c.; \~ ....::;./l I / Univer,si~y of Cinoinnati NEWS-:·R D Published 'I'uesdaysandPrtdays during the Academic Year except as scheduled. - Vol. 55 . CincinnatC Ohio/Friday, January 26, 1968 Senate Fails' Air ,force Recruitment Hit; . Rule Pa,ssage; Cameraman S'hoots Off ~No Quorum Both C'al11era And Mouth Marchersopposing the Vietnam said, ...."We ought to take their A quorum of senators was not War and the draft appeared signs and make' a bonfire." Cap.' present at Wednesday night's meeting so this year's' election Wednesday in front of the Uni- ta~n Gunerman of the US Army rules still have not been approv- versity Center, prompting diverse and two other officers we're 'com- reactions from student onlookers, ed. Twenty-five senators were ing out' of the University Center needed to act on the election by- a. US Army Captain, and a heated· exchange between a WL W-TV, at the time; and he replied, laws which were proposed last week. Twenty-two senators were' camera man and a spectator. "Why? They are entitled to "the present at the meeting. If a Approximately twenty-five stud- 'right to e~xpress their opinions' as quorum is present next Wednes- ents took part in the demonstra- Americans." day, the rules,' along with the tion, staged as a reaction to the Another discussion took place' controversial expense regulation, presence 70£ US Air Force' re- as a 'photographer 'from WLW-TV ,will be voted .on, 'cfuiterson campus. Headed -by wall filming the march. As he Board Recommendationi , three first year graduate students; was filming, thecameraman took Herb-BUick in psychology, Jack pictures of Louis Lindenschmidt.: The Elections Board offered the Kornblatt in biochemistry, and a long-haired sophomore from names of candidates for the Bob Bosch in medicine, the de- A&S, who was' watching the de- Board. These, students, recom- monstration, which, was also held monstration, and not participat- mended by the .personnel. deans, yesterday and scheduled for to=- ing Lindensehmidt accused the were approved by .the Senate; .day, aimed primarily at stopping photographer of only taking films Pete Franklin, Tony Jackson" allmilitary recruiting on campus. •.of people with long hair and - Gary Greiner, -Linda Fontenot. Bilick, spokesman for the group beards and ignoring those. who Barb Flatt" and Pam Mason. The were clean~aven. This practice, Chairman is' Frank J osselson, a stated.c v'Wc feel .the University he stated, '~~liEmated the average .graduate student in law. is aiding and condoning' the middle class person from the' In 'the only significant -rnotion destruction of the people of Viet- anti-war movement". The earner- considered by" the Senate' the. Re- (NR Photo by Mel Norman} nam. We do not feel .that the ANTI· RE:CRUITMENT MARCHE'~S who demonstrated in front of aman replied that he was oh 'pub- 'sidence Hall Committee final' re- Armed Forces should recruit offi- lie property and could take any port was adopted with -21.affirma- the University Center Wednesday were met with threat to "rnake a cers on campus." 1I pictures he wished. tive and 2 negative votes. bonfire out of their signs. An Ar'my Captain passing the' march in.. - The group was the. target of Overcrowding • IIUnavoidableli terced:ed for the, group. -, numerous hecklers, one of whom Lindenschmidt a 1 s 0 charged The Committee.called the OVer- <that the news -films taken at the crowding. situation that occurred Federal Building mar c h of 'in the residence hall Fall' Quar- ' J anuary 13. did not show the 'Courts Easier On Building Violetors average, 'middle class people, ter- "unavoidable." They felt I that, the University could not be 'held participating in the march. The, responsible for the~snuiltion:HQW~ :h'" ::-,:~ "fi:-c~t';" ,; -:E'1;,:.· -~":"·k':':',,",';.-l.~i·~·'W'-~, -:»: '1,:':'·"4~.:',,",cH'··' "'....~-t"~ ;K~f·t- ~;,;.~"'.~I~ . v.;hotog'r'Ulher .responded, '.'1' he ever, the report indicates that the T',' an '.aworea ersvvnoriur 1'40Doay' march was. made .up of Antioch University was at fault for not idiots. Jike you." . notifying the students who would by Pat Fox to counselor that they had a right there was' no proof that any .of ' In addition to the march, the be affected by the overcrowding. to call witnesses in their own de- the students knew tha t "their cells group _ submitted petitions re- . The' hard feelings could have "The courts are much more fense. were located in such proximity to questing the curtailing of recruit- been avoided if the,' students rin- lenient with building code vio- "In all three cases, only the the .courtroomthat noise from the ment activities to both the Uni- volved would-have been notified lators profiteering with human jailer testified. In one case, the cells would penetrate the. floors versity Presidents Council and of the, situation in advance of misery than