1958 The Lepidopterists' News 213 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (Under the supervision of PETER F. BELLI ~GER) B. SYSTEMATICS & NOMENCLATURE Agenjo, R., "Consideraciones sobre el estudio de las formulas cromosomicas en los lepidopteros y sobre todo en el complejo de formas del grupo Plebejus (Lysandra) roridon Poda can la deocripcion de tres nuevas subespecies" [in Spanish]. Grarllsia, vol. 14: pp. 1-15, 1 pI. 1956. Describes as new P. l'. menendez-pelayoi (La Florida, 450 m., Santander), "P. C. albicans burgalesa" (Villaverde, 870 m., Burgos), "P. c. albirans eSleparina" (Estepar, 810 m., Burgos). Discusses use of chromosome' number in classification in this group. Prefers to include albicans under coridon in spite of difference in haploid chromosome number. Figures all Spanish races in color. [P.B.] Agenjo, R., "Monografia del genero Narrago Wlk. (Lep. Geom.)" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 32: pp. 7-56, 3 pis., 15 figs., 1 map. 1956. Describes as new N. isabel (Puebla de Don Fadrique, 1164 m., Granada). Redescribes genus & other 3 spp. in great detail; map shows records from all parts of Palearctic regi'Jn. [P.B.] Agenjo, Ramon, "Antwort an Herrn G. Meyer betreffs tibngiinge in del' Genitalar­ matur van Bryophilia algce (Fabricius, 1775) und ihrer forma pal/ida (Bethune Baker, 1894). (Lep., Phal:en.)" [in G erman]. Zeilsrizr. ',vieTler ent. Ges., vol. 42: pp. 192-197, 1 pI. 1957. Describes and figures examples of (l; genitalia transitional between these forms, which are regarded by Meyer as good spp. [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Monografia de las especies espafioles de la familia Lymantriid:e Hampson, 1892, con especial referencia a las de interes forestal" [in Spanish]. Graelisia, vol. 15: pp. 5-143, 11 pis., 30 figs. 1957. Describes as new Olene fasrelina iberica (Pineda de la Sierra, 1211 m., Burgos). Redesribes the 17 Spanish Lymantriid:e in great detail; figures adults (in color), venation, & genitalia of both sexes. Keys to sub­ families, tribes, & Spanish spp. [P.B.] A.lberti, Burchard, "Uber die Stammespeschichtliche Gliderung del' Zygxnid:e nebs! Revision einiger Gruppen (Insecta, Lepidoptera)" [in German]. Mitt. zool. MilS. B erlin, vol. 30: pp. 115-480, 62 pis., 33 figs. 1954. An important partial revision and discussion of phylogeny in this family. Divides family into subfamilies Zyg:eninx, Phauliin:e, Charidein:e, Cha1cosiin:e, Anom~otin:e, Himartopterin:e, & Procridin:e (the largest subfamily, including all American zyg:enids). Describes as new: (Zyg:enin:e) EPlORNA (type prorrioides Btlr.); PR/EZYGA<.·NA (subgenus of E pizygcena; type myodes Druce); (Chalcosiin:e) H etero pa1l ruhricolium (Kuatun, Fukien Prov., China) ; Cha/rosiopsis melli (Siu hang, 240 km. N. of Canton, China); (Anom~otin:e) StaphylirlOrhrolis heringi ("Span. Guinea, Nkolentangan"); (Procri­ din:e ) PRTMlLLIBERIS (subgenus of Illiberis; type I,eva Pung.), I. (P.) fumata (Likiang, 2000 m., N. Yunnan), I. (1 .) honei (Likiang) , r. (I.) ellence (A-tun-tse, 3000 m., N. Yunnan), I. (Zama) inermis (Hoengshan, Yunnan), I. (Z.) paracybele (Canton), I. (Z.) shensiensis (1700 m., S. Shensi); SVENIA (subgenus of Illiberis; type ulmivora Graeser), I. (S.) paradistiTlcta (W. Tien-mu-shan, Chekiang