
China Digital Times En | 中文 Monday, July 12, 2010 Search Home Sections CDT Bookshelf Culture Economy Hong Kong Law Politics Sci-Tech Society Taiwan World News Focus Beijing Olympics 2008 Environmental Crisis Human Rights Information Revolution The Great Divide Special Features CDT Bookshelf 20 Years Ago Today: 1989 Podcast Videos Slideshows Photos Satire Cartoons Notable Quotes About Us About CDT CDT Team Sponsors Contact Us Blocked by GFW A List of Censored Words in Chinese Cyberspace It is an open secret that all Chinese Internet hosting services, including wireless and instant messenger services, filter user communication through key word blocking mechanisms. But overly vague and broad Chinese internet laws and the internet police force never made the forbidden words explicit — Not until some Chinese hackers located a document within the installation package of QQ instant messaging software. The file contains over one thousand words, most of them in Chinese, which will be blocked by the service. Owned by Tencent, QQ is China’s most popular Instant Messenger service. On a regular basis, tens of millions of users use their service. On one day, March 13 , there were more than six million users online using QQ at the same time. Because of its high traffic volume, it is technically much harder to build in the key word filtering mechanism on the server’s end. Instead, Tencent sneaked in a filtering program file in their installation package at the client end. When a client installs the QQ2003 software on their own computer desktop, a program file, called COMToolKit.dll, is automatically included. This file contains all the forbidden keywords, which will be automatically blocked when the client runs QQ. The full list is below. Recently, some Chinese hackers located this file and released it on the Internet. The censored key words list is commonly used not just for QQ, but also for all websites, BBS and text messaging services. One Internet user did a rough breakdown of the list: About 15% of the words are sex related, the rest are all related to politics. About 20% of the words are Falungong related, including “师父”(master) and “弟子” (disciple); about 15% are names of current officials and their relatives; about 10% are words used in the liberal political discourse such as “democracy”, “freedom”, and “dictatorship”; and about 5% are related to certain nationalistic issues, such as“保钓”(defend Diaoyu Island),“中俄边界” (Sino-Russian Border) ,“卖国”(selling out the country) etc. About 15% of the forbidden words are related to anti-corruption, such as ,“走私”(smuggling) ,“公款”(public funds) etc. Other censored words include names of dissidents, writers, and intellectuals, and names of certain foreign publications. Please find the entire list attached here: From Program Files\Tencent\QQGame\COMToolKit.dll: falun:法轮 sex:性 tianwang:天王 cdjp av bignews boxun chinaliberal:中国自由 chinamz chinesenewsnet:中国新闻网 cnd creaders dafa:大法 dajiyuan:大纪元 dfdz dpp falu falun:法轮 falundafa:法轮大法 flg:法轮功 freechina:自由中国 freedom:自由 freenet:自由网 fuck:操 GCD:共产党 gcd:共产党 hongzhi:宏志 hrichina huanet hypermart incest:乱伦 jiangdongriji lihongzhi:李宏志 making:做 minghui:明慧网 minghuinews:明慧新闻 nacb na_ve:天真 nmis paper:报纸 