JUNE 6, 1964 SEVENTIETH YEAR 50 CENTS FCC Payo la Probe Hoopla Is Poopla By MILDRED HALL IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I WASHINGTON - Recent LADIES WILL hoopla in the trade press about an alleged crackdown on pay- NOT BE SEATED illboar ola by the Federal Communica- International Newsweehly The Music -Record tions Commission in the offing PHILADELPHIA -The gen- brought baffled and annoyed re- tlemen of Local 77, AFM, at adio -TV Programming Phono -Tap Merchandising Coln Machin Operating sponse from FCC staffers. "This the annual election meeting on thing has been blown up beysnd Monday (25), were not very all proportion. We have not chivalrous. For the third time even made a recommendation they refused a lady a seat -a to the full commission that such seat on the local union's execu- an investigation be launched," tive board. The union member- Original Casters' Boom said spokesman for the Corn - ship -for the most part male - plaints and Compliance Division once again in a count of ballots which would normally instigate rejected the bid of Anita such a probe. Romero, leader of a Latin - Spurs Disk Firms The story evolved out of a American hand, for a seat on release of the record of a closed - the Local 77 executive hoard. By MIKE GROSS come into next season's sweep- dar to "Golden Boy" on its take- door House Appropriations hear- "She made a good showing stakes with "Fiddler on the over of "Ben Franklin in Paris." ing on FCC funds held last Feb- for an independent," said a NEW YORK - The record Roof" and Capitol will have an- Capitol has a $200,000 invest- ruary. Actually, neither the FCC union official. Miss Romero was companies are getting an early other entry with "Ben Franklin ment in "Golden Boy," Chairman E. William Henry nor defeated for the same post in start in wrapping up the origi- in Paris." "Fiddler on the Roof," an any of his staff, nor the corn - 1960 and 1962. The member- nal cast album rights to Broad- It's not yet been learned adaptation of Sholem Aleichem's mittee members made any refer- ship has never elected a woman way musicals for the 1964 -1965 whether Victor has a financial stories by Joseph Stein (book) ence at all to payola during the to office. season beginning in September. investment in "Fiddler," but it's and Jerry Bock and Sheldon hearing. The FCC submitted no Winners of the seven execu- This is a reflection of the strong expected that Capitol will prob- Harnick (score), is scheduled to request for extra funds or man - tive board seats were Walter sales tally chalked up by origi- ably have a deal somewhat simi- (Continued on page 8) (Continued on pave 8) Alexander, Edward Casey, Ton) nal Broadway cast albums in DeAngelo, Phil DeLuca, Nat the past season. More original Fine, Louis Ingber and Robert casters have been hitting the Peiffer. best selling charts this season Incumbent officers of Local than ever before and the record 77 were unopposed in the bi- companies are out to get the L. A. Discotheques Ruffle annual election. upcoming musicals in their hop- pers as fast as they can. tnuluuuunmmmunluuBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIII IBIIIIIBIIIIIIIII Already set and announced are "Golden Boy" to Capitol and Feathers of AFM Local "Kelly" to Columbia. Now it's learned that RCA Victor has LOS ANGELES -With two music for accompaniment or in que which opened with a trio NARM Meets discotheques operating on the conjunction with live perform- hired to strum along with the Sunset Strip and others consid- ance, except by explicit Federa- disks. The Chicago musicians ering a jump into the frenetic tion permission. were objecting to the club be- swirl of rock 'n' roll recorded In a recent action in Chicago. cause they claimed it down- July 28-30 The Redcoats music, Local 47 of the American AFM president Herman Kenin graded their art. Federation of Musicians has be- bounced ruffled Local 10 mem- Los Angeles' first two disk CHICAGO - The National gun feeling the impact of disk bers back in line after they clubs, the Whiskey Go Go and Association of Record Merchan- night clubs. picketed the Ambassador West Le Disc, employ both live musi- disers' midyear meeting, to be Are Coming John Tranchitella, 47's presi- hotel in objection to a discothe- (Continued on page 6) held at the Sheraton -Chicago dent, reports that representatives Hotel here July 28 -30, will fea- from Imperial Artists in New ture person -to -person meetings LONDON- Accompanied by York have contacted him about between rack jobbers and rec- Lionel Bart (who will now pro- allowing members to play in ord manufacturers. duce their flick to be made here prospective discotheques in Los Each NARM member and next month), the Rolling Stones Angeles hotels similar to the Personal Appearance each associate member (record are due in the U. S. this week ones operating in Chicago and companies) will spend 20 min- for a tour starting on the West New York where live musicians utes together. Only members Coast and culminating with a accompany recorded music. Fees Hiked and associate members may at- Carnegie Hall concert on June Bid Turned Down by BMI tend the sessions. 