~~ FORTLAKD DAILY FREES, twelve square feet of elm. The coffiu was regularly built upon axles and wheels, and uol EDUCATIONAL. I WANTS,LOST,FOUND FOR SALE & TO LET. BUSINESS CARDS. J OHE T. Editor, the BUSINESS CARDS. OIXiMAH, only window, but also the side of a room merchandise. had to published at Ho, sa, bxchahge stsxkt,ty be taken down, to afford a passage for Ladies’ Farm lor Sale. the Young Seminary, Five Hundred offers hi. •' N • A. CO. bulky mass. The wheeled coffin was Men Wanted! SubscribfT Farm, ailaatod in Cape Dana & Co. S I Si ** V, .54 S F08TE11 A mills drawn to St, Martin’s churchyard, where a MORTON BLOCK. THEElizabeth, «boa‘ If lrom Portland Bridge, ■Oh SALE. oontaing 16 acres of Land, Buildings gooi. gradual descent was made by excavating the of fish and Tab Portland 1j aily Pkh.*s is published at*8.06 Congress Street. The For rarticularj enquire E. K. PERRY, at tbs Sait, SEWING MACHINESl per your in advance. ground. Very Highest Bounty Bhiriff’s Office, or through the Portland Post Office NEW Tbs We a few at a Spring Sessions open* Monday, Feb 27. For PAID BY Boa 1786. fcbHdtf CROP MAixKSY.iT^ PrussiapublisheaoveryXhure. remember seeing years ago, circular Lather Dana, Portland, day annum, in advanoe; *2.26 The containing terms, fcc please address ) WOODSUa, 4 co.f rooming,ai, .00 per bootmakei’s in the city, a pair of shoes, the tlje C1PT. JAMES Woodbury Lana,} If paid Within six months: and *2-60,1) payment be MISSES SYMONDS- FRENCH & CO., of some which had been made for Feb li—41 w* 18 Brown St. John A. a. Dana.) Maine. deiayoi beyond rix months. counterpart -t the Albion No for :aqents, MUSOOYADO the Daniel a former owner of the House, 117 Federal et, Portland. Farm Sale. janeldtf *’'• M a*d MOLASSES. weighty by hia SfJ.Mi Men wanted for subscriber offers Farm, situated in Cape uie em«i Kates, of were, as Hood said of a ! the Army and N&vy; men wanted FEW Hhds Superior Musoovado tram AdveTtieing: shop; they stage PORTLAND ACADEiUY Elizabeth, about three and a half miles from .. Molwscs lor a new Men want- THE NecdiMaadlTfciidiiitt »!■»,„ A Matanzag now from » Onolnoh o<space in length os oolumu, constitutes coachman’s great coat: Begimeniot Sharp-Shooters. Portland 70 Acres "Wholesale and. Utetail. -1,i landing brig p. cnrti. ted for the frontier service Volunteers and Bridge, containing Land, Euild- asMtli at Custom House Wharf. broad to be conceived Sub- ings Fences substantial “Too by my narrow The Tern will Feb. 27. stitutes wanted. Firemen and Coal Parsers good, Stonewall, young Or- •1.60 per square daily first week; 76 cent* per week Spring Begin Sailors, chard, ohoioe ted Fruit. A bout 200 ISAAC The Year Round. wanted. Colored men wanted for the and gra cords wood, A EMERY, IfAr; three iMOrtlons or lees, S1.00; con*.iuuin«r6TC. mind.’’—[All and army halt Oak and VYainut. Also ttft.10, Sihool is for botli Misses Masters,Swith- nary. Farming tools, and to Janl7 dim ii ■ ad of Long Wharf. fy other day after first week, 60 oonls. out cords DAVIS, THIS regard to age or aitninmeuts. Now is the time to a bib dressing. Half square, three insertions or lots. get bousty, as the war 76 cents; on* Pupils be admitted at any time in the term. to be Terms rtf payment made easy. DR, C. wflrk, *1.00: oO c'nts week Trash for Soldiers in mty is likely settled in three months. S. per after. Hospital. For lurther particulars apply to For particulars enquire of 8COTT DYER on the Bookseller, Slailoaer, FERIiALD. Under head of 33T" Agents dealt with. or AXD ttutler and Cheese. AHOfcHMKNTs, £2.00 persuuare per We find in The Convalescent, a J. H. HANSON, liberally Premises, through Poutlakd, p. o. MAKVFAOTUEXB OF week; oneinaorttor, *1,60. paper pub- 871 St. Recruits KK°8 lished iu tlie National in febl3tf Congress By making application in person, they janSldtf, miisi, MioW**° Batt«r> at-noiAL Noiior.,. '2.00 per square first week, Hospital Baltimore will receive mote cash in band. Premium lOO Sis j-j per M Jit tbroo uu 01 Paged Account Books. No. 17C5 Mlddl f- treei. square ,* nserti one or less. 81.60; amusing description the contents of a Town Quotas Filled. Call on ConoJ* Buttar. half a Promptly Cap Jas. Farm for Sale. loii Iufc* square, three inse:t;ons, 81.00; one week, box of which was sent French, at the Albion Hon No. 117 Federal PAPER ii. yj. reading matter, to that Franklin Family School, e, St., HANGINGS. K3»lKXMdBB.Din. kUCO landUaMLM hospital for the soldiers. We Portland, Me. feblOdSw That superior A. 1 farm, recently So, 63 For0*?,.