r 111111111111 1111I IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 602926 Glen Eira City Council corner Hawthorn & Glen Eira Roads, South Caulfield 3 162 Volume 24 - November 1998 Phone: 9524 3333 Fax: 9523 0339 Email: [email protected] It's a gas at lastl hew! The gas is back on, and those of us who Pendured cold showers and dinners are relieved that the gas is flowing again from the Longford plant in Gippsland. The disastrous fire which saw the shutdown of Hot bread Victoria's gas supplies for almost two weeks also ready togo created a difficult situation for local businesses-­ from Gina Bui atKoonzang some were forced co close down, others brought in Hot Bread temporary electric or LPG appliances to help chem Shop stay open. Yet che extraordinary events of October also brought out a strong community spirit and resourcefulness among the people of Glen Eira, with neighbours helping one another and people finding inventive ways to cook hoe meals. Glen Eira Food Services' Meals on Wheels production Cr Norman Kennedy, who helped deliver the enra Glen Eira City Council mobilised immediately, in went into top gear, changing its cook-chill system to meals, congrarulated staff on their speedy and particular co ensure elderly residents living in Council instead send out 450 hot meals a day, for the benefit effective efforcs co deal with the gas crisis. facilities were not adversely affected. Boch the of cliencs who could not heat up their meals at home. "le is dear that staff not only have the best interests Spurway Nursing Home and the Glen Eira Food The Carnegie kitchen also sent out 700 hot meals of our ratepayers at hean but are efficient ac Services were exempted from the gas restrictions, and over one weekend, thanks to staff and volunteers who implementing practical measures chat have helped Council successfully lobbied for its three hostels to be came forward when extra hands were needed. many of our ratepayers cope with the current added to the exemption list. The gas was flowing Food Services manager Ross Moraes said: "It was very situation. again ac Camden, Heachlands and Rosstown hectic, and staff and volunteers put in a huge effort. hostels- home to 150 residents- about a week after "As chairman of Council's business development We gor our 700 hoe meals, compared co the normal the shutdown. committee, I am particularly pleased at the efforts weekend level of 160 meals which are usually that have gone into helping local business cope with Council's Residential and Community Care Services delivered with Friday meals for reheating on the the crisis." also provided ex.era home help and personal care weekend." services to elderly people. -Petrina Dakin Helping busi,ness stay open ouncil's environmental health team visited food closed down during the gas shortage, but many shop C outlets across the municipality, to provide advice owners were coping by finding other methods of to business owners on managing without bot water, cooking, reducing their menus, or limiting their and to check on safety and hygiene standards. product range. "For example, a Carnegie bakery, which News was unable to make bread itself in its gas-powered ovens The team was extremely busy answering calls, sending Local Government Inquiry Page l this week, continued co prepare sandwiches and sell out information and inspecting all food premises, to School tender win Page 5 cakes made by another supplier." help chem stay open during the gas shortage. ADASS moves house Page 5 Gas Crisis Management Team leader Jim Mackinnon Major issues for businesses affected by the gas shortage said: "We hope Glen Eira businesses that suffered will Features: were safely preparing food, washing dishes and hands be able co gee some assistance from the Federal in cold water, sanitising procedures and temporary Doing Business Page 4 Government $100 million relief grant," he said. cooking arrangements. Training your dog Page 6 Environmental health team leader Leanne Girotto said: Local resident Mrs Cathy Maddeme called the Mayor Japan exchange students return Page 7 "Our first priority was businesses preparing food for recently to say thank you to the people .from Meals on Bentleigh- the elderly and the young. We inspected Council's Wheels for the meals received during the gas shortage. She Urban Village Structure Plan Page 8&9 three hostels, Food Services kitchen and child care really appreciated the hot meals- and said they were very centres, and then worked through a prioritised list of hot all the time, which was a real treat. Also she expressed Regulars: 500 food premises, as required by the State Chief her thanks for the wonderful home care worker who visits From the Chamber Health Officer." her once a week. She said that all the people .from Council (Council decisions) Page 2 "Shop owners