Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration Vol. 5, No. 1 / 2010 www.etmu.fi Publisher Contents • The Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migration Editorial (ETMU) 3 Sari Hammar-Suutari and Tuomas Martikainen: Finland and Innovative • This journal is available online Cultural Diversity – The 6th ETMU Days in Joensuu 22-23 October at http://www.etmu.fi /fjem/ 2009. • ISSN 1796–6582 Articles Editorial Staff 4 Ari Lehtinen: Mobility, Displacement and Multilingualism – Remarks on the Sámi Imagination of Place and Space. • Editor-in-Chief: Tuomas Martikainen (Åbo Akademi) 10 François Thibeault and Mathieu Boisvert: Weaving Cambodian Buddhist Identity through Ritual In Montréal. • Assistant Editor: Tiina Kanninen (University of Tampere), 19 Daniel Rauhut & Mats Johansson: Regional Settlement Patterns for 10 Immigrant Groups in Sweden 1975-2005. • Book review editors: Laura Hirvi (University of Jyväskylä), 29 Dieu Hack-Polay: Dating and Marriage among Britain’s African Suvi Keskinen (University of Turku), Refugees: A Means of Socialisation? Kati Ala-Ilomäki 38 Ilan Riss: Gender Strategies in the Immigration to Israel from the United • Desktop Publishing: Jouni Korkiasaari States (1967–1975). (Institute of Migration) 50 Perttu Salmenhaara: A Case Study of Finnish Deportations: Editorial Board The Shymansky Case, 2002. • Kris Clarke (California State University, Research Reports and Essays Fresno), 60 Sanna Lehtonen: Language and Identity: Highlights of the Symposium Elli Heikkilä (Institute of Migration), on Immigrants’ Linguistic Rights in Processes with the Authorities, Vesa Puuronen (University of Kuopio), Jyväskylä, 19 November 2009. Teppo Sintonen (University of Jyväskylä), 63 Jussi Ronkainen: Väliviivakansalaiset. Monikansalaisuus asemana ja käytäntönä. (Lectio praecursoria) Ismo Söderling (Population Research Institute/Väestöliitto), 66 Marja-Liisa Trux: No zoo: Ethnic Civility and its Cultural Regulation Camilla Nordberg (University of Helsinki), among the Staff of a Finnish High-tech Company. (Lectio praecursoria) Arno Tanner (University of Helsinki), Book Reviews Marja Tiilikainen (University of Helsinki) 69 Laura Hirvi: Falzon, Mark-Anthony (ed.) (2009) Multi-Sited Ethnography. Theory, Praxis and Locality in Contemporary Research. Partner Institutions 71 Shveta Dhaliwal: Ralph Grillo, Roger Ballard, Alessandro Ferrari, Andre • CEREN, Institute of Migration, Population J. Hoekema, Marcel Maussen & Prakash Shah (eds.) (2009) Legal Research Institute/Väestöliitto Practice and Cultural Diversity. Contact 74 Kaisa Nissi: Adelman, Howard (ed.) 2008 Protracted Displacement in Asia. No Place to Call Home. • All correspondence to Tiina Kanninen, tiina.kanninen@uta.fi 77 Päivi Harinen: Nowicka, Magdalena & Rovisco, Maria (eds.) (2009) Cosmopolitanism in Practice. Guidelines for Contributors • Internet: www.etmu.fi /fjem/ Continues on next page ... ISSN 1796-6582 Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration Vol. 5, No. 1 / 2010 www.etmu.fi Contents (continues) Advisory Editorial Board • John Eade (CRONEM/Roehampton Book Reviews University) 79 Abdel Baten Miaji: Ayhan Kaya (2009) Islam, Migration and Integration: • Mikko Lagerspetz (Åbo Akademi) The Age of Securitization. • Peggy Levitt (Wellesley College) 82 Anna Matyska: Kathy Burrell (ed.) (2009) Polish Migration to the UK in • Randy Lippert (University of Windsor) the ‘New’ European Union: After 2004. • Yngve Lithman (University of Bergen) 85 Alexandra Irene Larsen: Maurice Crul & Liesbeth Heering (eds.) (2008) • Diana Mulinari (Lund University) The Position of the Turkish and Moroccan Second Generation in • Sari Pietikäinen (University of Jyväskylä) Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The TIES Study in the Netherlands. • Pirkko Pitkänen (University of Tampere) 88 Jennifer Redmond: Lynch-Brennan, Margaret (2009) The Irish Bridget: • Alex Stepick (Florida International Irish Immigrant Women in Domestic Service in America, 1840–1930. University) 90 Jan-Erik Mansikka: Darvishpour, M. & Westin, C. (red.) (2008) • Charles Westin (CEIFO/University of Migration och etnicitet. Perspektiv på ett mångkulturellt Sverige. Stockholm) 93 Tuomas Martikainen: Leitzinger, Antero (2008) Ulkomaalaispolitiikka Suomessa 1812–1972. 