Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan HRA Screening Document January 2017 Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan Screening Report LC-260 Document Control Box Client Chiltern District Council & South Bucks District Council Habitats Regulations Assessment of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Report Title Plan: Screening Report Status Draft Filename LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx Date January, 2017 Author JE Reviewed RB Approved ND Photo: Aston Rowant Nature Reserve HRA of Chiltern & South Bucks GBPOPC January, 2017 LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Approach to report preparation ..................................................................................................... 6 1.3 The HRA process ................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 About the Local Plan Green Belt Preferred Options Public Consultation ...................... 8 1.5 HRA process to date ............................................................................................................................ 9 2 Methodology ................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.1 Habitats Regulations Assessment methodology .................................................................... 10 2.2 Dealing with uncertainty .................................................................................................................... 11 2.3 Likely significant effect ..................................................................................................................... 13 2.4 Limitations ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3 European sites .............................................................................................................................................. 15 3.1 About European sites ........................................................................................................................ 15 3.2 Identification of relevant European sites ................................................................................... 15 3.3 Ecological information ...................................................................................................................... 16 4 Potential Effects ........................................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 17 4.2 Screening out sites .............................................................................................................................. 21 4.3 Conservation objectives .................................................................................................................... 21 4.4 Site pressures and threats ............................................................................................................... 22 4.5 Scoping out pressures and threats ............................................................................................. 24 4.6 Air pollution .......................................................................................................................................... 25 4.7 Wildfire/arson ..................................................................................................................................... 30 4.8 Public access/disturbance ............................................................................................................... 31 4.9 Hydrological changes ....................................................................................................................... 39 5 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................................... 41 5.1 Assessment findings .......................................................................................................................... 41 5.2 Next steps ............................................................................................................................................. 42 Appendix A: Conservation objectives for European Sites Appendix B: Summary of all relevant European sites and current threats and pressures identified in Site Improvement Plans and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) Natura 2000 data forms Lepus Consulting for Chiltern District Council & South Bucks District Council i HRA of Chiltern & South Bucks GBPOPC January, 2017 LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx Figures Figure 2.1 Summary flow chart of HRA process Figure 4.1 Map illustrating location of European sites within 15km of the borders of the Chiltern and South Bucks districts Tables Table 4.1 European sites, SSSIs and conservation status Table 4.2 Summary screening of GBPOPC Threats and pressures for each European site identified as Table 4.3 potentially being affected by the Local Plan GBPOPC Table A.1 Qualifying features and conservation objectives of European sites (Appendix A) Table B.1 All threats and pressures of all European sites within 15km of the (Appendix B) Chiltern district and South Bucks district borders Acronyms AA Appropriate Assessment AQMA Air Quality Management Area DEFRA Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs EU European Union GBPOPC Green Belt Preferred Options Public Consultation GIS Geographic Information Systems HRA Habitats Regulations Assessment / Appraisal IPENS Improvement Programme for England’s Natura 2000 sites IROPI Imperative Reasons of Overriding Public Interest JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee LPA Local Planning Authority LSE Likely Significant Effect N2K Natura 2000 Network NE Natural England NPPF National Planning Policy Framework RIS Information Sheet on Ramsar Wetlands Lepus Consulting for Chiltern District Council & South Bucks District Council ii HRA of Chiltern & South Bucks GBPOPC January, 2017 LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx SAC Special Area of Conservation SANG Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace SIP Site Improvement Plan SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SPA Special Protection Area SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest Lepus Consulting for Chiltern District Council & South Bucks District Council iii HRA of Chiltern & South Bucks GBPOPC January, 2017 LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx Executive Summary E1 This HRA report has carefully considered the conservation objectives of European sites that might be associated with activities and projects as part of the Chiltern District and South Bucks District ‘Local Plan Green Belt Preferred Options Public Consultation October – December 2016’ (GBPOPC). E2 Lepus identified nine European sites that lie within 15km of the boundaries of both districts. E3 The following nine sites feature in this HRA report: • Aston Rowant SAC • Burnham Beeches SAC; • Chilterns Beechwoods SAC; • Richmond Park SAC; • South West London Waterbodies SPA; • South West London Waterbodies Ramsar; • Thames Basin Heaths SPA; • Thursley, Ash, Pirbright & Chobham SAC; and • Windsor Forest & Great Park SAC. E4 A number of recognised threats and pressures are associated with these sites as identified by Natural England. This HRA screening report explores the extent to which, if any, the proposals associated with the release of Green Belt for the purposes of residential and employment development will exacerbate or alleviate these threats and pressures. E5 It is considered that proposed development in the GBPOPC will have a likely significant effect on Burnham Beeches SAC due to potential recreational disturbance impacts associated with public access, and potential impacts associated with air quality. Lepus Consulting for Chiltern District Council & South Bucks District Council iv HRA of Chiltern & South Bucks Local Plan GBPOPC January, 2017 LC-260_SBDC&CDC_HRA_Screening_8_030117JE.docx 1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.1.1 Lepus Consulting has prepared this Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) report of the Chiltern and South Bucks Local Plan Green Belt Preferred Options Consultation October – December 2016 (GBPOPC) on behalf of Chiltern District Council and South Bucks District Council. This is a requirement of Regulation 102 of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 20101 (the Habitats Regulations). 1.1.2 The following European sites were identified using a 15km area of search around the Chiltern and South Bucks districts, as well as including sites which are potentially connected (e.g. hydrologically) beyond this distance: • Aston Rowant SAC; • Burnham Beeches SAC; • Chilterns Beechwoods SAC; • Richmond Park SAC; • South West London Waterbodies SPA; • South West London Waterbodies Ramsar; • Thames Basin Heaths SPA; • Thursley, Ash, Pirbright & Chobham SAC; and • Windsor Forest & Great Park SAC. 1.1.3 Whilst Ramsar sites are not European sites, NPPF
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