THE WANANGA CAPITAL ESTABLISHMENT REPORT THE WANANGA CAPITAL ESTABLISHMENT REPORT WAI 718 WAITANGI TRIBUNAL REPORT 1999 The cover design by Cliä Whiting invokes the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi and the consequent interwoven development of Maori and Pakeha history in New Zealand as it continuously unfolds in a pattern not yet completely known A Waitangi Tribunal report isbn 1-86956-249-6 © Copyright Waitangi Tribunal 1999 Edited and produced by the Waitangi Tribunal Published by GP Publications, Wellington, New Zealand Printed by GP Print, Wellington, New Zealand Text set in Adobe Minion Multiple Master Tables set in Adobe Cronos Multiple Master LIST OF CONTENTS Letter of transmittal. .vii EExxxeeecccuuutttiiivvvee SSuuummmmmmaaarrryy . ix es.1 Purpose . ix es.2 The claimants’ position. ix es.3 The Crown’s position . x es.4 The principle of partnership . xi es.5 The principle of rangatiratanga . xi es.6 The principle of active protection . .xii es.7 Conclusion . .xii es.8 The structure of the report . .xii CChhhaaapppttteeerr 11:: TThhhee CClllaaaiiimm . 1 1.1 Introduction. 1 1.2 Findings and recommendations sought . 1 1.3 The Hearings . 2 CChhhaaapppttteeerr 22:: MMaaaooorrrii EEddduuucccaaatttiiiooonn iinn NNeeeww ZZeeeaaalllaaannnddd:: A HHiiissstttooorrriiicccaaall OOvvveeerrrvvviiieeeww . 3 2.1 Introduction . 3 2.2 Background. 4 2.3 Dr Simon’s evidence . 5 2.4 The Education Ordinance 1847 and Native Schools Act 1858 . 5 2.5 The native schools system. .6 2.6 The modern era . 9 CChhhaaapppttteeerr 33:: MMooodddeeerrrnn WWaaannnaaannngggaa . 11 3.1 Introduction . 11 3.2 Statutory recognition of wananga . 11 3.3 Whakatupuranga Rua Mano . 12 3.4 Te Wananga o Raukawa. 13 3.5 Te Wananga o Aotearoa . 13 3.6 Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi . 15 3.7 Te Tauihu o nga Wananga Association . 15 3.8 Statutory responsibilities of wananga . 15 3.9 The New Zealand Qualiåcations Authority . 16 3.10 The distinct nature of wananga . 17 3.11 Wananga education. 18 3.12 Wananga outposts. 19 3.13 Diversity in education . 19 3.14 Tikanga Maori and tikanga Pakeha . .20 3.15 Conclusion. 21 v Contents CChhhaaapppttteeerr 44:: WWaaannnaaannngggaa aannndd TTeeerrrtttiiiaaarrryy EEddduuucccaaatttiiiooonn RReeefffooorrrmm iinn tthhhee 11999999000ss. 23 4.1 Introduction . 23 4.2 Capital funding of teis before 1990 . 24 4.3 Major policy changes, 1989–90: the Hawke report. 25 4.4 Learning For Life and Learning For Life: Two. 25 4.5 Current funding policy for teis . 26 4.6 efts funding . 27 4.7 The efts capital component and funding cap . 30 4.8 Supplementary grants. 31 4.9 Development of wananga policy. 31 4.10 Future directions for tertiary education: the White Paper . 33 4.11 The Tribunal’s conclusion on the 1998 White Paper. 35 4.12 Choice in education. 35 4.13 Financial reports on wananga . 36 4.14 The reports’ åndings. 37 4.15 Capital injections. 39 4.16 The application for capital injection by Te Wananga o Aotearoa. 39 4.17 Capital injections for other teis . 40 4.18 Conclusion . 41 CChhhaaapppttteeerr 55:: TTrrreeeaaatttyy PPrrriiinnnccciiipppllleeess . 43 5.1 Introduction . 43 5.2 The Treaty of Waitangi . 43 5.3 Partnership . 44 5.4 Article 1: kawanatanga – good governance . 45 5.5 Article 2: rangatiratanga . 46 5.6 Is wananga a taonga?. 48 5.7 Active protection . 49 5.8 Article 3: oritetanga (citizenship) . 51 CChhhaaapppttteeerr 66:: CCooonnncccllluuusssiiiooonnnsss,, FFiiinnndddiiinnngggsss,, aannndd RReeecccooommmmmmeeennndddaaatttiiiooonnnss . 53 6.1 Conclusion . ..
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