Planning Commission mulls Deford’ home damaged . change in Cass City zoning by vandal’s shotgun blast Page 4 Page 9 VOLUME 78, NUMBER 28 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,19&1 TwentY-five cents , SECrrun A, A*ES 22 PAGES Offer reward for man \ who shot DNR officer I The search continues for had covered up their percent of the suspects that County. Geilhart said that The vehicle that the officers suspected poachers who license plate. they approach in the fall the two men were sen- were chasing was a white shot a Department of Geilhart said that the sus- are carrying, or have with tenced to 30 days in the over red, or off red, Blazer Natural Resources conser- pects turned south onto them, loaded guns. He Huron County Jail for as- type four wheel drive vehi- vation officer Saturday Sheridan Road, pointed a added that about three 7ault.and battery charges. cle with large oversized night in Juniata Township. spotlight at the officers’ weeks ago two conserva- Geilhart said’that a re- tires. Officer Timothy Burke, vehicle and fired a single tion officerswere assaulted ward is being offered for To report tipX contact the 39,,Caro, was shot in the bullet. The bullet, fired when they arrested two information leading to the Michigan State Police or face during a high speed from a high powered deer men for illegal fishing in arrest and conviction of the call the DNR Rap Line at chase that covered about 10 hunting rifle, ricocheted off Willow Creek, Huron poachers who shot Burke. 1-800-292-7800. miles of Juniata Township. the hood of Burke’s vehicle, He is listed in fair condition smashed through the at St. Mary’s Hospital, driver’s side of the Saginaw . windshield and entered the According to Lt. Jim dashboard, A fragment of Geilhart, District Officer the bullet struck Burke in for the DNR, Imlay City the mouth. Burke was able Post, officer Burke and of- to stop the vehicle after ficer Juris Didirichson saw being struck. Officer Di- lights of suspected deer dirichson administered poachers in a woods along first aid to Burke. Hunt Road. Upon investiga- Road blocks were set up tion, the suspected by Michigan State Police , poachers fled in a four officers and the Tuscola wheel drive vehicle with the County Sheriff’s Depart- officers in pursuit. ment, but they were unable SMOKEY THE BEAR celebrates his 40th birthday and During the lo-mile chase, to find the suspects. will be in the Elkland Township Fire Department’s centen- the suspects drove at a high Although this is the first nial celebration parade Saturday at 10 a.m. Celebrating rate of speed and drove on time that an officer has M-46 with their lights off. been shot in this area, her fourth birthday is Sally Finkbeiner, daughter of Mr. Geilhart said that the offic- Geilhart said thaf assaults and Mrs. Don Finkbeiner. (More piptures and stories on page one, section ers were unable to identify on officers are quite com- two. 1 the vehicle because they mon. He said that about 90 Fire department marks centennial Parade lkicksoff celebration A parade Saturday down tion seinhar at Colony proper use of fire extin- Tentatively scheduled is an among the three County Cass Cit ’s Main Street will House starting at noon. guishers are planned and a officer from the. State Fire +F.iremen’sAssociation. it kick cd the centennial Fire departments from dis lay of chimney sweeps Marshal Office. will be used for future fire celebration of the Elkland Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola wilP be available. Admission to the Seminar prevention programs. Township Fire Depart- Counties will participate. Insurance agents will be is free. There will be a Root said -that the fire ,merit. fighters want to.make the Visitors will be able to present to answer questions dance starting at 8 p.m.For Seminar a family affair and Featured will be as many examine smoke detectors, about fire insurance and the dance only a charge of urges that the whole fam- antique fire trucks and fire extinguishers and check current policies for $2.50 per person will be modern fire fighting equip- proper coverage. made. ily, including the children, ment that Fireman Don equipment used to escape attend Saturdav. Finkbeiner, parade chair- from second stories of Smokey the Bear will be man, can find. buildings. There will be present and representa- wood burning and kerosene tives of the Department of After the kick-off parade burning stovss on display. fiatural Resou;ces fire of- there will be a fire preven- Demonstrations of fice will answer questions. Total of three-quarters of mill ___ - - A BULLET from a high powered deer hunting rifle ricocheted off the hood, smashed the windshield of a con- Propose 2 countv tax levies servation officer’s vehicle, and struck officer Timothy i Burke in the face Saturday night in Juniata Township. Whatever the outcome of was one of the unforeseen and to relieve congestion in maintenance of towers, the fate of two proposals. 