those whose actions jailer, when asked to describe the and ~alls and create a disturb- Student Senate.: their arrival at school, the re- are perhaps' illegal, but have ac- student's conduct answered 'I ancem court. port said. ' didn't observe him doing any- "None of this is to say that the li 'tually harmed no one," is the IIAmbiguo_us Housing Policy thing. There was a lot Of noise students were, not subject to the' Senator Painter, Chairman of charge made by Professor Fred Pueblo Affair coming from that cell.' In an- I proper prosecution for their legal Dewey, chairman of the local the committee, called the present- other case, the jailer testified, acts. The ,Dayton -Daily Ne,ws edi- American Civil Liberties Union, University housing policy "un- 'This man was in -cell No.7 and torially stated on Dec. 10, that and professor pf law at nc, in re- A. Diversion? workable as presently stated." standing on the bunk and talking Judge' Heitzleracted 'arbitrarily , gardto the treatment ofthe .draft He cited that the present policy rather loud.' In the third 'case, the 'and even viciously.' I am in- by Kenn Baylen . is' ambiguous, and that it is not protestors by Judge George Heitz- jai.~er said, .'I observed him not clined to agree. , Dr. Han-kyo Kim of UC's Polit- and cannot be enforced. The com" ler's Municipal Court: Professor If doing anything, I h~ard a, lot of IICourt Creates Mist,r.ust" ical Science Department says that mittee report acknowledges the Dewey, in summing up his feel- necessity of -residence halls and ings about treatment accorded the noise coming from hIS cell. E~ch "Action such as this. in a court the recent capture of the U.S.S. the right of the University to use draft protestors by Cincinnati's , of the students were found .guilty of justice is a far greater blow Pueblo has deeper implications official means to assure their Municipal Court, made the fol- and k~entenced to 30 days ill the to 'law and "order' than was the than 'just overt military action. occupancy. But the, final re- lowing statement fo the News wor ouse." ' action of 'the students for it ere- 'Dr. Kim, a native -of Korea, comendation urges the Admini- Record. No Proof of Intent ates mistrust of instead of re- now a naturalized citizen and as- -stration to modify its present "The handling of the Antioch "Contemptjof court requires __spect for our courts." . - sistantprofessor in Arts and' Sci- housing policy to allow, any stud- student protestors in the Cincin- proof that the conduct complained: A transcript of the contempt of ences, theorized that pressing in- ent 21 years of age to make his nati Municipal Court was a great- M . was done .knowingly with in- court 'proceedings is located on ternal problems had created 'a, own housing f arrangements and er blow to 'law and order' than' tent.to create a' disturbance. Yet Page 5. 'need to go outside the country to guarantee that any student was the ...action 'of the protestors. and to force incidents that would once granted' permission to live CLU· Provides Cf)unsel ,give 'the, North Korean people a off campus will not be required bigger subject to focus on than "Subsequenttojthearrest of the QldUnderdogs Form the' inner conflicts and a method " . -New to, return to live in campus ...•.•. ' . students, plans were made to rush ~ .~ housing: to' get the people to work harder the "students to trial immediately '~Uni~ersity Party" Nuc'leus for the country. before they had an opportunity to He- feels that this is a disturb- consult with or obtain legal coun- A group of undergraduates Student Senate treasurer, Joe' ing development which comes in sel: These plans were frustrated -.no. headed by Glen Weissenberger Herring, Student Senate secre- the "wake of recent military acts by the prompt ~ction of the Cin- c> petitioned the Student Activities tary, and Frank Nutter, Student of provocation." This is a "clear- u cinnati Civil Liberties "Union 'in Office for official campus recog- Senate vice president, participated cut pattern for the last few years providing counsel who'· secured ~ nitionof their new student politi~' in the party's creation. of intensified anti-American cam- continuances fer those not repre- cal party. The hope of the. leaders of the paign in Korea." Also mentioned sented by other lawyers. The tentative purpose statement University Pary is that. it will was an incident last, year when "Also, the usual bond required of the party listed objectives seek- function on' a year round .basis the North Koreans-sank a South - ~ for release for the type' of offen- ing to •.p~omote a high level .of and insure that its elected can- Kore'an ship with, ail hands on ,U ses with which the students were ''!!C N student" government at UQ, and didates are performing in accord- board.
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