Dr. George Junkin, founder of Miami university and former pres­ • TbJ.s year marks the tenth an­ Ident of Lafayette College, Is bur­ niversary of the reestablishment ted in the Lexington cemetery. l or the Lee SChool ot Journalism. By the Studenta, For the Studenta VOL. XL WASHINGTON AND LEE UNIVERSITY, TUESDAY, OCfOBER 6, 1 936 NUMBER 5 ==;===~========~====~_;~ Dr. Helderman Applications for Degrees Faculty Passes Graham Explains Rules Due Before October 15 Clique Steamrollers To Address IRC Registrar E. S. Mattingly today On Seven For For Opening Dance Set warned all candidates tor degrees Thursday Night of any kind to be sure to tile their Rhodes Award All Class Elections formal applications before Octo­ Regulations governing the sale In the flaure will be Issued by the ber 15. He said that this must be ucriais in Spain" Chosen of tickets at the opentna dance ticket sellers at that end of the done by every student who ex­ set were announced last night by a:vmnaalum. Six Seniors, One Graduate As Subject for Club's pects to graduate this coming With Little Trouble Bob Graham, president of the Co- The south entrance of the IYDl· June. Reconunended For tilllon Club. naslum <the end neareat the dor- Initial Meeting B~ for applications may be ---------------------------· Payment of SOphomore dues mitories> wlll be reeerved exclu­ Scholarships obtained at the Registrar's office tbls year wlll entitle members of slvely tor Juniors. seniors, and Kemp Signed to Play Russ Doane and Jim Ruth and must be handed in to hlm, ac­ ROUND-TABLE TALK the class merely to participate ln law students who have paid sopb­ Appointed for Vacancies cording to a notice P<>8ted on all M. BROWN, WEBER At YMI, October 30, 31 the figure and to receive a favor omore dues ln prevloua years. Pree FOLLOWS ADDRESS bulletin boards. Thls regulation On E. C. at the sophomore prom. Payment admlsalons will be laaued to these APPLY IN VIRGINIA Includes applicants for a certlfi­ That Hal Kemp has been sign­ of the dues does not entitle mem- men only at the south entrance. cate ln the SChool of Commerce. ed to play for the V. M. I. Open­ Drive for Members Plan­ bers of the class to free admission Tbe checking room and the re­ The regular diploma fee of $5.00 Ing Dance Set, October 30 and 31, COCHRAN ELECTED to the prom. The dues were reduc- freshmen concession will both be Roberts, Wilbur, McCar­ ned at Thursday's will not be payable until later tn was officially announced yester­ ed this year from $5.00 to $2.&0. on the balcony of the IYIJUl&8}um dell, Logan, Markham SENIOR PRESIDENT Meeting the session, It stated. day. Students who paid sophomore ln the rooms remodelled for this Recommended Washington and Lee seniors and dues ln former years, however, purpose laat year by the dance law students wtU be allowed to Winter, Wilson, Swift Will An address. "Crisis ln Spain.'' will be admitted without charge control board. attend all three dances at the by Dr. L. C. Helderman wUl tea- ~ to the sophomore prom thls year, The buement of the a:vmnas­ Library Opened Seven Washington and Lee stu­ regular charge of $6.00. Under­ Head Science, Com­ ture the Initial meeting of the In- since the new regulations ln re- tum w111 be cloaed ott during the dents were reconunended for graduates may attend only the merce, Freshman Law ternatlonal Relations Club Thurs- gard to payment of dues are not dance set, since new rest rooms For Use Monday Rhodes scholarships yesterday by tea dance on the first day. The It was "all quiet" on the P<>­ day nllht, Bill Wllbur, president ret.roactlve. have been provided on the second the faculty. Included ln the seven admission charge for aU three Utlcal front last night as the Big of the group, announced today. General admission tickets tor noor of the gymna.aium. The old are six seniors and one graduate. dances wlll be $5.00, or $3.50 for Clique put Its slate of class execu­ The address of Dr. Helderman. the sophomore prom will be sold "visiting team room" bas been re­ Renovated Building Shows All of those recommended for the two dances the first day and tives ln office. Officers of five wbo Is Associate Professor of His- at the north end of the gymnas- modelled as a amokln1 room and the award will apply to the state $1.50 tor the dance on the second classes were nominated and put tory here, and a close student of lum, as in past years. Ribbons en- men's room, while the old boxing Marked Ir.nprover.nent committees In the state ln which day. through with hardly a murmur of foreign affairs, wUl be followed tltllng sophomores to participate Continued on page four they reside except Morton Brown by a. round-table dlscusslon on the Over Last Year opposition. and Latham Weber, who plan to Russ Doane and Jim Ruth were gene raJ theme of the meeting. apply from Vlrgtnla. "Civil War ln Spain." 