•.••.•'*_'"• •V •BSBUf&E VSrSSL ' Construction Sand & Gravel Cp. 3sv-r«x a tut xntmr -arama. * SOSm l^lSl! r ^ /...{.ME.... /• v TOL.XXXI. OCEAN CITY, N. J^ THURSDAY, .JANUARY 4, 1912. NTIXG HOUSE OceanCity Sentinel ATTORHEVIU4T.I.AW. HAND, ; • -••• " :• ,- \, ' ••• '•" '. ;• •»„' *•"?*>• tsrf -n/r*ic ••»**. * v ^ N. GRISCOM; M. D. COMMISSIONERS HERE HER SUFFERINGS MAYOR HEADLEY'S CABINET Published Wt.kly at 'ATTORNEY and • EIOHTH 8T. AND WK8LEV, AVK. : N orry. t*. COU NSELLOR-AT-LAW, Uoth Fhon«—llell, IG| Inler-Htate, IK!-A CLAIM TOO MUCH CREDIT EHDEDBYDEATH . (m - TALKS, OP CifvilNEE) Offlce Houra- Until 10a. m. From 0 to II p, in. • v No omoe nonra Hnnday.' •JAPE MAVVOVKT HOime, M. J. At Klrhard Town«end'«, Palermo, 4.3U l<> A:» R. CURTIS ROBINSON (Oppoalta Publlo Building.). p. in. dally. Bell Phone, Parmer'n blue, *'l 'J They Had Nothing to Do Mrs. Frambes J. Smith Had ; • . Editor and Proptiotor . W; HOLT APOAH. ANDBIW O. KOHWKII. With City's Improved Fi- - Been 111 For Many Dinner Given by CMe«V V 1 WILL GIVE NEW : ; JOS.1. SCULL IJAW OFFICES ' nancial Condition . • •• Months. -, ':•• ' ;•••.: $1.00 Per Year, Strictly In Advance. SiS Wesley Avenue '; It haH beeu admitted by uoaie fair- After a llugerlng Illtemw, during Mayor. Headley entertained • • Apgar & Boswell, miuded buHhiewi men here, lucludliiK ENGLAND SUPPER which . slie patiently suffered much GIVEN THIRD TERH members of bis cabinet, togethtr with ^ 1" MAtTTKHS IN CB^KOKKV, Ocean City • ; New Jersey tbone. In favor of c4mmlmilau form of pain. Mm. Rebecca J. Smith, wife of , .l^r"),-.'.~ If *• »*] tv>mmls«lonen Thorn and MaiU^mnd^ • W CITY DIRECTORY. BOUItHK BU1LOINU. .^.Beliai. .".-••' Kovetumeut, that the City Cominm- Frambes J. Hmilh, .'died at' the home AHBUKV AVENUKandKIGHi'lIKTREET City Bolloltor Howell with a dinner at ^r^ ""^Inter-Htate 120-A. " Bldnern lire clalmltiR altogether too Don't Hiss This Event in of her husband, at Fourth street and Re-Elected Coonty Collector : . CITY OFFICIALS OCKAN CITY. M; J. tbe Blwnyne Thursday; eyentaaV^ r 1^,4 •• : much credit for the -uew board, aud First M. E. Chnrch To- Anbury avenue, yenterday morning. ity the Cape Hay Free- All the cabinet members wen ISMK1) ' ni of Commissioner*— Muior n»<l l'nu.|. ]_(A\V OFFICES • DR. w. p. HAINES iilrnt. Hurry ili-wllttv; Oniin»iH.[,>Mi.r FIIIHIIO,* ibat Miine of the allcgiltloiiH are de- Her last Illness dated from' Septem- : entwltb the exception of former Com- • and.AcCTiinlx. IL lluwunl Thorn: l.'imiiiit^. morrow Evening. ' "• holders. ' ;".• ' •Intifrol I'ulillo Imprtivt'inoniM, rnlill,. Turks COR. NINTH AND WESLEY AVE. cidedly unfair. ; 1 * . ber. Hhe wan taken to Risley Noveru-. modore William £. Hexamer,, of In* ami rrfiisrrty, Julii, aiuru, - Godfrey & Godfrey, OCEAN CITV. N. J. The members of the Ladles' Aid So- l.'lly Clark—JOIID K. .vtlunia. Tbe City C'omtnlrtKlmieiH are assert- ber 1, In the hope'of giving her 'relief. ' Couuty Collector Joseph I. Bcu|l wan yacht clpb. and H. D.lieCato, or tbe , , ~ ?r -Itnllu OaritlMiii, ' . ltoom« HI5. Mill und H17 1 ing that the ulty WBM never in Letter ciety of the First M. K. Church held There she was forced to go to bed twore-elecled lo bla olHce for a third term motor boat dub. All of tbe members, - ir-K. W; IturltlKli. •.