S Q. UT H D A K 0 TA ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION SOUT H DAKOTA B I RD N 0 TES VOL41 DOCEMBER1009 N0.4 SOUTH DAKOTA BIRD NOTES, the official publication of the South Dakota Ornithologists' Union (organized 1949), is sent to all members whose dues are paid for the current year. Life members $150.00; Family life members (husband and wife) with 1 subscription to Bird Notes $200: sustaining members $15.00, regular members $9.00: family members (husband and wife) with 1 subscription $12.00; juniors (10- 16) $4.50; li­ braries (subscription) $9.00. Single and back copies: Members $2.50, Nonmembers $3.00. All dues payments, change-of-address notices, and orders for back copies should be sent to the Treasurer, Nelda Holden, Rt. 4, Box 252, Brookings, SD 57006. Manuscripts for publication should be sent to Editor Dan Talhnan, NSU Box 740, Aberdeen SD, 57401. .. VOL41 De.amber1989 N0.4 IN THIS ISSUE . HOUSE SPARROWSBY D. G. PRISBE..................................................... Co\rer PRESIDENf'S PAGE.. .................................. .......... ......... .. ........ ....................55 SOUTI-I DAKOTA ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION MEMBERSHIP LIST . ...........56 GENERAL NOTES--American Dippers in Spearfish Canyon: Swainson's Thrush Recovered in Guatemala: House Finches breed in Sioux Falls .................. ........................ ............... ..................... ..63 BOOK REVIEWS..... ..... ..................... ........................................ ... ........... ...... ..64 TIIE 1989 SUMMER BREEDING SEASON REPORf.. ..... .... .......... ... .............69 SOUTH DAKOTA ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION Officers 1989- 1990 President............................... Kenneth Graupmann, Box 111, Kadoka, 57543 Vice President.. ........................... Dennis Skadsen, Box 113, Grenville 57239 Secretary...................... L. M. Baylor, 1941 Red Dale Drive, Rapid City 57702 Treasurer .............................. Nelda Holden, Rt. 4, Box 252, Brookings57006 Editor ...................................... Dan Talhnan, NSU Box 740, Aberdeen 5740 1 Librarian ................Mark Skadsen, 1209 N Harlem Ave, Sioux Falls, 57 104 · I Elected Directors For Term expiring 1990: Kelly Lane, Rapid City; Linda Riner, Black Hawk: Dan Reinking, Brookings: Dennis Skadsen, Grenville; George Vandel, Pierre. For Term expiring 199 1: Ken Graupmann, Kadoka: Joyce Harrell, Vermil­ lion: Michael Melius, Hermosa: Richard Peterson, Oelrichs: Galen Steffen, Burke. For Term expiring 1992: Eileen Dowd, Pierre: Gertrice Hinds, Prairie City; Mark Skadsen, Sioux Falls: Dan Tallman, Aberdeen: Stephen Van Sickle, Yankton. Past President Directors Jocelyn L. Baker, L. M. Baylor, Gilbert Blankespoor, Robert Buckman, Cecil Haight, Byron Harrell, Bruce Harris, Nelda Holden, Kenneth Krumm, Rex Riis, N. R. Whitney, Jr. Associate Editors: Erika Tallman and David Fuller. sournDAKOTA Brno NOIES41 (4): 54 DECEMBER 1989 PRESIDENT'S PAGE I feel highly privileged to have been elected president of what I feel is one of the most conservation­ oriented groups to which I have ever belonged. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Rex Riis for the job he did as our president for the past two years. He set a high standard for the office of President. I will do my best to come as close to his stan­ dards as I can. Those of you who missed the Madison meeting passed over a highly informative and inspiring gathering. The information on South Dakota birds was enlight­ ening, while the slides and video we saw inspired us with the beauty of our birds. I came to appreciate the photographic talent of our members. All this talent makes me think about something that I would like to see our group do. As education is the most important thing that we can do for the next generations, I would like to see the SDOU develop a series of slides or videos that members could use to give presentations of South Dakota birds to schools and other groups. Imagine a video of South Dakota Wild Turkey, Sharp-tailed Grouse, Sage Grouse, and Prairie­ Chickens performing their spring mating dances. Surely such presenta­ tions would help start children and others on the way to a life of enjoying birds. Hopefully, this start would involve them in making some good future environmental decisions U1at would benefit birds and all other species of wildlife. I am looking forward to being your president and hope to see many of you at our spring meeting in Bison. Good Birding. Ken Graupmann, Box 11, Kadoda57543. SOUIHDAKOI'ABIRD NOIES 41 (4): 55 DECEMBER1989 SOUTH DAKOTA ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION MEMBERSHIP LIST This membership list includes all categories of constituency. The types of membership, given after the year members joined SDOU, are indi­ cated by the following letters: C = charter; E = exchange; F = family: H = honorary: L = life: LB = library: R = regular: SC = scholarship; ST = sus­ taining; * = special arrangement with SD Game, Fish and Parks. American Birding Association, Inc .•BIRDING, Paul Lehman, Editor P.O. Box1273, Goleta, CA 93116 E American Birding Association, Inc., WINGING IT, Editor Cindy Lippincott, P.O. Box 6599, Colorado Springs, CO 80934 E American Museum of Natural History, Library: Serials Unit, Central Park West at 79th St, New York. NY 10024-5192 E Anderson, EvaV., 527 E. 78th Street. New York. NY 10021 1969 R Anderson, Dr James W., 1401 North Third St, Aberdeen, SD 57401 1981 R Anderson, Judge Sigurd, P. 0. Box560, Webster, SD 57274 1966 R Antonides, Mr William, 514 N Arch, Aberdeen, SD 57401-2951 1985 R Arbogast, Mrs Margerey R, 514 SouthFirst St, Aberdeen, SD 57401 1972 R Audubon Naturalist Society, 8940 Jones Mill Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 E Audubon Society of New Hampshire, PO Bax 528 B, Concord, NH 03302-0516 E Bachmann, Gertrude, 255 TexasStreet, Apt # 203, Rapid City, SD 57701 1954 R Backlund, Doug, 515 Mason, Spearfish, SD 57783 1989 R Badlands Natural History Association, Bax 6, Interior, SD 57750 1962 R Baker, Jocelyn Lee, 851 North SurfRoad, Hollywood. FL 33019 1974 L Baker, Ross and Ann, 1221 2nd Street, Brookings. SD 57006 1981F Barnes, Michael E., RR l Box205, Spearfish, SD 57783 1984 R Bauer, Mr/Mrs Gene, 1232 East Woodley, Northfield, MN 55057 1973F Baylor, Mrs. Kelsye, Apt A-7. 