MANUEL PALAEOLOGUS FUNERAL ORATION CORPUS FONTIUM HISTORI-AE BYZANTINAE CONSILIO SOCIETATIS INTERNATIONAL IS STUD lIS BYZANTINIS PROVEHENDIS DESTINATAE EDITUM VOLUMEN XXVI MANUEL 11 PALAEOLOGUS FUNERAL ORATION ON HIS BROTHER THEODORE EDIDIT, ANGLlCE VERTlT ET ADNOTAVIT JULIANA CHRYSOSTOMIDES SERIES THESSALONICENSIS EDlDIT IOHANNES KARAYANNOPULOS APUD SOCIETATEM STUDIORUM BYZANTINORUM THESSALONICAE MCMLXXXV MANUEL 11 PALAEOLOGUS FUNERAL ORATION ON HIS BROTHER THEODORE INTRODUCTION, TEXT, TRANSLATION AND NOTES BY J. CHRYSOSTOMIDES ASSOCIATION FOR BYZANTINE RESEARCH THESSALONlKE 1985 l:TOIXEI00El:IA - EKTynnl:H 0ANAl:Hl: AATIN�ZHl:, E0N. AMYNHl: 38, THA. 221.529, 0El:l:AAONIKH ElL ANAMNHLIN n. Raymond-J. Loenertz a.p. NIKOAdov dJeJ..rpov Kai l1'7rpOC; TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations ........................................... ix-xii List of Signs ................................................. xiii List of Illustrations ............................................ xiv Foreword ................................." ... ................. 3-4 Introduction ..........' ....." ......................... ....... 5-62 I. The Author ............................................... 5-13 n. Historical Introduction ..................................... 15-25 'nl. Text and Manuscripts ..................................... 27-62 A. Text ................................................... 27-31 B. Manuscripts ............................................. 32-42 . C. Relationship of the Manuscripts ......................... 43-53 D. Editions and Translations ............................... 55-59 E. The Present Edition .................................... 61-62 Plan of the Funeral Oration ..............' .. ', ' .................. 63-64 Preface by Gemistos Plethon ................................... 67-69 Style of the Funeral Oration by Joasaph ....................... 70 Epigrams by Manuel n, Matthew Chrysocephalus and Demetrius Magistrus .............................................. 71-72 Funeral Oration. Translation and Notes .......................... 74ff. Text ......................................................... 75ff. Appendix ...................................................... 261-85 Bibliography ................................................... 287-93 Indices. ....................................................... 295-310 I. Index Graecitatis .......................................... 297 n. Sources and Parallel Passages .............................. 302 Ill. General ................................................... 304 Plates and Map ............................................... 311 LIST OF' ABBREVIATIONS AFP- = Archivum Fratrum Praeditatorum. AOM = Archives of the Order of St. John, Royal Malta Library. ASV = Archivio di Stato di Venezia. B = Byzantion BARKER, Manuel II = J. W. BARKER, Manuel ITPalaeologus (1391-1425). A Study in Late Byzantine Statesmanship (New Brunswick, N. J. 1969). BECh = Bib/iotheque de I'Ecole des Chartes. BELGRANO, 'Documenti' = L. T. BELGRANO, 'Studi e documenti su la colonia geno­ vese di Pera (prima serie)" Alii della Societa /igure di Storia Patria, 13 (1877), 97-317.' BON, La Moree franque = A. BON, La Moree franque. Recherches historiques, topogra­ phiques et archeologiques sur la principaute