••:. V '•: : , V'Phone .- 73,3-0^31 1 Spring agtiiri i • Burliy Ru[)*rl P O*k ley Norland •DetalhrP-21 FlUr Roomon . Hollliltr M4I1IS Wcndtll-Jaromt- Magic.Valley's tidnie Newspaper Good Ing Hau.frri UUUS ' .. VOL. 67 NO. 269- •t . •'."' TW.N FALLS, IDAHO, SUNDAY; FEBRUARY 21, 1971, TWENTY CENTS Searche r^m^Ftlef^wom^ii '• HOLLISTER - Searchers husband, C.C, Collins, % and a sweater. Both men had jackets.^ At 7:15 Friday morning, Mrs. supply of .gasollno • was, wheel drive vehicles' searched .--ucoured the spow covered friend, 78-year-old J.M. Their plokup truck bocatfuT Collins said, .the two -men exhausted "Just at dawn" for tho truck afW it had been ,,;. desert southwest of hero late Jamerson botli of Filer, set out stuck in the mud about 25 miles decided to seek' help on foot Saturday. spotted froni the air, , i Saturday In hopes of finding two on foot early Friday In, hopes of . 'southwest .of balanced Rock despite rcD£AtedJVquests from She said the warm Bun Threo Civil Air Patrol' planes .' eltjerly men who abandoned finding help, ~».- . "between Goonskin nutte and Mrs. Collins that they not leave streaming, through tho truck 1 and two private craft searched •• their stranded truck In a She said her husband suffered Doyil Creek Canyon — far from tho safety of tho truck. windows kept her warm until tho doKert In hopes of spotting i desperate nttenipt to, bring help from arthritis, which she iaitl the nearest Isolated ranches. Sho said they intendod to walk rescuers found her about 1 p,m. thu two men. p—to an elderly woman'Jhey, left could hamper his ability to walk The three spent Thursday southward toward Three Creek Saturday. , Mm. Colling movetl.tp Idaho . behind. cross country-In the deep mow. night huddled in the pick-up — about 20 air miles to the south More than 30 persons from three years ago from.Oklohomo ..Searchers reached the vehlclo Mrs. Collins told the Times-, with tho ciiKlno- running to — In hopes of finding a ranch to Filer Joined the search late to marry Collins, whom she had Saturday afternoon and round News late Saturduy Uiat the provide hoot. bring bock a tractor to pull out Saturday In hopes of finding tho known'filnco childhood. - TWrs. C.C. Collins, 71, of Filer, three had set out on Thursday' Snow bo((an to fall during the their truck. two men who were presumed to' -Sho rind tho two rnen had Urcd but In good condition after for a drive Ln tho desert "to look niijht, It continued in- Mrs. Collins kept worm In the be spending their second un- (node related sightseeing trips spending two nights In the at the sconory." termittently through Saturduy truck cab by running the heater protected night In tho desert. Into Uie (kisert since she moved truck. - Mrs._CoUlns wore a Unlit morning. the second night, until tho Earlier In the day four *- to tho ^tflto. \ She told searchers her 'Worried aboutmen' nyMCIlAIlDG.HIGH gucs.1 that's why I wasn't Times-News Associate Editor scared. I Uilnk I was moro FILER — "You know I'm a serious lost-night than I over scarodyjcot," Mrs. C.C. Collins was boforo," she said, said Saturday night -after her Tho two men hud left her Uie rescue. "But I wasn't scared at morning boforo. It was a grim Double demand all. I was too worried about Mr. scene. ' TOO BUSY to put down telephone to eat U officer from Por- Collins and Mr. Jamerson." .''Neitheroho wild too much," tland,: Ore., member of 101*t Airborne Dlviiloa at Pfau Loc, Mrs. Collins had Just been Mrs, Collins remembers. "Mr. returned to her Filer home after Collins told Mr. Jamerson to about mile from Laotian border where hi* unit Is supporting upending two nights huddled in show mo how to turn tho truck South Vletaamese troopi battling In Laoi. (UPl) tho cab of a stranded pickup on for tho heater." about 25 miles southwest of "I asked .them two or three Balanced Rock. times not to'go/J felt there was Now sho waited for word of danger in 4hom""going." • -•«' f • ' her 74-year-old husband and "My husbtlnd was wearing a Viet unit J.M. Jamerson, 78, both Filer, pretty good coat — a nylon-Jlned. who had left her Friday mor- Jacket. Mr. Jamerson hod a real SNOW COVERS building material! on lite ol one ol 12 houiM nlng to seek old on foot. nice leather and suode coat. But at Paul being built by Dale Mltton CoutrucUon Co. Seven homes "That- was tho first time I I'm worried about them." One among 12 are complete and other* are expected to be wUhla M days. spent time 2^milos away from Mrs. Collins spent the time everybody, but I wasn't quietly. Sho didn't move from breaks out scared," she told tho Times- Uie truck. SAIGON (UPI)-A group of force at Landing Zone