-•• llurtlelt Building.:::: til'KICK HUUOH: -liioafp :'™.' Ctilsr or PaU<wV>u><nuel Menu. ' : lluaDclal coud tlon, wliluh l» true. their annual meeting Tuesday after- weeks before returning to 'this city, at Ibeuieellng of iheCapellay Couuty orthecablDet,.asweIlastbeCltyOom-( r < Uulidlni: luspeotor—U. A. W. Mmltli. • „ ATLANTIC CITY. N..J. ' ; Phones: Hell 4M-W; Inter-Htate liU-A noon at the home of Mrs. Geitrude IIUIivvuyxuptjrvl»or— Itabert l-l^hrr.. But what had thevboard to do, with December u, where she ,was coulliied Itoard of Freeholders at Cape May mlsaloners, made speeches at the floo-,, ,, 'cilj »olloltur—A. A. Howell. lti> nliort life of lean than two and one- Headley; : • J; '. t•o her bed untjl her death. Court House Monday. He defeated olualon of the dinner. , • t.,.v Hoard ol Kducntlon—A. J. Hmlth. t'rtsl- doni: M. W. Ailuroa, vim president; U K.•JAMES M. E. HILDRETH . CHARLES B. RIDER lialf months, In ellectiurr IIIIH atute uf Tbe fnllowlng-utllcerH were elected: Funeral services for the family will Capt Lewis Stllwell, of Oosben, by a Mayor Headley presided and stated )>" ; Hiullli, HKretary; Klcbard li. utlles, A. W. It IH claimed that the' board President, Mrs. K, W. dandy; llr»t vote of 7 too. {•owell. It. Howurd 1 Horn. .. be held at the bouse at 1 o'clock, Sat- Ibe object of the occasion, which waa , ' City superintendent ol HchoolH—Hrol. Jus. Counsellor-at-Law tiai lH»ued uo new uoteH and IISH fialil vice president. Mrs. K. W. Edwards; urday afternoon, conducted by Dr.• Mr. Hcull IH one of the beat collec- to dlscdss Ocean City's needs, at seen H. Mlevens. and Hnilrllor,* Munler and Kxamlner In second vice president, Mrs. E. It. uvemetir of the t»oor—lUutien l.udUtlii. •. •• • Chancery 899 Central Avenue oil' mauy or the outHtaudliiK uoie»;tlmt Rruuyate. Services will be held at the tor» tbe county ban bad,"and deserved by tbe cabinet membera Heaald that (, the city employes have beeu paid 111> Hriinyate; treasurer, MM. (lerlrude First M. F, Church at 2 o'clock. ' re-election. HIH many friends here the city's Buances were never In batter ' CHURCM~SERVICES. OBIce— No. tti Ocean Htreel . UAPK MAY ClTV.Tf. J * OCEAW CITV. S. J. o the uilmilc. unlike In* utliar yearn. Headley; llnaticlal secretary. Mrs.H. The Interment will be at Seaside. atid In the counly are extending con- and et. H«v. l»r. K. IU Hruiiyuut, Taylor; recording secretary, Mra. E. A. pmttori and Ibat-all uurient billn have beeu where services' will be In charge of the gratulatlons to him.- old notes are being paid off. Tbe State alornlnie service, tOJIO: evenlnic service, JWt, PHARMACY ll(|Udated.' - ' Coroon. ' members of Ocean City Couucll, No. Henry W. Uutbei ford was elected school and county tax. baa been Uqrri- ' ..-.— metsllnic, WedneHduy evculiiK, Otis M. Towiisend It was decided lo hold a New Kng- . scliool, -iau. Mark W. Adu Klgbtb Street aud Anbury Avenue. After tbe exposure of the crime pf a 10. 