HISTORY OF THE MEDIEVAL KATEHR 1200—1700 A. D. ABSTRACT THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy IN History BY Mohd. Ifzal-ur-Rahman Khan Under the Supervision of Prof. Khaliq Ahmad IMizami CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY A L I G A R H 19 8 3 4 fl 0 f p A C f SIfOTY §F tSD lIDI-'Sm nsis tl3o®J.@ naoo fits r mz^mi ovmsr of t!» Qjpeo laaoifi 00 t^tjQhVm QmBm^hi&^U^f it oooppiocKl co^shly t!iQ of ooaom . 'otj^sljma onst oS' tlxj Gnaaos* i .oooocaicsaajl^r ona oujGtGGloQJ-ij? mo om tfw Qo^va <xsntmB ot tlio "aiS'-n-ito of Po3Lhi# Oafo^umr'tiQli?' co oeSi^lKmsivo msd criS&orl stuaF ot tt© pocto Itb ton talort-^toa g@ for. SbiQ lo otSJsnpt to fiH ^bis oourcuo i:©? tiSotoiy of tbo ooatomi liitolij? r.m polltiool Utorotm^i pMssX swooraei Qi?cS3aoDlocioo3l fcaatos cm ©vi». aaourict Qacottao^r cai Socal. oontoln dotriila yr4cb ca iJO ricouptud oa^ to tl30 osstont, tbeso oro cofffoooK'ttda fixja oilier souroo. oaoa liaisal^i* ts U9@il £07 first m omtim for a ipygloa* This csontisacid to sppiioa to this rogion^ of ooiira« with in its cisimt tiii ooout tb© of ttm Qight@#ntl3 w!m It wi^-Q ^ ^ tafiia t^fsiuaiiiM* ttm mm Mm first ^t^t ttm mm (Katahf) on %lm Msis of %tm mVQTii of Um m$X but ttm tmae M osFtaliOr b9m mt BO tmona if tm VaimaXtmtQ of Ktital)ar,a piaoo noor • a « 3enafa»| oaJUlM ttm Kiatat^l^as tm mt mm rnttim 90s tmm^ tt mm Wa^r ilso mnmA tiie v^lon ^ bfi/oeiiocl tew of '^iSr In to® mi»t dQcM^d the tiounanriao of Jpoglon Un tisit direo tioo* iiistoris^ or Hug&tQi loano ao oot uo@ OS tlio fCHlibn to jyooala tJixs Infisisaco rvm of t!?ti K^toi^S. mmmts of Journal ond o'jout tm>- quuat oi h^toteJ^o to tt® iSatalsi? raio© aaqs^ Quorioo to v^iii'^c ma ttm HatofeFlya Hoti lone aiQO'if Soti tjao it vim ^ tto pcniii mi^®^ It cp^oaro t^r.t iciio OSoturaasicos ^ t I^atotafi^o ^tiic® garlous* Siioii? TOcfilcitimi; aetivAtto posoa a protJlQia tils© 'lataiis* tt feept ttm itiiQim ia tomoiX tbsougtiout ita Xoisgtli £fm m^B ot tfm eultanatu to tm v^^n ^ tim mi^^mi Habaf^k Ttm j^m^Om tilghitsbts ttm ^itimX and polltioAl of ttso ^ugAon* .Tvon odl^oro Um m%BM»}mmt of ttio DoXlil i^tanat* in 1206, tbo aroglon M sabjaotcKl to MusJilfli invftAlona* 3ad«if»if Um ocO^ of g0vo73fii@iit mm m^ttUrntm of t'm tmim^ ms oomperaci in Tim pxooess of aoia^vMiat m f^ion ms ooo^ytiid sioriniS tim oariy of tltatmlBh*0 Cofi«oll4raloii of t^ ^t^ bow^vsvi « 3 « long asnm and araudtid teak cxN-roJated witli tm sub^uaQ^Q of "Stm baty@f»i mmhsS^m mx t^te mmi mm mmsotiB» Ti^sm ma aa.00 a amm of miMt&sy mctlvttf in ttm mgkin lei fight tlaUli (la^tm fii^ni mtm ma mMk ^MUaq t^bm in in t^io raooWon of mUk i^Wm^n in ma Hon^l. oetack to u»a®i* tlxi ©m?!