
■ 7' JB TWENTY*POUR FRIDAY, JUKE Avorafe Daily Net ProM Ron T h d W( iKanirl^rjal^r Ettrafng If^raUi *^Far the Weak Baded Fewaaet ef D. h. W( May n . IMS Sazey.'pleeem* lililirV ^ The BrtUeh American Chib M; fair toaight, law Si-tOi About Town WiU hoM a dance tomorrow 1 4 ,1 9 9 night hxm 9 to 1 for members Glazon Firm AUCriON - COVENTRY ROTARY CLUB reCUM Audit and guests. Charlie Varrick’s SATURDAY lOtM NOON JUNE $, v m Society wiU have its orchestra will play. of Olrwilatteo annual dinner-dance Sunday at Growing Up at the OLD RED BARN M enehetter^A City o f Vittagm Charm 12:30 pjn. at Rosemount Hee- Sunset Rebricah Lodge will Meact to the Bolton Notch Lumber A Supply Oo. taurant, Bolton. Founding hold a meeting Monday evening The pre-cast division of the BOUTtm NOTCH — TOLTON, CONN. W I 1 A d m tM a g ea Faga I t ) PRICE SEVEN CEM18 roenbeni, and the current and VOL, L xxxrv, NO. 209 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION- MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY. JUNE 5, 1965 at 8 in Odd Fellows Hall. The Glazon Oorp., an infant Man­ AUOTTONBEB ZOLTON FEUERMAN jMMt preaidenta, will be hon­ district deputy president, Mrs. ored. The public ia invited Beverly Jenkins of Suiftet, will chester industry when tt was Odd lot Builitiding Supplies, Large lot of Windows and W W make her official visit. Officers organized here about three dow i8,^mie8,A U T ZO y Wrougtit Iron RfOto, VFW Aueclllary will sponsor are reminded to wear white y«ara ago, ia growing up. 1-26 lb. An«ul Flr« ExUnifuiRher. Drmftmnan^s Stool. Dldiet a card party tonight at 8 ai gowns for memorial services to The division will become a and Old Pleees, Aseortod (Chairs, Electric (Chicken Brooder, the post home. be held during the meeting for 6 Live Chickens, 2 crates- <rf F iW i Eggs, L«wn F ertil^ r, Events which Mrs. Maybel Dow, chap- separate corporation with ito Fishing R o k 1 large Christmas Uactus, plus many other About 30 couples plan to at­ ladn, is hi charge. Refreshments own management and a new items Including Home Made Cakps, etc. White, McDivitt Approach tend the annual Ladies Night win be served following the name— A llM Casting Oorp.— In State tomorrow at the Manchester meeting by Mrs. Thora Ma- this month. Rod and Gun Club, Daley Rd., ksiay and her oommittee. The firm's ocming-of-age fol­ Coventry. A pot roaat dinner lows a period of considerable will be aerved at 6:30 p.m. The Luther League of Eman­ growth as a manufacturer of Strike Postponed There will be dancing after the uel Lutheran Church will spon­ pre-cast arcMtectural building dinner. Thomas R. Graham is sor a car wash tomorrow from components. AgaWst Hospital Chairman o f the event. 8:30 ajn. to 6 p.m. in Uie church Olazon's work now graces Halfway Point Journey parking lot Proceeds wlH bene­ many buildings and pedestrian INSTANT fit an "On to Miami” fund to areas in Constitution Plaza, and WATERBURY (AP) - A luncheon, Thesday noon, to Joins Firm ♦ benefit Our tisdy of Calvary send members of the leagrue to includes the granSte-textured A scheduled strike vote by Retreat House, Farmington, a Lutheran Church of America columns that flank the entry of William J. Shea Jr. ia now 800 non-professional em­ will be held at the home of Luther Laague convention in the sculpture and arts building associated with the law firm EARNINGS •V)- ployes against St. Mary’s Mrs. Roee Schwoerer, 103 Math­ Miami, Fla., in August David at the University of Hartford. of LaBelle, Rothenberg A Satellites and Baseball er Sit. The public is invited. Bengtsoa la chairman of the The precast window sections Woodhouse. Hospital has been post­ event that enclose the new State St. Atty. Shea, a native of Man­ Divldeiids paid from day poned indefinitely. of deposit — ‘4 timee a TIm French Chib of Man­ Bank building in Boston were chester, is the son of the late Only 10 employee turned out chester wUl sponsor a wMst The VFW wHl sponsor a Sea­ also cast here. The building, at Justice William J. Shea and S. year. Friday night and union officials Break Space Routine and setback card party Monday food Night tonight from 6:30 34 stories, is the second largest Frances Shea. He attended % charged the hospital "with suc­ in the world to be sheathed en­ local schools, was graduated at 8 pm . at Orange Hall. Home­ to midnight at the poet home. A t the end eC Btardi. cess fully intimidaUng 90 per The event is open to mm bers tirely in pre-cast panels. with a B.S.. degree from Holy cent of our membership, as well made belted goods and candy done, September