20. And more British talent is on "We turned their request Albert A. Carretta, NARM its way. NEW YORK -BMI licensees gross box -office receipts from down," Tranchitella explained, on pave 10) who book musical attractions for admissions. The fee excludes all (Contintrr(1 Freddie and the Dreamers are because it violated a Federation personal appearances have been federal, State and local taxes due to arrive next week for TV by -law forbidding members from notified of an increase and radio dates. Gor- in rates as well as all bona fide ticket Peter and playing in any establishment by the licensing agency. Effec- refunds. (Continued on page 10) which uses any form of recorded tive July I, the BMI repertoire DEPARTMENTS The BMI move is regarded by will be available to such licens- tradesters as reflecting the in- ees at a rate of 1 per 8 FEATURES cent of creased value of the BMI cata- log and BMI's intent to seek I 18 ír I I I I I I I111111111111111111111118111 B 111111111111111111Y Hot 100 Chart...Page Norm Weiser Named Head what it considers fair payment. The old rates were created in Top LP's Chart ...Page 24 1947, when the LINKE NAMED BMI music pool Music Pop Charts Of Kapp Records Division was much smaller than cur- > Other BY MANAGERS rently. Breakout Singles 10 NEW YORK -Norm Weiser BMI President Bob Burton, Breakout Albums 26 this week was named managing HOLLYWOOD -Dick Linke, speaking of the new rates, said: Hot Country Singles 32 director of Four -Corners Rec- personal manager for Andy "The music of BMI writers and Hot Country Albums 33 ords, a division of Kapp Rec- Griffith and others, has been publishers is entitled to fees His of the World 28 ords, Inc. elected president of the Confer- from all users in proportion to its value and a Record Reviews Michael Kapp, executive vice - ence of Personal Managers, use. The increas- _,.48 president of the parent label, West. He replaces Glen Rose ing importance and share of the LP Reviews said that Four -Corners will op- for the one -year term. Also market which our music con- Singles Reviews 22 erate autonomously, with Weiser elected were: Allan Bregman, tinues to earn, both in public S Hews acceptance Music Record as top man working directly first vice - president; Leonard and use by musical Telent 12 with the Kapp Grant, second vice - attractions, demands this in- management. president; Country Music 32 Seymour Heller, secretary; crease. Marketing director of Four_ and New Album Releases 35 will Arnold Mills, treasurer. "The rate structure we are Corners be Moe Preskell, Classical Music 34 who moves over from his post As previously, the conference abandoning was based on a as national promotion director this year will present awards to 1947 situation which has no re- Departments lation to for Kapp Records. Walter Winchell, syndicated the present. As custo- Radio.TV Programming 14 dians of the performing Four -Corners columnist, as "Man of the Year," rights PhonoTape Merchandising 35 has been in of those writers and publishers existence and Andy Griffith as "Enter- Machine 41 for some time, but whose is Coin Operating with NORM tainer of the Year." The plaques music being used so no staff. It served as a WEISER widely Bulk Vending 39 will be awarded at the organi- by musical attractions. vehicle for the release by Kapp we zation's annual dinner June 18 are asking for a realistic and of overseas material and artists. Corners will be a pop label, Buyers 8 Sellers at the Beverly Hills Hotel. economically just rate, one that Pop Label with both singles and albums is more in line with that paid Classified Mart 38 Under the new eut setup, Four- (Continued page 10) IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III by other music users." What are the top SALES IMPACT STATIONS in Cincinnati? See Radio Response Chart in Radio -TV Section www.americanradiohistory.com A\ OTHER HAPPY HIT BY SAM COOKE "GOOD TIMES" c /w "TEINNESSEE WALTZ" #8368 OPENING AT NEW YORK'S COPACABANA WED. JUNE 24, 1964 RCA VICTOR The most trusted name in sound() www.americanradiohistory.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EDITORIAL Denials Filed in L.
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