^0* Advortiscrients inserted in tho Maivb Btatb strongly sue- i Exchange Street, Portland, Me. Portland, 26,13*3. O that the box FOR owned and occupied by the late Kny A. SMITH,. Fi&Kia (viudh naa a large circulation <n ©very part of pect must have been sent from BOY'S, JJan23d4w iw | Thaxter Prince, _ junildti 19 and 21 Silver street. frVo •$/ Cv r Capt. containing te) 8103 for first and some of the State of ...... par square insertion, part Rhode Island and TOPSUAM, MAINE. WANTED ! 80 acres of g rod land, 16 of which is 63 cents per nquarg tor cacu insertion. OKAS. J. lir. J. H. HEA* |» rubsequent Providence Plantations. For iu it were wood. Good and not a NoTioirr a: uwal iound j buildings SCHUMAC31B, tatcu. with other Ffj'iHF. PpringTerm ot this highly aiccossful aohool rou of wa&te taud upon it. 8aid farm is situated in disposed of hiri enUrv lutcroet in Alt Dried iransiect ad1vertfs&ments mutt be forin ad- equally exciting wotks, the follow- will commence March 16. For OJico to Dr. C ■ 3 EBN Apples. paid Ji. “Circular.’'fcc., fifty sbarrs Yarmouth, about one Aud half miles L orn the G. T. fresco and Banner HAVING S. ALD, would choeriuhy vance ing: please addreai the priuoipal. K. R. Depot. Painter, rccoommend him to hi* former patio tits and the TONS New Western Dried Busj»i;3t) pul* Apple,, NorioAf-, ffc resdL:-. columns, 20 oents Rhode Island I febVMWSSw W. M. A. of Charles at 144 Ho. Dr. haasALD, from line Schoolmaster, 1848; Cata- JOHNSON, Enquire Humphrey Yarmouth Vil. ^«o. Middle long experience, ispreoaj. per for one insertion. Iio lee> than First Street, cd to insert Artificial Teeth on 3 Tons New Eastern Dried ohorg? fifty logue of the Friends’ School iu National Bank Stock j the "Vuloanitc Base," Apples, oente for oaoh insertion. Boarding PORTLAND, UR. end all other methods known to the For sale by several i No. Yarmouth, Jan. 17,1S66. janl3 eoddfwtf profess-on. 62f*AU communication* Intended for tho paper Providence, 1860, copies; Annual Re- Yarmouth IBT* Work executed in of Portland. May 26.1263. F. A. SMITH. >1 Academy, every part tho State. tl l l to il.reotec to ho “Editor oj the Press?* and port of the Home for Aged Women, 1848; I Jan23d4w It ft 21 Stiver street. 6 iOi© of a buainchr -Laraoterto the WH[. H. WOOD & Farm Janeltl Publishers. Rhode Island Register and United States Cal- i YARMOUTH MAINE. SOW, For Sale. fc^JoBPM»Ti?ro c: every description scouted The subscriber offers his Farm for i is endar, 1828; an old Latin grammar, much j 29 Street. Wttftl* AIXtt COAL with patch. very Exchange sale situated no .r Dunn's in Term will commence Feb 13. For Depot S. 0. M. New Molasses. dilapidated. Spring Feb’y 16th, 1865-dlw North Yarmouth known HtfNKlNS, D., Crop Clayed THEparticulars address E. S. A. Princi* formerly CHEAP f'OSl ! Tue Convalescent is so unreasonable as to Hoyt, M., .as the “More© Farm.” Likewise €AS3I HHDS. New pal, or JAMES T 07 Crop Clayed Melas^es. Just think that the BATES, -his s.ock and tools. The SURGEON & AO 4 landed from soldiers might relish some-oth- jan24tf Seo’y Farming PHYSICIAN, brig 1'a.dllian, lrom Carde- Monday Feb. #ao,ooo. Farm contains about 110 aoies of nas. Morning, 20,1865. er works more, and evidently doubts whether good land, good OFFICE 110. 2 CLAPP’S SPRING MOUNTAIN, to borrow for the Town of buildings &o. Those wishing to pUTohase aro invit- BLOCK, LEHIGH, HLZILTON some other Brunswick, BUGA B OLD ALSO, volumes might not have been bet- Thousand Dollars, for one or two ed to Call and examine lor themselves. LOAF, COMPANY LEHIGH, tA>- GORHAM WANTEDTwenty MARKET CUSTMOUNT/JN. ter worth the money the had to SEMINARY. years. AI B iOOKS, Treasurer. E. T. DlLLItfGHAM. SQUARE. JOHNS, DIAMOND, Wi.Bfc. 400 IIHDS. Prime Sierra Morons Clayed Molass- An Honest Confession. hospital pay HE TEB and BLAt KURATH. to Spring Term of Gorham Seminary will oom- Brunswick, Feb 17, 1866. febl8i&wistf East North Yarmouth, Jan 1866. Board at United States Hotel. Those Coals arc ol tb* es, lor sale by the Express company for the transportation 2d, jan4eodtf host well One of the most J. menco on Tuesday, *eb. 2let, 1865. For full novlD Tory quality, tcreened and pioked, inri effective speeches in sup of that box. It men not to send dtt warranted to satie THOS, ASENCIO A CO., begs trash, j particulars apply to the Principal, Wm. G. Lord, A. For Sale. give faction. poit of the Auti Amendment to the or LOST. &Uvery aud call their deed charity. M., to JOHN A. WATERMAN, Also lor sale best of JanlOtf Custom House Wharf.
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