Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists th Association of Southern California We are Proud 48 IA s CHIN RN ESE FO -A LI M A E C R CESASC I to Support N C R A Annual Convention, Awards, E N H E T N U G O Scholarship Fundraiser, & I S N E F E O R N Technical Symposium S O A I T Chinese-American N A D I C S O C S I S E N A T S I T Engineers & Scientists S and the local communities we serve. 2010: Innovation for a New Decade April 24, Clem J. Shin, CFP®, CMFC VP, Branch Manager 2010 HSBC Bank USA, N.A. 1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 110 Hilton San Gabriel Pasadena, CA 91106 225 West Valley Boulevard San Gabriel, California Issued by HSBC Bank USA, N.A. ©2010 HSBC Bank USA, N.A. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne Raytheon People congratulates the The Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association Power of Southern California on the occasion of its Behind 48th annual convention. Exploration Innovation. Driven by Diversity. Raytheon is proud to support the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California in its efforts to promote excellence in engineering, science and mathematics while cultivating the value of cultural diversity. We’re proud to feature Raytheon employees in our ads. To join them in a rewarding career, visit www.rayjobs.com © 2010 Raytheon Company. “Customer Success Is Our Mission” is a registered trademark of Raytheon Company. Raytheon is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and welcomes a wide diversity of applicants. U.S. citizenship and security clearance may be required. Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Welcome Message from CESASC Board of Directors Association of Southern California Dear Honorable Guests, Fellow Members, and Friends: On behalf of the CESASC Board of Directors and all working Committees, we would like to Mission Statement welcome you to our 48th Annual Convention and Technical Symposium. This Convention has again illustrated that CESASC has continued with its mission and vision set by the founding CESASC, a leading Chinese-American professional organization, promotes and fathers 48 years ago, together with the dedication and selflessness of many members and friends. advocates the best interest, aspirations, and professional excellence of CESASC has endured through this economically difficult time and continued to evolve as one of Chinese-American engineers and scientists in Southern California. CESASC the most prestigious Chinese-American professional organizations in the United States. provides career and educational enhancement opportunities, technical exchange, fellowship and community services. See http://www.cesasc.org for CESASC We are proud to note that Dr. Charles Kuen Kao, 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physics, was our 1981 Bylaws and other information. Achievement Award recipient. In addition, Dr. Ju-Chin Chu, who served as the President of CESASC in 1968, was the father of Dr. Steven Chu, the 2007 Nobel Laureate in Physics and the MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM 2010-2011 current US Secretary of Energy Department. ____ New ____ Renewal Date ______________________ During the past year, CESASC has sponsored and engaged in various activities that are beneficial to our members and the Chinese-American community. We have supported a special English Name _______________________ (Mr., Ms., Dr.) Chinese name ___________________ meeting of Torrance Memorial Hospital Chinese-American Healthcare Services program. We attended the event held by John J. Sie Foundation for the benefits of those who are suffering from the Down Syndrome. In addition, our members are represented in various sister Asian- Address ________________________________________________________________________ Pacific organizations including the National Association of Asian American Professionals. Furthermore, to provide a forum for researchers around the world to exchange ideas, we are Employer/Affiliation _______________________________________________________________ planning to co-sponsor with UCLA to host a three-day long International Symposium on Materials for Enabling Nanodevices (ISMEN) in September of this year. We anticipate that it E-Mail Address _____________________________________________ Phone _______________ will set a pattern for our future education related programs, and provide further benefits to our Professional/Career Interest (circle all applicable): members and the Chinese-American science community. Aerospace & Defense Electronics & Communication Engineering CESASC initiated the full size technical conference in 1987 as a part of our annual convention, a Information Technology Life Sciences Optics & Nano Technology first of this kind in this region, and the conference has continued for 24 years now. Today, we present to you an exciting day time Technical Symposium featuring presentations on cutting Entrepreneurship Training Management Training Networking edge science and technologies. We also present to you an enjoyable evening program featuring Company Tours Technical Seminars Dr. Leroy Chiao, Astronaut, as the Keynote Speaker, and our trademark Scholarship Awards. ___ $200 for Life Membership Please make check payable to CESASC, We want to thank all CESASC Committee members and volunteers who devoted their precious and mail this form along with your check to: time and efforts to make this happen. ___ $20 for Annual Membership* CESASC Membership ___ $10 for Student Membership* 1750 Fulton Ave., We hope you enjoy this year’s program and wish you all the best! Monterey Park, CA 91755 *Waived for applicants (new or renewal) who applied at the CESASC 48th Convention and Technical Symposium on April 24, 2010 Wei Kao, Chairman of the Board Wensheng Zhou, President Signature: ____________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ 44 1 GOVERNOR ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER April 24, 2010 Chinese-American Engineers & Scientists Association of Southern California Greetings to everyone who has come together for your 48th Annual Convention & Awards, Scholarship Fundraiser, and Technical Symposium. I applaud your terrific efforts to enhance the scientific and engineering professions in our Golden State and beyond. Through your actions, you help many gain new skills, network and pursue their