3320 Dover St, Rapid City, SD 57702 1965 R Baylor, L. M., 1941 Red Dale Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702 1957 R Baylor, Mrs. L. M., 1941 Red Dale Dr., Rapid City, SD 57702 1977 R Beck, Mr. Dave, Suburban Estates RR #3, Bax10, Brookings. SD 57006 1981 R Behrens, Mr/Mrs Harry C., 632 St. Francis Street, Rapid City, SD 57701 1977 (Mr. Harry= C) F Bell, Mr/Mrs Robert, Box283, Wessington Springs. SD 57382 1971F Bernstein, Mayor Barbara, Box344, Wilmot, SD 57279 1982 L Biological Abstracts, BioScience Data Service Literature Acquisition Dept., 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 E Bird Seed Savings Day, 35 OakmountAve. #3, Holcomb, NY 14469 E Bird Watcher's Digest, P.O. Box110, Marietta, OH 45750 E Birdseye, Mr/Mrs Roger, 915 Squire Lane,Aberdeen, SD 57401 1978F Bjerke, Mr. Daniel L., 6145 Una Del Drive, Rapid City, SD 57702 1980 R Blankespoor, Dr. Gilbert W., 2204 Crestwood Road, SiouxFalls, SD 57105 1973 ST Blaschke, Lee, RR l, Box69, Wakonda, SD 57073 1986 R Blue Jay, Editor, Bax414, Raymore, Saskatchewan, CANADA SOA 3JO E Bowen, Mrs. Alice L., 209N. Leaders, SiouxFalls, SD 57103 1966 R Boyd, Helen, 1612 South Summit, SiouxFalls, SD 57105 1989 R Brady, Mr. Dan. Bax277, Desmet. SD, 57231 1987 R Branson, Mr/Mrs. C. A. Box917, Aberdeen, SD 57401 1981F Breen, Carol, Route 3, Box 10, Apt 5, Viborg, SD 57070 1962R Brown, Barbara J., 30 Richmond Rd, Macomb, IL 61455-9327 1979 R SOUIH DAKOfABIRD NOIES 41 (4): 56 DECEMBER 1989 Buckman, Dr. Robert, Dakota State U., Box 228, Madison, SD 57042 1970 R Buresh, Mr/Mrs WilliamA, 44 captain Marsh Drive, Mandan, ND 58554 1970F Carter, Mr. Dennis L.,P.O. Box613, Bushkill,18324 PA 1956 L Casanova, Chuck and Robin, 3820 40 Ave NE, Aberdeen,SD 57401 1984F Cassel,DVP, J. Frank.1358, Box Monument, CO 80132 1965 R Chavier, Dr. Juan and Carmen,1719 N Kline,Aberdeen, SD 57401 1988 L Clmburek, Mr/Mrs Charley, Box82, Veblen, SD 57270 1979F Clark Mr. Bill. 3906 Grace Ellen Drive, Columbia, MO 65202-1796 1984 R Clark, J. M., Box752, Pierre, SD57501-0752 1989 R Cole, Ms. Lauretta, Bowling Green Station, P.O. Box 1946, New York. NY 10274 - 1946 1984 R Cole Lane, Kellyand Rebecca, 624 FranklinSt, Rapid City,SD 57701 1984F Coonrod, Mr. Bruce, 2012 Buffalo, Pierre,SD 57501 1981 R Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 159 Sapsucker Woods Road, Ithaca, NY 14853 E Coyote Creek Riparian Statton, Box1027, AMso,CA 95002 1989 E Cribbs, Mary L., Box34, ValleySprings, SD 57068 1987 R Crocker,Mrs. Edwin, 720 East First St., Storm Lake, IOWA 50588 1974 R Damis, Mrs. William, 719 South 10th Street,Aberdeen, SD 57401 1970 L Deitz, Mrs. Ullie C., Route 2, Box7, Groton. SD 57 445 C Dockter, Mr. Austin,122 S RooseveltLot 40, Aberdeen,SD 57401 1987 R Dowd, Eileen, 119 North Madison,Pierre, SD 57501 1989 R Drake, Mr. Earl, RFU 2 Box55, Waubay,SD 57273 1963 R Drlssen,Mrs . Edward M., 7250York Ave. Apt 220, Edina, MN 55435 C Duffner, Miss Dorothy, 2071 40th Ave, Greeley, CO 80634-3903 1961 L DuMont, Philip A, 3211 Carol Woods, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 1950 R Dvoracek, Marc, 1318 8th Street, Brookings,SD 57006 SC Eckmann, Norma,Route 1 Box2100,Rapid City,SD 57702 1975 R Edie, Mr/Mrs Richard, 534 7th Ave S #5, Brookings,SD, 57006 1964F Engebretson,Mr. Earl,Star Route Box409, Meadow, SD 57644 1970 R Ernst,Ms. Nancy, 203 8th Ave NE #3, Aberdeen,SD 57401-2469 1984R Felton, Mr. W. R, Route 1Box14, Jefferson,SD 57038 1950 R Field Museum of Nat. History, Library Gifts and Exchanges, Field Museum of Nat. History, Chicago, IL 60605 E Finninger, Paul C., Box830253, Richardson,1X 75083-0253 1970 L Finnish Ornithological Society, Exchange Center for Literature, Rauhankatu 15 B, SF -00170 Helsinki 17,FINLAND E Flake, Dr. Lester, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, Box 2206, South Dakota State Univ.,Brookings, SD 57007 1987R Fleischhacker, Mr.
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