pzc No.4 p 31-38 one per cent. In the early 90’s the per- The Educational Structure of the centage of female population over 10 years of age was 51.9%, and it was Population of Vojvodina slightly higher only in Bačka. In the group of literate population these differences are smaller. In 1953 the percentage of literate male and fe- male population is equal in the whole of Vojvodina (in absolute terms, the num- ber of men is higher by several dozens). Plavša, J.* In Bačka and Srem the number of lit- erate female population is higher at ap- Abstract or the purpose of fast and suc- proximately 1%, whereas in Banat the From the year 1953 to 1991 the popula- cessful development of towns, re- number of male literate population is tion of Vojvodina increased in number Fgions and countries the education- higher at 2.5%. It should also be men- at 18.5%. However, the increase was dif- al level of population is the matter of tioned here that the portion of the liter- ferent in each particular region in Vo- utmost importance. Monitoring the ed- ate people over 10 years of age in Vojvo- jvodina. Thus, the population increase ucational structure of the population en- dina (87.0%) was at the same level as in in Bačka was 21.3%, in Banat 5.1% ables timely, relatively simple planned the most developed countries. The per- and in Srem 41.9% in the same period. and successfully conducted activities by centage of the literate in Bačka was at Similar changes appeared in the educa- which to influence the development of 1.4% higher than the average in Vojvo- tional structure of the analyzed groups the total population in a particular area. dina, whereas in Srem and Banat it was of population: persons over 10 years of Following the World War II, Yugosla- lower than the average at 0.1% and 1.7% age (in 1953 there were 1.396.005 people via and Vojvodina underwent a relative- respectively. By the year 1991, in addi- belonging to this age group in Vojvodina, ly fast development, although this pro- tion to the absolute increase in the lit- i.e. 82.8% of the total population), and cess was not evenly distributed in the erate population, the percentage of liter- over 15 years of age (in 1991 there whole area. Thus, in the analyzed peri- ate female population also rose, which were 1.627.459 people belonging to this od significant differences were record- means that the education of males and age group in Vojvodina, i.e. 80.8% of ed between the regions of Bačka, Banat females had been equaled. The portion the total population). During this period and Srem. The total rate of development of the literate in 1991 Vojvodina popula- the portion of the illiterate decreased at was not always followed by the adequate tion (95.6%) is large, but at a slight 8.6%, i.e. almost three times (by 109.299 education, and more often than not, no percentage lower than that of the most persons). The majority of these were adequate measures were taken to co-or- developed countries (97-99%) and that women (in 1953 69.6% of the illiterate dinate the economic development with of the former Warsaw Pact countries. were women, and in 1991 as many as the educational system. Besides, certain The lower level of literacy in Vojvodina 75.4%). From the year 1953 to 1991 the categories of educational structure have in comparison with the countries men- portion of people without primary school been under the negative influence of tioned was due to the immigration of education decreased at 21.7%, i.e. 4.2 constant emigration, especially of uni- a great number of illiterate population. times (by 286.836 persons). It should be versity educated population, as Vojvo- Again, compared to the average in Vo- noticed that in 1991 there were as many dina also faces the problem of the so jvodina the level of literacy was higher as 432.679 persons (26.6%) who had called “brain drain”. From 1953 to 1991 in Bačka, and lower in Srem and Banat. not completed primary school. The por- there were several changes in the edu- In the second half of the 20th century tion of those who completed primary cational system which affected all edu- the number of the illiterate in Vojvodina school decreased from 56.3% in 1953 cational categories. Moreover, the sys- dropped dramatically. In 1953 the num- to 25.3% in 1991, whereas the portion tematics of censuses and statistical data ber of the illiterate in Vojvodina (181.217 of those who completed secondary school processing underwent changes. Howev- persons, i.e. 