MAY 13, 2021 BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep TTHEHE BBEEACONACON HHILLILL TTIMESIMES (781)485-0588 THERE ARE NO TIMES LIKE THESE TIMES BHCA board asks city to look at affordable housing for 45 Temple Street By Dan Murphy and Ed Flynn, as well as all of the at-large city councilors, regarding The Beacon Hill Civic Asso- how developer, JDMD, LLC, is ciation board of directors voted satisfying its Article 80 housing unanimously at its virtual May obligation with the city for large- 10 meeting to send a letter to the scale development projects for The city regarding how the developer Archer, which was built in 2019 of The Archer Residences, a lux- and comprises 64 one, two- and ury-condo complex at 45 Temple three-bedrooms and penthouse St., is fulfilling its affordable obli- units. gation for the project. Since the Archer development Rob Whitney, board chair, said contains 126,663 square feet of a group of Hancock Street resi- residential space, JDMD is obli- dents had recently sent a “peti- gated to provide around 19,000 tion” to Acting Mayor Kim Janey and City Councilors Kenzie Bok (TEMPLE ST. Pg. 3) Charles Street Supply to host COURTESY OF BINA FAMILY HOSPITALITY Spring Eternal kick off event The outdoor dining area at Bin 26 Enoteca on Charles Street. Special to the Times to small business. In addition, attendees will Beacon Hill’s first annual neigh- include Stacy Sheehan, President Neighborhood restaurateur optimistic borhood Spring Eternal event of the Beacon Hill Business Asso- schedule to start on Saturday May ciation, Patricia Tully Executive about the summer business and beyond 22 and designed to support small Director of the Beacon Hill Civic business is pleased to announce Association, Frank Meade of the least.” ing the state and city would lift the By Dan Murphy that Darrell Byers, CEO of Interise Beacon Village and representatives Management and staff are get- distance between tables, but that will be joining Boston City Coun- Neighborhood restaurateur from The Advent School and Park ting vaccinated at all of his loca- hasn’t occurred yet. But with the cilor, Kenzie Bok and State Repre- Babak Bina is looking forward to Street School. All will be on hand tions, said Bina, to ensure that patio, especially at Bin 26, we are sentative Jay Livingstone to help the summer, which, he expects, to they, along with the restaurants’ definitely are predicting a much kick off the neighborhood’s salute (SPRING ETERNAL, Pg. 3) bring an uptick in business for his patrons, remain safe. better summer than last year.” and other restaurants throughout “We feel within the next few Moreover, Bina applauds the the city as more people are getting weeks virtually every member of city’s Temporary Outdoor Din- GRONK IS BACK, WITH GIFTS vaccinated. our staff, both in back and in front ing Program, which has allowed “There’s a lot of optimism out of house, will be vaccinated,” he Boston restaurants, like Bin 26, to there,” said Bina, who with his said. use public sidewalks and parking sister, Azita Bina-Seibel, owns Despite all this progress, how- spaces for additional outdoor din- and operates Bin 26 Enoteca on ever, Bina said he and other restau- ing space during the pandemic. Charles Street, as well as jm Curley rateurs are still eagerly awaiting “I’m ecstatic that we can now and its sister steakhouse, Bogie’s the city and state to lift further all see that patios create life in Place, in Downtown Crossing. restrictions on them. beautiful or quaint neighborhoods “About 90 percent of our staff has “We’re expecting a good sum- been vaccinated with one shot at mer,” he said, “and we were hop- (SUMMER Pg. 4) Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner Reminder: Beacon Hill Civic on Friday, May 14th. Years ago it would have been Association Annual Meeting - Joseph Bagley, City Archae- crazy to think about adding a Monday, May 17th ologist for the City of Boston, recycling bin next to your trash, Our annual meeting for mem- will be our keynote speaker. You now it’s second nature! It’s time bers will take place next Mon- won’t want to miss his fascinat- to add a new bin to your kitchen day at 6pm via Zoom. Call the ing presentation! - the composting bin. Compost office at 627-227-1922 for more bins are for all of your organ- Ron Gronkowski donning an Esplanade Association polo shirt, as he infomration. We will be emailing Celebrate Earth Day every day ic waste- food scraps, coffee was back in Boston on Friday, May 7, to announce his $1.2 million the joining instructions to those - Getting Started with