Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus USPS 680020 Published Every Thursday OUR 111th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 29-111 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. Thursday, March 29, 2001 Since 1890 (908) 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Assemblyman Alan Augustine Announces His Retirement By PAUL J. PEYTON able to make a positive impact on the ties to creating a three-year statute of Specially Written for The Times lives of my constituents as well as all limitations on the collection of fines After representing the 22nd Leg- citizens of New Jersey.” on unpaid parking tickets. islative District for the past 10 years, Assemblyman Richard H. Bagger of He sponsored legislation that cre- Assemblyman Alan M. Augustine of ated a nationally-recognized safe Scotch Plains has announced his re- needle bill that has helped prevent the tirement effective this Saturday, spread of HIV and other deadly dis- March 31, due to a long illness. eases. Mr. Augustine joined the Assem- The Assemblyman also more re- bly in December 1992 after being cently introduced legislation to protect appointed to seat vacated by Bob children riding scooters and sponsored Franks after Mr. Franks was elected legislation which permits DNA testing to Congress from the Seventh Dis- of old evidence to establish the inno- trict. He was elected to a full term in cence of a convicted person. 1992 and re-elected in 1995, 1997 “He is the respected voice of reason and 1999. and experience, urging all of us to do Assemblyman Augustine served the right thing for the people. He will 20 years on the Scotch Plains Town- leave very big shoes to fill in the ship Council, including three terms Assembly,” Mr. Bagger said. as Scotch Plains Mayor — 1979, Union County Republican Commit- 1991 and 1996. He served on the tee Chairman Ronald Frigerio of Union County Board of Chosen Free- Westfield called Assemblyman Au- holders from 1982 to 1987 and 1991 gustine, “the most moral and the most Hearing Results to 1992. He was appointed Free- honorable man I’ve ever met in poli- holder Chairman in 1987 and Vice Alan M. Augustine tics.” Chairman in 1982 and 1986. Acting Governor and State Senate In Unanimous He has been serving as the Chair- Westfield, who has served with Assem- President Donald T. DiFrancesco, who man of the Assembly’s State Gov- blyman Augustine the past 10 years, has served with Mr. Bagger and Mr. ernment Committee and is a mem- told Republican delegates, “He (As- Augustine since 1992, added that Mr. OK of Budget ber of the Banking and Insurance By MELISSA BETKOWSKI semblyman Augustine) is for so many Augustine “was born to serve.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Committee and the Transportation of us a true role model for the values we “He has not only been a great citizen Following weeks of intense, and Committee. need to see more of in politics and but a wonderful man,” the Acting sometimes heated, discussion over Mr. Augustine’s official announce- government: compassion, integrity, Govenor emphasized. the 2001-2002 Westfield school ment was made at the Union County perseverance, responsiveness, effective- During his first year in office, Mr. budget, the Board of Education Republican Committee’s annual con- ness and a wonderful sense of humor.” Augustine sponsored legislation which unanimously approved the pro- vention on March 24 at Scotch Plains- Scotch Plains Mayor Martin L. expanded the state’s insurance fraud posed $59,859,635 spending plan Fanwood High School. Marks called the Assemblyman “the prevention laws. He was the driving at a special hearing Tuesday night. “I’ve always viewed public service quintessential gentleman who de- force behind the enactment of wheel- Also approved was an additional as a process, not a means to an end,” fines the ideal of what he defines as chair lemon and deadbeat parent laws proposal of $1,464,067 that will Mr. Augustine said in a statement ‘good government.’” and a pet purchase protection law. appear on the ballot on Tuesday, released by his legislative office. “It’s Mr. Augustine was the sponsor of More recently, the Assemblyman April 17, as a separate public ques- a process that I love and through 26 laws on subjects ranging from was responsible for the passage of the tion. which I truly believe that I’ve been state-mandated relief for municipali- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Board President Darielle Walsh said that the board members have worked a long time on the budget Duncan Hill Tenants Group Cites proposal. Mrs. Walsh also reiterated the David B. Corbin for The Westfield Leader fact that board members view the UNION COUNTY’S FIRST GOVERNOR...Acting Governor Donald T. base budget and second question High Rent, Decline In Services DiFrancesco is pictured above with his wife, Diane, at Saturday’s Union County as one budget, “necessary to con- By JAMES FOERST Cioffi. Republican Committee Convention held last Saturday at Scotch Plains-Fanwood Specially Written for The Westfield Leader High School. The Committee unanimously nominated Mr. DiFrancesco, Union tinue the quality of education in “We are willing County’s first governor, as their candidate for Governor. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 The residents of Duncan Hill Apart- to work with the ments on Central Avenue say they tenants,” said a fell like strangers in their own homes Kushner spokes- since Kushner Companies of Florham man, “provided Hillside Police Search for Gunman Park, a large real estate development their requests are and property management company, reasonable.” acquired the Westfield complex in The Duncan In Murder of Westfield Shopkeeper May of 1999. Hill Tenants Or- Kushner acquired the 135-unit ganization was By DEBORAH MADISON side police at (973) 926-5800 or the Mr. Licciardello and his sons since complex from Keller Associates of formed in Sep- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Union County Prosecutor’s Office at 1998. Their Web site displays the Texas and New York. The company tember of 1999 to With two of his sons by his side, (908) 527-4500. many personalized services that this manages apartment in New Jersey, assist residents of Westfield resident Joseph M. Deputy Chief James Silva of the family-owned business offered, in- New York, Pennsylvania and Florida. the apartment Licciardello, 55, was shot to death in Hillside Police Department said that cluding homemade cookies while The residents have been subject to complex on Cen- Ingrid McKinley for The Westfield Leader his Hillside roofing supply store last murders were a rare event in Hillside customers waited for their orders. “skyrocketing rent increases and a tral Avenue in Saturday by an armed robber. and that generally, that section of Mr. Licciardello was described by seriously deplorable drop in ser- dealing with the new landlord, Kahn. Mr. Licciardello, owner of The Hillside was fairly safe and not crime family and friends as a very warm, vices,” said tenant and founder of the Westminster Management, a subsid- Inflation, according to the Bureau Roofing Outlet, had been a Westfield ridden. friendly and helpful person, whom Duncan Hill Tenants Organization, iary of Kushner Companies. of Labor Statistics, has risen ap- resident since 1986. Police said that “We hardly ever see murders in everyone liked. Barbara Cioffi. According to the Kushner spokes- proximately 5 percent since Kushner he died immediately from a gunshot Hillside, less than one every few Before going into business for him- “We want a fair and equitable lease, man, the company currently owns acquired the property. wound to his head. years,” Deputy Chief Silva said. The self, Mr. Licciardello had previously more responsiveness by management and manages more than 15,000 apart- The “heavy hand of management” The gunman entered the Chestnut last homicide in Hillside was in 1997. been Executive Vice President for to our concerns and most impor- ment units in New Jersey, New York, is clearly evident by Westminster’s Avenue store at approximately 8:45 The Roofing Outlet was a family- Standard Roofing in Tinton Falls. He tantly, we want to instill a sense of Pennsylvania and Florida with an new lease which the New Jersey a.m. on Saturday, ordering two cus- owned and operated business, run by CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 conscience in big business,” said Ms. aim to “increase income, cut costs Tenant’s Organization has deemed tomers and the owner’s two adult and improve efficiencies.” “unreasonable,” “unconscionable” sons to get down on the floor, accord- The rents have increased between and “possibly illegal.” Under the ing to Hillside police. 9 and 12 percent since Westminster present lease, among other “unrea- The robber demanded money from Family Describes Joseph Licciardello began managing the property, while sonable” provisions, said Mr. Kahn, Mr. Licciardello, who gave him an “the cost of a garage has risen 60 “management is authorized to in- unknown amount of cash. When Mr. percent,” said Ms. Cioffi. vade security deposits prior to the Licciardello told the robber he didn’t As An ‘Incredible, Wonderful’ Man “Westminster has reduced services expiration of the lease or formal evic- have any more money, the robber by cutting the maintenance force tion” which Kahn stated is “against fatally shot him in the head, accord- wonderful husband,” said Rosemarie of the letters addressed how sense- servicing the community from three the law.” ing to police. By DEBORAH MADISON full-time employees to one.” Westminster Management stated Then, the robber turned the gun on Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Licciardello, his wife of 33 years. less the crime was and what a coward “He called me on Saturday to say the assailant was. This, according to Ms. Cioffi, has that “the lease is within the param- Mr.
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