d'Achaie (1205-1430), vol. 1 (Paris, 1969). BSOAS = Bulletin .of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of Lon- ' don. BZ = Byzantinische Zeitschrift. CBB = Chronica Byzantina Breviora (Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken), ed. P. Sch­ reiner, 3 vols. CFHB, XII (Vienna, 1975-79). CESSI, 'Amedeo di Acaia' = R. CESSI, 'Amedeo di Acaia e la rivendicazione dei do­ mini Sabaudi in Oriente', NAV, n.s. 37 (1919), 5-64. CESSI, 'Venezia e l'acquisto di Nauplia' = R CESSI, 'Venezia e l'acquisto di Nauplia ed Argo', NAV, n.s. 30 (1915), 147-73. ' CFHB = Corpus Fontium Historiae Byzantinae. CHALCOCANDYLES (B) = LAONICUS CHALCOCANDYLES, Historiarum demonstrationes, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1843); (D) = ed. E. Dark6, 2 vols. (Budapest, 1922-27). CHINAZZO = DANIELE DI CHINAZZO, Cronica de la guerra da Veneciani a Zenovesi, ed. V. Lazzarini (Monumenti Storici, Deputazione di Storia Patria per le Venezie, n.s., XI) (Venice, 1958). Chion. br. 162 = 'Chronicon breve de graecorum imperatoribus ab anno 1341 ad an­ num 1453 e codice Vaticano graeco 162', ed. R-J. Loenertz, EEBE, 28(1958), 204-15. Chron. Mor. = R.-J. LOENERTZ, 'La chronique breve moreote de 1423. Texte, tradu­ ction et commentaire', ST, 232 (1964), 399-439. CHRYSOSTOMIDES, 'Corinth' = J. CHRYSOSTOMIDES, 'Corinth 1394-1397: some new facts', Byzantina, 7 (1975), 83-110. CHRYSOSTOMIDES, "Studies on Caroldo' = J. CHRYSOSTOMIDES, 'Studies on the Ch­ ronicle of Caroldo, with special reference to the history of Byzantium from 1370 to 1377', OCP, 35 (1969), 123-82. x Abbreviations Commemoriali = Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Commemoriali. CYDONES = DEMETRIUS CYDONES, Correspondence, ed. R.-J. Loenertz, 2 vols. ST, 186, 208 (Vatican City, 1956-60). CYDONES 'Prooemien' = DEMETRIUS CYDONES, 'Prooemien zu Chrysobullen von Demetrios Cydones', ed. K.E. Zacharia von Ligenthal Sitzungsberichte der k. preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1888, 2, 1409-22. DELAVILLE LE ROULX = J. DELAVILLE LE ROULX, Les Hospitaliers a Rhodes jusqu'a la mort de Philibert de Nail/ac, 1310-1421 (Paris, 1913). DENNIS, The reign = G. T. DENNIS, The reign of Manuel II Palaeologus in Thessaloni­ ca, 1382-1387 ( = OCA. 159) (Rome, 1960). DENNIS, 'Three reports' = G. T. DENNIS, 'Three reports from Crete on ·the situation in Romania, 1401-1402', Studi Veneziani. 12 (1970), 243�65. , DOC = Diplomatari de [ Orient Catala (1301-1409), ed. A. Rubi6 i L1uch (Barcelona, 1947). DOP = Dumbarton Oaks Papers. DOS = Dumbarton Oaks Studies. DUCAS (B) = DUCAS, Historia Byzantina, ed. I. Bekker (Bonn, 1834); (G) = ed. V. Grecu (Bucharest, 1958). EEBE = 'Enerytpie; rfje; 'Emlpeiae; Bv(avnvoJv Enovf5oJv. GERLAND, Neue Quellen = E. GERLAND, Neue Quellen zur Geschichte des lateinischen Erzbistums Patras (Leipzig, 1903). GREGOROVIUS, 'Briefe' = F. GREGOROVIUS, 'Briefe aus der Corrispondenza Acciajoli in der Laurenziana zu Florenz', Sitzungsb. bayer. Ak. d. Wiss., Phil-hist. Klasse, 1890, pp. 285-311. GREGOROVIUS-LAMPROS = F. GREGOROVIUS, 'Iuropia rfje; nOA.eWe; 'A8ytvo)v Karu rove; /leUOve; aloJvae; ... tr. by S. Lampros, vo!. 2 (Athens, 1904). IGNACE OF SMOLENSK (K) = IGNACE OF SMOLENSK, Itineraires russes en Orient, tr. by S. F. Khitrovo (Geneva, 1889), pp. 129-57. (S) = IGNACE