peacehall:和平門 playboy:花花公子 renminbao:人民报 renmingbao:人民报 rfa safeweb:安全网 sex:性 simple:简单 svdc taip tibetalk triangle:三角 triangleboy UltraSurf unixbox ustibet:美国西藏 voa:美国之音 voachinese:美国之音中文 wangce wstaiji xinsheng:新生 yuming:域名 zhengjian:政见 zhengjianwang:政见网 zhenshanren:真善忍 zhuanfalun:转法轮 bitch:婊子 fuck:操 shit:屎 三个代表|表 three represents theory 一党|党 one party| party 多党|党 multiple parties | party 民主|民 democracy|people 专政|政 |politics 大法|法 dafa|fa 弟子|弟 diciple|di 大纪元|元 dajiyuan|yuan 真善忍|忍 truthful,kind and tolerant|tolarant 明慧|慧 minghui|hui 大法|法 dafa|fa 洪志|志 hongzhi|zhi 红志|志 hongzhi|zhi 洪智|智 hongzhi|zhi 红智|智 hongzhi|zhi 法轮|轮 falun|lun 法论|论 falun|lun 法沦|沦 falun|lun 法伦|伦 falun|lun 发轮|轮 falun|lun 发论|论 falun|lun 发沦|沦 falun|lun 发伦|伦 falun|lun 轮功|功 lungong|gong 轮公|公 lungong|gong 轮攻|攻 lungong|gong 沦功|功 lungong|gong 沦公|公 lungong|gong 沦攻|攻 lungong|gong 论攻|攻 lungong|gong 论功|功 lungong|gong 论公|公 lungong|gong 伦攻|攻 lungong|gong 伦功|功 lungong|gong 伦公|公 lungong|gong 打倒|倒 beat down|down 民运|运 democratic movement|movement 六四|四 june forth|forth 台独|独 Taiwan independence|independence 王丹|丹 wang dan|dan 柴玲|柴 chai ling|chai 李鹏|鹏 li peng|peng 天安門|安 tiananmen|an 江泽民|泽 jiang zemin|ze 朱容基|基 zhu rongji|ji 朱_基|朱 zhu rongji|zhu 李长春|春 li changchun |chun 李瑞环|瑞 li ruihuan|rui 胡锦涛|锦 hu jintao|jin 魏京生|魏 wei jingsheng|wei 台湾独立|湾 Taiwan independence|wan 藏独|藏 |Tibetan independence|tibet 西藏独立|藏 Tibetan independence|tibet 疆独|疆 jiang independence|jiang 新疆独立|疆 xinjiang independence|jiang 警察|察 police|cha 民警|警 people°Øs police|jing 公安|公 gong°Øan|gong 邓小平|邓 deng xiaoping|deng 嫖|嫖 go whoring|go whoring 大盖帽|帽 | 革命|命 revolution|ming 武警|警 military police|jing 黑社会|社 gangsterdom|she 交警|警 transportation police|jing 消防队|消 fire department|xiao 刑警|刑 operative|torture 夜总会|夜 night club|night 妈个|个 mage|ge 公款|款 public funds|funds 首长|首 paramount|shou 书记|记 secratary|ji 坐台|台 sit at the club|tai 腐败|腐 corruption|fu 城管|管 city management|guan 暴动|暴 insurrection|bo 暴乱|乱 riot|disorder 李远哲|哲 li yuanzhe|zhe 司法警官|司 judicatory police|si 高干|高 high ranking cadre|high 高干子弟|弟 high ranking cadre°Øs son and brother|brother 高干子女|女 high ranking cadre°Øs son and daughter|daughter 人大|大 people°Øs congress|da 尉健行|健 wei jianxing|jian 李岚清|清 li lanqing|qing 黄丽满|满 huang liman|man 于幼军|军 yu youjun|jun 文字狱|狱 censorship jail|jail 宋祖英|英 song zuying|ying 天安門|門 tian anmen|door 自焚|焚 burn oneself|burn 骗局|骗 razzle-dazzle|cheat 猫肉|猫 cat°Øs meat|cat 吸储|储 attract savings|savings 张五常|张 zhang wuchang|zhang 张丕林|丕 zhang pilin|pi 空难|难 air disaster|disaster 温家宝|温 wen jiabao|wen 吴邦国|邦 wu bangguo|bang 曾庆红|庆 zeng qinghong|qing 黄菊|黄 huang ju |huang 罗干|罗 luo gan|luo 吴官正|官 wu guanzheng|guan 贾庆林|庆 jia qinglin|qing 专制|制 despotism | zhi 卖淫|淫 whoredom|lewd 八九|八 eighty nine|eight 八老|八 eight olds|eight 巴赫|巴 bach|ba 白立朴|白 bai lipu|bai 白梦|白 white dream|white 白皮书|白 white book|white 保钓|保 protect diaoyu|protect 鲍戈|鲍 bao ge|bao 鲍彤|鲍 bao tong|bao 暴乱|暴 riot|bao 暴政|暴 tyranny|bao 北大三角地论坛|北 Peking University triangle area bbs|bei 北韩|北 north korea|bei 北京当局|北 Beijing authorities|bei 北京之春|北 Beijing spring| 北美自由论坛|北 north American freedom bbs|bei 博讯|博 boxun|bo 蔡崇国|蔡 cai chongguo|cai 曹长青|曹 cao changqing|cao 曹刚川|曹 cao gangchuan|cao 常劲|常 chang jin|chang 陈炳基|陈 chen bingji|chen 陈军|陈 chen jun|chen 陈蒙|陈 chen