Party Headquarters Moving. to Washington ' , ; Libertarian Party national headquarters is considered transitional because its available moving to Washington, DC. The move was. space may not be sufficient for growing Party authorized hr a decisive 15 to 9 vote of demands and projects. The entire buildin,g, National Committee members polled in a mail however, may become available shortly (for ballot of the Committee's 28 active members; the same rent as that being paid in Houston) Four votes were not castor were received after and that, according to Kunberger, would be the ballot deadline. sufficient. Some libertarians may recognize Preparing for the possibility of such a move that the building is in the same block as the ·under a decision reached by the National former offices of Inquiry magazine . Committee at its most recent meeting, in Kunberger added that office volunteers, many Seattle, N atCom members Clifford Thies (Trea­ of them college interns interested in liber­ surer), Paul:. Kunberger (Region 11 ), Vice tarianism, are already in "knee deep" supply. Chair Dave Walter, Chair Jim Turney and The mail ballot, which authorized the move former Michigan State Chair Janet Parks, a and asked for a budget of costs associated with professional ! office designer, have located a it, received the following votes: · suitable "trapsition" office. Against the move: I. Dean Ahmad (Secre­ Also priorlto the voting, Paul Jacob, a widely tary), Dave Bergland (CA), Joseph W. Dehn respected libertarian spokesman and a national III (OR, WA, ID), Melinda Pillsbury Foster symbol of resistance to conscription, had ac­ (CA), Mark Hinkle (CA), Peggy Jeney (AZ, cepted the post of Executive Director of the lll, LA, MS, NM, NV), Matt Monroe (At Party (a position technically rec.named "olifice Large), Tonie Nathan (At Large), Lew Rock­ manager" in N atCom deliberations). Assuming well (At Large). his duties as' of November 1, after leaving a In favor of the move: Ted Brown (CA), position at the Cato Institute, Jacob already Stephen L. Dasbach (IL, IN, KY, MO, OH, had spent three weeks in Houston being briefed WV), Bobby Yates Emory (AR, DC, DE, FL, Paul Campaign on office procedures and problems. He willbe GA, MD, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA), Don paid $23,000 a year, an amount that had Ernsberger (At Large), Stephen R. Fielder (At already been budgeted for the position. The Large), William Hall (Ml, WI), T. David physical move of the office is expected in Hudson (CT, MA, ME, NH, NY RI, VT), Coming Together December. Vickie Kirkland (CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, As described by Kun'.berger, the new office VT), Paul H. Kunberger (AR, DC, DE, FL, By Kevin Southwick brochure. These and other campaign materials space (which rents for half .of the current GA, MD, NC, OK, SC, TN, VA), Willy Star can be ordered through your Ron Paul for $1,000 per month being paid for space in Marshall(AK, CO,MO, UT, WY), SharonF. The Paul for President Committee has used President State Coordinator (see preliminary Houston) consists of one floor of a remodeled Mitchell (At Large), Clifford F. Thies (Trea­ the weeks immediately following the nomi­ list elsewhere in this issue). · residence at 13th Street and Pennsylvania surer), Jim Tumey (Chair), Gerry Walsh (At nating convention to organize and reorganize Alicia Clark is organizing the state coordina­ Avenue in the southeast section of Washing­ Large), Dave Walter (Vice-Chair) .. A 16th for the long haul ahead. tors. As of this writing we can list coordinators· ton, on the edge of the Capitol· Hill area. · vote in favor, that of Burt Blumert (CA), was Two key people have been added to the in 35 states. If you'd like to volunteer to be a Kunberger said that the office site is ·being received too late to be counted. Houston staff of the Ron Paul for President coordinator, contact Alicia at 3445 Monterey Campaign. One is Eric Rittberg, who will serve Rd., San Marino, CA 91108; telephone 818- as advance man for Ron's travels and also as 796-8231. liaison to Students fot Ron Paul, an organiza­ To sign up as a volunteer for other activities tion Eric initiated during the primary. The in the presidential campaign, contact your other new staffer is Renae Hathway, who will state's campaign coordinator. Ifno one is listed This Time.