KNIGHT BEACON BoostersBring College To Nigl,School We the students of Assumption High resentative to start his presentation at St. Mary's College, Winona, Minnesota; Soon to college must apply a c rtain time for one group of people. and St. Tho mas College, St. Paul, Min­ We know not where, or how, or when, Fr. Charles Mann, boys' division vice­ nesota. But that' where College ight comes principal noted, "The system worked Refreshments will be served in the in! well for the colleges that used it last cafeteria during the evening. This year on Wednesday, October y ar, and we hope it will work again 15, at 7:30 Assumption high school's this year." annual College Night will take place . Three new addition are fore. een in A coll ge atmosphere will be enacted this year' chedule. Tho e hool are: when over 40 colleges, universities, The College of t. Benedict, t. Joseph, Knite technical colleges, and nursing colleges linnesota, Loras College, Dubuque, will send representatives to the event. Iowa, and Edgewood College of the acred Heart, Madison, Wi consin. Lite Being ponsored by the Booster Club Besides Marycrest and St. Ambrose, again thi year, a rewarding night is in to which most AHS graduates apply, store for everyone. ophomore , jun­ ther will be other schools which have I'll bet everyone's eyes were on Sr . iors, and eniors are invited to come, participated in College Night before . Mary Ambrosina, BVM, when she compare, and judge the college so Among these are: John Carroll Univer­ said, "If you'll pay attention, I'll go that they can make a good decision on sity, Cleveland, Ohio; Western Illinois through the board." a pecific college. University, Macomb, Illinois; Ottumwa • • • Again this year the colleges will be H ights Junior College, Ottumwa, Iowa; Four for '64 wa the call when Tom in sep rate rooms and all will be on Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois; Gehl en and Tom Ketelar found voca­ time schedules. This enables the rep- Rosary College, River Forest, Illinois; tions a diocesan prie ts and entered the eminary at St. Ambrose la t month. Jo Ann tachol joined the Urse­ line community in Cleveland while Mary Beth Coleman entered the BVM's . • • • Did anyone notice the blond sopho­ more boy vainly trying to hide his scarlet and orange potted marigold as he came in the door early last month? • • • Tuesday, September 81 during eighth period the senior boy began their guidance program. Throughout the year on the fir t Tuesday of each month the Boo ter club has planned vocational talks for them . • • • As the seniors are now in their last year at AHS the CEEB (SAT) and the ACT tests are approaching. Below is a schedule for registration and admini­ stration of these tests: CEEB: Test date: Nov. 7; Registration: Sept. 8 to Oct. 10. Test date: Feb. 20; Registration: Nov. 9 to Jan. 23. Test date: April 24; Registration: Feb. 22 to April 3. Test date: June 19; Registration: April 26 to June 5. Test date: August 7; Registration: June 21 to July 24. SAT: Test dates: Sat., December 5; Sat., Jan­ I uary 9; Sat., March 6; Sat., May 1; and Wed., July 14. Football • • • Pep M Centro/ For the benefit of those who have ee,; no way of getting to the Keokuk foot­ 0 119 ball game there will be buses. Mary­ \/16 kay Derouin '65 and Pat Stolmeier '66 are in charge of getting the buses. This is a project sponsored by the student council. 2 Student Council Many Activities To Highlight Year "This year we hope to promote a better knowledge and und rstanding of student council," said Student Gov­ ernment president, Bill Kurtenbach, in the opening meeting of the student council this year. During the summer both Bill and Kathy Frater, SGA vice-president, at­ tended a student council week at Ce­ dar Falls to gain new ideas. "We plan to fill this year with worthwhile pro­ jects and make SC a more active or­ ganization," Kathy explained. Student council also hopes to strengthen the foreign exchange stu­ dent program and to stress academic application among the student . • • • This year's student council modera­ tors are Sr. Mary Diana, BVM, and Fr. Louis Mulligan. Both are new to the student council this year . • • • On Tuesday, September 22, Officer Phil Axelrod of the Davenport Fire Departm nt spoke to the student coun­ cil on the Muscular Distrophy drive to be held November 22. AU student coun­ CHANGE MATERIALIZE ... a new uniforms are cil members have signed up to collect modeled by Cindy Roi ton '67 and Jill Meyers '65. donations. Any interested volunteers The bu t of John F. Kennedy and the mosaic tile should contact a student council rep­ resentative. behind the tatue ar gift of the class of '64. • • • Freshman elections were held last week. In charge were Bill Kurtenbach