St. Clare of Assisi Roman Catholic Church 19606 Calla Way, Santa Clarita, CA 91351 • Rev. Olin Mayfield, Pastor • Rev. Malcolm Ambrose, Associate • Deacon Antonio Arana Welcome to Our Parish! Mailing Address FEBRUARY 17TH, 2019 Parishʹ͵Ͷͳ Office ǡͻͳ͵ͷͳǦʹͶͷ Office ȋͳȌʹͷʹǦ͵͵ͷ͵Hours ȋͳȌʹͷʹǦͳͷ͵ͻ ǣͳǣ͵ͲǦͷǣͲͲ VisitǦ ǣͻǦͳʹǣ͵ͲƬͳǣ͵ͲǦͷǣͲͲ Our Website! Email Us! ǤǦ Ǥ Reconciliation ̷Ǧ Ǥ ǣͻǣ͵ͲƬͶǣ͵Ͳ MASS SCHEDULE Ǥ Saturday Vigil: Sunday ͷǣ͵ͲƬǣͲͲȋȌ ǣ ǣ͵Ͳ ͻǣͲͲ ͳͳǣͲͲ Weekday ͳʹǣͶͷ Masses: ǣͲͲ **Holy Day Schedules will ǦͻǣͲͲ be Announced** ǣ͵Ͳ MISSION STATEMENT Ǥǡǡ ǣ ȉ Ǥ ȉ Ǥ ȉ Ǥ Page 2 Saint Clare Parish February 17th, 2019 Ministries and Services Parish Office.................................... 661-252-3353 Baptisms Secretary Pre-Baptism Class Bulletin Editor Filipino Ministry BookkeeperǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͷʹǦ͵͵ͷ͵ Light of Christ Feast Facilities ManagerǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Finance CouncilǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Support Ministries & Services ǥǤǥǥǥǤǤǤͺͳͺ ǦͶͷǦͳͳͻʹ Primary ReligiousǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Education .......... 661-252-6950 Altar Society [email protected]ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Ǧ Armed Forces Prayer Ministry Battered Woman’sǥǥǥǤǤǥǥǥǥǥǤǤͳ Hotline Ǧͳ͵Ǧ͵͵Ͳͳ DRE Couples For Christ ǤǤǤͳǦʹͻͺǦͲͳͶ Secretary Sep., Divorced, Widowed SupportǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦʹͷͻǦͶ͵ͷ Group ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Ǧ Spanish R.E ǤǤǤǤǤǤ Ƭ ͺͳͺǦͷ͵ǦʹͶͲ Sunday Pre-SchoolǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Legion Of Mary ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ The Sower ͳǦʹͷͻǦͶͳͲͶ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Secondary Religious Education…… 661-298-8627 ǥǤǤǤǥǥǥǤǤǤǤǤͳ ǦʹͳͲǦͻʹͷͳ ̷Ǥ Catholic Social Teaching [email protected] ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ̷ Ǥ Detention Ministry Confirmation/Youth Ministry Family Promise RCIA Lifeline (PregnancyǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦʹͷʹǦͶͲͷ͵ Hotline) Bible/Book Study ǥǥǥǥǤǤǤǥǥǤ Mission Circle ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦʹͷͳǦ͵ʹͳͳ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͷͲǦͶ͵ͲǦͷʹ Mass Ministries Knights of Columbus ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦͻͶʹǦʹʹʹͻ ǥǥ Ƭͳ ǦʹͷʹǦͶͺ͵ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦͺǦͳͳͺ Altar Servers Grand Knight Eucharistic Ministers Lectors ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦͷͳ͵ǦͲʹͶͷ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͺͳͺǦʹͲͷǦͺͻͲͷ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͷʹǦͲͺͶͷ ̷ ǤǤ Music ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦͶʹͶǦͻͶͺͺ Scouting ǣ Children’s Choir ̷Ǥ Boy Scouts UshersǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͺͳͺǦ͵ͷͻǦͲʹͻͻ Cub Scouts Hospitality ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦͶʹͶǦͻͶͺͺ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦ͵͵ǦͳͺͳͲ Library ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͻͺǦͲͳͶ ǥǥǤǥǥǥǥǥǤǥǤǤ ͳ ǦͶʹͶǦͻͶͺͺ Comunidad Hispana ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͷͳǦͲͷ͵ ͺͳͺǦʹͺͶǦ͵ͺͷʹ Engaged & Marriage Ministries Coordinadora ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͷͲǦͶͲͺ͵ Engaged Encounter Quinceañera Wedding Hostess Matrimonios ǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǥǤǤͳ ǦʹͷʹǦ͵͵ͷ͵ Marriage Encounter ǤǤǤǤǤǤ Ƭ ͺͺͺǦʹǦ͵Ͳ Adoración NocturnaǥǥǥǥǤǤǥǥ ͺͳͺ Ǧ͵ͳͶǦͻͺ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͻͺǦ͵Ͷͳ Asociación GuadalupanaǥǤǤ±Ƭ ͳ ǦͻͻʹǦͷ Retrouvaile (Help ForǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤƬ Troubled Marriages) Grupo de Oración ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦͳ͵ǦͶͳͶ ͺͳͺǦ͵ͺ͵Ǧ͵ͻͻ Ministerio de Alabanza ͳǦͷͷǦͷͳͺ Natural Fam. Planning Platicas –bautismalesǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤͳǦͷͷǦͶͺ ǥǥǥǥǤǤǤͺͳͺ Ǧ͵ǦͶͳͻͺͺͲͲǦͶͲǦʹʹ͵Ͳ ǤǤǤǤǤͳǦʹͷͲǦͶͻͷ Funerals (Arranged ThroughǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤƬ Parish Office) Ministros de EucaristíaǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͺͳͺǦͻͻͶǦʹͳͳͲ ͺͳͺǦͺͲʹǦͲ͵Ͷ Bereavement Ministry Encuentro Matrimonial ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦʹͳͻǦͶͺͻͷ ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤƬ Monaguillos ǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ Ƭ ͳǦʹͷͳǦͷʹ͵ ͺͳͺǦ͵ʹǦͲͻͳ PARISH REGISTRATION: HOLY COMMUNIONǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤǤ ͳǦͶͷǦͻͶͳͻ—HOSPITAL/HOME, AND SICK VISITS: ǡǡ ǡ ǡǡǤ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ ǤMARRIAGE: ǡ Ǥ Ȁ Ǥ ǡ ǦǤ ʹͶǤ Ǥ Ǥ Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Clare Parish Page 3 ST. CLARE NEWS AND EVENTS Ministries & Services st LITTLE ROCK SCRIPTURE STUDY St. Clare’s Gospel of Luke —Wednesday, Feb 20 at 9:30am & Thursday, Feb 21 at 7:00pm in Renehan Hall. ANNUAL LENTEN The cost of materials is $15 which includes your study guide, commentary & scriptures. FISH FRY Contact: Gary or Shelly Smith at 661-252-4683 Lenten Scripture ̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ Study Mission̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ Lent is fast approaching and we want you to get our St. Clare’s Lenten Fish Fry upcoming St. Clare Parish Lenten Mission on your begins on March 8th and calendars! each Friday through April 12th. COME JOIN US For 6 weeks, beginning Wed. morning Feb 27 & Enjoy Beer Battered Alaskan Cod served with AND GET Thur. evening Feb 28 we will be discussing and Coleslaw and a choice of French Fries, Rice Pilaf or HOOKED ON reflecting on the Sunday readings for Mass in Beans. Fish Tacos are also available ST. CLARE’S Renehan Hall. This will help us get a better apprecia- tion for what is being proclaimed at Mass! So bring and served with Rice and Beans. LENTEN FISH your Bibles! We will have different speakers every DINE IN or TAKE OUT FRY! week stating with our Pastor Fr. Olin Mayfield . (or enjoy Outdoor Patio seating!) We encourage all of you, especially those who are **All proceeds benefit local charities and families in need. involved in liturgical ministries (lector’s, Eucharistic **FYI: ministers, Ushers etc) who want more out of Mass Some of these charities include The Santa Clarita Food Pantry, and grow closer to our Lord during Lent to come! Bridge to Home, San Fernando Valley Family Counseling Mass will never be the same for you again! Center, SCV Pregnancy Center and The Archdiocese of the Happy Lent! Military, along with individuals and families in need. FAITH FORMATION PREPARE FOR LENT : Sign up for daily Lenten reflections from Matthew Kelly at dynamiccatholic.com/best-lent-ever or from wordonfire.org —Bishop Barron’s daily reflections. Both great speakers