Prov.) ; HEDINA (subgenus of I1liberis; type tenuis Butler), I. (H.) serrata (Li-kiang, 2000 m., N. Yunnan), I. (H.)albiventris (Tapaishan in Tsinling, S. Shensi, 1700 m.); KUBLAfA (subgenus of Illiberis; type heringi Draes.); DUBERNARDIA (type djreuma Obthr.); Phacusa tonkinensis (Saigon); FUNERALIA (monobasic), F. transie1ls (W. Tien-mu-shan, Chekiang Prov.) ; Balalcea (B) uniformis (Mien-shan, Shansi, 1500 m.), B. (B.) angusta (Mokanshan, Chekiang Prov.), B. (B.) i1ltermedi­ ana (Lungtan near Nanking, Kiangsu Prov.), B. (B. ) elga'ltior (W. Tien-mu-shan, Chekiang Prov.) ; PSEUDOSESIDIA (subgenus of Balata!a; monobasic), B. (P.) ceger­ iceformis (200 km. N. of Canton) ; A LLOBREMERIA (monobasic), A. plurilineata (W. Tien-mu-shan, Chekiang Prov.) ; Taserna viridesceTls (Likiang, 3000 m., N. Yun­ nan); Alloprocris spielhagCtlce (Likiang); Clela (C.) cyanescens (Man-ti-shan, near Canton), C. (C.) yiinnana (Likiang, 2000 m.), SUBCLELEA (subgenus of Clelea), & type C. (S.) para bella (W. Tien-mu-shan, 1600 m., Chekiang Prov.), C. (S.) auru­ lenla bella (W. Tien-mu-shan); M etanycles sachtlebeni (Benito Region, Spanish Guinea); /ETHIOPROCRIS (monobasic), /E. logoensis ("Togo, Hinterland", W. 214 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vo1.12: nos.5-6 Africa) ; NEOBAL1T/EA, & type N. nigriventris (Usambara, E. Africa); MENE­ LIKIA (monobasic), M. jordani; PR/EPROCRIS (subgenus of Rhagades; mono­ basic), R. (P.)psfudom{erens (Peking, N. China), NAUFOCKJA (subgenus of Rhag­ ades; type brandti Alherti); LUCIISIII (subgenus of Proai:,; type cirtana Luc.); ROCCIII (subgenus of Proais; type budensis Spr.), P. ( R.) staudinger; (Eibes, Taurus, & Beirut), P. (R.) ambigua sehakuhensis (Schakuh Mts., Persia); PRIll/IELIl (subgenus of Proais; type anatoliea Naut.); Malihaea brunnea (Colima volcano); IIroloi!hllS totllsniger (Colima volcano); Goniopro,ris (?) ruhrojuguiata (Colima volcano). The revision of the Procridin", is the most detailed, but the Ameri­ can forms are only briefly considered. The family Ratard id", is also discussed with reference to its possible relationship to the Zyg",nid",. The revision is based on a thorough restudy of structural characters, notably of the venation and genitalia, which are discussed at length. The zoogeography of the family is treated in some detail. Tn an introductory section th e necessary distinction between phylogeny and its im­ perfect representation in systematics is well explained. The work concludes with a classification, to subgeneric level, of the family, a nd a list of the 25 (of 65) genera of Chalcosiin", and the 23 (of 67) genera of Procridin", which the author has not seen. More than 40 plates showing genitalia, 11 of venation, 1 of antennal structu re, 1 of miscellaneous zyg",nid types, & 4 of Procridin", are among the illustrations. A most impressive paper. [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Untersuchung bayrischer Populationen der Zygd!!la pllrpura/is Brunn.-Gruppe" [in German]' Narhrirhtenbl. bayer. En!., vol. 6: pp. 49-54. 