Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine Decay mode column α α decay β − β − decay ε Electron Capture β + β+ decay SF Spontaneous Fission β − β − Double Β − Decay β + β + Double Β + Decay IT Isomeric Transition p Proton Emission n Neutron Emission 2D Two-dimensional 2DE Two-dimensional echocardiogram, echocardiography 3D Three-dimensional AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm ABC Airway, breathing, circulation ABG Arterial blood gases ABW Adjusted body weight AC Attenuation corrected ACC American College of Cardiology ACE Angiotensin converting enzyme ACLS Advance Cardiac Life Support ACR American College of Radiology ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome AED Automated external defi brillator AF Atrial fi brillation AFL Atrial fl utter AHA American Heart Association A. Moniuszko and B.A. Kesala, Nuclear Cardiology Study Guide: A Technologist’s 235 Review for Passing Specialty Certifi cation Exams, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-8645-9, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 236 Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine AIPES Association of Imaging Producers and Equipment Suppliers AICD Automatic implantable cardiac defi brillator ALS Advance Life Support AMA Against Medical Advice AMI Acute myocardial infarction Anterior myocardial infarction Angio. Angiogram Angiography ANSI American National Standards Institute AO Aorta APC Atrial premature contraction AR Aortic regurgitation ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker ARF Acute renal failure ASA Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) ASNC American Society of Nuclear Cardiology ASTM American Standards for Testing and Materials AT Atrial tachycardia AUC Appropriate use criteria AV Arteriovenous A-V Arterioventricular AVM Arteriovenous malformation AVNRT Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia AVR Aortic valve replacement BBB Bundle branch block BBB Blood–brain barrier BF Blood fl ow BG Blood glucose BLS Basic Life Support BMI Body Mass Index BMIPP β-Methyl-p-[123I]iodophenyl–pentadecanoic acid BNP B-type natriuretic peptide BP Blood pressure Bpm Beats per minute BRADY Bradycardia BSA Body surface area CABG Coronary artery bypass graft CAC Coronary artery calcium CACS Coronary Artery Calcium Score CAD Coronary artery disease CAFU CArdiac FUnction CAT Computed axial tomography Cath Catheterization CCT Cardiac Computed Tomography CCTA Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine 237 CDR Collimator detector response CE Cardiac enzymes Cardiac events CFR Coronary fl ow reserve Code of Federal Regulations CGS Centimeter–gram–second system CHEER Chest pain evaluation in the emergency room CHF Congestive heart failure Chol Cholesterol CI Cardiac Index CK-MB Creatine kinase-myocardial band CM Cardiomyopathy CMR Cardiac magnetic resonance CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CO Cardiac output CO2 Carbon dioxide COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CP Chest pain CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation CPT Current procedural terminology CRF Chronic renal failure CRP C-Reactive Protein CRT Cardiac resynchronization therapy Coronary revascularization therapy CSI Cesium iodide CTA Computed tomography angiogram CTDI CT Dose Index CVA Cerebrovascular accident CVD Cardiovascular disease CZT Cadmium-zinc-telluride D/C Discharge DCA Digital cardiac angiography DCM Dilated cardiomyopathy DDDR Dual-chamber rate-adaptive pacemaker DM Diabetes mellitus DMF Drug master fi le DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid DNR Do not resuscitate DOA Dead on arrival DOE Dyspnea on exertion DR Digital radiography DSP Deconvolution of septal penetration DTS Duke Treadmill Score DVT Deep venous thrombosis Dx Diagnosis 238 Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine e.g. For example E. S.R.D. End stage renal disease Ea. Each EBCT Electron beam computed tomography ECF Extra cardiac fi ndings ECG Electrocardiogram ECT Emory cardiac toolbox ED End diastole EF Ejection fraction EMB Endomyocardial biopsy EMR Electronic medical records EP Electrophysiology EPS Electrophysiologic study Eq Equal ERASE Emergency room assessment of Sestamibi for evaluation of chest pain ERNA Equilibrium radionuclide angiography ES End systole ESR Erythocyte sedimentation rate et And ET Emory toolbox Etc Et cetera ETT Exercise tolerance test Eval Evaluation Excl. Exclude Exp. Expired Extr. Extremities FAO Fatty acid oxidation FBP Filtered back projection FBS Fasting blood sugar FDA Food and drug administration FDG FluoroDeoxyGlucose FFA Free fatty acids FFR Fractional fl ow reserve F-MISO fl uoromisonidazole FN False negative FORE Fourier rebinning FOV Field of view FP False positive FPRNA First-pass radionuclide angiography f/u Follow up GCS Glasgow coma scale GEF Global ejection fraction GERD GastroEsophageal refl ux disease GFR