Hangor, News. • _J'I didn't have a bite to eat South Vietnamese Rangers six miles inside-Laos, Had been "I can't understand why they from Thursday; noon on, but I carrying mrfre than 100 wound- killed and another 110 wounded. didn't come back today unloss 'Jot along real well. Ivfeel fine Paul project expands od foukht Uicir way through Spokesmen In Saigon said1 something Is wrong." . myself, i fool real worried," Communist linen luto Saturday another Gd were reported Mrs. Collins spent tho two Mrs. Collins Saturday night llyMlKEHOBEKTSON bocn completed and flvo moro projoctlnUIBwtpartof Paul* njo not yet built a and Jgbtcd other Saigon troops missing hi notion. nights warmed by tho truck's was home surrounded by times-New. StaH Writer nro In varying ittauea of con- concelvod by Dale Mltton. a houie tor amout of state buyer. after nolding ' mil against Sullivait reported Uiat tho heater, slowly using up Its friends. "Everybody has been PAUL—Seven of 12 units In a utrilctlon. Pnul building contractor. Ho Most of those buying.the new devastating North Vietnamese troops of' tho 30Ui Soutli gasollrto supply. so rilco. I really approcluto limulng project u[ Pnul tiuvo The homes arc purl of u snld tho cost of tho houses homes ore employed by one of attacks fit an outpost In IJIOS, Vietnamese Ranger Battalion ."My gas lasted, believe It or ovorythlng Uioy'vo done," she' ranges from J17.000 to $18,000. the processing plants, he said. U.S. military sources said. nulled out of u portion of not, until the sun came out Uiis. uaid. Until he started this 12-houso Many of the buyers going Into Tho buttle-wcary Hunger Landing Zone Ranker under the morning. —Then I was plenty Mrs. Collins moved to Idaho project, Mltton spent four years Mitton's houses are youngor * troops used escape and evasion cover of American ulr strikes warm with tho sun shining throp yours ago to marry . building houses one by one In families, building homes for the tactics -to-get out.of tliolr called in by a U.S. helicopter through tho glass window." Collins, a man sho had known tho Rupert-Paul-Heyburn aroa.' first time. hell," ono U.S. military source crewman with them on tho Dlth night she prayed, sincince childhoodchildhoo,. GOP purge He finished a seven unit The houses In thia first tract told U!*rcorrespondent Robert ground. "I prayed mosostt oof laslast nighnlfthtt . I Since coming to Idaho from apartment building In Paul this aro not all alike, like many !•:. Sullivan at Uie South Tho force, reported at less Oklahoma she learned to love past September, then started project homes. Each has an Vietnanieso forward base at th&i a quarter of_its original Uie sagebrush desert. , Individual floor plan. All but one ' r 1 Uie housing project. KhoSanh. " • - •• • • • fighting strcngUi.^was said W" "I lUtd"h Mitton purchased the. land a house have three bedrooms, but . -Allied-sour ces-luul-roported •have-reached-another -Soutli- said. Sho ontiUio two mcrrhad year ago wltli Uio Idea oiullttlng none have basements. earlier Uiat at least 50 Vietnamoso position nearby. oftori gono for Drives" lnto~Uie Bid —beatie_,_ _ —__n^ In such a project. It covers one " Mltton said Uiat he plan, to- members out of the •lOQ-mnn The Hangers carried, moro dosert. BOISBOISEE (UPI(UPI) ) —Member- I s of load to our dofeat In Ihol972"fuil block and half of another have Uie-last five houses than 10Q oL.Uiclc^woividwl- "But I hadn't been to this .UiotlnpubHcnnCcntralCommlt- elections." * J'facing it. completed in about DO days. comrades with them when they particular plnco, Hho, said. tee gave an overwhelming vote Stato Chairman Roland WU- • cloven of Uio 12 houses were After these houses are mado their dash for safety meeting "That's why Mr. Jamerson took of confidence Saturday to their bcr, Lowlston, thanked Uio ld before he started bulldlg finished he Is looking at another M through. Uio dark Jungle to a us there."- chairman and national commit- Control Committee for Uie vote them. Mltton built ono house on 10 acres east of the present H.R. Jewell neighboring hilltop, Sullivan teowomon dosplte attempts by of confidence, and thanked Uio speculation and sold It almost . project. He has a bid In for the quoted Ui£ sources aa saying. March 1 Uio Soutli Central Region to region sponsoring Uie resolution Immediately. Four of the land and If his bid Is accepted, 0 S purge them. for Drinking It'forward as "a .'completed -Houses-arc'now he' plans to start new tracts of 24 dies early -A.B.ON-^preW^i^" ^ ^ Although the actual votos .matter of concern" for Uio good occupied, and 30 homes.
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