1957. Study of populations of Z. purpuralis & Z. pimpinellce from various parts of central Europe supports their specific distinctness. [Po B.] d'Almeida, R. Ferreira, "Especies e subespecies novas de Ithomiid", (Lepidoptera­ Rhopalocera)" [in Portuguese]. Bol. Mus. nac., R io de Janeiro, Zool., no. 173: 17 pp., 12 figs. 1958. Describes as new Napeogenes pam ens is (Maracanai, Rio Pal'll de Leste, Para, Brazil), N. sylphis acreana (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Acre, Brazil); H ypot hyris honesta arreana (same locality), Fl. meterus arpi (ltai­ tuba, Tapajoz, Para, Brazil); Callithomia travassosi (Dumba, Rio Araguaia, Mato Grosso, Brazil), C. jllrllaiinsis (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Acre, Brazil); Hypolaia phsthenes (Carmo do Rio Claro, Minas Gerais, Brazil), Fl. novaesi (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Acre, Brazil), H . mulverialla (Fordlandia, Rio Tapa­ jos, Para, Brazi l); Heterosais edessa covella (Cojimies, Manabi, Ecuador). Two of the new spp. are not compared w ith others. Transfers exornata Haensch to Hypo/eria. [Po B.1 Amsel, H. G., " Eine neue Dyslllasia-Iht aus Portugal (Lepidoptera: Tineith)" Lin German]. Beitr. naturkllndl. Forsriz. Siidwestdeutscizlal1d, vol. 14: pp. 130-131, 2 fi gs. 19 55 . Describes as new D. lusitanella (Singeverga). [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Irakische Kleinschmetterlinge" [in German]. Beitr. nalllrkllndi. Forsell. SiidwestdPlltsrhiand, vol. 14: pp. 119-129, 1 pI., 15 figs. 1955. Describes as new: (Pyralid",) ,1N EPHOPTERYX, & type A. design ella (Tuba desert); IRIIKJII, & type T. pallens (Quraitiya. near Basra); Dattinia lIlesopotamica (Basra); (Tortri­ cidae) TORTRICOMORPHII, & type T. shaqlawana (Shaqlawa); Cnephasia kur­ distana (Shaqlawa); (Coleophorid",) Colephora kllrdistanella (Shaqulawa). Anno­ tated list of 90 spp., with some descriptive notes; 25 spp. (including above) are new 10 Iraq. [Po B.] Am<el, Hans-Georg, "Kleinschmetterlinge vom mittleren Jord. antal" [in German]. Beily. natllrkllndl. Forsell. SiidwestdeuIsrhland, vol. 15: Pl'. 56-62, 1 pI., 6 figs. 1956. Describes as new: (Pyralid",) ANACTENIA, & type 11. daganiaiis (Dagania); Dattinia theopoldi (Zerqua River Colony); (Ethmiid",) Ethmia wursteri (Zerqua River Colony ). Annotated list of 64 spp. [Po B.] Amsel, II. G., "Microlepidoptera venezolana I, II" [in Germ<Jn; Spanish & English summaries]. Bol. Ellt. venezolana, vol. 10: pp. 1-336, 1 pI.; [ : ~] 1'1'., 110 pIs. "1954" [1956, 1957]. Describes as new: (Pyralid"" Cramin",) NOl/OCRIIMBUS (type Cram­ bus Pyglll ce IlS); CHJl.OPSIS (IICHILO substituted in part II), & type C. (i.e. 11.) lignella .. (Phyritillce) Pselldodivona? albonigrella; II MY ELOiS (type M yelois veni­ pars) ; S e1llal01lellrll 1Ilinimella (?Maracay); Salebria? dist,:nctella (Caracas, Los Venados); Oryrtometopia 'Venezuelensis; PR/ECOMOTIII, & type P. minimella; (Endotrichinre), MICRONIX, & type M. nivalis; (Pyralin",) Herculia venezuelensis (Caracas, Los Venados); (Epipaschiin"') Maealla hyalinalis, M. asymmetrira, Iv!. sYlll1!letrica; Phidotrich a venezueiensis; ACCIDIPTA, & ty?e 11. major; Tioga? lleotropica; locara venezllelensis (Rancho Grande), l. Illtosalis; IIrceopasehia goan- 1958 The Lepidopterists' News _ 215 loides; Arnatula? lativalva; (Chrysauginae) MlCRORC/r, & type M. bistrialis; PHRACHMOPSIS (type Hyperparachma butyropsis), P. (ongrualis (Caracas, Los Venados); FOGLIA,
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