· .. act as campaign secretary. below for your state, that doesn't mean one We're restocking our supply of handout hasn't been appointed since this writing. Con­ material-biographies, bumperstickers, bro­ tact the national headquarters o( the Roil Paul This time, the Libertarian Party could be off Central America, the crushing public debt, chures, etc. We've printed a new pocket-size Continued onpage 6 the sidelines and into the thick of it. uncurbed public spending, rampaging· inva­ This time, the Libertarian Party and Ron sions· of personal and financial privacy, and Paul, the party's 1988 presidential candidate, continuing political scandals have exposed the Will be involved in very real politics. older parties as powerless, rudderless, un­ This time, events are moving to fracture the pri:Ilcipled, witless, gutless, careless and thought­ European Advance two-party system, to open presidential politics less. They are the parties of tired political to new and turbulent forces. hacks and failed political promises. This time, if the Libertarian Party's candi'­ This time, people are seriously over-taxed, Alain Dumait, mayor of the Second was followed by meetings, in Pans, with date, Ron Paul, and his running mate Andre dangerously over-extended, and painfully over­ District of Paris and a vice-mayor of Paris Libertarian International directors Vince Marrou, are on all of the nation's ballots, and if stressed and over-policed. This time there is proper, and Henri Lepage, author of the Miller and Jim Elwood and Libertarian they speak out across the full range of liber­ not a single politician from the older parties European best-seller Capitalism Tomo1T0w, Party chairman Jim Turney. tarian concerns, they will be in a position to who is able to speak clearly to America's bur­ have just launched the Libertarian Movec. · At the same time, Miller was voted "lib­ attract votes which may fall away from the dened middle class. Libertarians can. ment of France (MLF). · ertarian of the year" by Benelux libertarian older parties by the millions; They could be the This time, ifisn't only the theory ofliberty Aimed at disseminating the libertarian organizations. Previous recipient of the center of debates which, without them, would that will be discussed. There can be discussion message in all available forums, the MLF . · award was Guy verHofstadt, vice prime be flaccid and foolish. This time they could · of practical ways to practice it. Both of the will capitalize on the fact that Lepage's minister ofBelgium, an outspoken libertarian. the establish liberty as the alternative in a political older parties will offer versions of social au­ book, translated into five languages, has In another European development, landscape of collapsing centralism. This time, thoritarianism. This time, this country and this popularized those ideas throughout Europe Libertarian Institute for Human Assistance, the Libertarian Party could emerge as the other people will be able to see, ifpowerfullyurged to over the past several years. Dumait ··while based in Holland, announced that it would party, not just a third party. look, the failures of central authority. This time serving as mayor in Paris also serves as the contribute to the continuing effort to gain Jean The continuing economic uncertainties fore­ they will be able at least to consider liberty as representative in France of the American­ freedom for the imprisoned Norma former Libertarian Party can­ shadowed by the stock market roller coaster, the only practical alternative. This time it is based Libertarian International. Almodovar, for lieutenant governor of California. Reagan's inevitable surrender to higher taxes very reaL This time every libertarian principle Announcement of the new movement didate by whatever names or- means, -the Gulf war, and proposal could make good, common sense. -'.o-~-..-o-_:_-:__ ----------~,.<.-.._ i ~ -~-----'- _____ ----.:----..,----·---"--' ·-_ 1·?m---~-- 2 November/December 1987 Libertarian Party NEWS Advocates political, and cultural realities is clearly a This letter is for those who have wondered major function of our government dominated Letters to the Editor school systems. what it takes to get· people active in a state party. Nick Schroeder Plaintive Plea -r Referendum Colorado Springs, CO I suggest that the LP path to public ac­ · Over the last year I have hosted four dis­ ceptance and electoral victory lies in the covery groups as a part of the Advocates Please, when submitting letters to the editor, for Self-Government program. Out of these Vices TYPE THEM. Transcribing handwritten let- referendum process. that the voter control four groups have come about a dozen new "Choose Words Carefully", says Gerald typeset~r is both unsure, because The LP could propose • ters for our Libertarians, and most are active. As a matter Schneider in his July/ August article. Indeed. penmanship, and inordinately the acceptance or rejection of the various party · Of idiosyncratic of fact, the new Secretary-Treasurer of the That's why we should reject his replacement of So, please, type if at all planks through referendum. titne consuming. state party, Naomi Eikenberg, is one of the "victimless crimes" with "personal vices." at least print legibly. Referendum has tremendous voter appeal. possible and, if not, "graduates." For example, many governments have made Missouri electoral history suggests that the 1 In addition, three others-Steve Pe~k, Judy it a crime to appear out of doors in the costume American political party endorsing referen­ I dum power to the people will be very successful.
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