Celebrating St. Joseph Lessons of Faith & Virtue 16 Lesson Plan Materials Year of St. Joseph Lesson One Who is St. Joseph? Section One: Foundations for the Year of St. Joseph 1. On December 8, 2020, Pope Francis, with his Apostolic Letter Patris corde (“With a Father’s Heart”), in honor of the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Saint Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, proclaimed 2021 as the “Year of Saint Joseph.” Read Patris corde here:https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa- francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html 2. Saint Joseph is a model of holiness for each and every member of the Church, as Pope Saint John Paul II reminded us in his apostolic exhortation, Redemptoris Custos: “Besides trusting in Joseph’s sure protection, the Church also trusts in his noble example, which transcends all individual states of life and serves as a model for the entire Christian community, whatever the condition and duties of each of its members may be.” Read Redemptoris Custos here: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul- ii/en/apost_exhortations/documents/hf_jp-ii_exh_15081989_redemptoris-custos.html 3. Facts about St Joseph (Linked Activity: St Joseph Color sheet) [SEE APPENDIX] • Feast Day is March 19 • Pope Pius IX added May 1 as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, as St. Joseph is the as the patron saint of workers. • Symbols associated with Joseph o the carpenter's square symbolizing Joseph’s trade and the concept of truth o the lily represents purity and Joseph’s celibate marriage to the Virgin Mary. • St. Joseph is the patron saint of: o the Universal Church o families o fathers o expectant mothers o travelers o immigrants o house sellers and buyers o craftsmen o engineers o working people o a happy death 17 • St. Joseph is patron saint of: o the Americas o Austria o Belgium o Canada o China o Croatia o Indonesia o Mexico o Korea o Peru o the Philippines o Vietnam, o several cities and dioceses, including the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Lesson Two A Biblical Journey with St. Joseph Section One: General scriptural descriptions of Joseph in the Gospel of Matthew o Joseph, Son of David, Son of Abraham o Joseph, Betrothed "Just Man," Husband of Mary o Joseph, Father and Protector of Jesus o Joseph, the Man of Dreams o Joseph, the Carpenter of Nazareth Section Two: St. Joseph in the Gospel of St. Matthew (Linked activity: Holy Family Cube) [SEE APPENDIX] o 1:1-17 Genealogy: Abraham to Joseph (Royal Lineage of King David) o 1:18-25 Parentage (Birth of Jesus) Joseph’s Vocation, Luke 2:4-5 o 2:1-12 The Visit of the Magi and King Herod o 2:13-15 Flight into Egypt o 2:16-18 Massacre of Innocents o 2:19-23 The Return from Egypt to Nazareth 18 Section Three: St. Joseph in the Gospel of St. Luke (Linked Activity: St Joseph the Worker Chore chart and prayer) [SEE APPENDIX] o 2:1-14 Birth Narrative o 2:15-20 Visit of the Shepherds o 2:21 Circumcision and Naming of Jesus o 2:22-38 Presentation in the Temple o 2:39-40 Return to Nazareth o 2:41-52 Jesus in the Temple, age 12. • What is scripture teaching us about the person of Joseph? • List the virtues of St Joseph. • What can we do to live like St. Joseph, following his virtues? 19 Lesson Three Devotions & Traditions Dedicated to St. Joseph Section One Devotions (Linked Activity: St Joseph Puzzle) [SEE APPENDIX] 1. Novena to St. Joseph a. https://www.usccb.org/resources/novena-saint-joseph-english.pdf b. https://www.usccb.org/resources/novena-san-jose-espanol.pdf 2. St. Joseph Altars a. New Orleans Tradition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdpeDToP-pc b. Interview with Archbishop Aymond and others. Excellent c. How to set up a St. Joseph Altar https://www.catholicicing.com/st-joseph-altar-for-beginners/ d. Written History https://yearofstjoseph.org/devotions/st-joseph-table/ 3. Pray the Litany to St. Joseph [SEE APPENDIX] Section Two St. Joseph: Heart of a Father Diocese of Baton Rouge Video Series, St. Joseph: Heart of a Father, uncovers the life of the foster father of Jesus in sacred scripture with reflections on his virtues as a beacon of faithfulness. St. Joseph, Heart of a Father, is viewed on Catholic Life Television media outlets: • Cox Ch 15 (Baton Rouge) • Roku • FireTv • YouTube Catholic Life Television YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXDTkS0skDSy19Lnb2BB8CpKD2kWe3Lne Episode 1 St. Joseph in Scripture, Renowned Offspring of David, Light of the Patriarchs with Bishop Duca Episode 2 Spouse of the Mother of God & Chaste Guardian of the Virgin with Fr. Todd Lloyd Episode 3 Head of the Holy Family, Foster-father & Diligent Protector with Fr. Todd Lloyd Episode 4 Joseph Most Just and Most Chaste with Scott Smith (September 19 release) Episode 5 Joseph Most Prudent and Strong with Sr. Joan LaPlace, CSJ (October 17 release) Episode 6 Joseph Most Obedient, Faithful & Mirror of Patience with Dcn. Alfred Adams (Nov. 14 