Glomerular fi ltration rate GLU Glucose Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine 239 Gm Gram GRAE Generally regarded as effective. GRAS Generally regarded as safe gSPECT Gated single photon emission computed tomography GSCQ Gated SPECT cardiac quantifi cation G-tube Gastrostomy tube HAP Hospital acquired pneumonia Hb Hemoglobin HbA1c Glycosylated hemoglobin HCFA Health Care Financing Administration HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin HCM Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Hct Hematocrit HCTZ Hydrochlorothiazide HD High defi nition HDL High density lipoprotein HF Heart failure H/H Hemoglobin/Hematocrit HLA Horizontal long axis HLTx Heart and lung transplant HLW High-level waste H/M Heart-to-mediastinum ratio HMO Health maintenance organization H/O History of H&P History and physical HR Heart rate HRCT High-resolution CT HRES High resolution HRR Heart rate recovery HRT Hormone replacement therapy HTN Hypertension HV High voltage IABP Intra-aortic balloon pump IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IBW Ideal body weight IBP Intraaortic balloon pump ICA Internal carotid artery ICCU Intensive Coronary Care Unit ICD Implantable cardioverter defi brillator ICD-9 International classifi cation of diseases (9th revision) ICM Ischemic cardiomyopathy ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection ICU Intensive care unit IDDM Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus IHD Ischemic heart disease 240 Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine IMACS Image (management) archiving and communications system IMP IodoaMPhetamine Inc Incontinent INF Inferior Inj Injection Insuff Insuffi ciency INT Interior I/O Intake and output ISO International Standards Organization ISR In-stent restenosis IV IntraVenous(ly) IVC Inferior vena cava IVCD Interventricular conduction delay JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group k Kilo K Thousand Kcal Kilocalories Kerma Kinetic energy released in media keV Kiloelectron Volts kg Kilogram L Liter LA Left atrium LAD Left anterior descending coronary artery Left axis deviation LAE Left atrial enlargement LAFB Left anterior fascicular block LAN Local area network LAO Left anterior oblique LBBB Left bundle branch block LCA Left coronary artery LCX Left circumfl ex artery LDL Lower density lipoprotein LE Lower extremity LFT Liver function tests L/H ratio Lung-to-heart ratio LIMA Left internal mammary artery LLAT Left lateral LLL Left lower lobe LLQ Left lower quadrant LMA Left main artery LMC Layer of maximum count LMP Last menstrual period LOR Line of response LPO Left posterior Oblique Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine 241 L-S Lumbo-Sacral LUE Left upper extremity LUL Left upper lobe LUQ Left upper quadrant LUT Lookup table LV Left ventricle LVEF Left ventricle ejection fraction LVG Left ventriculography LVGTF left ventricular global thickening fraction LVH Left ventricular hypertrophy LVOT Left ventricular outfl ow tract m Meter MACE Major adverse cardiac events MBF Myocardial blood fl ow MDCT Muti-row detector CT scanner mEq MilliEquivalent MET Metabolic equivalent of task MFR/3 Mean fi lling fraction mg Milligram MHR Multiple head registration MI Myocardial infarction MIBG MetaIodoBenzylGuanidine MIRD Medical internal radiation dose MIP Maximum intensity projection μg Microgram MIP Maximum intensity projection ml Milliliter MLEM Maximum likelihood expectation maximization M&M Morbidity and mortality MPI Myocardial perfusion imaging MPR Multiplanar reconstruction MR Mitral regurgitation MRA Magnetic resonance angiography MRI Magnetic resonance imaging MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus MSAD Multiple slice average dose ms Millisecond(s) MUGA Multi gated acquisition scan MV Mitral valve MVO2 Myocardial oxygen consumption MVP Mitral valve prolapse MVR Mitral valve replacement N/A Non applicable NaCl Sodium chloride NAC Non-attenuation corrected 242 Appendix A Commonly Used Abbreviations and Symbols in Nuclear Medicine NC Nasal Cannula NDA New drug application NECR Noise Equivalent Count Rate NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NHLBI National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ng Nanogram(s) NIDDM Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NIH National Institutes of Health NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology NKA No known allergies Non-AC Non-attenuation-corrected NPO Nothing per Oral NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission NSTEMI Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction NSR Normal sinus rhythm NSVT Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia NYHA New York Heart Association OASIS Organization to assess strategies for ischemic syndromes OM Obtuse marginal branch OOB Out of bed OSEM Ordered subsets expectation maximization OP-OSEM
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