Vol 6, No.2 May 1991 C /110 11,, le l ., "T1•11, I { T ow ,.. IN VICTORY .......SANDRA BARWICK....... IN VICTORY The amazing Sandra Barwick ( NZ) in victory at last year's Cambletown Australian Six Day Track Championship. Not only did Sandy win the race outright, she broke the Australasian 48 hour record with a distance of 326.541km (over 200 miles) and also broke the world 6 day record with a distance of 883.631 km. Well cbne and congratulations Sandy, from all of your fellow AURA members. AUSTRALIAN ULTRA RUNNERS' ASSOCIATION INC. ( Incorporated in Victoria) Registered Office: 4 Victory Street, Mitcham, JlJ.2. Australia. Telephone: (03) 874-2501 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 3 ULTRA-RUNNERS' CALENDAR 4-7 NZ CALENDAR 7 NOTICE OF A.G.M. 8-9 NOTICE OF SPECIAL.RESOLUTIONS FOR A.G.M. 10-14 AURA CLOTHING Order Form 15 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 16-22 GOOD LUCK TO AUSSIE WESTFIELD ENTRANTS 22 COMMITTEE REPORT 23 RACE REPORTS AND RESULTS: Bogong to Hotham Trail - Vic. 23 Victorian 24 Hour Track Championship - Coburg, Vic. 24-26 City of Parramatta 50km Track Championship - NSW 26-27 Queensland 50km Road & 6 Hour Run - Qld. 28-29 Six Foot Track Marathon Trail - NSW 30-34 Leppin 12 Hour Track - NZ 34 Red Rock to Coff's Jetty Beach - NSW 35 Bunbury 6/12 hour - WA 35 Tamworth 24 Hour Charity Run - NSW 36 Frankston to Portsea Road Race - Vic. 37 Percy Cerutty Memorial 12 Hour Run - Vic. 38 THE WESTFIELD RUN 1991 39-46 RACE ADVERTISEMENTS Multi-Day Stage Run - India 47 Multi-Day (1,2,3 or 6 day) Event - Caboolture, Qld. 48-49 Six-Hour Track Race - East Burwood, Vic. 50 Australian 6-Day Race - Colac, Vic. 51 Royal National Park Ultra - NSW 52 Honolulu Marathon - Hawaii 53 Westfield Sydney to Melbourne Run, 1992 54 -MEDIA ARTICLES ON MEMBERS Merrily� Tait 55 Barry Stewart 56 Adrienne Beames 57-58 ARTICLES Running into War - The Pyramids Marathon 59-55 Confessions of a Dropout by Tony Rafferty 66-67 Things People Say by Val Case 68 DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 68 MISCELLANEOUS Podiatry - Out of Tune Band by Jason Agosta 69 Training - Pacing Your Recovery by Peter Pimm 70 Book Review - International Ultra Training 71 Athletics Australia Course Measurement Scheme 72 World 100km = Duluth, USA by Trevor Jacobs 72-74 OVERSEAS NEWS Ultra Running Around the World - A Look Back at 1990 75-76 Media Article - Peter Gray 76 Following Pheidippides - A Personal Account of the Spartathon 77-81 IAU Newsletter - Editorial 81 Ultra Summary 1990 by Andy Milroy 82-84 I've Got a Little List by Malcolm Campbell 85-88 AUSTRALIAN 50 MILE TRACK RANKINGS April, 1991 89-91 AURA MEMBERSHIP FORM 92 EDITORIAL Hi Folks, We've had big complaints fromthe NSW contingent, well mainly Big Chris really, about the pansy nature of our image. We need to get more macho he reckons. Big Chris was particularly incensed by the colour of our last cover - PINK! Yuck! Also, he wants a name change and suggests ULTRAMAG! Reckons it's got a nice gutsy feel to it if said withfeeling and repeated in a chant, say around 50 times or so. Big Chris actually put his recommendations into practice recentlyat 3am in the morningafter the Six Foot Track Marathon, when he was a bit under the.weather. We had to throw a bucket of water over him to bring out of his frenzy, and besides, the other guests were objecting to the. noise. Really, you can't take these NSW blokes ANYWHERE. As Peter Armistead would say, Big Chris needs more DISCIPLINE! All I can say about Big Chris's comments is that if the colour of the cover is all he's got to whinge about, we're not doing too bad. What do YOU think about the ULTRAMAGsuggestion? Incidentally, the mighty Vies. kept up their impeccablerecord of superiority by having a 100% finish rate in the tough Six Foot Track Marathonrecently.(not like another state I could name). Admittedly, there were only 12 of us, but we had quality rather than quantity didn't we? In this issue, we have a stack of important Special Resolutions we want you to respond to please. If you fail to respond, and put them aside without casting your vote, our club will sufferin a number of ways. Firstly, we will have to start paying tax on any money that we have, (which means that the subs. will have to go up to cover it!), and secondly, we will not be able to affiliatewith the main athletics body in Australia, Athletics Australia. (AA) . And it is importantthat we do, fora number of reasons. Do you realize that for the firsttim e, Athletics Australia is actually treating our ultrarunningassociation as a legitimate branch of athletics in this country ? They are actually wanting us to amalgamate! I can't