who will inspire you through daily reflections to have the Best Lent Ever! LEGION OF MARY Mother Mary wants to visit your home! If you are interested in hav- ing Mother Mary at your home for a week or two to pray the Rosary. Lourdes Owen at 661-210-9251 ST. CLARE CHURCH (Youth Hall) SOWER SANTA CLARITA MONDAY, FEB. 25TH, 2019 For appointment please call 661-252-3353 Dora Baez / Nancy Fishwick THE PARISH OFFICE will be CLOSED Tomorrow, Monday, Feb. 18th , 2019 for Presidents Day. Knights Of Columbus - Council 9740 NEWS UPCOMING EVENTS! Help Support Us & Your Parish! K of C DONUT SALE: NEXT Sunday, Feb 24th. Following the 7:30, 9:00, 11:00am & 12:45pm Masses. All proceeds go to Bridge to Home Foundation in Santa Clarita ̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ Want ǣ to become a Knight? ǡǡ ƬǤ ǣǡͶͲ̷ ǤͳǦʹͷʹǦͶͺͻʹ Page 4 Saint Clare Parish February 17th, 2019 We Believe In Catholic Social Justice & The Right To Life St. Clare Parish Helping Our Community Ǥ ǤǤ ǫ Dz dz Ǥ ǦǢ ǡ ǡ ǡ Ǧ Ǥ ǡ ǡ ǡǡ Ǥȋ͵Ͳ ǡ Bridge to Home ǤȌ Ǧ ǡǡ Ǥ ǤDz dz Ǥ ǡ Family Promise Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ Ǥ The Archdiocese of the Military Ǥ Ǧ Ǥ ǤǤ Ǥǡ Ȃ Ǥ ǡǤ ȋ Ȍ Ȃ Ǥ COMMUNITY NEWS & EVENTS LA Catholic Alumni Club Singles RELIC PILGRIMAGE Sat. FEB. 23rd —TWO GUYS FROM ITALY —12PM. 16915 San Fernando Mission Blvd. Granada Hills. Buffet Price: $10.95 RSVP by Fri. Feb 22 to Bob Venverloh 818- 917-0716 Sun. FEB. 24th —GENERAL BOARD MEETING —1:00PM. 15523 Cohasset St., Van Nuys. This meeting is open to all. Ques- tions? Carol by Sat. Feb 23 to 818-939-6163 Italian Catholic Club of SCV ST. KATERI TEKAKWITHA ST. JOSEPH’S TABLE PARISH The Italian Catholic Club of the Santa Clarita Valley will host a St. Joseph’s table at Our Lady of Perpetual Help 22508 Copper Hill, Church Hall on Sunday, March 3rd, 2019 Santa Clarita, CA 91350 From 12:00pm until 6:00pm which will take place after the Wednesday, Feb. 20 11:30am Mass. A free plate of spaghetti and a roll will be given to all guests. Feel free to donate baked items. Veneration Call Anna Riggs (661) 645-7877 for info and ways you can help 9:00am —8:00pm make this event a success. [email protected] www.iccscv.org Teen Prayer Service TRI-PARISH SUPPORT GROUP 6:00pm You're invited to a tri-parish separated, divorced, widowed social/support group Mass at the NEW Pastoral Center at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church , 7:00pm 23045 Lyons Ave, Thur., Feb 21st 2019 from 7:00-8:30 pm. We participate in social activities and have common goals of supporting and helping our fellow Christian in time of transition & need. Call Jocelyn 661.259.4104 for more information. Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Saint Clare Parish Page 5 News from the Office of Religious Education : 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time Gospel: Luke 6:17, 20-26 Adults: Children: ǡ ǫ ǯǡ ǡǫFAMILY GOSPEL ACTIVITY SLOW DOWN Ǥ YOUR CHILDREN ARE ̶̶̵ Ǥ IN COMMEMORATION OF THE NOT SPEED BUMPS PRESIDENT’ DAY HOLIDAY ǫ The Office of Religious Education is CLOSED today . ǫ PLEASE REDUCE There are NO Elementary, Junior High or Confirmation Bible series classes SPEED WHEN ǡ tomorrow, Monday Feb. 18 ENTERING THE Office re-opens on Tuesday, Feb. 19 . Ǥ Elementary classes resume on PARKING LOT Wednesday, Feb. 20. Ǥ MORE COMMUNITY NEWS &
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