^ Iiucbals tis© detivitiOQ oi' Afctos Jibaa Kboiii itooOi, Bbsn taaa Gbasl 'Kl3da '"aimfii mmn mmx r!Ii?OQS| Babadui? cina loC tso ge^® oiMtasy oatiloii ia t!M3 faoloa*. It rooQtoaa poQcol^ ^ of ttuclsais till AUS»0l5glS0b# nm ••mifefiiiQto jt^rtei spydua Qt%m%mn |jaM i^^aos m of iSSSL'®* ^^^ potaoxis miMa d«pat«<i timm.m ttm m^lm o pimitimt XOSQ in 8U^|cig«tloii of tiju In ^aootsrciiing ogrieiiitare mil mmimigm aisi in ^Km&Uon oi' Xeafniog, JaciAun, iwioba ana mv^ tlm first beeatiuerterd of Kiit^Hr^ mgimrn dafoiil^ oiiti msmj^jmX tsadft ttxv& of thu m^ion tbe- odrainiflti^tion of its two ffin^if* » ilalaaii and £^lit>i3L» Th9 Qiijoi' |iorUo» of tim tayiritofr ^Ofing the matnnat* ptriod m» Xt« foye«t« mfQ ftill » 4 ot tlKJ gaoa bmtis^* mst m.. attvectloii tow tb© Urn -l^Ma t$m tosfmt ama mn fMacGdi it wf's quitQ .}nma3L*B ^M^txm ^oac^lptloii of the tovonm fioliqs? of /anmioia Kiiol|i nBt&tw stovo ttet tjlii^ vao mt so tiao^os^ m 4o coaoroil.^ co'asM@r#a» ottuatlon \mn to ttm pmgtesa of mtt<»iMcm ai^ aiso to.Qonesddoat ofia rmMsotlon of mrnrnrnm /i©oo«iJiiii to r.ljaJi P&zt ^X tiX3 foootas yyr© gro^ia mm% Cxtoaaloa oi tsaa vil^aotay ^'yovtijmil $i0 ffiiclucitilmi. of fos?ooti oroc# bna o njoDai? of olnt toyas ossa tto ci. cj OTO^OS? m$m OTbl^A, Jctom oM latotio c iJJ^D aoc^oo of ooOivitiois TO- CDQ .TOglon of a Mgis oooinai oaltefil status* It m9 Q ocmti?y of riteau cnatiiif^ fib© mojyDat yufKJci. uvMimm mmp-lB %tmm ^©r© fi nmb&9 of «iatrit»Ii@l)Qil fowtia in tiia fapoos fiaong tboci the of Atiidt^ttra Hayut«| Hntif Qirala PTdBtioaim eM Astisil^itfigar* XnsieTiptilonal that ^Ottao^tfi ti^fi t^ m<Amt mm of i^oun* Mtmllia o@tt3.«@«tit9 IQ this {^mi b^gea duriog tt3» tisw of tHe llindta i^ineee* •«tU@ts«»at8 letMii? uiidiir tba tfimi&mX msiio rulers* ilQinmt ^cdolora pot»t8 «*g« liasi^ud-din Easm • Bm •^latuftdla Xla^f man HoOsi Ois^lmUi K^maX imOJ^ ^MentHi Mir Sai^r^ imom jSSa. S^ileb ."Isehi HlS»i>»til»« ^adffitdclln Mm JrM 3mmX Hult^i iiotwoii riivMf i^ooi riugri, noujuma riukbiis- maiRf Sbai&b ur^lhmama Tj^mbn^ Oioilili '/ibdtaa. i^ir^ftir, Olaiikb fitsoQ, S^Qlfeb nMisb aiaoi riou^Islsoa fjero and onao vs^uaiJaio c3Dati?iaat}|m to tli© QM <2ii3lt®r5l Ulfo of tte oo'jQtiii?F» anclotm end tliy ryiiomod csoatif©® of liueJUta EQtote ia ric^ Is mnmmtB cm inacriptlems —» G foGt tostiifioo tD ito QSJOW* BaiBm utom Ittscriptloa, jeial. 'wm lascri^tlon a^s^ii Copper pJLfito imici?tpti0ao r.37o PMm imeflj^tSom^y fiiX ttm ttwm rro in OKi tto TOwnl tto mvimt Matior/ o*' D©foff© t!^ ostn..;iMs:i3yiit of im^-mrm* thlf^ l& folQtea tlm stolrteenta HiiaHs mwrnrntn t)®iifliig rm'olo em rorstea toacsrli^tioas am mvm In dJUPtemt %o%m am Qkzlm of togixtiim 'iim r^loti wlsid^ was tsicidip mt^ of tim f&itdhfl^ns fiiM mB cEillsii <sm& vaad^f tt^ immmm of ttm tho ISXb omtva/y md m&mk*d tfm mmm F^MlkbsndU HISTORY OF THE MEDIEVAL KATEHR 1200—1700 A. D. THESIS SUBMITTED FOR THE DEGREE OF Doctor of Philosophy IN History BY Mohd. Ifzal-ur-Rahman Khan Under the Supervision of Prof. Khaliq Ahmad Nizami CENTRE OF ADVANCED STUDY DEPARTIVIENT OF HISTORY ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY A L I G A R H 19 8 3 T2797 /Z797 CONTENTS Pages preface Abbreviations Introduction 1-26 Chapter I THE REGION, ITS BOUNDARIES AND .TRIBES. 