believe it! We've got to jump in and consolidate that recognition before they change their mind! In the past, inter-club athletes and the National and Victorian athletics bodies have tended to treatultrarunners as Mickey Mouse athletes - a bunch of crazies totally divorced fromthe main-stream of athletics. But they seem to have had a change of attitude. Possibly the prospect of including an ultrain future Olympics is making them change their minds about us. It's great I reckon! Another reason foraffiliating with Athletics Australiaas I see it, is so that we have a chance of collecting some of the government fundingfor athletics. (to perhaps help our stars get to some internationalultra events, and wear an officialAustralian singlet, what's more!) . All monies received fromthe government forathletics in this country are channelled through Athletics Australia, so if we're not affiliated with them, we've got no hope of our athletes ever receiving any assistance fromthem.So that's three reasons forsending back your Special Resolutions voting or proxy slip. PLEASE do something about it! By the way, if this issue of the magazine is a total disaster, don't blame me. It's all Rookie's fault, because the poor fellow has hadto do it all on his own By the time this mag goes to print, I'll have jet­ setted over to UK forthe months of May and June. Rookie's endeavouring to keep everything beyond control until I return, so go easy on him. Another thing that concernsme is the number of ultra races which are being cancelled lately. WHY?? We had to wipe 6 events off our Calendar this issue. I have a theory that you either have to have some specialfeature about a racewhich will attract people (such as the magnificentscenery and spectacular finish in the Six FootTrack Marathon), or else, you have to give the runners something that they will want to come back for- could be a buckle, could be a special mug or medallion, could be a pewter liquer goblet., could be the special singing in the middle of the night that the Sri Chinmoy disciples do - - something unique to that particular event. And of course, it goes without saying, the organisation must be spot on. The quickest way to lose your field for the following year is to not lookafter ALL your runners this year, not only the place-getters. You must spoil EACH of your runners as much as you can. Remember that it's just as hard forthe bloke who comes last as the one who wins the event. They've all put in to the max. and it's up to the Race Director to recognise and acknowledge that effort. It's an insurance policy forgetting a fieldthe following year. Excuse me while I get down off my soap-box. See you! Cf;,-:". /'--;5 .�, /, �"---�� 3 CALENDAR 1991 * May 25/26 12/24 HOUR TRACK RACE, \VA, Perth, 1kmgrass track, McGillvray Oval, contact Tony Tripp, "Lakeview", Davies Road, Claremont, 6010, \\1A] (09) 384 6036, or Ross Parker, (09)401-7797 * June 50 KM ROAD RACE, Lauderdale, Tasmania, $2 entry. Free nosh-up at the Lauderdale Tavern after the race. Contact Talays Running Shop ph.(002)34:9945 . * June 15 VMC 50 l\HLETRACK RACE, (Australian Championship), Vic, at Rox Hill, 400m track, 8am start, contact GeoffHook, 42 SwayfieldRoad, Motmt ·waverley, 3149, or . phone (03)808-9739. * June 23 GLASSHOUSE TRAIL RUN (10, 35, 55KM) Caboolture, Qld, Just North. Entry $10, $15, $20, $25. Contact Ian Javes, 25 Fortune Esphmade, Caboolture Qlcl. 4510, ph (074)95-4334. * July 21 50 :MILE TRACK RACE, at Adelaide, SA, 440 yard cinder track, 7am start,(Adelaide Harriers track, SouthTerrace). $15 enytty. For entryapplication form contact: Andy Docherty, 24 Freya Avenue, Hallett Cove SA 5158, phone 387-2624. * Aug 50 1\ULE TRACK RACE at Hass Hill, Sych1ey, NSW. Rankstown Sports Athletics event. 6.30am start, $10 entry, contact Gavin Reahan, 122 Flinders Roac4 Georges Hall, NS\V, 2198. (Doubtful...check up) * Aug 12 HOUR TRACK RACE, St.Leonarda, Tasmania, 5mn start. Contact Kerri Law, 67 Gormm1ston Road Moonah Tas 7009, phone (002)72-5170(ht * Aug 10/11 24 HOUR TRACK RACE - INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP, Olympic Park, Melbourne. Contact Raymond Carroll (03)562-3312. * Aug 18 50lvIILE ROAD CHAlvIPIONSHIP & 8HR FUN RUN, Toowoomba, Qlc4 1.2kmcircuit. Orgmliser G Medill. Q.M.R.R.C event , entry $20. Contact Im1 Javes, 25 Fortune Esplanade, Caboolture Qld. 4510, ph (074)95-4334. * Aug 18 50MILE ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP & 8HR FUN RUN, Toowoomba, Qld, 1.2kmcircuit. Orgmiiser G Medill. Q.M.R.R.C event , entry $20. Contact Ian Javes, 25 Fortune Esplanade, Caboolture Qld. 4510, ph (074)95-4334.
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