AMUSEMENT SECTION f Theater, Screen Motors and and Music pie pmdaii Jitaf. Motor Touring MORNING, ‘22, Part 4—16 Pages WASHINGTON, 1). 0., SUNDAY APRIL 1928. wma / iHEATtR JL & jf^ ¦j •3: I *,:lt». l Hf &y-:M MHlßfe£ ;i r ¦l a9h& 'f E JTOP | fe y \ “-' x — C' S[ ?r i\ _.«gr * tmtf' ;: bi Efe if jKiiiMM jgggr Ny P^jßWlß^ldM^gß» Mg* ? 'T a•' vL / / ™> # * f *. [ Helen Wallace- |l With National Oheater Piayers Fielding-’ '¥l»SIBS April 30tb Edward Bk, Coming National \Sg£7C<2 (3L.VMPIC HERO- 31lC PHI pK \ Also Charlie Paddock m person- ¦jfc*C jjT i Attractions inWashington - Palace - Penee Camille- - I Playhouses This Week Jfl — New Moves on Capital j *. MUSIC AND DRAMA. • NATIONAL—“Porgy” American folk play. Tomorrow evening. Playhouse Checkerboard A KElTH'S—Nance o’Neill-“Alias the Lone Wolf.” Tomorrow afternoon and evening. BY PHILANDER JOHNSON. GAYETY—“Night Life in Paris.” burlesque. This afternoon and opera evening. time of sudden > not be surprising to find an ” In the present Lynn % WARDMAN PARK—G. W. U. play, ‘‘2x2-5 Tomorrow evening. tod radical changes in theatrical i like “Norma" with alternating methods and relationships, the stars easily holding the stage for (j&M : ): double week's engagement of “Rio a portion of a week, if not an en- gk Kei+his ¦BL^ v NATIONAL—“Por^y.” t soprano, will be featured, and others Monologist,” by Edmund Rita” was observed with close in- tire week, instead of for only a ¦'Porgy,'’ which the New York Theater r are: "The will the National Thea- 1 Burke; Grace Edler & Co., in terest by all connected with the ! single presentation. Guild present at Tom Payne and this week, commencing tomorrow v “Dancers Unique”; theater with a view to ascertain- ** * * I ter present night, comes to Washington from an j Vera Hilliard, who "Humor. Washington's de- Modem,” ing how far the most remarkable . Ancient and and Jim. Jam. been One of ! all-season stay in New York. It is de- velopment in population has men connected with American i scribed as a vivid and pulse-lifting play f j Jems, a trio of comedy gymnasts, in accompanied by corresponding music the with of the shadows and sunshine of j "CSownland.” was at theater the star, appear- development in its ability to pro- ( Metropolitan Co. William Guard, Charleston's Catfish Row. Bert Lytell is the screen vide theater patronage. Three acts and nine scenes outline ing in his latest picture, "Alias the unostentatious yet with a genial Wolf.” drama, with With its brilliancy, its beauty adjusting to / the activities of a crippled negro, ! Lone a mystery facility for himself who solicit alms from a goat \ Lois Wilson as co-star. In the cast tod its melody as well as its of contact, has been the • Porgy. t would all kinds l/ Duke cart and who falls heir to Stevedore e ¦ also are Ned Sparks. Paulette Duval, downright fun, “Rio Rita” connecting link between opera • employs William V. Mong and James Mason, all, under conditions of the Crown's Bess when Crown his s i after and the journalistic pages for so Kogan razor for social purposes and then flees s j The usual screen features, Aesop’s past, be rated but a musical jlong a time that he has heard j to the palmettos to escape the law’ss; Fables. Topics of the Day and the eomedy which like other New York every singer worth considering, Earle indignation. After the famous saucer rj Pa the News Pictorial together with organ solos by Miss Irene Juno will auccesses in that line would enjoyed every' music work worth ! funeral and other Catfish Row adven- -; scarcely hope for more than the hearing every personage tures, Porgy slays the murderous Crown i 5 complete the bilL and met to reclaim his Bess. seven days’ patronage. Holding prominent in the public eye. No when he returns of type for two But the love-sick beggar's victory is aa GAYETY—"NiIe Life ia Paris.’* an attraction this life could be more happy for a * have been done in Coming Attractions hollow one. Bess succumbs to new "Nile Life in Paris.” this week s weeks would man of artistic mentality. • temptations and leaves for New York's 5 j United Burlesque offering at the Oay- face of great uncertainty here j ** * * peddler the Harlem with a yellow dope [• ety Theater, is said to have more musi- disregard of reliable “ and in de-; It is in the Summer time that NATIONAL STOCK SEASON. called Sporting Life. And in the end | cal and dance numbers, pretty girls, ar- else- hopeful iss mand for a similar period the real work of the theater is of the soul-tossed but Pprgy tistie scenes and originality tnan any Immediately following the close goat and making where. done and arrangements are pei- Theater's seen hitching up his 8 attraction seen on the burlesque stage ** * * the National most successful snail-like