all the more froto the fact that and export« have fallen quite interestinur Colead offices Democratic» officials ; of are not very large RlggtaBSsa has always hen outepoken ln he eye single to the well-being of the saloon· from public by low. urgia- so highly regarded by our English cousin·, seating of three Dcmocr.it»» in the Senate to 7 1-4 cents, for women everywhere the eamo privileges taxi Ümiiefmrntfl. , fhe another sixteenth will down and out with ar» little pother keepers. were at the of the Cotton fell dur¬ opportunities enjoyed by the other «ex. CÏtSοfo-* 15-Th· Vi.e.Admirai. st»r>p increased salaries are simplv the Ring's all of whom defeated polls; and the which has come into sight as to forco Mr. iìlad.stonc's Theso of mea.s- quantity »bout I.litx Ml'KEE.Wax l'unir·*· possifilo. Attempt* money for services ren¬ ¦ia»s;ij»i» by «i Démocratie Legislature cf Julv thus far who 5.000 Through Centuries. hand and him to revr.il hi» programme rewards with public ing tho month have ELDORADO «?d-Ef.ipt compel wero to be looked for ures which gerrymandered the Concessional bales than last vear, while the exporte PERSONAL. (»ARDEN THF.ATRF. ? IS Slnbad. before he is »vili he undicrnitied and out derei!. Hetter things down the more Moreover, 80-A Trip ready In the Board of and legislative dbtricta and .truck been 7,000 bale« more than last year. HOYT'S MADISOX SQUARE «.ARDEN-8 from Mayor Hoody. Super« in thin ami Commotion» or at tea·* tils monument, _·, of plate. set which had surrounded the liquor the of American cotton in ei»-*ht I-erry, % t· Chinatown. rison severa] limes Mr. Kinkel ha< his faro safeguards stock two weeks warm in lhe hearts of Clevelaiul pcopl», tti the· Si BIAL'S-2-H-Vaudetille. Democratic State de-reused in the place ROSTER find much favor in at St Johnland. trafilot of the perpetration by other countries has are dl.'-AatisrIi-d will! lhe decMon .,f Ul» MADIfiOX SQI'ARE i.ARDEX -»-Concert. Free-Trade idea.s do not resolutely against extravagance last year it decreased urenti» ___j, "f 'he most and barefaced only 16?.000 bales, whereae: a commission PALMER'S THEATRE 1 The MaArot. tbe ranks of the Central Labor Union. ? few /I«, to the other member· of the Board of official· outrageoua 'be stock was couru, allowing api-ointed by Governor that ever were known.as tho 18H.000 balee. Two years ago to a soldiers' and sailors' monument aa ronfi OBOI Niis 4 BaaebaM. weeks ago at one of the Sunday meetings of tho however, it may truthfully he sani census frauds but now Parafesr erect Estimate, have mur¬ and three years affo 800,000. «ate of tlie meniori.il to tli.» her«» r»f I»ut-la _·». wa». throttled d has occurred. And it Doctor read «>f these thin·:* he must 792.000, taken since the body an attack upon Protection thai only the expect« The work Is to be b« enin within » ... ? his breast heaved with it ls 2,1105,000 hales. quantity Rumor liae It that 3uùex to ^brcrtiortiieiite. without ceremony. Yesterday a resolution was mutt bo remembered that only a beginning has mured to himself while North an·! da»», ai'i violoni natatene« aa» ?»· ?-trial b» ta» " It is to last by American spinners. tr,«· the Homstead troubles, Who can tell to what length· devotion : How inspiring September bales, against 2,50.1,- e\<licd rttlsetui, io «ay not hin;·, of µ_?? force <3 Fa*», toi. Pac». COL proposed bearing upon been made. patriotic to come as South, has been .'7*,3,000 < l"v..'nn<I. TU...· ¡s talk <»f carrvtrig t tie eu» uà ta . '.? o Notlrea 0 « M an in¬ matter of salaries see the Democratic party aiming consumption the luit»«! -»tS*.·» fVniH. >nni«<»m«_ite I>e?al «, which denounced the McKinley bill extravagance in Ihe may 000 last showine a propalile BaprSBBa Announrenieiit» .10 i Mania.'» 1 Dralli«. 7 the heart of the as it can !;' year, year, Auc Sal» of Horte· b « Mi», eliaurou».10 3-U jury, lather than a benefit, to workingmen. run hereafter unless a stinging rebuke is ad¬ n"ar to people 200,000 bales greater than in any previous (««plain William 11. Andrew», who i»xpi>cts to em¬ ' . 4 ? has Itfci,k»r« S¿ Broker« 9 O Ml». lUiirou« en¬ is t«i be that Doctor Everett nearer bare a foot at lioai-d »nd Room».. 4 ;, Mew Publication·.... 8 ß The Labor I'nion, having recently been ministered to the officiali responsible for what It huped and yet the markets «ire notoriously bark next Tiie»day In fourteen dory Atlanti« Bualuet«· Chancea « f, «..