THE BROOKINGS REGISTER, BROOKINGS, S. !>., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1918. PAGE NINE NOTICE OF ELECTION WEEKLY WAR NEWS Chehens, northwest of Apremont. southeast of Aurora. It will not be occupied by family Notice is hereby given, that on Tuesday, Overcame stubborn resistance of en- the J. H. White un- the Sth day of November next, at the sev- (Continued from Page 7) emy and settled on commanding til a period of two months from the County. eral voting precincts in Brookings heights Nothing present date. Classified Want Ads South Dakota, an election will be held tor west of river Aire. at place United States Senator, Members of Con- neutral for discussion. of importance on other portions of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Phillips and gress, Supreme and Circuit Court Judges, American troops between Rheims DON’T WAIT, TIME 18 MONEY—START State, District and County Officers. Which American front. family, Mrs. L. G. Rodman and SOMETHING! in extremely election will be open at Eight o’clock and the Meuse engaged in French troops crossed Sulppe river daughter, Esther Montague, were Get your ad In these columns and let It get to work for you. Regis- the morning, and will continue open until heavy lighting. Joined with Gour- shoppinf Brookings ter Want Ads are doing things for people every day; they'll do some- five o'clock in the afternoon of the same east of Orainville and reach outskirts in last Saturday thing you day. The election to be held at the several aud’s army drive Germans before Boult-sur-Suippe evening. for If you’ll start them to work. They’ll make trades, rent voting precincts County follows: of Bazancourt and in the as them. French troops reach Bethen- houses and rooms, secure positions, help find lost articles, sell city real Afton Prex’inct —At Town Hall. after severe fighting. At Clement-a- -w. s. s. estate and farms, furniture, Argo Precinct —At School House in Dis- ville, several miles beyond former merchandise, or anything worth the money. 24. Arnes heavy losses inflicted on Ger- Start them to trict No. line. American French troops REDEMPTION OF PALESTINE work. They’ll work wonders for you If you give them a Alton Precinct, At the Town Hall in and mans who retire in disorder. Sun- chance. Bushnell. crushing southern wall of German de- Aurora Township Precinct —At the School day’s fighting completed deliverance Minneapolis Journal by House in District No. 3. fenses along front from west of of Rheims. Battle north of St. Quen- —Promoted zlurora Village Precinct—At Village Hall. Rheims to the Meuse. the Christian nations of the west, sev- Brookings Township Precinct —At the tin continued all day and Remaucourt, Advnrtinemrnta In Town Hall. Americans advance toward Sedan en crusades covering two centuries this column ONE eent Hall in Tilloy farm, and several fortified a word for each insertion. If leas than 25 TIME TABLE Bangor Precinct —At the Town and great communication line upon were sent to deliver the Holy Sepul- worda, 25 cents will be charred for first in- Como. woods captured. sertion and one cent a word each suc- Bruca City Precinct, at the Town Hall which German security on present cher from the hands of the Moslem. for CHICAGO A NORTH-WESTERN R. R. riant). Further progress made by British ceeding insertion. SEND CASH WITH OR- in Bruce, (Electric Light front depends. This important rail- None of these succeeded. But in DER. If cash does not. accompany order, PASSENGERS GOING WEST Brookings City, First Ward Precinct— on from between Lens and Cambrai. 10 e *tra wUI ** for booking No. 517—Arrives 6:08 ». m. At tile First Ward Fire Station. way only eighteen Allenby ‘barred — miles from Ameri- these latter days, Gen. and and billing. Brookings City, Second Ward Precinct Posts established at crossings of We believe every advertiser in these col- No. 503—Arrives 6:58 p. m. At the Grand Army Hall. can front. canal north his British troops in less than one — Scheldt of Abentheul-au- umns ia reliable and responsible. If you Leaves 7:08 p. m. Brookings City, Third Ward Precinct On both sides of the Suippe, Amer- year have not only redeemed the Holy find out otherwise, please report the facts FREIGHT GOING WEST At the City Hall. Bac and east of Oppy. British pushed to this Brookings City. Fourth Ward Precinct — troops rapidly driv- Sepulcher, birthplace of Christ office. No. 13—Ml ar d—Leaves. 