pursuit. legitimate many years. oS in this season. fected not only for new mate- season in S E. scene finds its climax x The ice was gradually broken Cochran and Clifford Brooke will in- One unusual Charles "Tramp" McNally is the fea- and rial but for new understand- in a bare, cheerless room, where the e j tured comedian, with La Villa Maye for longer runs of dramatic augurate their fourth annual Spring * ings among the business people bodv of a luckless darky awaits dona- ; featured soubrette. and the cast also musical attractions by the intro- and Summer season of the National tions for its burial. As the spirituals off donna; of the stage. The suprise an- Theater Players, Monday night, April includes Jule Paulson, pruna duction from time to time of nouncement that Keith’s will lamentation grow and swell in frenzy, I Marie Tomlinson, soubrette; A1 Baker. super-pictures on the screen, re- 30. silhouettes of the mourners are mottled r ’li and a close and its present To Washington theatergoers the Na- I Larry Bryson. George Sheldon quiring no extensive organization disband against the whitewashed wall. The pic- ¦ ! chorus of 16 girls selected especially for organization ‘one of the most tional Theater Players have become an and accompanying chants pro- “ of staff and serving handily to fill institution, having for three years of- ture its | their ability to sing and dance. admirable known to the the- — of the most stirring moments s time when only some rather fered some of the finest plays with a j vide one » An added feature will be “Longetta.' would have been ater and still hoping that the would credit the of the play. sensational Grecian dancer. ominous tryout company that do to Rouben Mamoullan directed the pro- closing is to be only for the Sum- best road organizations, at the popular available. ! MARIE.IOMLINSON-Gayety | duct ion for the Theater Guild. The e WARDMAX ** * * men has set in motion much Yardman Park price of $1 for the best seats. PARK-r-“ 2 X into the | settings are by Cleon Throckmorton. Park Theater this week fully * gossip which links itself In an effort to maintain their pres- revue-like proportions, At W&rdman The prediction was sus- old report so often revived tige the sponsors announce as their There is a cast of ; the Dramatic .Association of Georgv that the first week of “Rio headed by Frank Wilson and including5 Washington University will present to tained through many years that the Music Films for Music opening attraction George M. Cohan's Harvey, Rita.” the magnitude I one of Rose MacClendon. Georgette ’ audiences for the first despite of Baby styled by ' Belasco and Poli’s were eventually "The Cyclone," Evelyn Ellis, Wesl*~ Hill. Percy Ver- Washington Its triumph, would prove only an Week. The Negro in the Drama. New York's foremost critics as "the time, starting tomorrow evening, de Woife,’ to become Government properties. M. Cohan has wavne. Hayes Pryor. Stanley "2 = 5.” an adaptation from tht advance agent for the second that the best play that George ! Leigh Whipper. A. B C-omathiere. Ed- I x 2 It has been stated •*pVER since the first pianist Im- ever written.” "The Baby Cyclone": Danish satiric comedy by Gustav Wicd week. The demonstration of Wash- | *¦* 'THE New York Tb>*atcr Guild presen- Creamer produced his "Old Man's Boy," j ward Fielding. Dorothy Paul. Richard Z i Shubert interests contemplate pro vised accompaniment for the met so much favor as to attract The comedy will run all week with lngton's sustaining power -1 tatlon of Dorothy and. Du Bose a musical comedy with a horse racing ; with Huey. Ella Madison. Lloyd Gray. Peter was. establishing a theater in the same first movie, the cinema and music have the patronage of the metropolis to the . performances daily at 8 30 p.m with not a vacant chair Heyward's folk play. "Porgy." has plot, In one of the downtown theaters ; Clark. Marie Young. Jack Carter, Mel- complete, block as that occupied by Keith’s. been Inseparable allies." states James time prior to 1914. Henry Miller Theater, N Y.. the * Dennis Connell has been directing in the theater, night or matinee. A. FitzPatrick of New York City. created new interest In the activities some i and the original ville Greene. G. Edward Brown. Gar- the in the large cast will ap- ** * # the negro the American At about this period, or a little later. whole of last season Mintum. residents of Catfish Row. play and Perhaps this application of the "So It is only natural that the films of on stage company is still on tour with Grant rett j pear; Nell Childs, Marion Campbell, possible A somewhat venturesome form should play their part in this year's The most famous team, perhaps, was Mrs.
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