'• , ,, -. ~ . .- 1889. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 311 ' SENATE. I move that the resolution be referred to the Committee on Commerce. The motion was agreed to. FRIDAY, December 20, 1889. Mr. CULLOM presented a petition of ex-Union soldiers and sailors Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. of Nebo, Ill., praying that pension legisfation be given precedence of all The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. other measures in the Fifty-first Congress; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. · ROUND VALLEY INDIAN RESERVATION. Mr. CA.MERON presented a memorial of the Philadelphia Board of ',· The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senato a message from the Trade, favoring the early establishment of a United States intermediate President of the United States; which was read, and, with the ac­ court as a relief for the overburdened docket of the Supreme Court; companying papers, referred to the Committ.ee on Indian Affairs, and which wtts referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ordered to be printed; as follows: To ths Senate and House of Representatives: :BILLS I~"""TRODUCED. I transmit herewith a communication of the 16th instant from the Seci;etary Mr. VEST introduced a bill (S. 1556) locating the world's fair at St. of the Intc-rior, submitting a draui:bt of a bill "to provide for the reduction of Louis, 1\10., and creating a corporation to carry on the same! which­ the Round Valley Indian re>iervation in the State of. California, and fo~ 01her purposes." I invite your attention to the rapers herem refe:red to, s~owmg~he was read twice by its title, and reforred to the Select Committee on nece_s ;ty for the proposed legislation, and ask tha.t the bill herewith receive the Quadro-Centennial. careful and early consideration. BENJ, HARRISO:N. Ur. CULLOM introduced a bill (S. 1557) to provide for limited postal­ EXECUTIVE 1\IANs10~. December 20, 1839. telegral>h service; which was read twice by its title. Mr. CULLOM. My judgment is that the bill ought to be referre_d PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, although at first it l\fr. EDMUNDS. I present the petition of Christopher Tedford, late was supposed that it shonld go to the Committee on Interstate Com­ · a private in Company E, Thirteenth Re~~ment V~mont V?lunte~rs, merce. I move that it be referred to the Committee on Post-Offices praying for the enactment o_f ~ law_ extendmg the time ~or filing c~:i:1ms and Post-Roads. for arrears of pensions. TbIS is evidently one of the prmted petit10.ns The motion was agreed t.o. that are sent around by persons who are engaged in getting up petitions, Mr. REA.GAN introduced a bill (S.1558) to provide for the free coin­ but if genuine, as I have no reason to doubt that it is, it is deserving age of both gold and silver, and for the issuance of coin certificates to of such consideration as it is entitled to. I move the reference of the circulate a.s money, and for the retirement of pnited States le_gal-tender petition to the Committee on Pensions. and national-bank notes of small denominatione, and for other pur­ The motion was agreed. to. poses; which was read twice ·by its title, and orde1·ed to lie on the Mr. INGALLS presented the petition of Peter Dinger and 50 other table. citizens of Kimsas, praying for the passage of what is known as the In­ ~1r. FAULKNER introduced a bill (S.1559) for the reliefofthe estate diana-Kansas servfre·pension disability bill; which was referred to the of .A.. H. Herr, deceased, late of the District of Colombia; which was Committee on Pensions. read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. PLUMB presented reoolutions adopted by a convention of ex­ He also introduced a bill (8. 1560) for the relief of John A. Baker, soldiers and sailors, held at Ness City, Kans., and resolutions adopted private, Company A, Eleventh West Virginia Infantry; which was read by the Mark D. Updegraf P~st, N0. ~8, G~d A.r!Dy ?f the ~public, twice by its title, and, with the accompanying papers, referred to the Department of Kansas, favormgcertain pension legislation; which were Committee on Military Affairs. referred to the Committee on Pen!!ions. Mr. PLA. TT introduced a bill (S. 156!) to remove the charge of de­ He also presented a resolution adopted by Vance Post, No. 2, Grand sertion against Patrick L. Dunn; which was read twice by its title, and Army of the Hepublic, Department of Ka.nsas, favoring the passage of referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. a hill donating the Fort Hays military reservation to the State of He also introduced a bill (8. 