goals. I commend you for working hard to encourage excellence in your profession. My thanks go to your honorees for their fantastic contributions to your community. On behalf of all Californians, I extend my wishes for a wonderful event and all the best in the future. Sincerely, Arnold Schwarzenegger STATE CAPITOL · SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814 · (916) 445-2841 CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards ◦┯ね₼噾䱠ぴ⸇㦒亰⅚ Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) फࡴᎲЁ㧃⾥Ꮉᅌ᳗(CESASC)៤ゟᮐ 1962 ᑈ⚎ϔ䴲➳߽ᇜὁ೬储Ϻ֖फࡴഄऔ⅋᳔ᙴЙǃ㌘ ᇢࡉゟϺ⬅ӏ㙋ᮐफࡴᎲ᠔催⾥ᡔӕὁ݀䷬⫳ܜ⼹᭛⬅ן㐨᳔ᅠⱘ㧃㕢⾥ᡔᅌ᳗ПϔDŽ䗭 ৌⱘ㧃㺨⾥ᎹᇜὁҎ㙃ড়㌘៤ⱘ⾥ᡔ㌘㐨ᑈ՚㟈ᮐ᳗વ䭧ⱘѸ⌕Ѧࢩǃ᳗વঞ೬储⃞Ⲟ⽣ ⼝ⱘ㎁䅋ǃ⾥ᡔѸ⌕ҹঞህὁ㟛ᬭ㚆Ⳍ䮰䊛㿞ߚѿDŽ ᑈ᳗Ёⱘᇜ丠ⓨ䃯ঞ䷦ⱐ٥ߎ៤ህ⤢ᰃᴀ᳗㸠П᳝ᑈⱘ䞡咲䷙Ⳃᇜ丠ⓨ䃯Ҏঞ៤ህ⤢ᕫЏഛ⚎ϔ ᰖП䙌DŽ2009 ᑈ䃒䉱⠒⤢ᕫЏ催䣩मᰃᴀ᳗ 1981 ᑈ៤ህ⤢ᕫЏDŽ݊Ҫ䃒䉱⠒⤢ᕫЏϕ㙛Ёम ǃᤃᆻमǃᴢᬓ䘧मঞᴢ䘴मѺഛឝ䙔᪨ӏᇜ丠ⓨ䃯Ҏ㽾㞾ߎᐁ䷬প៤ህ⤢DŽ⧒ ӏ㕢㛑⑤䚼䚼䭋ঞ䃒䉱⠒⤢ᕫЏᴅặ᭛मⱘᇞ㖕ᴅ∱⩒म⚎ᴀ᳗ 1968 ᑈ᳗䭋ঞ 1988 ᑈ៤ህ 䲘मˈਇ㗔⼪मˈ䣶✺मঞᴅ㍧℺मㄝࠛ⚎㕢ǃЁǃৄܽኌϝഄ⾥ᅌˈᎹعᕫЏDŽਇ⤢ ᅌ䰶ঞЁ༂ⷨお䰶䰶DŽᇜ丠ⓨ䃯Ҏ៤ህ⤢ᕫЏᇮࣙᣀ㕢ࠡࢲᎹ䚼䍭ᇣ㰁䚼䭋ǃUC Berkeley ᷵औ᷵䭋⬄䭋䳪मǃUC Santa Barbara ᷵औ᷵䭋⼪ԥमǃ1996 ᑈljᰖҷNJ䲰䁠ᑈᑺҎ⠽ԩ ϔमǃӕὁᆊᴰ㋔Ꮁঞᄿ㸯ǃࡴᎲЏ㿜䭋∳֞䓱ǃᴀ᳗主ଣᱼⱒҎ᳗ࠡࡃ᳗䭋䃱ℷमҹঞ 㕢䨥䄬䝿ᅌᇜᆊᴢᯠ䠎मㄝDŽ ᴀ᳗ᮐ 1986 ᑈ佪ᑺߎൟ⾥ᡔⷨ㿢᳗⚎᮹ᕠ៤ゟⱘ㧃㕢⾥ᡔ㌘㐨ゟњᮄⱘὋDŽⷨ㿢᳗ಞ 䳏ǃᓎ㆝ࠄ䳏ᄤଚࢭǃҹঞܝᣀⱘ㆘ೡ⫮ᒷᕲ㟾ぎぎࠄ䊛㿞⾥ᡔǃᕲ⪄ֱ䘟䔌ࠄ⫳⠽䝿ᅌǃᕲ 䖥՚Ⲟফ䞡㽪ⱘㅵ⧚⾥ᅌǃ༜㉇⾥ᡔㄝ䷙ⳂഛҸ㟛᳗㗙ফⲞ㡃DŽⷨ㿢᳗Ёгᐌ䙔䂟Џ⌕݀ৌҹሩ 㾑ⱘᮍᓣ⚎গࡴ㗙ᦤկ⾥ᡔ⬠ⱘ᳔ᮄࢩᜟDŽℸᴀ᳗Ѻ᳒Џ䕺䴦ᇥᑈ⾥Ꮉ㿜ࡗナ䋑(Youth Engineering and Science Project Contest) ঞमᕠ⾥ⷨ៤ᵰሩ(Student Postdoctoral Research Poster Session) ⥆ᕫ᳗વˈᅌᄤঞᣛᇢᬭᥜⱘᬃᣕDŽ 哧ࣉ䴦ᇥᑈⱘগ㟛ᰃᴀ᳗៤ゟ㟇ҞⱘЏ㽕Ⳃ῭1987 ᑈ Scholarship Foundation ⤢ᅌ䞥䞥᳗៤ゟ ᳗વঞ⼒औ➅ᖗҎⱘᝋᤤࡽₚ ↣ᑈᑈ᳗Ёᅮ䷦ⱐ 5 㟇 10 ৡ⤢ᅌ䞥⥆⤢㗙ഛ⚎ᅌ䚼 ⷨお᠔ⱘᅌ᷵ᅌ⫳DŽ䖥ᑈ՚ˈ⤢ᅌ䞥ᕫ⤢Ҏ⥆䙔⾥ᡔⷨ㿢᳗ Poster Session Ёህ݊ⷨお៤ᵰ ⧒⚎ UCLA ⱐ㸼ⓨ䁾DŽؐᕫϔᦤ㗙1986 ᑈ⤢ᅌ䞥ᕫЏ Brown Univ. Sophomore ᒪᬣབྷৠᅌ Medical School Associate Professor and Neurosurgeon ᮐ 2006 ᑈҹ݊䝿ᅌ⬠ⱘ٥ߎ㸼⧒ᾂ⥆ᴀ ᳗៤ህ⤢㌺ќᴀ᳗ঞ⤢ᅌ䞥䞥᳗㥿ⱘ哧ࣉDŽ & ᑈ᳗ঞ⾥ᡔⷨ㿢᳗᠔䳔㍧䊏㟇䠙ᑌᑈ՚⥆ᕫ The Aerospace Corporation,AmgenAnna٭㈠ John J. Sie Foundation, The Boeing Company, Cathay Bank, China Airlines, Chinatrust Bank, Citigroup, Hilton, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Kingston Technology, Lockheed-Martin, New York Life, Northrop Grumman, Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne, Prudential, Raytheon, Rockwell International, Southern California Edison, United Technologies Corp. ㄝ݀ৌӕὁঞ䞥᳗ⱘ䋞ࡽ⡍ℸ䡬䃱DŽ ◦┯ね₼噾䱠ぴ⸇㦒偁⧏ www.cesasc.org Chairman of the Board: Dr. Wei Kao⧚џ䭋˖催⚎䲘म([email protected]), 310-753-0953 President: Dr. Wensheng Zhou᳗䭋˖਼᭛⫳म([email protected]), 310-598-0679 2 43 CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards 2009-2010 CESASC Scholarship Foundation Organization Board of Directors x Chairman of Board: Wei Kao x President: Edward Liu x Directors: Shirley Ho, Sikun Lan, Shan Lee, Yiu Man So, Wensheng Zhou Officers x Vice President: Sherman Yu x Secretary: Jiin-Jen Lee x Treasurer: Munson Kwok 2010-2011 CESASC Organization Board of Directors x Chairman of Board: To Be Elected from Non-Officer Directors x President: Yiu Man So x Vice President: Jason Wen x Secretary: Yutao He x Treasurer: Manwai Szeto x Directors: Joseph Chen, Youping Gao, Shirley Ho, David Lee, Allison Tong, Yin Xu, Wensheng Zhou 42 3 CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards CESASC 48th Annual Convention and Awards 2009-2010 CESASC Organization Board of Directors x Chairman of Board: Wei Kao x President: Wensheng Zhou x Vice President:
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