and Kathy Frater, both '65. See next Knights Head For Homecoming i sue for the new representative's Freshman and sophomore floats, an underclassmen in some of the home­ names. innovation of this year's Student Coun­ coming activities. • • • cil, will decorate the school during the Connections: "Early publication of homecoming festivities. Approximately Homecoming weekend will begin on these is our aim!" proclaimed Jack five by three feet in size, these minia­ October 30 with the parade through Peacock and Jan Ruge, both '66, in ture floats will b displayed in the downtown Davenport in the afternoon unison. "Cover sketches have been cafeteria, gym hall, by the bookstore, and continue with the game against submitted and names typed up so it and possibly at the dance. There will Muscatine that evening, climaxing with looks as though we should receive them be four floats in all, one each by the the Homecoming dance on October 31. soon," Jan continued. fro h and soph boys and girls. The As in previous years there will be • • • purpose of this idea is to involve the three floats for the Homecoming par­ Foreign Exchange Project - Lee De­ ade and game, the Queen's float, the Senior float, and the Junior float. At Julius '65 is chairman of a committe the game the mayor, Mr. Raymond assigned for the year to take care of Requiescat In Pace the various projects to finance our pre­ O'Brien, will again crown the Home­ coming Queen during half-time. sent exchange student. Any ideas should be submitted to Lee for student Senior Student Council members council consideration. sponsor the Homecoming activities. SC • • • moderator Fr. Louis Mulligan is in Hall of Fame: In response to last charge of the parade, floats, and half­ year's inquiry by Mr. Ambrose about time ceremonies, while Sr. Mary Diana, BVM, is in charge of the dance. Senior a permanent all school Hall of Fame committees named were: Buttons - the student council is looking into the prospect of setting one up. Teresa Schwab and Lee DeJulius, Queen - Mary Kaye Derouin and • • • Mike Pracht, Cars - Tony Navarro Football programs for the remaining and Bill Kurtenbach, Queen's float - home games will be sold through the Michelle Chenoweth and Steve Huy­ student council during the homeroom ette, Senior float-J'oe Barnes and Jill periods and at the games. Joe Barnes Meyers, Dance - Kathy Frater and and Bill Kurtenbach, both '65, will Bill Kurtenbach, and the Junior float layout the copies for the remaining - juniors Shelia Shanahan and Tom programs. LARRY ADAMS '65 Fennell. 3 BlueBeacon Beam s InvolvementFor '65 Roses are red , but violets are blue ; Catholic Int erracial Council, or to write a letter of This year the Knight Beacon cover is too . protest to his state senator , representative or gov­ This change in the portfolio cover from the tradi­ ernor. tional red or white is just one of the many changes During the i year ince its beginning, AHS bas inaugurated by this year's KB staff . The '65 port­ produced numerous "in" ( hort for "involved") young folio cover is of a blue linen cloth , inlaid with three men and worn n. One of the e people, recently in the silver crosses and the student's name . new becau e of her involvement in racial justice, As a result of last year's Knight Beacon Press i Carole Gro . Carole graduated from A sumption Assembly, another change was enacted to make the in 1960. Upon fini bing college he volunteered her portfolio more similar to a yearbook. Acting on this ervice , free of charge, to helping SNICC, Student student request, the KB is publishing a four-page Non-Violent Coordinating Committee , to teach the colored insert of pictures depicting the different people of the all egro community of Harmony, Mis - phases of school life: apostolic, scholastic, athletic and i sippi, to read and write. Currently she is helping social. This addition will serve as an introduction to set up a library with donated books for the people to the portfolio, and combined with an elaborated of that town, ince they are not allowed in the pub­ graduation issue, will give the portfolio a finished lic libraries. yearbook quality. Carole and people like her will be the leaders of This year the general theme for Assumption's our generation . They will be the ones who shape the monthly publication is "Student Involvement in the history of our time . They are the ones who are "in" . World Around Him." Although revolving around a LDJ central axis, the school, the tudent' world branche out to include community, national and international affairs. Every teenager during his high school years, stum­ bles across dozens of activities in which he is able to become involved.
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