1562) granting a pension to Mary E. Kansas for the purpose of a State soldiers' home; which was referred Blackman; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompany- to the Committee on Public Lands. ing papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions. He also presented resolutions adopted by the Liberty Allia.nce, No. He a.lso..introduced a bill (8. 1563) to remo>e the charge of desertion 58. of Kansas, favoring the collection by the census authorities of cer­ a,,.aain:;t Horace E. Ball; which was read twice by its title, and, with tain in11 rma.tion relative to the ownership, occupancy, and mortgages the accompanying papers, referred to the Committee -<>n Military Af­ of American farms and homes; which were referred to the Committee fairs. on the Oeasns. Mr. RANSOM introduced a bill (S. 156-1) to provide for the settle­ Mr. STOCKBRIDGE presented a petition of Patrons of Husbandry ment of accounts with the Atlantic.and North Carolina Railroad Com­ of Rome, Mich., praying for the pa.s~e of a law forbidJing the sell­ pany; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the Committee ' ing of promises to deliver any farm produce or stock products by those on Military Affairs. ·who are not the owners thereof; which was referred to the Committee Mr. QUAY introduced a. bill (S. 1565) granting a pension t.o Ann on .Agriculture and Forestry. Ruffner; which \Vas read twice by its title, and referred to the Com­ He a.lso presented a petition of C. J. Dickinson Post, No. 9, Union mittee on Pensions. Veterans' Union, Department of Michigan. praying for the passage of Mr. MORRILL introduced a bill (S. 1566) for the promotion of an­ the per diem rated service-pension bill; which was referred to the Com­ atomical science and to prevent the desecration of, graves in the Dis­ mittee on Pensions. trict of Columbia; which was read twice hy its title, and referred to Mr. PASCO presented a resolution adopted by the Board of Trade of the Committee on the District of Columbia. , Jaeksonville, Fla., favoring the passaize of neces.u.ry laws to increase Mr. SA. WYER in trod need a bill (S. 1567\ to provide for the purchase the number of ships that carry the American flag; which was referred of a site on which to erect a building for the use of the Post-Office De­ to the Committee on Commerce. partment an<l the U.aited States post-office at Washington, in the Dis­ Mr. DAWES presented resolutions adopted bytheWoman'sNational trict of Columbia; which was read twice by its title, and referred to bdian A.ssocU..tion. approving Commissioner Morgan's plan for IDdian the Committee on the District of Colombia. education, and urging an appropriation therefor; which were referred to Mr. COCKRELL introduced a bill (S. 1568) granting a pension to the Committee on Appropriations. Robert Morrison; which wns read twice by its title, and referred tothe­ Mr. HA.LE presented the petition of Nancy B. Smith, of West Brooks­ Committee on Pensions. -. ville, Me., praying to be allowed a pension and bounty-~nd warrant; Mr. COCKRELL. I present, in counel\tion with the bill1 the peti­ which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. tion of Robert Morrison, of Company C and D, Fifty-sixth Regiment, He also presented the petition of George Andrews, of Kennebec East Missouri MilitUI, praying for a pension; and I ask that it be re­ County, Maine, praying to be allowed arrears of pension; which was ferred to the Commit~e on Pensions, to accompany the bill. referred to the Com ruitt;ee on Pen~ions. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The petition will be so referred. He also presented the petition of Ann G. Blackington, of Rockland, Mr. COCKRELL also introduced a bill (S. 1569) forthereliefofEdwin Me., praying to be allowed a pension; which was referred to the Com­ F. Mathews; which was read twice by its title, and referred to the mittee on Pensions. Committc.>e on Claims. He also pr~nted the petition of Sarah F. Jones, of Ellsworth Falls, Mr. COCKRELL. I pre&ent, in connection with the bill, a petition Me., praying to be allowed arrears of pension; which was referred t.o and affid-a.vit of Edwin F. Mathews for compen atign for supplies fur­ the Committee on Pension.~. nished the military authorities during the late war; and I ask that 1\Ir. CA.LL. I present a resolution addressed to the Senate, and sent these ptipers be referred to the Committee on Claims, to accompany the to me for reference to the Committee on Commerce, of the Board of bill. -, Trade of Jacksonville, Fla., as follows: The VICE-PRESIDENT.
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