13.0%) made up slightly increased from 14.0% to 33.0% (2.4 er, with slight corrections, it is possible over one eighth of the total population, times). However, the major change took to analyze and compare the data. whereas in the whole of Serbia the num- place in the group of population who ac- ber of the illiterate (1.558.773 persons, quired college or university degrees. In Literacy analysis i.e. 27.9%) made up between one third the year 1953 the portion of this group In the analyzed groups of population of and one quarter of the total population. represented 0.5% of the analyzed popula- Vojvodina and its regions both in the Regardless of the natural and social uni- tion whereas in 1991 it was 7.4%, which mid and late 20th century there more formity of Vojvodina, there were still means that the portion of this category women than men. Still these differences differences between Bačka, Banat and increased 14.8 times. were not too big, and they can be said to Srem. The highest percentage of the il- have been within the limits of the gen- literate was in Banat (14.8%), which was Key words: educational structure of the eral population trends. Partly, they are almost 2% higher than Vojvodina aver- population, Vojvodina also the consequence of the war. In the age. This is the result of the fact that year 1953 the percentage of female pop- this region is more peripheral, and has * Jovan Plavša, Institute of Geography, Uni- ulation in Bačka and Srem was higher a higher percentage of agricultural pop- versity of Novi Sad, YU, Novi Sad ,Trg than the average in Vojvodina (52.5%), ulation, but also of the fact that after Dositeja Obradovića 3 whereas in Banat it was lower at nearly the World War II it was inhabited by the 31 pzc greatest number of immigrants from the of the country after the World War II. norities (Senta 6.5%, Bečej 9.7%, Novi undeveloped parts of the country among In the year 1953 the district which is Kneževac 10.7%) and in cities (Novi Sad whom there were a large number of il- at present covered by Sečanj municipal- 4.7%, Zrenjanin 7.5%). It should also be literate persons. At the time Srem had ity had 20% of the illiterate. The sit- mentioned that the whole part of Mačva 13.1% of the illiterate, and Bačka 11.7%, uation was similar in Kovin area, and which became part of Srem had more although in absolute terms the highest the area surrounding Bačka Palanka had than 30% of the illiterate in the popula- number of the illiterate was in Bačka, over 18% of the illiterate. The areas tion over 10 years of age. which is logical considering its higher which are at present covered by the mu- Throughout the analyzed period the number of population. The illiterate of nicipalities of Odžaci, Bač, Žitište, Nova percentage of illiterate women in the Backa make up 44.0% of the total num- Crnja, Bela Crkva and Kikinda had be- population over 10 years of age was con- ber of the illiterate in Vojvodina in 1953, tween 17% and 18% of the illiterate. siderably higher. In 1953 women rep- which is at 4.6% lower than percentage However, the total population of cer- resented more than two thirds of the of Bačka population over 10 years of age tain towns had 50% or more of the total of the illiterate. The percentage of within the same age group of Vojvodina. illiterate (Karavukovo 53.6%, Maglić illiterate women in Bačka (70.3%) was The portion of the illiterate from Banat 51%, Novi Kozarci 50.9%, Kočićevo slightly higher than the average in Vo- makes up 41.1%, and that from Srem 50.7%, Čestereg 50.4%, Mladenovo jvodina (69.6%), whereas in Banat it co- 14.9% of the same group in Vojvodina. 50%, Banatsko Veliko Selo 49.2%, Žar- incided with the average (69.5%), and in The analysis conducted in smaller kovac 48.3%, Ljukovo 47.9%, Nakovo Srem it was at nearly 2% lower than districts of Vojvodina showed consider- 47.2%, Lukićevo 45.9% and Bački Jarak the average (67.7%). The comparison of able diversity and proved that the num- 45.5%). The lowest percentage of the the percentage of male and female illit- ber of the illiterate in 1953 was the illiterate people over 10 years of age erate population within their own sex greatest in the areas inhabited by the in 1953 was in the districts where the groups gives interesting results. The il- immigrants from the undeveloped parts majority of population were ethnic mi- literate men make up slightly less than Ta b l e 1.
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