278 Pay to See elected to fill the two senior posts .terary Groups Intramural Tilts After two weeks Inconvenience The five men recommended by on the executive conunJttee of the Pollowlng the address and the Ll to students des1rln1 to read. the the faculty and applying from discussion organization of the student body. The seritor elections newly renovated University LI- their home states are: Howell club for the year will be effected. uru· Start Tomorrow brary opened yesterday. marking Army Gridgraph are conducted at large. B oward Meet m on Roberts. New York: Wm. Wilbur. Coleman was elected to lead the All students who are Interested the completion of many extensive South Carolina; John McCardell, in current world affairs are urged -- cbanna begun during the latter Senior Ball in the Ptnals set. 'Maryland: George Logan, Louts­ Attendance Record Set At 1be presidency of the Senior to attend the meeting and are eli­ Fifty-five Students Attend Delta and Pi Kappa Phi's part of last semester. lana: Ed Markham, Missouri. Board's First Showing Academic Class went to Harold gible for membership In the club. I The maJor change Is ln the All of the students recommend- ll stacks, which have been enlarged 1 Cochran. Charles Williams wlll Officers of the club were elected Joint Meeting in New Open Camput Footba ; ed are seniors here now with the Saturday last spring to serve this year. In Location Seuon j and fireproofed. All periodicals serve as vice-president, with Ken exception of Markham. who was -- Dustin and John Tomlinson as addition to Wilbur, they are: __ and periodical references are to graduated last June. A record attendance of 287 paid Don Heatherington, vice-presi­ The second joint meeting of the be kept there. Students wlll be re­ secretary-treasurer and historian Twenty Intramural teams were Applications to the state Rhodes adrnlss1ons watched the opening respectively. dent; Charles Williams, secretary, Washington and Graham-Lee Lit­ ready tonight to turn loose tbelr quired to get their own books scholarship committee must be showing of the grldgraph at Dore­ Clark Winter was chosen presi­ and Kent Forster, treasurer . erary societies. the oldest extra­ power in the Intramural football from the stacks Instead of asking tlled with members of the com- mus gymnasium Saturday atter­ dent of the Senior Commerce Greater student participation In curricular activities on the cam­ tournament which opens tomor­ the librarian at the maln desk. mJttee before November 7. The noon. SChool with Thomas Skinner as the meetings and work of the pus, was held last night In the so­ row with the Delta Tau Delta's The magazines are to be kept In applicants then appear before the An enthusiastic group of stu­ vice-president. William Dwlaglns, club Is one of the maJor obJectives ciety hall In the Student Union facing the D. U.'s. The squads will racks In the main reading room. state committee on December 17, dents and faculty members ap­ of the year, according to Wilbur. building. Fifty-five members were Tables have been placed nearby secretary-treasurer, and Andrew be battllna for the trophy which when one man Is selected from plauded vigorously when the little Bauer, historian. In addition to a number of meet­ present. Of tbts number. forty­ was won last year by Alpha Tau tor the convenience of the read­ each state. Pinal selection Is made white light dodged toward the The officers of the Senior class Ings built around addresses by four were new men. Professor G. Omega from PI Kappa Phi. ers. The newspapers, however. by a. district committee on De- Army goal. Likewise they aroaned ot the Bclentl!lc SChool w1l1 be men prominent in the study of S. Jackson, faculty advisor of the Other fronts ln the Intramural have been moved downstairs. cember 19, with four men being when the brilliant Army backs ran Phil Wilson. president: Louis foreign a!falrs, at least two closed clubs. acted as temporary chair- warfare showed hundreda of en­ The Biology Seminar bas re­ chosen from each of the eight for scores. Sgrlgnoli, vice-presiden t ; Lewis discussion meetings wtll be held man. trants In horseshoes and tennis plaCed the old Clvtl Engineering districts ln the United States to I Heretofore the 'graph' has been Mangus, secretary-tresaurer. and durtna the year. Originally scheduled for 7:30 p. awaiting the pairings which Cy Seminar, the old Bloloa:v Seminar receive scholarships. run by the Monogram club on a John Bierer, historian.
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