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Laa diagrammas suivants illuatrant la mithoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE MOST CELEBRATED fOYAGES, .TRAVELS, AND DISCOVERIES, FROM THE TIME OF COLUMBUS TO THE ,. PRESENT PERIOD. «*N«aapi»indetttmaiU?«ifcdttla/hfa.» 0^-J. By WILLIAM MAYOR, LL.D. VOL. XYIIL i L N D Nt PRINTED FOR E. NEWBBRTy ST. PAUL'S CHURCH-YARD, 1797. I 1454G CONTENTS OF VOL. XVIII. TRAVELS in Switzerland, by William Coxe, M.A. F.R.S. F.A,S. &c. &c, - - Page i rieiv of Society and Manners, in France, Swit- zerland, and Germany, by John Moore, M,D 177 -I*** l»>il I O'^^^r;. »..>> TRAVELS IN SWITZERLAND, BY WILLIAM COXE, M.A. F.R.S. F.A.S. &c. &c. AMONG the various fcientific travellers that this country has produced, few rank higher in the public eftimation, or have gained more ex- tenfive celebrity than Mr. Coxe. He who reads for amulement, and he who reads for informa- tion ; the man of leifure, the man of bulinefs^ and the politician, will all be in fome degree gra- tifieiby an attentive perufal of his works. ' His travels in Switzerland,, a country favour- '<ible for local defcription, and where freedom^ independence, and competence arc the lot of al- ;pioft every rank, as they are certainly his moft popular publication, fo we have fele6ted them to grace our volumes. But while we are anxious to- priefent our readers with a fair view of their prin* cipal contents, it is a duty we owe the amiable author to confefs, that we feel ourfelvcs incapable*, within the limits preferibed, to do juftice to the i^ultifarious matter they contain j and we are ra- ther ambitious to excite curiofiry to perufe the orir ginal, th^n to fatisfv it by our prolciit abridgments VoL.xvm. i It iMnA- 2 COXES TRAVELS, It would, indeed, be an ill compliment to one of the mort perfect books of travels^ in the Engliili language not to include it in our plan ; and we are fure, the author is too liberal minded to fup- pofe that we wilh to infringe on his rightfi ani his labours. Thefe travels are addreflcd, in the form of let- ters, to William Melmoth, Eiq. a gentleman of equal diitindion in the literary world; and were performed in company with Lord Herbert, now Earl Pembroke, and Colonel Floyd j and the lame fcenes were afterwards revilited with the prelent Mr. Whitbread, &c. The firft letter is dated from Donefchingen» July 21, 177Q* This town is the principal reli- I dence of the prince of Furilenberg ; and in the court yard of his palace the Danube takes its rife. III '' Some fmall fprings, bubbling from the ground, form a bafon of about thirty feet fquare, and from this fmall beginning iflfues the mighty Danube, which loon after receives feveral tributary dreams of greater confequence than the original. Next day, they arrived at Schaffhanfen in Switzerland. The cleanlinefs of the houfes, and of the people, is peculiarly ilrikingi and there are feveral other llrong outlines which diitinguiih this happy race from the neighbouring nations. Schatf haulea is fituated on the northern bank of the Rhine. It is a tolerably well built town, and owes its origin to the interruption of the na- vigation of that river, by the catara6t at Lauffen. It is the capital of a canton, and has been a mem* ber of the Helvetic confederacy ever (ince 1501, Though of fmall extent, its population is fup- to to thirty thoufand fouls. |[ pofed amount The bridge over the Rhine/ at this place, is of i fingular .. , COXLS TRAVELS. 3 Ingwiar architedure. The river here is extreme- ly rapid, and Icveral ftone bridges had been car^ ried away? when a carpenter of Appenz'J offered to throw a wooden bridge acrols the liream, which is near four hundred feet wide. The diliance of the middle pier from the fliore to- wards the town is one hundred and fcventy-two feet, and from the other iide one hundred and ninety-three, apparently making two arches of furprifing width, and forming a beautiful dillant perfpeftive. The weight of a man makes it vi- brate under him, and yet waggons, heavily laden, pafs without danger.
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