IAML ANNUAL CONFERENCE WARSAW POLAND 10-15 JULY 2005 f 1 di'a,il Jett ete3_7 xr' 4 \ • _ �iT = st �•, eii..zwiriAer��"�" �r ',Nude.' w 4-. r --�� IAMLfJuly 2005/Warsaw WARSAW CENTER 1 Royal Castle (Zamek Krôlewski) 2 National Philharmonic (Filharmonia Narodowa) 3 Hotel Mercure "Fryderyk Chopin" 4 Central Railway Station (Dworzec Centralny) 5 Academy of Music (Akademia Muzyczna) 6 National Library (Biblioteka Narodowa) 7 Hotel "Riviera" 8 Hotel "Hera" 9 Hotel "Reytan" 10 Airport (Lotnisko) 11 Hotel "Sokrates" 12 John Paul II Collection Museum INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MUSIC LIBRARIES, ARCHIVES AND DOCUMENTATION CENTRES (IAML) ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE DES BIBLIOTHÈQUES, ARCHIVES ET CENTRES DE DOCUMENTATION MUSICAUX (AIBM) INTERNATIONALE VEREINIGUNG DER MUSIKBIBLIOTHEKEN, MUSIKARCHIVE UND MUSIKDOKUMENTATIONSZENTREN (IVMB) IAML Annual Conference Warsaw, Poland 10-15 July 2005 National Library Warsaw 2005 WELCOME! BENVENUE! WILLKOMMEN! It is our great pleasure to welcome you Nous avons l'honneur de vous ac- Wir freuen uns, Sie in Warschau, in die to Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, cueillir à Varsovie, capitale de la Polo- Hauptstadt von Polen zu der IVMB- for the 2005 IAML Annual Conference. gne, à la Conférence Annuelle AIBM -Jahreskonferenz 2005 willkommen zu Warsaw is an unusual city situated in 2005. Varsovie est une ville particuliè- können! Warschau ist eine besondere the centre of Europe, at the intersec- re, située au centre de l'Europe, à l'in- Stadt. Sie liegt im Mittelpunkt Europas, tion of tracks connecting the West with tersection des voies de communication an der Schnittstelle der Verkehrswege the East, and the North with the South Est-Ouest, Nord-Sud. Elle fascine les auf der Ost-West- und Nord-Südachse of the Old Continent. It fascinates vis- visiteurs par son histoire riche et son des Kontinents. Die Stadt begeistert itors with its rich history and exception- climat exceptionnel. Elle allie tradition ihre Gäste mit ihrer komplizierten Ge- al atmosphere. The city has adopted et modernisme. Bien que la guerre ait schichte und einer außerordentlichen changes brought by new eras and at engendré de terribles ravages, la majo- Atmosphäre. Hier trifft sich die Tradi- the same time preserved its tradition. rité du patrimoine, comme les palais, les tion mit der Zukunft. Alte Paläste, Kir- Historic palaces, churches and other églises, les bâtiments et autres comple- chen, Gebäude und architektonische buildings which suffered heavy war xes architecturaux, a été méticuleuse- Anlagen wurden nach der Zerstörung damage, have been meticulously recon- ment reconstruite. De nos jours, les während des Krieges wieder sorgfältig structed and today stand alongside fine constructions historiques cohabitent rekonstruiert. Heute werden historische examples of modern architecture. The avec l'architecture moderne. Varsovie Gebäude von der modernen Architek- surprising and dynamic growth of the surprend par le dynamisme de son dé- tur begleitet. Die Stadt überrascht mit city manifests itself in the conspicu- veloppement. En effet, il n'y a pas de ihrer dynamischen Entwicklung — neue ous changeability of its image. jour sans qu'un nouvel investissement Investitionen schießen wie Pilze aus ne vienne changer son image. dem Boden und verändern das Bild der The IAML Annual Conference will take Stadt. place in Warsaw for the second time. La Conférence de l'AIBM se déroule The first conference was held in 1966. à Varsovie pour la seconde fois. La pre- Die IVMB-Konferenz findet in War- Now, after almost 40 years, we have mière fois, c'était en 1966. Aujourd'hui, schau schon zum 2. Mal statt. Die erste a great opportunity to host you again. 40 ans plus tard, c'est l'occasion de wurde hier 1966 organisiert. Jetzt, nach We offer you a rich conference pro- vous accueillir de nouveau chez nous fast 40 Jahren haben wir wieder die Gelegenheit, Sie bei uns als Gäste auf- gramme, concerts of Polish music and en vous proposant un riche programme a variety of social events as well as de conférences, de concerts de musi- zunehmen und Ihnen ein umfangrei- ches Konferenzprogramm, Konzerte postconference tours which, we hope, que polonaise, ainsi que divers évène- polnischer Musik und zahlreiche Be- will become an unforgettable experi- ments et visites. gleitveranstaltungen und Ausflüge ence. La Conférence AIBM 2005 se déroule nach der Konferenz anzubieten. Wir The world famous Polish composer sous le haut patronat du célèbre com- hoffen, Sie werden nach dem Aufent- Wojciech Kilar has accepted our invi- positeur polonais Wojciech Kilar. halt in Warschau viele Eindrücke mit tation to be the Patron of 2005 IAML nach Hause nehmen. Conference. Das Patronat über die IVMB-Konferenz 2005 wird durch Wojciech Kilar, den hervorragenden polnischen Komponi- sten übernommen. 