OF SMOLENSK, tr. R. SOLOMON, Beitriige zur russischen Geschichte. Theodor Schiemann zur 60 Geburstage von Freunden und Schii/ern, dargebracht und herausgegeben von Hotzsch (Berlin, 1907), pp. ISIDORE = ISIDORE OF KIEV, IIavytyvplKOe;, PP Ill, pp. 132-99. JOCHALA..S, 'Uber die Einwanderung der Albaner' = T. JOCHALAS, 'Uber die Ein­ wanderung der Albaner in Griechenland (Ein zusammenfassende Betra­ chtung)', Dissertationes Albanicae in honorem Josephi Valentini et Ernesti Koliqi (Miinchen, 1971), pp. 89-106. LAMPROS, "Eyyparpa = S. LAMPROS, "Eyyparpa avarpepO/leva de; r�v /leUal(JJVlK�V iuro­ piav TOJV 'A8ytvOJV (Athens, 1906), as v. 3 to F. Gregorovius, C Icrtopta. .. v. supra. LAURENT, 'Le trisepiscopat' = V. LAURENT, 'Le trisepiscopat du patriarche Matthieu ler (1397-1410). Un grand prod�s canonique a Byzance au debut du Xve . siec1e', REB, 30 (1972), 5-166. Le livre des faicts = Le livre des faicts du bon messire Jean le Maingre dit Boucicaut, ed. Th. Godefroy (Paris, 1620). Lettere di Rettori = Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Lettere di Rettori (busta unica). Abbreviations XI R.-J. LOENERTZ = Where applicable, all articles cited here refer to the author's BF-G collection. LOENERTZ, 'Ath"{!nes et Neopatras' = R.-J. LOENERTZ, 'Athenes et Neopatras I. Rege­ stes et notices pour servir a I'histoire des duches catalans (1311-1394)" AFP, 25 (1955), 100-212, 428-431; rep. BF-G, 11, 183-303. LOENERTZ, BF-G = R-J. LOENERTZ, Byzantina et Franco-Graeca, 2 vols. (Rome, 1970, 1978). LOENERTZ, 'Les dominicains byzantins' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'Les dominicains byzan­ tins Theodore et Andre Chrysoberges et les negociations pour l'union des eglises grecque et latine de 1415 a 1430', AFP, 9 (1939), 5-61; rep. BF­ G, 11, 77-130. LOENERTZ, 'L'exil de Manuel 11' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'L'exil de Manuel 11 Paleologue a Lemnos 1387-1389', OCP, 38 (1972), 116-40. LOENERTZ, 'Hospitaliers' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'Hospitaliers et Navarrais en Grece (1376-1383). Regestes et documents', OCP, 22 (1956), 319-360; rep. BF-G, I, 329-69. LOENERTZ, 'Jean V' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'Jean V Paleologue a Venice 1370-1371', REB, 16 (1958), 217-32. LOENERTZ, 'Pour I'histoire' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'Pour I'histoire du PeIoponese au XIve siecle (1382-1404)" REB, 1 (1943), 152-96; rep. BF-G, I, 227-65. LOENERTZ, 'Res Gestae' = 'Res Gestae Theodori Ioann. f. Palaeogi. Titulus metricus A.D. 1389', ed. R-J. Loenertz, EEBE, 25 (1955), 207-10. LOENERTZ, 'Une erreur' = R-J. LOENER'fZ, 'Une erreur singuliere de Laonic Chalco­ candyle: le pretendu second marriage de Jean V Paleologue', REB, 15 (1957), 176-84; rep. BF-G, I, 383-92. LOENERTZ, 'Une page de Jerome Zurita' = R-J. LOENERTZ, 'Une page de Jerome Zu­ rita relative aux duches catalans de Grece (1386)" REB, 14 (1956), 158-68; rep. BF-G, I, 371-81. MANUEL PALAELOGUS, Dialogues = MANUEL 11 PALAEOLOGUS, Dialoge mU einem 'Perser', ed. E. Trapp, Wiener Byzantinistische Studien, 11 (Vienna, 1968). MANUEL PALAEOLOGUS, Letters = MANUEL 11 PALAEOLOGUS, The letters of Manuel Palaeologus, ed. G. T. Dennis, CFHB, VIII (Washington, D. C. , 1977).
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