2007 EDITION Fact Sheets on the European Union EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT 01_2006_4661_txt_EN.indd 1 30-10-2007 14:54:25 Source of pictures: ‘Maps’ picture: © Digital Vision – Col. Antique maps ‘Scales of justice’ picture: Source: «Vignettes typographiques» Deberny et cie. ‘Mercury’ picture: Source: BNF/ Gallica – «La métamorphose d’Ovide iguré» , 1557 ‘Column’ picture: Source: BNF/ Gallica – «L’architecture ou Art de bien bastir. de Marc Vitruve Pollion», 1547 ‘Coins’ picture: Source BNF/ Gallica – «Le billon d’aur et d’argent» , 1552 ‘Ships’ picture: Source BNF/ Gallica – Illustrations de «Nova typis transact navigatio…», 1621 Manuscript inished in January 2007. This publication is available in English, French and German. It is not binding on the European Parliament in any way whatsoever. Author of the publication: European Parliament Oicial responsible: Ismael OLIVARES MARTÍNEZ, Director Editors: ANTOINE-GRÉGOIRE Jean-Louis, APAP Johanna, ASIKAINEN Aila, BAHR Christine, BATTA Denis, BAUER Lothar, BAVIERA Saverino, BOEHNE Thomas, BOSCHE Lars, BURSI Camilla, CAMENEN François-Xavier, CASALPRIM-CALVÉS Eva, CHAMBERS Graham, COMFORT Anthony, CRANFIELD Mairead, DALSGAARD Jens, DANKLEFSEN Nils, DELAUNAY Dominique, DOUAUD Armelle, DUDRAP Thomas, EFTHYMIOU Maria, ENGSTFELD Paul, FULMINI Azelio, GENTA Claire, GOOSEENS Yanne, GROTTI Marie-Claude, GYÖRFFI Miklos, HEINZEL Huberta, HERNANDEZ-SANZ Ivan, HYLDELUND Karin, IBORRA MARTIN Jesús, IPEKTSIDIS Charalampos, ITZEL Constanze, KAMERLING Josina, KAMMERHOFER Christa, KARAPIPERIS Théodoros, KATSAROVA Ivanna, KAUFFELD Karin, KOWALKOWSKA Beata, KRAUSS Stefan, KRISTOFFERSEN Niels, LEHMANN Wilhem, LENSEN Anton, LOPEZ-ALVAREZ Olalla, LUCCHESE Anna, MC AVOY Robert-Francis, MAKIPAA Arttu, MECKLENBURG Karsten, MENEGHINI Gianpaolo, MUSTAPHA- PACHA Mourad, NEVES Pedro, NUTTIN Xavier, OFFERMANN Klaus, OLIVEIRA-GOUMAS Béatriz, OSTA- GAMEZ Rafaël, PABST Rheinhart, PALINKAS Peter, PATTERSON George, QUILLE Gérard, RICHARD Pierre, RICHTER Jochen, ROSE Bryan, SCHELLING Margret, SCHULZ Stefan, SOSA IUDICISSA Marcello, SOURANDER Dag, SUBBAN Andréa, TALSMA Adrian, TRONQUART Jean-François, TROUVÉ-TEYCHENNÉ Odile, VENTUJOL Philippe, VITREY Anne, WELIN Monika, WERNER Helmut, WINTHER Pernille, WITTENBERG John, Coordinators: ERHOLM Jari, GONZÁLEZ GARCÍA Isaac, MACEDO Gonçalo Assistant: BISCAUT Jackie Europe Direct is a service to help you ind answers to your questions about the European Union Freephone number (*): 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 (*) Certain mobile telephone operators do not allow access to 00 800 numbers or these calls may be billed. More information on the European Union is available on the Internet (http://europa.eu). Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication. Luxembourg: Oice for Oicial Publications of the European Communities, 2007 ISBN 92-823-2146-0 © European Communities, 2007 Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in Italy PRINTED ON WHITE CHLORINE-FREE PAPER 01_2006_4661_txt_EN.indd 2 30-10-2007 14:54:26 Note to readers his 2007 edition of the Fact Sheets is the eleventh since the publication irst appeared T in 1979 for the irst direct elections to the European Parliament. As with previous editions, every efort has been made to ensure that the Fact Sheets fulil their purpose of providing non-specialists with an overview of the European integration process. We have therefore kept things simple, clear and concise and used a format that is as consistent and straightforward as possible. Only very minor changes have been made to the overall size (159 fact sheets) and structure of the publication. We have naturally included developments that have occurred over recent years, such as the changes resulting from the Nice Treaty, the proposals for a Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe and the EU enlargements that took place in 2004 and 2007. Furthermore, where reference is made to articles of the Treaties (Treaty establishing the European Community and Treaty on European Union), only the new numbering system introduced by the Nice Treaty is now used. In addition to bringing the fact sheets up to date, we hope that we have further improved their readability and thus also their value to readers as a quick but suiciently comprehensive overview of progress on the main points of European integration. Readers wishing to go into greater detail are referred to more specialist works, including those produced by Parliament’s Secretariat. As before, each fact sheet is identiied by a three-digit number, the irst two digits of which refer to the section and chapter to which the fact sheet belongs. Cross-references to other fact sheets — which appear at the end of the relevant sentences — use the same numbering scheme, as does the contents page at the beginning of the