meng|chen 陈破空|陈 chen pokong|chen 陈希同|陈 chen xitong|chen 陈小同|陈 chen xiaotong|chen 陈宣良|陈 chen xuanliang|chen 陈一谘|陈 chen yizi|chen 陈总统|陈 presideng chen|chen 程凯|程 cheng kai|cheng 程铁军|程 cheng tiejun|cheng 程真|程 cheng zhen|cheng 迟浩田|迟 chi haotian|chi 持不同政见|持 hold different politics|hold 赤匪|赤 red bandit|red 赤化|赤 rubricitize|rubricity 春夏自由论坛|春 spring and summer freedom bbs|spring 达赖|达 dalai|da 大参考|大 big reference|da 大法|大 dafa|da 大纪元|大 dajiyuan|da 大纪元新闻网|大 dajiyuan news network|da 大纪园|大 dajiyuan|da 大家论坛|大 everybody forum|da 大史|大 dashi|da 大史记|大 dashiji|da 大史纪|大 dashiji|da 大中国论坛|大 greater china forum|da 大中华论坛|大 greater china forum|da 大众真人真事|大 everybody actual person and event|da 戴相龙|戴 dai xianglong|dai 弹劾|弹 impeach|tan 登辉|登 denghui|deng 邓笑贫|邓 deng xiaopin|deng 迪里夏提|迪 dilixiati|ti 地下教会|地 underground church|di 地下刊物|地 underground publications|di 弟子|弟 disciple|di 第四代|第 the forth generation|di 电视流氓|电 tv rougue|dian 钓鱼岛|钓 diaoyu island|diao 丁关根|丁 ding guangen|ding 丁元|丁 ding yuan|ding 丁子霖|丁 ding zlin|ding 东北独立|东 northeastern independence|dong 东方红时空|东 oriental red space time|dong 东方时空|东 oriental horizon|dong 东南西北论谈|东 east south west north forum|dong 东社|东 east society|dong 东土耳其斯坦|东 eastern turkistan|dong 动乱|动 convulsion|dong 独裁|独 despotism|du 独裁政治|独 despotism rule|du 独夫|独 dictator|du 独立台湾会|独 independent Taiwan society|du 杜智富|杜 du zhifu|du 多维|多 multimentional|duo 屙民|屙 | 俄国|俄 russia|russia 发愣|发 be in a daze|fa 发轮|发 falun|fa 发正念|发 fazhengnian|fa 法愣|法 faleng|fa 法抡|法 falun|fa 法仑|法 falun|fa 法伦|法 falun|fa 法轮|法 falun|fa 法论|法 falun|fa 法十轮十功|法 fa+lun+gong|fa 法十轮十功|法 fa+lun+gong|fa 法谪|法 fazhe|fa 法谪功|法 fazhegong|fa 反封锁技术|反 antiblockage technology|fan 反腐败论坛|反 anticorruption forum|fan 反攻|反 counterattack|fan 反共|反 anticommunism|fan 反人类|反 antihumanity|fan 反社会|反 antisociety|fan 方励之|方 fang lizhi|fang 方舟子|方 fang zhouzi|fang 飞扬论坛|飞 feiyang forum|fei 斐得勒|斐 feidele|fei 费良勇|费 fei liangyong|fei 分家在|分 break up the family and live apart|fen 分裂|分 divide|fen 粉饰太平|粉 prettify peace and tranquility|fen 风雨神州|风 wind and rain the divine land|feng 风雨神州论坛|风 wind and rain the divine land forum|feng 封从德|封 feng congde|feng 封杀|封 force-out|feng 冯东海|冯 feng donghai|feng 冯素英|冯 feng suying|feng 佛展千手法|佛 buddha streches a thousand hands|buddha 付申奇|付 fu shenqi|fu 傅申奇|傅 fu shenqi|fu 傅志寰|傅 fu zhihuan|fu 高官|高 high ranking officials|gao 高文谦|高 gao wenqian|gao 高薪养廉|高 foster honesty and cleanness by high salary gao| 高瞻|高 look up from high position|gao 高自联|高 university self-governing association|gao 戈扬|戈 ge yang|ge 鸽派|鸽 pigeon clique|pigeon 歌功颂德|歌 sing the praises of somebody|ge 蛤蟆|蛤 toad|ha 个人崇拜|个 cult of personality|ge 工自联|工 worker self-governing association|gong 功法|功 law of gong|gong 共产|共 share property|gong 共党|共 communist party|gong 共匪|共 communist bandit|gong 共狗|共 communist dog|gong 共军|共 communist army|gong 关卓中|关 guan zhuozhong|guan 贯通两极法|贯 law of perforating the two poles|guan 广闻|广 extensibe knowledge|extensive 郭伯雄|郭 guo boxiong|guo 郭罗基|郭 guo luoji|guo 郭平|郭 guo ping|guo 郭岩华|郭 guo yanhua|guo 国家安全|国 national security|guo 国家机密|国 national secret|guo 国军|国 Kuomingtang arm forces|guo 国贼|国 country°Øs thief|guo 韩东方|韩 han dongfang|han 韩联潮|韩 han lianchao|chao 汉奸|汉 traitor|han 何德普|何 he depu|he
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