were happy to see us, for the chance co were always kind to her and she thought that the Council Arts Page 10& II was doing a great job. She is 86and would have come to check if they were doing the right thing, and for advice Community Diary Page 12 on managing without hot water," Ms Girotto said. Council to thank people personally but is in a walking .frame. Youth Page Page 13 Ms Girotto said some businesses which were fully gas­ Recreation News Page 15 dependent, such as fish and chip shops and restaurancs, --== 1 Glen Eira News New blood to save lives r Norman Kennedy (left) C joined a group of five Council staff last month who donated blood at the Red Cross Blood Bank's mobile unit at Ormond Uniting Church. The his month's Blood Bank provided a free shuttle TMessage from bus for the group from the town hall. the Mayor comes After doing their bit to help. the from Ogaki, Glen blood donors enjoyed a cuppa and Eira's sister city, snacks provided by local Red Cross volunteers. where the Mayor and Over two days at Ormond, ◄64 Mayores.s arc joining Blood Bank needs I 000 donations a day across people gave blood.The mobile unit visits in the celebrations Victoria to keep up with demand for blood. Ormond every three months. Contact: 13 I ◄ 95. for the city's 80th anniversary. Glen Eira's Sister City, Ogaki City in Japan recently celebrated the d,e 80th anniversary of its formation. To celebrate this occasion the Mayor of Recent Counc1 ec1s1ons~--· Ogaki, M r Ogura, invited the Mayors of the seven Acting Mayor appointed exhibited, and concerns from local residents had cities they call Friendly Cities co join in the Cr Veronika Martens was appointed Acting Mayor been received. celebrations. for the City during the recent absence of Mayor Cr Display home allowed to operate Barry Neve, who was on a visit co Japan as guest of Myself and the Mayoress were joined by Mayors from Council approved a the operation of a three storey the Mayor of Ogaki City, Glen Eira's Sister City. Cr Berea (USA), Changwon (South Korea), Handan display home ac 36 Kooyong Road, Caulfield North. Martens chaired the Council meeting on 13 October. (China), Kagoshima Oapan), Jamur (Belgium), and A number of objections from adjoining residents had Stuttgart (Germany). Being part of this event, and the Raised pavements for Eskdale Road been received and Council agreed co rescricc the manner in which our friends treated these Raised pavements will be installed in Eskdale Road, display home's hours of operation co Wednesday, delegations, reflects the deep commitment Ogaki City Caulfield North, between Kambrook Road and Saturday and Sunday between 1.30pm and 5pm. has to the promotion of the Friendly City concept. Bambra Road, following concerns by residents about No trial traffic experiment for Murray Street traffic speeds and volumes in the street. A traffic T he Mayoress and I were welcomed co Ogaki in such Council decided, after considerable debate, not co scudy by Council revealed that up co 2,400 vehicles a wonderful way. The hospicality shown to us has proceed with a six month trial closure of Murray use this road daily with up co 85 per cent exceeding been overwhelming. The Japanese people are so Street, Caulfield, between Hawthorn and Kooyong the 60 kilometre speed limit. A review on the friendly and are very proud of their links to Australia roads. A survey of residents in the screec revealed effectiveness of the pavements will be held six months and especially to Glen Eira. divided opinion on whether the trial should be held, after their inscallarion. As an example of our Friendly City relationship I and Council felt ic could not support the trial as a presented co Mayor Ogura a framed night Rezoning of old dairy site in East Boundary Road clear majority approval had not been obtained. photograph of the Glen Eira Town Hall co Council has asked an independent panel co consider a Complaints had been received over large traffic commemorate Ogaki's 80th anniversary. request from a developer co rezone a large vacant site volumes and high speeds in the street. in East Boundary Road, Ease Bencleigh, from Light A number of residents both for and against the The promotion of understanding through organised Industrial co Residential C co enable the creation of closure were present ac the Council meeting, with visits of civic leaders and more importantly student 32 residential units. The land, opposite Bailey some puccing their views directly co the Councillors. exchanges can only improve relationships. Reserve, was once the H ughesdale Dairy site. Officers will continue co explore other means of Recently, seven students from Glen Eira schools The proposal for the rezoning had been publicly controlling traffic levels and volumes in the street.
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