1 the Nov. 6 millage in- expenditures that the crowded offices. poles, mains, wires, pipes, Proposal one is a request crease request by the Tus- county had this year. In Rayl said that the 0.50 conduits, apparatus, etc., for a grant of franchise to cola County Commission- 1983 the department spent mill increase would gener- required for the transmis- the Detroit Edison Com- Area villages tell plans ers, next year residents of $241,662. In 1984 it was ate the county about sion, transforming and dis- pany for the purpose of the the county will not receive budgeted at about $220,000, $338,000 a year. On property tribution of electricity for erection, construction, and the s,ame services that they but ran out of money in Au- that is valued at $4O,OOO, a public and private use. maintaance of towers, have come to expect. gust. The commissioners state equalized value of Vassar Township resi- poles, mains, wires, pipes, for Halloween activities County Commission agreed to fund the depart- $20,000 this would be a tax dents will decide if the an- conduits, apparatus, etc., ment an additional $259,O00 increase of $10. chairperson Donna Rayl nual meeting of the electors required for the transmis- Cass City Police Chief sure, he has scheduled an ween night. said that if approved, the to pay for the increased “This is a small amount of Vassar Township shall sion, transforming and dis- Gene Wilson is hoping for a extra officer to be on duty costs. you consider the loss Chief Wilson said that in 1 0.50 millage request will not when be abolished. tribution of electricity for safe and quiet Halloween in for the two nights before “This yas the straw that of services,” Rayl said. public and private use, the past few years they be levied until 1986, too late Voters in Almer Cass City* But just to be Halloween, and for Hallo- have had minor prob- for next year’s budget. broke the camel’s back,” The 0.25 mill increase will Township will be deciding Please turn to page 14. only It is projected that the Rayl said. generate about $169,000 per lems within the village ”One way we have been year. On property valued limits, and he wants to be county will need an addi- sure that it stays that way. tional $3oO,OOO to maintain able to continue to operate at $40,000, a state equalized services at their present is to neglect the mainte- value of $20,000,this would He said that any nance repairs on the build- be a tax increase of $5. pranksters caught “getting level. out of hand,” will be tic- The five-year, 0.50 mil- ings,” Rayl said. “Nowthey “If the millage doesn’t lage request is to be used have reached the point ass we will be even further keted or taken home, He where they can no longer rl ehind in 1986,” Rayl said. said that this would depend for operating expenses and on their age and what they major maintenance on the be neglected. ” She said that the millage county’s buildings. Rayl said that the cour- increases will not benefit were caught doing. Rayl said that cuts are thouse and the medical the county commissioners Chief Wilson said that pa- expected to be made in the care building are in need of any more than it will the rents should inspect the budgets of the County Med- new windows and energy reside ts of the county. treats that their children ical Care Facility, Sheriff’s saving window coverings. “I d6nI want to have to get for possible tamperin Department road patrol She said that the windows make any cuts, but we have of the candy or food. Chilf and other services. Also cut and ener y saving mea- to spend the money on the ren should not be allowed to will be the Cooperative Ex- sures wou kd save the county state mandated services,” eat any packaged candy tension office and other a large amount on the cost Rayl said. that has been opened or ap- non-mandated programs. of heating the buildings. pears to have been tam- Appropriations qf federal She added that the medical TOWNSHIP pered with. He said that pa- revenue sharing funds to care building needs a new PROPOSITIONS rents should wash and in- the health department, boiler and improvements in spect apples and other mental health and the Tus- the air ventilation system.
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