95 Arno Tanner: Hyvönen, Heli (2009) “Niin lähellä mutta kuitenkin niin kaukana” – Tutkimus naisten muuttoliikkeestä Suomen ja uudelleen itsenäistyneen Viron välillä. VII ETMU-DAYS October 21–22, 2010 University of OULU About the Journal Negotiating the Local and The Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration (FJEM) is devoted to the high quality study of ethnic relations and international migration. Published biannu- Global: Values, Citizenship ally by the Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and International Migra- tion (ETMU), this peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, open-access journal pro- and Education vides a forum for discussion and the refi nement of key ideas and concepts in the fi elds of ethnicity and international population movement. Although inter- national in its scope of interests and range of contributors, the journal focuses particularly on research conducted in Finland and other Nordic countries. Opinions expressed in the FJEM articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the views of ETMU. ISSN 1796-6582 Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration Vol. 5, No. 1 / 2010 Editorial www.etmu.fi Finland and Innovative Cultural Diversity The 6th ETMU Days in Joensuu 22–23 October 2009 Sari Hammar-Suutari and Tuomas Martikainen The Finnish Society for the Study of Ethnic Relations and journal. To create dialogue between the researchers and other International Migration (ETMU) organises an annual confer- actors, one part of the program was held in Finnish and it ence, ETMU Days. In 2009, it was Joensuu’s turn to host the included a session on “Cultural Diversity in Finnish Working meeting. The event was co-organised by the Karelian Research Life”. Three speakers spoke: Kim Väisänen, Managing Direc- Institute, the Department of Finnish Language and Cultural tor of Blancco Ltd, who spoke on “The importance of Com- Research and the Department of Sociology and Social Policy munication”; Merja Räihä, Managing Director of Prokura at the University of Joensuu, and the North Karelia University Ltd., spoke about “Our experience of the Chinese working in of Applied Sciences. The aim of the conference was to cre- Finland”; and Dr. Aulikki Sippola, Development Manager for ate an opportunity for researchers and representatives of dif- the Tapiola Group, who spoke about “Pluralism in organiza- ferent sectors working on migration-related issues to engage tions – is it about responsibility, management or valuation?”. in open dialogue and to discuss the Finland of tomorrow. The All of the presentations raised lively discussion among the program of the conference was a varied ensemble of academic attendees. Before the closing of the conference, we heard a presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions on cur- speech by the winner of the 2009 ETMU Recognition Award, rent topics. Professor Emerita Rauni Räsänen, whose career in the fi eld of The theme of the conference, “Finland and Innovative Cul- intercultural education has been most remarkable. tural Diversity”, arose from the need for more open and mean- Besides the contributions from ETMU Days, the other arti- ingful debate on many areas of ethnic diversity, including cles in this journal raise issues related to Cambodian Bud- working life, social services, ethnic relations, and cultural and dhism in Canada, settlement patterns of immigrants in Swe- religious life. The event turned out, once again, to be very suc- den, dating among British-African refugees, gendered strate- cessful and attracted the interest of both Finnish and foreign gies of migration from the U.S. to Israel, and the deportation researchers, authorities, students and others. Altogether, more of immigrants from Finland. The issue includes also two lec- than 160 participants attended and 53 papers were presented tiones pracursoriae and several book reviews. in 10 workshops. In addition, a number of people participated While you read this issue of FJEM, the arrangements for in a special discussion group and in two round-table discus- the next ETMU Days are in full swing. The forthcoming con- sions with the topics “Work, Well-being and Services” and ference will be held in Oulu under the title “Negotiating the “Religion and Co-existence in Multicultural Everyday Life”. Local and Global: Values, Citizenship and Education”. Let us During the ETMU Days we have always been lucky to get continue the dialogue there. See you in Oulu on 21–22 Octo- the most interesting and accomplished speakers. Our guests ber 2010! this time continued this tradition in the best possible way. The fi rst keynote speaker was Professor Tariq Modood (University Sari Hammar-Suutari of Bristol, UK), whose speech was on “Accommodating Mus- Chair, ETMU lims in Europe: Innovating New Forms of Citizenships and University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu) Secularisms”. Docent Pasi Saukkonen (Foundation for Cul- sari.hammar@uef.fi tural Policy Research/CUPORE) gave his comments on Pro- fessor Modood’s presentation. The second keynote speaker, Tuomas Martikainen Professor Doreen Massey (Open University, UK) spoke about Editor-in-Chief, Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and “Some puzzles in thinking migration and place together”. Her Migration commentator was Professor Ari Lehtinen (University of Joen- Åbo Akademi University, Finland suu), and his views and comments
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