lunge, Circle mbers 0.T. Majors ent ot ., Ste. Today's Weather All occupational iii,rapy nomi- Santa Clara Valley: Cloudy Jur% lire to see their ativinervi between non and Dee. 17th. today with morning and night information HE5, fog. Predicted high: 50-36. PA RTAN DA I LY Further and 'dim - tionne, Low last night: 3-1-.14. South up for appointments may be eering winds wili be 3-10 mph. obtained in 11420. ernet- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ) p.m., aided ishang SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1965 No. 50 isic on Vol. 53 !Pio Club eeting. I p.m,. ACSCP Head Charges , J208, Irgani- Hall Ming. Dumke 'Ignores Problems' litiottal By FRANCINE MILLER cellor for faculty and staff affairs, cent meeting of the SJS Policy asked that no part-time faculty be Committee on Curriculum and In- called to teach in excess of the loriety, Dr. Theodore Balgooyen, SJS said in Los Angeles last April that was told there are 12-unit teaching load. Collis, professor of speech who recently the chancellor's office would look struction, he 97 student assistants now filling physics blasted state college achninistra- into the matter, but the practice Balgooyen 24 regular faculty positions. insti- tors for their policy on part-time is continuin g, Dr. A New faculty, yesterday charged Chan- charged. "These assistants have neither cellor Glenn DurnIce's office with the academic training associated pub- EXCESS LOAD "attempting to ignore the prob- with teaching positions in higher lems connected with the hiring of "Not only are these faculty education or the substitute quali- temporary and part-time faculty." given an excess load," Dr. Bal- fication of experience," maintains nt Dr. Eialgooyen, president of the gooyen declared, "but they are told Dr. Balgooyen. The use of such campus chapter of the Associa- that they are emergency teachers assistants to do the job of regular- tion of California State College and as such do not have tenure ly qualified faculty puts the gen- Professors ( ACSCP ) , reaffirmed rights .ctr the privilege of having eral education program in question- 11- his accusation that some tempo- a voice in departmental or col- able position and lowers the quali- rary full-time faculty are teaching lege matters." F. ty of education at SJS, Prof. Bal- 15 lecture units, three units over The chancellor's office also came gooyen emphasizes. the normal teaching load. under fire from Prof. Balgooyen RECOMMENDATION F. WILL STUDY for what he termed "not only Dr. John W. Gilbaugh, dean of permitting, but what is even more Dr. Balgooyen, in a resolution the college, said yesterday there shocking, encouraging the hiring submitted to the SJS Academic Dr. Gibson Walters, chairman of tl.e tylusic Department, presents are some temporary full-time fac- of student assistants to fill regular Council recently, recommended President Robert D. Clark with a p iir of tickets to the depart- ulty teaching more than 12 units, faculty positions. that faculty holding the rank of ment's production of "The Messiah." William Erlandson, (left) although the number is "very in- "The chancellor's office has 'Messiah' Tickets is "Messiah" director. Tickets go on sale today at I p.m. at the significant." He said he will study warned that if department chair- assistant be limited to assisting DR. THEODORE BALGOOYEN Music Box Office in the Music Building foyer. General Ad- the situation. men leave faculty positions un- regular full-time faculty. He also ... reaffirms accusation mission-51, children-50 cents. Mansel Keene, assistant chart- filled there is a good chance that those positions will be taken away 14 = from their departments," Dr. Bal- gooyen declared. 'Better Communications' Ten Greek Organizations Newscaster UNDER THREAT "Under such a threat," he as- 2 serted," the department heads feel To Vie for Show Award To Discuss they must hire people simply to FAB Realignment Proposed keep from losing the positions. Five sororities and five fraterni- Tickets are $1 per person and $1.50 If no qualified candidate is availa- ties will be vying for a $100 schol- per couple. An amendment to the ASH Fi- president and council chairman. Club, Student Activities Board, ble, departments tend to fill these arship sweepstakes award at 8 The sororities participating in Moon Shot p.m. Saturday when nancial Procedures Act which Bill Clark, ASB treasurer, and Intramurals, KSJS, the College positions with graduate students they present the show are Alpha Chi Omega, Council Finance Officer John Union Program Board and the and other unqualified the 14th annual All-Greek Show at Gamma Phi Beta, Kappa Alpha U.S. efforts to land two astro- would remove the ASB vice-presi- persons." Bruckman, junior representative. ASB Social Affairs Committee. Dr. Balgooyen said that at a re- the San Jose Civic Auditoriurn. Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamrna, and by 1970 will be dent from the Financial Advisory nauts on the moon Non-students on the board are The 10-act variety program will Delta Gamma. Participating fra- introduced discussed by Merrill Mueller, NBC Board (FAB) will be Prof. Jack Holland, chairman of involve some 400 performers, and ternities include Delta Upsilon, Delta Sigma radio-TV correspondent, in Concert at Student Council today. the management department; Dr. will be about two hours long, ac- Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and Hall tomorrow. The talk will begin The meeting begins at 2:45 in Richard Elliott, associate professor cording to show 'director Gil the College Union. of drama; Prof. Ray Wilkerson, New SJS Magazine Lowry. Sigma Chi. at 10:30 a.m. The proposed amendment calls associate professor of chemistry; Theta Chi fraternity, sponsor for Mueller's lecture is sponsored for the removal of the vice presi- Dr. Stanley C. Benz, dean of stu- the All-Greek Show, has an- Sig Eps by the ASB Forum Series. dent and the student-at-large dents; and Dr. Cornelia Tomes, nounced that proceed.s from the Secede; Mueller has served as TV anchor member of FAB and the addition asociate dean of students for ac- Makes Program will go to families of Debut Today man at Cape Kennedy for all of of two council members to the tivities. American servicmen killed or in- Fly Rebel Flag board. Senior Representative Jack Per- The first issue of Sparta Life, will combine the best features of jured in Viet Nam. A Red Cross America's previous manned-space The brothers of Sigma Phi Ep- According to the act, the ASB kins, who will introduce the meas- the new SJS feature magazine Lyke with some of the content director has prepared the special flights and was given round-the- silon have seceded from fraternity president would appoint the coun- ure, said the amendment will im- following Lyke magazine and La ideas of Look and Life." list of families. world exposure during his coverage cil members. The vice president is prove communications between row and president Mike Freed, Torre "It will become a real college Last year Theta Chi donated of the Mercury space shots of considered a council member. FAB and council. yearbook, will be sold in six dressed in the uniform of a Con- showpiece, devoted to the signifi- approximately $400 in proceeds Col. John Glenn and Cmdr. Alan FAB Is a 10-member student- The chairman of council "can't campus booths today. federate General, rode a horse cant on-going affairs of the cam- from the show to the Santa Clara B. Shepard. faculty-administration committee interject his views at meetings" The magazine will cost '75 cents down llth Street Sunday night pus, with attention to arts, student County Crippled Children's Society. In addition, the NBC corres- which makes recommendations on and thus cannot elaborate on FAB announcing the secession. an issue. Three-issue subscriptions, affairs, education and so on," Dr. This year's goal will be a $2,000 pondent has covered three wars all ASB budgetary matters. actions, Perkins said. The withdrawal is only tempo- which will include issues in March Bentel declared. contribution to their chosen cause, imd many major political events. The current membership of FAB Council may act on the follow- rary until the house's Southern and May 1966, are available at according to Lowry. He began newswork on a Con- includes ASB Pres. John Hen- ing budgets at today's meeting, ac- Seniors scheduled for graduation Ball to be held at Crystal Springs necticut daily at the age of 14 dricks, Jerry Spolter, ASB vice cording to Spotter: the Sailing the booths for $1.75. in 1966 may now make appoint- Show tickets are available at Country Club in Hillsborough- and has received numerous awards Booths selling Sparta Life are ments at the student Affairs Busi- the Student Affairs Business Of- During the secession the house ness Office to have their pictures fice, Mosher's Ltd., in front throughout his career. located in front of the library, in of the vvill fly the Confederate flag while taken for inclusion in future issues Spartan Bookstore, and at the its members wear Confederate Immediately following the talk, front of the Spartan Cafeteria, of Sparta Life. Theta Chi house, 123 S. llth St. garb to publicize the ball. Mueller will be special guest at IRC Forum Begins Tonight in front of Spartan Bookstore, in a coffee klatch in M161, co-hosted front of the Men's Gym, on by the ASB Lecture Committee A Foreign Affairs Forum, fea- Club, 444 West Alma St., tonight S. Seventh Street and in the quad and Sigma Delta Chi, national turing State Department speakers, at 7:30. next to the Journalism and Adver- journalistic society.
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