership and ac- few but from the closed minds of many. acteristic. But I submit to you that race is obvious, until and unless it is expressed in complishments of a respected colleague I was deeply touched by these words conduct. And if that sexuality is expressed, who will be departing at the end of this of tolerance and understanding, par- it is no longer benign. Then it will run into term. Senator CHUCK ROBB has served ticularly because they came from one the existing regulations of the Uniform Code in the Senate as a representative of who had served so gallantly in the Ma- of Military Justice. Virginia for more than a decade. Dur- rine Corps. The code offers sufficient protections ing his tenure, he has been a strong ad- So I salute you and I thank you, against much of the conduct that supporters vocate for a wide range of important of this amendment fear. And it can certainly CHUCK, and send you my very best be expanded to prevent breaches of decorum legislative reform activities. wishes as you move on to new chal- or good order. During his time in the Senate, Sen- lenges. The specter of drill sergeants dancing to- ator ROBB has fought to strengthen na- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- gether is unsettling, to say the least, Mr. tional security, maintain fiscal respon- sent that the full text of the statement President. But some of the amendment's sup- sibility, and protect the environment. be printed in the RECORD. porters fail to note it is just the kind of be- He has also been widely recognized for There being no objection, the mate- havior already prohibited by the Uniform his longstanding commitment to im- rial ordered to be printed in the Code, as is almost all of the conduct pre- proving education. sented as a concern by those who are in favor RECORD, as follows: As a former Governor of Virginia, of this particular amendment. FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE ACT OF 1993 The President is the Commander in Chief Senator ROBB was instrumental in in- (SenateÐFebruary 4, 1993) of the Armed Services, and he sets the goals.
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