6:40 a. m. icans and French in toward Lille on west and south- but the PASSENGER GOING EAST At the Fanners Room in the Court House. ing Germans from heights dominat- and now his boyhood home. CITY PROPERTY No. 514—Leaves 10:48 a. m. Elkton Precinct—At the City Hall lu Elk- west capture German post east of ton City. ing Champagne region, east of British cavalry is now galloping No. 516—Leaves 10:50 p. m. Hall. Berclau and progress north toward FOR SALE OR RENT —8-room FREIGHT GOING EAST Eureka Precinct —At the Town retiring river Esdraelon, where brick Laketon Precinct —At the center School Rheims. Germans to Wetz Macquart. over the Plain of house No. 14—Mixed—Leaves 1:15 p. m. on Eleventh avenue. Mrs. Jane GOING NORTH House in District No. 38. Aisne, but Americans already reach Deborah and Barak and "the stars In Lake Sinai Precinct —At the Town Hall American troops in the lhampagne Prowse. Phone 151. No. 21—Mixed—Leaves 7:15 a. m. iliage. stream of St. Etinne, northeast of their courses fought against Sisera”; No. 11—Passenger—Leaves 6:10 a.m. in Sinai X with French advance lines capturing Lake Hendricks Precinct —At the School Rheims several his band of three FROM NORTH 72. and French force St. Etienne. American progress serv- where Gideon and FOR RENT —Complete suite of 10—Passenger—Arrives House in District No. No. ...,10:35 p.m. Medary Precinct—At Cornelius Trygstad’s crossings of Aisne canal, endangering hundred with pitchers and trumpets rooms over The Bank of Brookings, No. 22—Mixed—Arrives 4:45 p. m. ed as leverage on right of Champagne house. rear in Champagne. routed ‘‘the Midianltes and the Amal- same being entirely modern. Inquire Oakwood Precinct —At the Oakwood offensive result in advances west, School House. From St. Quentin, north to Lys akites and all the children of the east at the bank. NOTICE OF FORECLOSI RE SAI.E School withdrawal of German lines along 25- Oslo Precinct —At the Center and lay along valley grass- House, in District No. 97. before bases of Cambrai, Douai, by that thn like WHEREAS, default has mile stretch. Bulk of work done been made in Oak Precinct—At the Grlpentrog pressure. FOR SALE OR the mortgage Lake* Lille British exert strong hoppers for multitude, and their RENT —Seven-room conditions of a certain dated School House, in District No. 62. division most famous United States November 1916, positions house two blocks from business sec- 23rd, filed for record in the Parnell Precinct —At the School House in Germans endeavor to hold has in France. camels were without number as the office of the Register of Deeds of Brookings District No. 10. Hall, & until work of devastation fr» "ear is sands by the seaside for multitude.” tion. Alexander Purdy. County. South Dakota. November 29th, Preston Precinct —At the School House In Field Marshal von Hindenburg re- in 68 1916. and recorded Book of Mort- District No. 1. complete. North of St. Quentin Brit- On the east of Esdraelon, British gages, at Page 469, mortgage was signed as chief of German general FOR rooms, which Richland Precinct —At the School House RENT—Modern also executed by Bruce Mercantile Co.. Incor- ish drive eastward, apex of salient at staff, men in khaki have taken Mount Gil- porated. mortgagor, in District No. 54. after heated interview with em- store room with good basement to Christina Walters, Sterling —At the Town Hal). Saturday captured 1,- where "Saul on mortgagee, Precinct Beaurevoir, and peror, according dispatch boa, died and his three which default consisted in the Precinct —At the School House to from Am- Main street. Enquire at Bank of non-payment of the principal and Sherman 000 prisoners. bearer, and all his inter- in District No. 4. sterdam. sons and his armor Brookings. est secured by said mortgage at the time Camp School the same became due; and, Trenton Precinct —At the In Belgium forces under King Al- men that same day together.” Brit- WHEREAS, the said Christina Walters, House. Township Precinct —At the Town bert maintain pressure. Since Sep- ish soldiers may have camped on the SALE—Eight-room is still the owner and holder of said mort- Volga TUESDAY FOR modern Hall. gage ami the note thereby: „ .. tember 2S, Belgians, French and Brit- site of, Naboth’s vineyard that King securixl and, City the City Hall. house at Sixth and Ninth Lot WHEREAS, at Volga Precinct —At streets. there is the date of this —At the O’Connor School ish advance nine miles on front of Ahab stole, and may have watered notice, past due and unpaid, on said mort- Winsor precinct President Wilson informed German 100x165. F. C. Fryer. House. gage and the note secured thereby, the sum „ twenty live miles and take 10,500 their horses in the pool where Ahab’s White City Precinct —At the White Opera government United States can discuss of Three Thousand One Hundred Seventv- prisoners guns. FOR rooms, eight ($3,173.53); and, House. and 350 armistice, blood was washed from his war RENT —Office second and 53-100 Dollars will lie held for the after German troops with- WHEREAS, the real property described A general election pursuing floor Farmers Senator, Repre- Italian columns Austro- chariot.
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