« ran Meainer«. 8 3-4 author» of the resolu¬ ? new Controller and enlisted for the campaign, and will constantly than usual. (.'It» «nd go t'» Palnv, i, about fnrtr »»nr» ?G »?» 1G)« - '. it was felt the been done? of cotton .... 7 by ha« ll .fat XotlCC» I) 1 I'elltloiil N'oU.C. larged, already until No¬ good· business very sa sailor. Hu undi-rtook to . .". :t-4 his for the Democracy experienced eaSfa Um louiitrv Boird. ,. .11/·_1 F>t*t·» tion that it could easil» bo put through. Con¬ Auditor aro to be elected this »car. The work lift up voice The labor troubles have affected Itividnid Notlcea.... it ;, .1'·«] IVUte . t 1'. in O'-eaii in way list y«tr on a waiter, 7 tvai be His uncnn»cious humor is just tho unsold iron increased |ks saBSS Captala! lirehsniaklnr- . 4 .', r>lifl0Ui XotlC·».... ß trary to their expectation, strong opposition of ihe Hoard of Estimate must not forgotb vember. little. The stocks of pig J ?. taw lor tlie feat In BBOtasr boat. ". »«¦·· weekly out¬ attempting E'C r-l.ui!, . 6 R.»!lr««da hv wav to the stiaiu of the contest. tons, though the in ... 7 matler »»a» shelved gets under in thing relieve .Tune to iu«» latter tarree«ea raadiln· «Southampton, but Finajiclal . tí 8-6 Special Xotteea t) aroused and the finally when t")o local campaign 1,002,278 tons to Eoi siUe. 4 .'. Suii.u.er Travi. ·"· 0 dewa.ll during the month 4,000 üaptaia ;imii»?«vs eoeoantered t»» amo. roo«. waalE Withfd 4 u Bavin·* Bank·.!» u reference io a committee. Intelligent working- put that he wxs (!«Uy«si nntu ait »t »?·.·» were Baartf ea- Jlejp »? Brooklyn. ___________-»--__--_ since July 1 the consumption 3lor»e* 4 larrlaa'ea.. 4 1 Ste.m.tioal.» . '·> to into" .boot 109,000, but aaaaata, un«t he ??·? aaaaaaaatl ite effort. Aa «cas .·,«.¦., .Si men are, of course, too shrewd "pitch more the llot.-le . ;4 ¡j laboat« SPEEDY RRITISH CANDIDATE. much by nini up and hlin home. H« ,?, Ken.nte "> ·'··¦¦ to THE of pi-r iron hns been contracted si'-aiti-hlp p-.rk.xl braoght Instruí-non . l« \ Rummer a la»v which has been of such positive help wages AT HOMESTEAD. is weak. 1« a Itaatiaohuaetti man. ill» .».»»».»inr plea i^ ta 8 . 8 3 and the price I.·»»· School· ...... Teacher« nn »'es are -vit wanting as thoy would put of many works, follow Ihe «oilf stream «lo»e|v until w.-U north Lecture· <fc Meetinc*. 0 (' Work Wanted .... 4 5-i> them. to be (,f 1 nst stoppage demand pretto _____________________ Some Journal·] which ought capable of iron and st«»el the present of hi«) destination, and then run «leviti to ????? MM it ibernaci·**··) in whieh English aewvpapem bara For products allow.-» fur a sense of shame are not. They go of the works which still or «Ixty days _ the, time he the voyage. WAGES. apparently severely »m American election method·, is beyond the capaeity Notiere. ?????'? IOS ASI) that the employers at commented so that they realize better M. liurdcau, l!ic new French .Minister of Marina, Bufine·· on persistently asserting Intimate,I that wi· iliiln't know how t»> carry remain in operation, " a» and this will to Chamber of from Lyons, la So protection does not put up wage*, Homes·«· id are demauding that the men work at and -.cntlc- but no one has confidence that first went the Deputies, Ke?p'fi Dr«f»s Shirt· t-. Meaaniit ß for $i>. None on a political campaign in a decorous pri.es, are and he rn»«t·.. Ma _krfe there, r-ubte« better at an»· kl/tí aiid 81] llwadwav, New-York, was some persons soberly remark. and bave cui down their on and contracts for futur·* delivers,· 1ßß3, apeedilf prior, promised," starvation wages, manner. There have been happenings, continue, wn. ette of M. Mbmb's at Chfetnuf-··»., FlillaC.· ;« a!:i_ a manly a* ever.for steel beams, it qii'-ntly he Jalea eoUeagaaa and_8_H Perhaps imconsciously, they ìnijily falsebood. from 10 to 50 percent. In spite of an ad- tin· of an Anii'rican can- made at M low prices the tabor i"orif«->in«'. at Berita, where BS wa. I.JfU* TO MAIL HUBSORIBER-I. wage« occasion, «Inrinic beat Woollen manufact¬ lor Us t_ur» THIIil'.NE TERM*. an» t.« raise steel All 11 is lower than ever. «.».»tee«*iiiî<l by all. u¡.· Baperor lacl-êed, Miipl- Common schools indeed designili i ince In duties on iron and products. v.i-s, '.f whieh no <>n.· had anv parti'· lar reason mid, ?,<· ?«, on tne a_S mi··. 1 last week, and sales iK*s. Mat year reporter badati, 1 »ea·· tl ii,«-.».
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