and De­ HOUSTON, Tex. (A P )— 'Astronauts James A. Mc­ WiU be on eale. Tickets virlU be and guesta ..The newly formed Allied Cross College in 1955, and was as non-member employes who graduated from the University Divitt and Edward H. White II neared the halfway avadtalde at the door. Casting Corp. will be managed cember. might have turned out to vote." George T. LaBonne Jr. of by Roy E. Chasse, 33 Norman of (Connecticut School of Law Monroe Palmer, business agent mark of their record space flight today, their routine The Coulees Club of North Glastonbury has been appoint­ Dr., South Windsor, who head­ with an LL.B. degree in 1958. of Local 531A, Building Service broken by unidentified satellites and Little League Methodist Church will spon- ed Glastonbury town chairman ed the company when it was a He was admitted to practice in Employes International Union, baseball scores. for the 1966 Greater Hartford 1959 and had been associated AFL-CIO called another meet­ and the medics were on the al­ aor a Strawberry Shortcake Glazon subsidiary. He has also with the law firm of Courtney, America’s newe-st heroes, who Supper, Saturday, June 19, Chapter National Multiple been named vice president of ing for Friday. cracked the U.S. space endur­ ert for any sign of physical or Sclerosis Society Fund Drive. Mansfield, Shlllvan A Ripley of Friday nlght’a strike vote mental deterioration that might from 6:30 to 7 p.m. at the Allied. Roy Conyers, president Hartford. ance mark Friday night, were church. Tickets are available He is president of both La- of Conyers Construction Co., would have bpen in protest to reach Uie mid-point of their result from long exposure to the from members of the club or Bonne-SHverstteln Associates, has been appointed to the new Atty. Shea is admitted to against the hospital’s refusal to marathon journey at 11:15 a.m. hostile, weightless environment. Will be sold at the door. Inc., Manchester, and Dynamic firm’s board of directors. practice before the United waive the exemption of charit­ (EST) as their Gemini 4 space If tliere is trouble — and it States District Court. He is a able, religious and educaUonal Insurance Aseociates, Ihc., The Glazon name will be re­ ship sailed high above the na­ may not show up until after West Hartford. member of the American Bar InstituUons which exists in the The B riti^ American Club tained by a separate sales or­ Dividend Paid tion during orbit No. 32. they return to earth Monday — will hold its annual spring pic­ Association, Connecticut State present State Labor RelaUons it could affect the whole future ganization. The name was first from Day af Deposit Mission Control reported the nic June 13 at 10 a.m. at the Bar Association, and Hartford Act. craft and pilots in excellent con­ of American manned space applied to the parent company County Bar Association. He is Palmer said the strike vote Garden Grove, Keeney St. Tick­ because it produced and sold dition. White slept through one flight. ets are now available at the a member of Lodal 400, Amer­ would also have been against attempt to give him a routine The astronauts reported No Tenure glazed concrete blocks. ican Federation of Musicians, "IntimldaUon by hospital of­ Clubhouse. Allied C itin g is also devel­ medical check and had to be seeing another satellite whirling and is an officer and member 'Ct t t "Ck ficials of employes who have through the heavens Friday and oping a line of reinforced glass of Campbell Council, Knights f7 e.wakened later in the 27th orbit For G>ach signed union authorizations for the exam. trackers today were trying to fibre and^ plastics, such as It of (Columbus. He is married to cards." SAVINGS As the spacecraft I determine which one it might now us6e for casting some the former EhUeen Beime and "In spite of this intimidation have -been. At least one aspect of the architectural forma. they reside at 64 Falknor Dr. LOAN at both hospital in Waterbury,” over the Libyan desert early in football coach controversy ap­ During the past year. Allied with their daughter. said PsUmer after postponing the its 29lh orbit the Canary Islands | s '!," A s S < T I I A 1 I O V trackimr station told the astro- pears to have been cleared up. expanded Its productimi facHi- The other members of the ■trike vote, "we will keep up tracking station told the astro­ object with big arms sticking j ^ l Y nauts: "Everything looks good l Miss Martha White of the Man- Ues at 260 ToUand Tpke., in the law firm are Attys.
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