: N53 \\ LA\VS OF THE kfe nf Mem J|c[mp^|ire, PASSED JUNE SESSION. 1875. CONCORD EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PRINTER. 1875. X DURHAM I Library Association* ShelfN SA-S.IZ Book rH'S;^ Volume N^^l^^ Source Received ^1rV\e^\.^ .6.1 Cost Accession No. oOV\ : LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE IPJ^SSEID CTTJn^E SESSIOIsr, 1875./ CONCORD EDWARD A. JENKS, STATE PRINTER 1875. 1 STATE OFFIOEES. PERSON C. CHENEY, Governor. BENJAMIN F. PRESCOTT, Secretary of State. AI B. THOMPSON, Deputy Secretary of State. SOLON A. CARTER, State Treasurer. PHIN P. BIXBY, Assistant Treasurer. EDWARD A. JENKS, State Printer. JOHN W. SANBORN, President of the Senate. THOMAS J. SMITH, Clerk of the Senate. CHARLES P. SANBORN, Speaker of the House. SAMUEL C. CLARK, Clerk of the House. ANDREW J. EDGERLY, Adjutant- General. JOHN C. PILSBURY, Warden of State Prison. OLIVER PILLSBURY, Insurance Commissioner. JOHN W. SIMONDS, Superintendent of Public Instruction. ^ JAMES 0. ADAMS, Secretary of Board of Agriculture. ^ NATHANIEL BOUTON, State Historian. , WILLIAM H. KIMBALL, State Librarian. SUPERIOE COURT OF JUDICATURE, EDMUND L. CUSHING, Chief Justice. WILLIAM S. LADD,) , . ^ . ISAAC W.SMITH, ^^^^oczate Justices. CIRCUIT COURT, WILLIAM L. FOSTER, Chief Justice. EDWARD D. RAND, ) . CLINTON W. STANLEY,) ^^''"''^^^*^'''^^' LEWIS W. CLARK, Attorney -General. JOHN M. SHIRLEY, State Reporter. <adv\, ' LAWS OF THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, PASSED JUNE SESSION, 1875. CHAPTER I. AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOE ADDITIONAL TERMS OF THE PROBATE COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF IMERRIMACK. Section Section 1. Terms of probate court ; times and places of 2. Salaries of judge and register increased. holding. 3. Act takes efEect on its passage. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened: Section 1. That in addition to the terms of the probate court Terms of pre- fer the county of Merrimack, now required by law to be held, there times and places ^^ iioi'^^^s- shall be held four terms anmially in the town of Warner,—that is to say, on the second Tuesday of January, April, July, and October of each year ; and in the town of Pittsfield there shall be held four terms annually,—that is to say, on the second Thursday of March, and on the second Tuesday of June, September, and December of each year. 2. Sec. That the judge of probate for the county of Merrimack, fulge an*d reg- and the register of probate for the county of Merrimack, shall each i^ter increased, receive one hundred and fifty dollars annually, in addition to their present salaries, for holding the additional terms provided for in this act. Sec. 8. This act shall take effect upon its passage. ^nus'^assS?* [Approved June 30, 1875.] — : 438 Chapters II, III. [1875. CHAPTER II. AN ACT I>T AMENDjVIENT OF CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE OF THE GENERAL STAT- UTES, IN RELATION TO WARNING TOVVN-IVIEETINGS. Section Section 1. Justice of the peace may warn town-meet- 2. Act takes effect on its passage. ing—when. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened .Justice of the Section 1. That section ten of chapter thirty-five of the General peace may warn town-meeting Statutes shall be amended so as to read as follows, to wit,—If the when. annual meeting in any town shall not have been holden, if there has never been any legal meeting of tlie town, or if, by reason of death, removal from the town, disability, or resignation of the whole board of selectmen, no member of the board remains in office, a justice of the peace, on application of ten voters or of one sixth part of the voters of the town, may issue a warrant for such meet- ing. Act takes effect Sec. 2. Tliis act shall take effect upon its passage. on its passage. [Approved June 30, 1875.] CHAPTER III. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-TWO, SECTION SECOND, OF THE GENERAL STATUTES, IN RELATION TO THE RECORD OF MARRIAGES. Section Section 1. Retiu'n of marriage of non-residents to be 2. Act takes effect on its passage. made to clerk of town wherein they reside. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in Gf-eneral Court convened Return of mar- Section 1. Every person before whom any marriage sliall be riage of non- residents to be solemnized between parties not resident in the town where the mar- made to clerk riage is solemnized, shall forthwith make return of the record of of town where- in they reside. such marriage to the clerk of the town in which the intention of marriage of the parties was entered. Act takes effect Sec. 2. This act shall take effect on its passage. on its passage. [Approved June 30, 1875.] : 1875.] Chapters IV, V. 439 CHAPTER IV. AN ACT TO PROTECT BLACK BASS, SIVIELTS, AND PICKEREL IN RAND'S POND, IN THE TOWN OF GOSHEN, AND IN ALL TRIBUTARIES TO SAID POND. Section Section 1. Taking of flsh prohibited for five years. 