POSTSCRIPT The Park School Brooklandville, MD December 19, 2003 Volume LXIV Issue No. 4 Park’s vocal stars shine at Winter Concert by Ben Hyman ’06 Park’s holiday choral season tive leaders in the group. Lena-Kate and Daniel Gorham ’04 singing back- debuted as the Park School Winter Con- Ahern, Lisa Boscov-Ellen, Kate Sachs, up to Benjamin Rowland. Rowland ______________________ cert took place in the Meyerhoff Kate Ewald, they are exceptional mu- sang emotionally, once getting on his Theater on Wednesday, December 10th. sicians. They know how to read music, knees with his hands clasped. He drew News At the concert, the Lower how to rehearse, and can pluck notes on laughs from the audience when he strut- School Chorus and the Sound Waves, piano. And Ben Starr can do almost ted in the middle of the song. Drugs/Alcohol Meeting a more dedicated group of Lower anything I ask him to do.” Another Upper School group, School students, performed many sea- Samira Phillips, Middle School the Eightnotes, sang “Lean On Me” and Winter Solstice sonal favorites. The Lower School Technology Coordinator, led the Mid- “Boy from New York City”, among oth- Chorus performed four songs, among dle School String Ensemble. The group ers. Dinerstein leads the Eightnotes, an News Briefs page 2 them “Hanukah, Hanukah”, “Festival of is composed of two students, Vicki My- all-female group. They also sang on the ______________________ Lights”, and “Jingle Bell Swing”. “Jin- ers and Paul Dennis. They performed WBAL morning radio show on Monday, gle Bell Swing” included percussion by “Vivace, from Canonic Sonata No. 3 in December 8th. The girls were given two Editorials eight Lower Schoolers on new African A minor.” The Middle School Chorus five-minute performance slots. During this time, they sang the holiday classics Drums. The Sound Waves performed also performed at the concert, a group Assemblies “Hanerot Halalu”, “No Well, No led by Middle School music teacher “Carol of the Bells” and “Hanerot Hala- Well!”, and “Cool Yule”. lu” and introduced Senior Projects Bruce Bryant, music teach- themselves to the listeners. er and choral director for The station gave them com- Letter to the editors both groups, made an effort plementary bagels and juice page 4 while they were waiting to ______________________ to extract the most out of his go on the air to make the vis- groups. During “Hanerot it comfortable. After they Halalu”, Bryant used solfege Op-Ed sang, the ladies received a symbols to keep his group tour of the radio and televi- Cameras on key. Bryant was pleased sion studio, where they were with the result of the con- allowed to watch the shoot- Senior Projects cert: “It was amazing. There ing of the WBAL morning was one of the parts in one show. Samantha Mehlman Sex, Drugs, & Disney of the songs that didn’t go ’05 remarked, “This was def- page 5 ______________________ quite right. But overall, the photo by Sarah Raifman ’05 initely the most exciting Bruce Bryant directs the US madrigal group. audience’s reaction to the Eightnotes experience I have students was great. The joy was there, Paul Hulleberg. The chorus meets once had so far.” The concert ended with an Commentary and that’s what it’s all about.” a week for thirty minutes, an amount of informal rendition of “Here We Come Bryant also leads the Upper time Hulleberg is appalled with: “How A-Wassailing” that was sung by all of Reapplication School Madrigal group, a group of Up- little time Middle School chorus is giv- the groups that performed as well as by Gossip per School students who sing en is a joke and a travesty.” The Middle the audience. challenging songs that were written be- School Chorus performed two songs: The Parksingers, the Upper Community Board fore 1550 AD. They sang three songs “How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You” School chorus, and the Vocal Chords pages 3, 6-7 at the concert: “Sing We Now Merri- and “I Will Arise and Go Now”, a mu- also performed during the Upper School ______________________ ly”, a ten-part round, “Weep O Mine sical version of the Ogden Nash poem. assembly, as did Abel Fillion and the Eyes”, and “All Ye Who Music Love”. Hulleberg also leads the Upper Metrosexuals, a jazz ensemble. The Arts Of the group of twenty-four singers, School Vocal Chords, a small group of Metrosexuals performed “Equinox” by Bryant points out a few singers who Upper School male singers. The Vocal John Coltrane. The Parksingers per- Life Drawing shine, “I have many strong singers, and Chords sang “In The Still of the Night” formed “Sing with Joy”, “Kyrie ______________________page 8 music readers. They are self-motivat- at the concert, and also sang it in an Up- Eleison”, and the “Overture from the ed. One week, I didn’t have a chance per School assembly