publication, which lists all the fact sheets by section and chapter. Lastly, regular updates are made to the English, French and German versions of the fact sheets on the European Parliament’s website (http://www.europarl.europa.eu/). European Parliament Secretariat January 2007 3 01_2006_4661_txt_EN.indd 3 30-10-2007 14:54:26 4 01_2006_4661_txt_EN.indd 4 30-10-2007 14:54:26 Summary 1 How the European Community works 1.1. Historical evolution of European 1.3. European Union institutions and 1.3.11. The European Economic and Social integration, 11 bodies, 34 Committee, 58 1.1.1. The irst Treaties, 11 1.3.1. The European Parliament: historical 1.3.12. The Committee of the Regions, 60 1.1.2. Developments up to the Single background, 34 1.3.13. The European Investment Bank, 61 European Act, 13 1.3.2. The European Parliament: powers, 1.3.14. The European Ombudsman, 64 1.1.3. The Maastricht, Amsterdam and 36 Nice Treaties, 16 1.3.3. The European Parliament: 1.4. Decision-making procedures, 66 1.1.4. The Treaty of Nice and the organisation and operation, 38 1.4.1. Supranational decision-making Convention on the Future of 1.3.4. The European Parliament: electoral procedures, 66 Europe, 20 procedures, 40 1.4.2. Intergovernmental decision-making 1.1.5. The Treaty establishing a 1.3.5. The European Parliament: relations procedures, 69 Constitution for Europe, 24 with the national parliaments, 43 1.4.3. The budgetary procedure, 71 1.3.6. The Council, 45 1.2. Main characteristics of the 1.5. Financing, 74 1.3.7. The European Council, 47 Community legal system, 28 1.5.1. The Union’s revenue and 1.3.8. The Commission, 49 1.2.1. Sources and scope of European expenditure, 74 Union law, 28 1.3.9. The Court of Justice and the Court 1.5.2. Multiannual Financial Framework, of First Instance, 52 1.2.2. The principle of subsidiarity, 31 77 1.3.10. The Court of Auditors, 56 1.5.3. Implementation of the budget, 80 1.5.4. Budgetary control, 82 2 Citizens’ Europe 2.1. Respect for fundamental rights 2.3. Freedom of movement 2.5. The right of petition, 96 in the EU, 87 of persons, 91 2.2. The citizens of the Union and 2.4. Voting rights and eligibility, 95 their rights, 90 3 The internal market 3.1. Principles and general 3.2.4. Free movement of capital, 115 3.4. Approximation of legislation, 131 completion of the internal 3.3. Rules of competition, 117 3.4.1. Public procurement contracts, 131 market, 101 3.4.2. Company law, 133 3.3.1. General competition policy and 3.2. The main freedoms of the concerted practices, 117 3.4.3. Financial services, 138 internal market, 104 3.3.2. Abuse of a dominant position and 3.4.4. Intellectual, industrial and 3.2.1. Free movement of goods, 104 investigation of mergers, 120 commercial property, 142 3.2.2. Free movement of workers, 107 3.3.3. State aid, 123 3.2.3. Freedom of establishment, freedom 3.3.4. Public undertakings and services of to provide services and mutual general interest, 127 recognition of qualiications, 111 5 01_2006_4661_txt_EN.indd 5 30-10-2007 14:54:26 4 Common policies 4.0. The Lisbon strategy, 149 4.5.8. Sea transport: market access and 4.9.8 Nature protection and biodiversity, competition, 215 310 4.1. Common agricultural policy, 152 4.5.9. Sea transport: traic and safety 4.9.9 Industrial risks: dangerous 4.1.1. The Treaty of Rome and the rules, 217 substances and technologies, 312 foundations of the CAP, 152 4.5.10. Inland waterway transport: 4.9.10 Integrated product policy, 315 4.1.2. Reform of the CAP, 153 intermodality and logistics, 220 4.1.3. Common organisations of the 4.10. Consumer protection and public market (CMOs): general concept, 4.6. Trans-European networks, 223 health, 318 156 4.6.1. Trans-European networks: 4.10.1 Consumer policy: principles and 4.1.4. Common organisations of the guidelines, 223 instruments, 318 market (CMOs): sectoral 4.6.2. Financing the trans-European 4.10.2 Consumer protection measures, 320 applications, 159 networks, 225 4.10.3 Public health, 324 4.1.5. Rural development policy, 163 4.7. Industrial policy, 227 4.11. An area of freedom, security and 4.1.6. Financing of the CAP: the European justice, 327 Agricultural Guidance and 4.7.1. General principles of EU industrial Guarantee Fund (EAGGF), 166 policy, 227 4.11.1. An area of freedom, security and 4.1.7. External agricultural policy: 4.7.2. Steel industry, 230 justice: general principles, 327 agricultural agreements under the 4.7.3. Shipbuilding, 233 4.11.2 Asylum and immigration policies, GATT and the WTO, 169 4.7.4. The automobile industry, 236 330 4.1.8. The agricultural implications of 4.7.5. The chemical and pharmaceutical 4.11.3 Management of external borders, enlargement, 172 industries, 238 334 4.1.9 The CAP in igures, 175 4.7.6. The aerospace industry, 241 4.11.4. Judicial cooperation in civil and 4.7.7.
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