Compost- gift on behalf of the Gronk Nation Youth Foundation to the Esplanade members who have responded ing! (BHCA Pg. 2) Association for a complete renovation of the Charlesbank Playground. See Pages 6 and 7 for story and more photos. PAGE 2 THE BEACON HILL TIMES MAY 13, 2021 editorial GET THAT SHOT! GUEST OP-ED The idea of “vaccine hesitancy” is a relatively new phenomenon in our country. For those of the Baby Boom generation, there never was any question Developing a life plan about getting shots for all kinds of childhood and adult communicable diseases. By Dr. Glenn Mollette Put a few dollars aside as you work in progress. Too often we Vaccines, along with antibiotics, were universally accepted as won- can. You can’t take it with you point to an accomplishment or the ders of modern medicine that chiefly were responsible for the increase when you die but you can enjoy it past as the summation of our lives. in longevity and decrease in misery both in the U.S. and in populations Have something to look for- while you are alive. You also might What we did yesterday may have around the globe. ward to every day. Work a job. be able to help others. You can been wonderful or not so won- However, the rise of baseless conspiracy theories and adherence Work in your apartment or house. build wealth if you will work and derful but it’s in the past. Who are to senseless political conformity, all of which have been amplified by Have an exercise or health outing save a little every week or month. you today? Keep becoming a bet- unscrupulous voices on social media (including Russian disinformation), of some kind. Clean out a closet. Get rich schemes and winning the ter person. We all are still growing have combined to increase vaccine hesitancy to record levels during the Read a book. Your goal may be to lottery are like being hit by light- and have room for growth. COVID-19 pandemic. sit on the porch and watch nature ning, they seldom happen. Invest Make your own decisions and Polls show that vaccine hesitancy spans all ages, educational back- or the traffic go by. We all need lei- in your local bank’s Individual make good ones. You and God grounds, social strata, political affiliations, and employment status. sure days. If you have an idle day Retirement Account, a 401K and can figure it out. Stay indepen- In addition, the success of vaccines in bringing about the dramatic then plan to enjoy your time. buy safe stock as you can. Also, dent as long as possible. A friend reduction in deaths from COVID-19 over the past two months has bred pay into Social Security. You’ll Work on your health, mental of mine recently gave up her home its own sense of complacency. With the pandemic on the decline and need it eventually. and physical. Occasionally do a and moved to a place where “oth- hospitalizations near zero in some places, the need to get vaccinated may Work on your network of mind check. Clean out any gar- ers” thought she should be. I seem less urgent than when the pandemic was at its peak. relationships. If you don’t have bage between your ears. Your don’t think she is too happy with However, there are three basic facts that make vaccine hesitancy a any friends then at least try to dangerous mindset both for individuals and for society at large. mind is where you spend your life. be a friend. If you go looking for her new surroundings. Before you First and foremost, the coronavirus still is infecting thousands and Do away with negativity. Get rid friends you probably won’t find do, what other people think you killing hundreds of Americans each and every day. Though the numbers of any bad or resentful feelings. any. If you will be a friend then should do, make sure it’s what you in the U.S. are far below the peak from January, they still are unfathom- Forgive and love yourself and for- you’ll build some long-lasting rela- want to do. ably high. give others. God has forgiven you tionships. Don’t give up on your Glenn Mollette is the publish- In addition, across the globe, the virus is wreaking havoc from India and it’s time you forgave your- family. Stay close to your relatives er of Newburgh Press, Liberty to Brazil, where a lack of vaccines is ensuring that record numbers of self. Give peace and happiness if you possibly can. Church and Torch and various other publish- people are dying every day. Vaccination is the only means by which every chance possible to exist in civic groups are good places to ing imprints; a national columnist transmission of this dread disease can be halted.
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