earlier that day. Barber of Seville”. Overall, Dinerstein College Essays to meet with them, so they assembled The Vocal Chords pulled off the song was pleased with the assembly: “I page 9 the group on their own and went flawlessly, with Vitaly Briskin ’04, Dan thought the Parksingers did a really good ______________________ through music. There are some defini- Boscov-Ellen ’04, Noah Carver ’05, job.” Reviews Park constructs new kindergarten extension The O.C. by Eric Gottlieb ’06 For many of Park’s four and five ter, the kindergarten is receiving a 500- rooms for teachers, an extended day bath- Beg For Mercy year olds, the construction of a kindergar- square-foot addition with elements that room, space for parent conferences and Gothika ten extension on the other side of their were not previously available. tutoring sessions, and a home for the cur- page 10 classroom window is a dream rently displaced Lucille ______________________ come true. For their teachers, it’s Liberles Library, which is espe- the final product that provides the cially for kindergartners. Sports excitement. The decision to build When Park originally this wing came in the last few Basketball Updates built the building that contains the years. Although, according to Lower, Middle and Upper Schools, Jim Howard, Director of Aca- All Metro Team they planned to include the pre- demic Support Services, the pages 11-12 school in that building. However, construction began “way late,” ______________________ due to a change in the size of the in October, it will be complet- Lower School, the preschool was ed soon after the beginning of pushed into a separate building 2004. As part of the construc- across the road, where it has resid- tion, a new, more impermeable ed since. photo by Sarah Raifman ’05 “membrane roof,” said Howard, Since that building was Construction progresses on kindergarten building. is being installed over the en- built in 1959, the preschool has never had Second year kindergarten teach- tire preschool. “We are all extremely a conference room or a real lobby. As er, JoAnne Yamaka called it excited,” said second year kindergarten part of Phase III-b on Park’s construction “much-needed teacher space.” The ad- teacher, Posey Valis. wish list, along with the Wyman Arts cen- dition will provide a lobby, conference Happy Holidays and Enjoy the Break! December 19,P 2003 OSTSCRIPTNEWS Page 2 Parents meet to discuss Solstice tradition broadens focus by Everett Rosenfeld ’09 drug and alcohol issues Each winter, the fifth towards dance and mime. Al- Conn, Jamie Waxter and Bran- grade celebrates the winter sol- though there were some word don Keiser. by Laura Gordon ’05 stice with a grand performance. plays, the focus remained on The fifth graders that Fifteen parents of ninth- cohol without closing off con- The solstice is the shortest day movement and music. “Some weren’t performing sat in the grade students met with Upper versation?” and the longest night of the year. skits can’t be done without a background as a staged audi- School Guidance Counselor In addition, Dr. David It was a time of great celebration combination of music and ence. The staged audience Krista Dhruv on Thursday, De- Jackson, Head of School, start- amongst people in the middle words.” Fifth grade student interacted a lot with the perform- cember 4th, to share ideas on the ed a program where fifth and ages. They believed that by hon- Brandon Keiser said, “There are ers. There were exaggerated topic of drugs and alcohol. This seventh grade parents meet to oring the sun with celebrations, other skits that just have hand intakes of breath, clapping, meeting, which occurs four discuss and get ready for ap- it would return after the longest motions; no words.” cheering, and laughing. The real times a year, coinciding with the proaching issues. Middle night. After the solstice, audience took part as well. quarterly Drug and Alcohol School Life Skills classes are the days grow longer There were musicians in the course, covers student values taught about drug and alcohol- again. Bonfires, music, audience; there were times about drugs and alcohol and how related issues, but according to and feasts were held in when the performers ran to help parents navigate new ter- Dhruv, “they don’t have real ac- honor of the sun. The fifth into the crowd, whooping ritory. cess to these situations until grade did a reenactment of and screaming. The parents discussed Upper School,” and “students this celebration. Music was an al- several key ideas about drug and see things more readily now. This year the fifth most constant part of the alcohol use at the meeting. They Their social life is growing, and grade started learning performance.
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