release) Episode 7 Lover of Poverty and Model of Artisans (December 12 release date) Episode 8 Hope of the Sick and Patron of the Dying (January 9 release date) Episode 9 Terror of Demons (February 6 release date) Episode 10 Pillar of Families and Protector of the Holy Church, with Bishop Duca (March 6 release date) 20 Supplemental Resources Online Videos for Children • Holy Kids! Holy Friends: St. Joseph https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88kYqe3SVGE [4 minutes] • On Formed.org Lukas Storyteller: St Joseph Season 10, Episode 10 [12 minutes] • Story of Saint Joseph| https://youtu.be/K4NBV840xTc [13 [13 minutes] • St. Joseph (of Bethlehem) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnPHfXOfDzQ [22 minutes] • Storytime with the Sisters: Joseph: Guardian of the Holy Family https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT2HGQ4xgaw [6 minutes] Online Videos for Older Students and Adults The Staircase https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjokO41yjq4 St. Joseph: A Hidden Life with Dr. Peter Brown (1 hour, 13 mins) https://instituteofcatholicculture.org/events/st-joseph Go to Joseph: A Biblical Reflection for the Year of St. Joseph with Dr. John CuDDeback (1 hour, 11 mins) https://instituteofcatholicculture.org/events/go-to-joseph Ascension Press, Advent Meditations with Joseph https://ascensionpress.com/collections/rejoice-advent-meDitations-with-joseph Video on the Formed.org Platform (for Parish/School/Individual subscribers) https://watch.formed.org/search?q=st+joseph • Joseph of Nazareth (Movie: 1 hour 37 minutes) • Novena to St. Joseph • St. Joseph (4 Part Series) • St. Joseph: Patron of the Universal Church (audio presentation) • Litany of St. Joseph • Lukas Storyteller: St Joseph Season 10, Episode 10 [12 minutes] (children) 21 Books, Articles and Crafts Books Children • Good Saint Joseph by Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, ages 3-7 • Guardian of the Holy Family by Sister Marlyn Evangelina Monge, FSP, boarD book for ages 2-5. • Father and Son by GeralDine McCaughrean, ages 4-8 • Staircase for the Sisters by Pamela Love, ages 4-7 (a miracle story) • Joseph’s Heart: A Story of Adoption by Mary Clare Evans, ages 5 anD up • The Story of St. Joseph by Brother Ernest, C.S.C, GraDes 2-3 Crafts for Children • St. Joseph Mini-Book https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Catholic-Saint-Joseph- 3061671 • Crafts to Celebrate St Joseph https://thekenneDyaDventures.com/celebrate-saint-joseph/ • St. Joseph Activities Pack https://catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/2021/02/saint-joseph- activities-pack/ Books & Articles for Older Students and Adults • Consecration to St. Joseph, by Fr. DonalD Calloway's o IncluDes a guiDe for making the 33-Day preparation anD consecration as a group. o It incluDes the basic format for each meeting as well as discussion questions founD in AppenDix A. o Makes for a gooD group stuDy. • St. Joseph: His life, his miracles, and his legacy https://aleteia.org/2021/03/19/st-joseph-his-life-his- miracles-and-his-legacy/ • The Miracle of the Staircase https://devotiontoourlady.com/miraculous-staircase-of-st-joseph.html Audio Stories From The Heart series (Ave Maria Radio) • The Three Lilies of St Joseph https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-05-19-21/ • St. Joseph’s Basket https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-03-19-21/ • The Month of St Joseph https://avemariaradio.net/stories-from-the-heart-03-18-21/ 22 Additional Sources Diocese of Baton Rouge. History. [Online] https://Diobr.org/history . Statistical Data of The Diocese of Baton Rouge. Diocese of Baton Rouge Directory. 2021 Year of St. Joseph/60th Anniversary Celebration Committee for Catechesis Rev. Ryan P. HallforD, Secretary for Evangelization, Pastor: Holy Family Church, Port Allen Dina D. Dow, MTS., Director, Office of Evangelization anD Catechesis West Giffin, Associate Director, Youth & Young ADult Ministry Julia Scarnato, Executive Director, Hispanic Apostolate RESOURCE PERSONNEL Shannon BalDriDge, MA, CoorDinator of Catechesis & Certification Ann T. Boltin, Chancellor, Office of the Chancellor; Diocesan Archivist Very Rev. Paul D. Counce, J.C.L., JuDicial Vicar Rev. Christopher J. Decker, Secretary for Communications, Pastor: St. Mary of False River, New RoaDs Amy Jones, Associate Archivist, Archives Nicole Jones, CoorDinator of Events, Office of Youth & Yong ADult Ministry Stephen Lee, Station Manager, Catholic Life TV RicharD Meek, Executive EDitor/General Manager: The Catholic Commentator Dr. Melanie B. Palmisano, SuperintenDent, Catholic Schools Office Danielle Van Haute, MATh., Associate Director Office of Evangelization anD Catechesis 23 APPENDIX 24 Instructions: Make the cube and share the life of the Holy Family Catholic Inspired Catholic © St. Joseph the Worker Dear God, Sometimes I have trouble doing the chores and other jobs I'm asked to do.
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