27-36 Chapter II THE KETEHRIYA PROBLEM DURING THE MEDIEVAL PERIOD, 37 63 Chapter III KATEHR UNDER THE DELHI SULTANS • • • 64 83 Chapter IV KATEHR UNDER THE MUfflALS 84 102 Chapter V THE GOVERNING CLASS AND THE NOBILITY OF KATEHR. 103 139 Chapter VI ADMINISTRATIVE STRUCTURE OF THE KATEHR REGION. 140 162 Chapter VII A(ffiICULTURE, SOURCES OF REVENUE & COINAGE, • • • 163 186 Chapter VIII CULTURAL LIFE SCHOLARS, POETS AND MYSTICS. 187 219 Chapter IX I MONUMENTS, INSCRIPTIONS AND 220 260 ARCHAEOLOGICAL RFiiAlNS OP KATEHR Chapter X 261 272 I RESUME A p p e n d 1 273 281 c e s t A, List of Nobles ••• B, Cultivated Land, Revenue, ' Suyurghal,cavalry,Infan- tary and Castes under 282 - 288 Akbar, ,., C, Revenue Rates of Different Crops Under 289 291 Akbar. 292 294 D, Revenue Under Aurangaeb . •29 •6 302 E, List of Coins. .,. F, Foundation of Shahjahan^ 303 - 305 pur. G, Inscriptions and Archaeo- logical Remains Related 306 - 320 to Ancient Katehr. B 1 b 1 1 o g r a p h y 321 - 328 Plates PREFACE It Is only recontly that th© Importance of regional studies has boon recognized by scholars of history, such studies, their value notwithstanding, present a number of prob- lems, the foremost being the non-availability of source material on which such a study can be based» Material has to be culled patiently from political and non-political sources and has to be correlated with archaeological and epigraphic evidence. Since our histories mostly concentrated on life and conditions in and around the Capital, distant areas received meagre atten- tion from them. Moreover since all political developments took place in the centre, it alone remained the focus of atten- tion and only when rebellions occurred In other regions, did the historians refer to these areas, Th© following pages are devoted to an elucidation of facts - political, economic, cultural and architectural - pertaining to the region of Katehr, An attempt has been made to base the present work on contemporary sources. Rarely, and only in the absence of early source material, later sources have bem used. Oral Traditions recorded by writers of local historians have been very sparingly accepted and only to the extent that these do not fly in the face of recorded or earlier evidence. The first chapter deals with the early history of the region. The second chapter is devoted to a study of the rela- - 11 - tloas of the Katehrlyas (lilndu inhabitants of the region) with the local gov0?aoj?s and the Uelhi fful^e* It brings to light some interesting aspects of the centre-state links* The third and the.
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