1). or A. director of the board. His opponent dated. All salaries nave been paid, •upvrlntendenl. - > A Pracliual BeaHliore Archllec Con,i..uo.l: Kynii, II)i«.|lK»|.I,il.^ • truT, . former city treasurer bere.came tbe in- land Hupper iu Ibe social rooms of the Mra. Smith, whir was a sister of was Joseph H. McKlssicb. and everything will be cleaned op at, SENTINKL PRINTING H«>ISE ] ' board off Trume«PreidentTruslevs—President, , , utibuuilvr ofHviienl *y»trui. rtialiliit t'li^lo r by the State. -:- •:• - wiml oo iltM-aM. l,y liirrt-ai<ltiic Ki-u,-ral troduclloti ufregiilatloun Improving tue church tomorrow (Friday), evening, .Chief of Police Scull, was.tioru at En- William S. Johnson,or Ibis city.was a spectel meeting to be held on Bat- '. K. W. KdwurdH: ft&ward M.Hut on, win. I.. 1 ron 1 1 1 beginning at <i o'clock, at Ibe low price v Ave,nuc jUIbb, Jobn Martw, Georue O. AOUIDN.U. It, iu'j i!J.-.:.te' "v " " ""'«- <* "H"'" conduct of lluauclal alfalrn. tbe ne* gl Ish (-reel? October £2,1857. She was elected vice- director, and Joseph urday. / • • • . ~ EIGHTH STREET. OPP.J». O. Farker. Kit K. Htewurt. ' system of bookkeepniR luauguraled 6125 cents a ticket. Most people here the daughter or Capt. David Scull. Douglass was re-elecled solicitor. OlMJh OCEAN CITY, N..J. Affairs are conducted In a business- , City . Maru, leader;- Monday cveoluit, 7.U, Mrs. after bard work u^ou. ibe part uf know bow good the New England Mr. Hmlth and she were married at The board will meet at Cape May like way. All communications to the fe^ Urlck. leader Krldny eveuiuic* Young* Uorik.n ~ leader. TbeMe WMaiUKK ure aeld in former City Comptroller li. 8. Mow-Huppera are, as prepared by the mem- English Creek 28 years ago last Christ- Court House next Tuesday. ' city o'ffldale are answered promptly. thecburon - THE UP-TO-DATE rer, the purouit or lax Collector K W. bers of this society, ana there-will OHM* #&»»«*• WMt "»««!>. K. A. PQRTER ... mas.. There were three children, two He referred to tbe cleaning up of tha First Preabytertan Church, Wesley uvenue llurlelgb .after deliuquetit taxpayern, doubtleiw be a large attendance. Don't of whom, Allen aud' Krambes,. are alleys and his work tn doing away and Meveulu sirtfvl. l(«v. U. T. CuMSellitfrry, Contracting and Grading aud tbe plans of tbe former city olH- »It, TREATED HIS CI,A8S paator. Huuday services, lUJfli a. lu. uud H TONSORIAI. PARLOR living. '-••.••' with two "speak easles." 824 As^ucy Avenue 10H Aabury Avenue . cialnat tbebegiunluKof the year 1011 Mrs. Kmlth^vas a 'ronslslent mem- Commissioner Thorn told oftbe good ,' a't H o'clock. Huiidjiy sehotil, 2jfO p. tn. to try to bave tbe approprlatloiiH BUIII- r. taMtUnrni 'fJI«e«- Tntkeir Kev. U T. CusHeltivrry, suuerintebdenl. ><'. * Ocean City New Jersey ber of the First M. E. Church for BKtL KMTATK cleiK In meet tbe requirementH. of tbe HAD CARD PARTY , ninner lo fomf Hen.' work that has been doue lo his depart- K.,7o-|-lix-k. Four Barbers NO WAITINO liilN niied and nfretilii unit »lil«wulkH bulll hy many years, and was always ready to meot of Itoaoce and revenue. Uoard of Trustee*—1^-wls M. CresiM*. bres* i-oulruct or duy.
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