3. Act takes effect on its passage. 2. Penalty for taking. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened Section 1. No person or persons shall take in any manner, nor Taking of fish at any season of the year, any fish known as black bass, smelts, or aveyeai^'. pickerel from Rand's pond, in Goshen, nor in any of the tributaries to said pond, for five years from the passage of this act. Sec. 2. Any person convicted of a violation of this act shall be Penalty for tak- ing. fined not less than five dollars, one half of said fine to be received by the complainant and the other half to the county. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after Act takes effect on its passage. its passage. [Approved June 30, 1875.] CHAPTER V. AN ACT RELATING TO THE SETTLEMENT OF PAUPERS. Section Section 1. Towns not liable unless settlement gained 2. Repealing clause. since 1860. 3. Act takes effect—when. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of liepj-esentatives in General Court convened: Section 1. No town shall be liable for the support of any person, Towns not ua- unless he, or the person under whom he derives a settlement, shall tiemenrgaf^d ^^^' have wholly gained a settlement therein since the first day of Jan- ^"'''^ nary, 1860. Sec 2. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are Repealing hereby repealed. clause. Sec. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Act takes effect —when. [Approved June 30, 1875.] — :: — 440 Chapters VI, VII. [1875. CHAPTER VI. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF MOOSE. Section i Section 1. Killing of moose proMbited : time: pen- 2. Act takes effect—when, alty. 1 Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened Killing of Section 1. No person shall take, kill, or destroy any of the ani- moose prohibit- mals known as moose, between the first day of February and the ed : time : pen- alty. first day of October of each year, under a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offence ; and pi-oof of the sale of the meat of such animal shall \)Q prima facie evidence, against the party so selling, of such offence. Act takes effect Sec. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. —when. [Approved June 30, 1875.] CHAPTER VII. AN ACT TO SUPPRESS VAGRANCY. Section Section 1. Vagrancy—how punished : evidence of of- 4. Town ill which such poor person has a set- fence. tlement liable after notice for expense 2. Town and connty officers may bind to hard incurred on his account. Relatives lia- labor persons convicted of vagi-aucy ble. when. 5. County liable when such poor person has 3. Poor person, not a resident, applying to be no legal settlement in state. sent home, may be bound to labor to earn 6. Act takes effect on its passage. expense of sending. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives in Creneral Court convened Vagrancy~h ow Section 1. If any person shall be a public vagrant, beggar, or a punished: evi- dence of of- tramp, or shall go aljout from place to place asking or subsisting upon fence. charity, or without visible means of support, he may, upon com- plaint Ijefore any justice of the peace or police court, be sentenced to hard labor upon any county farm or town farm, or in any house of correction or common jail, not exceeding six months. And any act of lieggary or vagrancy shall be taken to be evidence of the commission of the offences above described. Town and Sec. 2. The overseers of the poor of any town or city or the county oflicers may bind to commissioners of any county in which any such person shall be hard labor per- if in their opinion suitable remunerative labor can- sons convicted tried, may, and of vagrancy not be found for him in the h-ouse of correction or other place to when. which such person may be so sentenced, by their written order ; 1875.] Chapter VII. 441 briefly expressed, bind any person so tried and sentenced to hard labor at any other place, or in the service of any person by them selected, for a term not exceeding his original sentence, and as a substitute therefor, and may compel the performance of such labor for the term fixed. Poor person, Sec. 3. If any person, not living in the town or place in which he not a resident, usually lives and has his home, shall apply to any police officer, or applying to be sent home, may to the overseers of the poor or the selectmen of any town or city, be bound to la- bor to earn ex- or to the commissioners of any county, setting forth that he is de- pense of send- ing.
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