3 CONTENTS General information 5 Social and cultural programme 6 Excursions 7 Informations générales 10 Programme socioculturel 11 Excursions 12 Allgemeine Informationen 15 Begleitveranstaltungen und Kulturprogramm 16 Ausflüge 17 Programme 20 IAML Directory 31 Sponsors 35 Outreach Funding 35 Exhibitors and advertisers 36 Honorary Committee 36 Organizing Committee 37 Map of Warsaw City Centre inside front cover Plan of the National Library inside back cover GENERAL INFORMATION CONFERENCE VENUE NAME TAGS The IAML Conference will be held in the National Please ensure that you wear your name tag at all Con- Library. The National Library building is beautifully ference Events. The Organizing Committee and the situated in Pole Mokotowskie Park, near the town Conference Office staff are distinguished by special centre. name tags. CONFERENCE OFFICE PROFESSIONAL VISITS Biuro Konferencji IAML 2005 During the Conference professional visits to libraries Biblioteka Narodowa, pok. 1000 will be arranged for smaller groups. Further details will al. Niepodleglogci 213 be available on the conference venue notice board. 02-086 Warszawa Those willing to participate should add their names to Poland the relevant lists. tel.: (+48 22) 608 23 90 fax: (+48 22) 608 26 55 MEALS e-mail: [email protected] The National Library restaurant is available for lun- www.iaml.pl ches. Extra lunch tickets are available at the confe- rence office (please order one day in advance). PHOTOCOPIES A variety of other places for a quick lunch or dinner All works to be copied for working sessions can be left can be found in the city centre and near your hotels to the Conference Office. (see separate list). INTERNET ACCESS / E-MAIL EXHIBITION Personal computers are at your disposal in the Confe- The professional and commercial exhibition is located rence Office. in the foyer on the conference site. 5 SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PROGRAMME Sunday, July 10th — 7.00 p.m. operas composed by the greatest composers of the 17th Opening Ceremony century. Today, concerts continue the tradition estab- National Philharmonic, Chamber Music Hall lished by these musicians. ul. Moniuszki 5, Warszawa The early music ensemble II tempo directed by Agata Sapieha will perform works by Marcin Mielczewski, The opening ceremony will take place in the Chamber Adam Jarzçbski, Kaspar Foerster, Maciej Wronowicz, Room of the Polish National Philharmonic Hall in War- Bartlomiej Pçkiel, Sylwester Szarzynski and Andrzej saw in the presence of our honorary guest, the Polish Rohaczewski. composer Wojciech Kilar. There will be a reception party after the Opium String Quartet concert at the Thursday, July 14th — 7.30 p.m. end of the official ceremony. Concert: Polish Chamber Music The Fryderyk Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, Monday July 11111 — 7.00 p.m. Concert Hall Concert: Old Warsaw Songs ul. Ok6lnik 2, Warszawa John Paul II Collection Museum The Academy of Music in Warsaw is the oldest and Plac Bankowy 3, Warszawa largest school of music in Poland and also one of the (the ticket price: 40,00 PLN) oldest in Europe. It is heir to a nearly two hundred- The musical show includes songs and poetry presenting year old tradition of public music teaching in Warsaw. the changes that took place between 1920s and 1980s The school takes pride in its superb alumni — the great- in the life of the city and its people. Songs of urban est of them being Fryderyk Chopin. Although the fig- folklore as well as those composed by established cab- ure of Fryderyk Chopin towers over the others, the aret artists such as Jerzy Petersburski, Wladyslaw Szpil- school has produced numerous musicians of interna- man, Henryk Wars and others will be performed. Dur- tional fame. ing the interval there will be an opportunity to view the The programme will include music by Karol Lipinski, pictures from the Porczynski Gallery. Jôzef Krogulski and Fryderyk Chopin performed by Kon- stanty Andrzej Kulka (violin), Jerzy Sterczynski (piano) Tuesday, July 12th — 7.30 p.m. and Chamber Orchestra directed by Andrzej Wrôbel. Concert: Baroque Music in Poland The Royal Castle Friday, July 15th — 7.00 p.m. Plac Zamkowy 4, Warszawa Farewell Dinner The Farewell Dinner will take place in Ozarôw, 14 kil- The Royal Castle has cherished a long tradition of mu- ometres from Warsaw in the elegant and romantic res- sical life. The first opera performance in Poland took taurant of the Best Western Hotel Mazurkas. We will place here during the reign of King Wiadyslaw 1V. The enjoy the last evening together tasting traditional Polish royal court musicians used to deliver performances of cuisine and listening to music. 6 EXCURSIONS Wednesday, July 13th — 2.00 p.m. church, where in his school years Chopin played the organ during the masses, accompanied singers or sang 1. Warsaw — The Royal Route with a choir of Conservatory students led by J. Elsner; The route covering the distance from the Castle Square St. Cross church, where the urn with the composer's to the kings' summer residency, Wilanôw Palace, and heart is kept; the Chopin family's parlour in the Czap- used by Polish kings, is a must for all visitors to Warsaw. ski-Krasifiski Palace — the room (furnished with old The Royal Route extends from the Castle Square (with furniture and F.
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